Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Unborn

Thirty people stopped in front of her, Long Wanqing's eyes stared, and she was about to get angry, but Gu Hai suddenly stopped!

It's not that Long Wanqing can't solve it, but it's not suitable for fighting at this moment. Because tens of thousands of practitioners are staring around. Not only these thirty people jumped out, but others will come out later.

"You guys, we want to go in ourselves, are you going to make way?" Gu Hai said lightly.

Gu Hai's tone was very calm, but it was very cold. He took a step and stared coldly at thirty people.

Everyone frowned slightly, after all, during this time, I still knew a little about Gu Hai's fierce name.

"Mr. Gu, we are Jiu'er Island, disciples of Wan Haizong, we ...!" Said the practitioner coldly.

But just halfway through it, Gu Hai was interrupted.

Gu Hai said coldly: "I don't care who you are, I'll say it again, we want to go in ourselves, and whoever stops us, will end up like all the disciples at the four major gates of the Jiuwu Island!"

During the conversation, Gu Hai stared at the opponent's eyes, showing cold light, and took another step forward.

There are four main gates of the ninety-five islands. All disciples, there must be more than 20,000 disciples. The end is the same? Have all been killed by the ancient sea?

Staring at Gu Hai's murderous eyes, remembering the end of the four gates, the practitioner felt a cold heart.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold, staring at the front practitioner, stepping forward step by step.

At this moment, the practitioner felt that he was too abrupt just now. This is not a soft egg that is casually kneaded. This is a killer! The disciples of the Jiuwu Island Sect were almost killed by him, but he still rushed in?

One step at a time, the ancient sea was getting closer and closer to the monk, eyes fixed on the monk's eyes, like a beast that was chosen to eat.

Eyes were stared by Gu Hai, and he could not remove his eyes. Every step of Gu Hai seemed to step on his own heart. The monk's forehead gave out a trace of cold sweat. The previous energy seemed to disappear for a moment, even forgetting what he was doing The same.

Watching Gu Hai step by step, it seems that Gu Hai is getting bigger and bigger.


When Gu Hai came to his side, the practitioner finally couldn't resist in his heart, stepped back, and made way.

As the first person gave way, others also gave way.

Gu Hai took Long Wanqing and others, stepping through the thirty monk centers.

Thirty practitioners, sweating heavily, stopped mentioning everyone, as if they were in two teams, greeted and sent Gu Hai and his party.

When Gu Hai and his party departed, the talents exhaled and looked at each other blankly. There was a lot of pressure just now.

Everything looks calm but weird.

At least in the eyes of other practitioners, this scene was too weird. Gu Hai didn't do anything to them at all. This group of people seemed to be frightened.

Around the place, some practitioners seemed to be waiting for the 30 people to start and hug them up, but the 30 people suddenly softened, so what should the practitioners around them want to do?

For a time, Gu Hai's popularity field seemed to suppress the flames of the audience.

Step by step towards the giant peony, no one dared to step forward to stop it.

Long Wanqing looked at this scene blankly, his heart was full of blankness: "Gu Hai, just now they came menacingly, why are you suddenly afraid ...?"

"They came menacingly because a lot of people around them were eager to move. They felt like they were part of the crowd. They were just making heads. They were so crowded and energetic, so they were not afraid of us. I stared at their eyes and pointed coldly In the heart, give them a feeling of 'I am only for you' psychologically, let them feel a great isolation, loneliness is one of the most feared emotions of people. Suddenly afraid, they naturally let go! Gu Hai explained in a low voice.

"Lonely?" Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai unexpectedly.

"The tens of thousands of practitioners here are not a whole. They are guarding each other. I just amplify this emotion, so the group of talents just now will have a lonely emotion!" Gu Hai explained.

Long Wanqing looked at the ancient sea with a complex look. Is it to use the weakness of human nature for your own use?

The group continued to walk towards the peony. After a period of calm around, finally a group of fifty people rushed up to intercept the ancient sea.

However, according to the law, Gu Hai and his party passed through the center of the fifty people very smoothly again, and many of the practitioners who saw it showed a daze.

"What's going on? What's the matter? They've all rushed up, why are they suddenly retreating?"

"Are they stupid? Why do you avoid it again?"




The practitioners all around looked blank.

Once, everyone still had the heart against the ancient sea, and twice, they felt weird. When the ancient sea passed through the middle of a hundred practitioners who seemed to be fixed for the third time. Tens of thousands of people in the audience were suddenly silent.

No more practitioners rushed forward, just looking at the back of Gu Hai and his party, revealing the blankness and entanglement.

At this moment, Gu Hai and his party have come to the peony.

The surface of the peony flower looks like countless clouds, and the interior is hazy.

Everyone paused slightly.

Gu Hai took a deep breath and stepped on a petal of a peony flower.

With the first step of Gu Hai, Long Wanqing, Gu Qin and others followed.

At this moment, the practitioners around him have no thoughts anymore, and can only watch them patiently.


Nine Five Island. Former Qinghe Sect.

With the Qinghe Sect annihilating, Guhai sent people to station here. After a few months, Qinghe Sect also restored some popularity. A large number of ordinary troops were stationed and began to dig up the Lingshi mine.

On the peak where Long Wanqing lived in the past, the treasurer of the ancient government is constantly keeping accounts at this moment, and a large number of spiritual stones are excavated every day.

Noisy on the mountain peak.


Suddenly, the space on the mountain peak was wavy.

"Huh?" The faces of everyone changed.

But when I saw the pile of empty voids, I suddenly stepped out of a figure wearing a black and white robe, half a black robe and half a white robe, stepped out slowly, and landed on the small square on the mountain peak.

An old treasurer's eyes lighted, he immediately put down his writing brush and came up.

The old treasurer said a little to the person who suddenly came: "I have seen the unborn senior in the treasurer of Xiagufu!"

"Huh?" The unborn person stepped out of the void, and sank.

One person spoke, but there were two voices, one immature and one old.

"The unborn senior, Gu Hai, my family, let me wait here, let me inform you, Master Lao Nian returns, and Long Wan Qingtang is all right! They went to the Peony Sect together! My grandfather is in the ancient government, and congratulations to the senior "Said the old treasurer.

"Oh?" Weisheng said lightly.

"Oh, yes, this is the news eight days ago. Every ten days, there will be new news from the master. That was the case eight days ago!" The old treasurer respectfully said.

The unborn person stared at the old treasurer for a while, and finally nodded.

"Peony, where is it?" Weisheng said lightly.

"Oh, yes, the master gave me a map of the Jiuwu Island, seniors wait!" The old treasurer respectfully said.

A map was quickly found, and I was going to hand it to the unborn.

"Don't come over!" Weiren waved his hand.


It was like a strong wind on the flat ground, and the old shopkeeper suddenly fell to the ground. The map also fell to the ground.

"Senior, unintentionally offend!" The old treasurer fell to the ground, blankly.

"It's not that you offend me, but that there is a ghost around me, and the popularity of your body will hurt her to a certain extent!" Weisheng said lightly.

"Ah?" The old treasurer was at a loss.

There is only one person in front of you, and a ghost?

The detective sucked, and the map on the ground fell into the hands of the unborn. The unborn person probed a move and threw a small porcelain bottle to the old treasurer.

"This elixir is for you!" Weisheng said lightly.

"Slap!" The old treasurer took the elixir.

But seeing the unborn person just looked at the map and stepped slightly under his feet.


The unborn suddenly disappeared, as if they had never been there.

The old treasurer looked at the elixir in his hand, looked at the place where the unborn person disappeared, and immediately stood up and respectfully said: "Thank you for giving me the elixir!"


Peony Sect.

Tens of thousands of practitioners watched the ancient sea step into the peony flower world.

"Another group of people went in. The people in front of them either died at the place where they were born, or they didn't get caught. They don't know how?"

"The ancient sea chess skills are extraordinary and may be different!"

"But did you see that? That was the puppet of the old man who watched chess. The old man who watched chess. No matter how strong the ancient sea chess player was, was he stronger than the old man who watched chess?"

"The earth's dragon veins? It's also in Qiandaohai. There aren't many strong people fighting for it. After all, Qiandaohai is too barren in the eyes of the people of Shenzhou. How can they think that there will be earth dragon veins here?"

"Although there are many earth dragon veins on the land of Shenzhou, but the strong are also terrifying there, competing for dragon veins? The cultivation is at least the Yuanying Realm. How can we, like us, have any congenital realm?"

"Gu Hai is innate, can he get dragon veins?"

"I think he's looking for death!"




Tens of thousands of practitioners have talked for a while, there are those who admire the ancient sea, those who are jealous, and those who wait and see neutrally, but most people want this dragon vein and wait for opportunities outside, maybe?

Numerous practitioners waited patiently, and Gu Hai and his party also walked into the stamens of the peony flower.

"As soon as you enter it, you can't get out!" Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai worriedly.

"Anyway, haven't you been out?" Gu Hai laughed.

Long Wanqing bit her lip, took out a bracelet-sized gold ring between her hands, and handed it to Gu Hai: "Gu Hai, I've burdened you. This fixed dragon ring can take you out and fix the dragon ring to you! In case you can't solve the game, escape yourself! "

Gu Hai unexpectedly looked at Long Wanqing: "Ding Longhuan gave me, what do you do?"

"I asked for it. If I can't go out, I can't go out! It's my trouble that hurts you." Long Wanqing smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai stared at Long Wanqing for a while, and finally smiled slightly: "Relax, I have never lost a game of chess!"

"You must hold it!" Long Wanqing shoved it to Gu Hai.

Staring at Long Wanqing, Long Wanqing, although sometimes confused, is also a temperament person.

"Well, I'll hold it first, but rest assured, since I dare to come in, I will be able to take you out!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with confidence.

"Huh!" Long Wanqing bit her lip and nodded.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked at the huge chessboard. White raw chess board.

On the opposite side of the chessboard, an old man with white hair and white clothes was sitting. Gu Hai recognized it at a glance. In the past, in the endgame, he entered his eyebrows and watched the old man's program.

"Wait for you for a long time, come on!" The old gray-haired man smiled slightly.

"Eh? He knows his righteous father?" Gu Qin frowned, surprised.

Long Wanqing shook her head and looked eccentric: "No, he said this to everyone, the master said that this uncle might have been waiting for one person to come! I don't know who! But said it to everyone."

ps: We will be resident in WeChat public account after watching chess. If you are interested, you can add my WeChat public account. WeChat: aiguanqi

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