Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Heaven and earth are kind

The chessboard is made of white jade. The warp and weft are outlined by gold threads, with 29 vertical and horizontal directions, and black and white chess pieces have been placed on it. Gu Hai guessed it at a glance, this is the advanced version of the twenty-nine world game!

Just a glance, Gu Hai felt that the complexity and complexity of the game was ten times stronger than that of Ding Longzong.

"Well? There are three types of chess there?" Gu Qin suddenly showed a hint of doubt.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked.

The dead chess board is extremely weird. It looks like a square abyss. Above the abyss, there are pieces of chess floating on it. Each chess piece is connected with a gold thread, and it goes to the inside of the abyss.

Near the square abyss, there are nearly 100,000 pieces floating, one-third are white, one-third are black, and one-third are transparent and colorless pieces, like glass pieces, floating in a square shape. Over the abyss.


Suddenly, some pieces broke apart.

"These chess pieces, they have become chess pieces!" Long Wanqing worried.

"Become a chess piece?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yifu, is this a chessboard? Why are there no warp and weft lines? And there are 100,000 chess pieces?" Gu Qin wondered.

"The inside of this square chessboard may be the twenty-nine vertical and horizontal world. The old man who watched chess rebuilt it. People are chess. Everyone is a chess piece. There should be 100,000 people in it. Struggle in the chess world!" Gu Hai Frown.

Just then, there was a roar of Monte Thai from the black chessboard: "Animals, there is a contradiction in my Dafeng Gang, but I can't turn you into an animal!"

"Fu Xue, this inheritance was not your finger, hum!" Wei Yan's cold hum came.


"Ang, Montait, Wei Wei, you and your apprentices, aren't you endless? Why are you targeting me!" The blood roar of Xun Longfu came from the black abyss.

"Alive, in the abyss, are they still alive?" Long Wanqing squeezed her fist nervously.

Gu Hai frowned. After all, at first glance, I couldn't guess what was going on.

"Master Gu Ruo, Master Liu Nian is in it, and I am also very worried. I entered the chess game and showed Mr. Gu, hoping to be useful to Mr. Gu!" A long Wanqing servant obediently said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of surprise.

The servant turned around and seemed to be leaving the peony.


Suddenly a huge suction was generated, and the servant had no resistance at all, and was immediately sucked by the square abyss.

As he flew past, his body suddenly twisted and turned into a black chess piece. The chess piece floated over the square abyss, and then from the black pieces, a thin golden line emerged and went straight into the abyss.

"Really turned into a chess piece?" Gu Qin was surprised.

"No!" Gu Hai shook his head.


"It is not a chess piece, but it has entered the chess world. That chess piece should be a piece of the chess piece that this world condenses for him. It floats in the abyss. What does the body encounter in the chess world? This kind of position and state, such as the three chess pieces over there, indicates that the ontology is dead in the chess world! "Gu Haishen said.

"Don't it become a chess piece?" Long Wanqing said in surprise.

Gu Hai nodded his head and said, "When the chess world should have created the" **** avatar "for you and the master of the stream, the master of the stream used the dragon ring to push you out! You saw that the master of the stream became a chess piece, so .........! "

"So what's going on?" Long Wanqing puzzled.

Gu Hai was silent for a while and said, "It should be that the old man who watched chess prepared for his inheritance with two hands!"

"Oh? The heritage of the old man watching chess? Isn't it the earth's dragon vein?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Well, Wei Zheng also mentioned the word 'heritage' just now?"

Gu Hai nodded and said, "It's the inheritance. The inheritance left by the old man who watched chess. The earth's dragon veins are only part of the old man's inheritance of chess. I don't know what it is. The old man who watched chess wanted someone to accept his inheritance. What the old man wants most is that someone can be as good at chess as he is, and if he can unlock the "playing chess", he will get his mantle! "

"Living chess?" Long Wanqing raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Living chess has never been untied. Anyone who loses chess has died from the strangulation of the chessboard! A lot of disciples at Shenjiying had Due to the strangling power of life chess, even masters of the past years dare not play! "

"That is the lack of chess power. It is not possible to directly inherit the old man who watched chess. Perhaps the old man who watched chess also thought of this, and someone may not be able to solve it. Therefore, he set up a dead chess. The dead chess may not require too much chess power! Said Gu Hai.

"Dead chess? Back up?" Gu Qinning eyebrows.

"Perhaps, anyone who enters the Peony Flower, as long as he gives up his life chess, will all push into the world of dead chess. In it, each will compete for the chance of inheritance by his own skill! I don't know what happened inside. But it may not be What a good thing! "Gu Hai frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Life chess, if you lose, you will die. What do you think of dead chess if you can't win?" Gu Hai frowned.

"That's only dead?" Gu Qin shouted slightly.

"But there is only one inheritance, and there is only one winner, and the rest are losers!" Gu Hai flashed a little worry in his eyes.

"Apart from the only one who wins, everyone else will die in the internal battle lore?" Long Wanqing's face changed.

Gu Hai nodded: "I guess so!"

"Doesn't that mean that as long as you step into this giant peony, only one person can inherit it, and everyone else will die? One hundred thousand repairers in it will all die?" Long Wanqing showed her anxiety.

"Is this why the 50,000 practitioners on the periphery did not dare to step in? They may have been waiting here for a long time, only entering and not going out. It does n’t matter a few times at first, but it ’s always like this, they ’re afraid, so they do n’t dare Come in? "Gu Qin sank.

Everyone's face changed, and the white mist and white flawless peony flowers in front of them were no longer so beautiful in everyone's mind, but they looked more gloomy than Shura Hell.

Is this a peony flower?

Gu Hai nodded.

"Yifu, can you unlock the chess?" Said the ancient Qin board.

"Try it!" Gu Hai nodded.

Everyone looked forward to the ancient sea.

But I saw Gu Hai slowly sitting at one end of the chessboard, and faced the old man's puppet who was watching chess opposite.

"The chess game has been restored, please settle the game!" Opposite the old man with white hair smiled slightly.

Gu Hai nodded and looked down at the chessboard carefully. The ancient sea did not fall off, but kept deducing in his heart.

"The Dafeng Gang's Beginner, Ding Longzong's Intermediate, and Peony's Advanced, although the three are different, it is a progressive process. If you haven't seen the Beginner and Intermediate, it will not be easy to substitute in this one. Chess, so complicated! "Gu Hai frowned deeply.

This is the first time that Gu Hai feels that the game is complicated.

Gu Hai slowly sinks into his heart and looks at the chessboard.

Long Wanqing and Gu Qin waited patiently. Although they were extremely anxious, they did not dare to disturb Gu Hai. This ancient sea sits for a whole day.

Outsiders, 50,000 practitioners have been paying close attention to peony flowers, and they also have extra expectations for the entry of the ancient sea.

Although it was covered by heavy fog, I could still see it dimly.

"Gu Hai has been sitting for a day. Why hasn't he fallen?"

"Yeah, he wouldn't dare to stop, deliberately delaying time?"

"No, ten days ago, someone also learned Gu Hai deliberately dragged his time. As a result, he was strangled by that chess less than two hours later?

"Why can Gu Hai delay time? It's not fair!"




Countless practitioners showed dissatisfaction.

But even so, no one dared to go forward.

Countless people have died in the land of chess, and the place of dead chess has been entered by 100,000 practitioners. Until now, no one has come out alive.

The peony flower is a dead Jedi, stepping into it and it's over.

Although everyone wants to get the earth's dragon veins, but that also has a life to take. The old man watching chess gives something, is it too dangerous?

This game is indeed complicated, but because of the complexity, there are also a lot of perceptions. The ancient sea is here, and suddenly there are countless perceptions. The mind is like a moment, and I have learned a lot of things.

In the eyebrow space of Guhai, Black chess still floats in the sky like a king, next to the white crystal fragments, and 100,000 endgames below. After a long four or four merger, it has been merged in half, but as the ancient sea suddenly realized a lot of things. The chessboard below suddenly merged at a very strange speed.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

A series of quick merges. It didn't take long for 80,000 pieces of endgames to be completely transformed into 20,000 pieces of forty-four merger endgames, and there were 20,000 pieces, as if they were extremely complicated and could not be merged for a while.

"It seems that they can be concentrated?" Gu Hai thought thoughtfully.

I saw one of the big endgames of the four-four merger. Suddenly it slowly merged and shrank, eliminating some useless waste chess, and disappearing some vertical and horizontal lines. Slowly, it turned into a chessboard of nineteen crossways. Only at this moment, this endgame is not the same as the previous four games, but it seems that there is a shadow of that four games, as if all the essence of the four game endings are concentrated in this one.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!" "Om!" ...............

To concentrate

The 20,000 chessboard was rapidly condensed, and after another day, it was turned into a small chessboard again.

There are nineteen vertical and horizontal chessboards, and the endgame that cannot be merged is 40,000 small endgames. Each article is extremely complicated.

"When there are more thoughts and rules in the chess game, can we consolidate the matrix method?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

While watching the ‘Twenty-nine Heaven and Earth Chessboard Game’, Xinxin looked at the 40,000 pieces of endgame space. There is a feeling in the ancient sea that chess games seem to be able to communicate with each other. If these 40,000 endgames are concentrated, maybe they can be used to form a battle?

Maybe the 28-day world chess game and the 29-day world chess game are the same for the old man who watched chess?

Combining, concentrating, removing dross, taking its essence, making the rules constantly dense, and making perfect become more perfect? Is this the avenue of chess?


There are 40,000 complicated endgames in Meixin Space, of which there are four, which merged suddenly and then turned into a big game of the four-four merger.

"My guess is right! Endgame fusion and concentration is the basis for the formation of a large array, is the beginning of the creation of the world?" Gu Hai's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

Forty thousand complicated endgames, wanting to merge all four or four is not a temporary matter, but can only be deduced slowly. The ancient sea spirit was slowly sinking into the twenty-nine heaven and earth game.

Sinking into the sink, suddenly, Gu Hai felt that consciousness suddenly entered the chess game.

As if standing on a vast earth, the world is white. The one who is alone is alone.

Suddenly, a woman appeared not far away.

"Fairy?" Gu Hai frowned slightly. Know this is an illusion.

But I saw a golden silk thread on my body that connected Chen Xianer. The golden silk thread seemed to be surrounded by the two words 'love'.

Then, four children suddenly appeared not far away.

"Ancient Qin, Ancient Han, Ancient Tang, Ancient Ming?" Gu Hai looked at the four children in doubt.

Once again, there was a golden silk thread linking himself and the four children. The silk thread seemed to be surrounded by the word 'family affection'.

Suddenly, there was a cyan smoke not far away, and there was a group of people who could not see their faces, the first one in Qingpao. It seemed to have a breathtaking breath, and one of them would be shocked.

The thin golden line connects Gu Hai and this group of people, surrounded by the word 'Hate'.

On the vast earth, more and more people appeared out of thin air. Everyone has a thin golden line connecting the ancient sea. On each thin line is the relationship between Gu Hai and this person.

The ancient sea stands on this vast earth. Thoughtful, thoughtful.

After a long time, Gu Hai suddenly looked at the sky and exhaled: "I see, heaven and earth are chessboards, beings are chessmen, and the grudges and hatred between people are like invisible lines of latitude and longitude. The warp and weft lines are connected to each other, so that the pieces are struggling in the chessboard and cannot escape. All sentient beings are chess, and heaven and earth are not benevolent. Cangsheng is the chess piece! "


The ancient sea seemed to realize a sense of truth in an instant, and the whole body exuded a golden halo. Slowly he retreated from the game.

Looking up at the opposite old chess player.

"Why isn't the right father still offspring?" Gu Qin worried.

"Yes, it's been three days, is Gu Hai still thinking?" Long Wanqing was also extremely worried.

Numerous practitioners from the outside world are staring at the ancient sea blankly at this moment. This sitting is three days, and it is also very good. Is he playing chess?

"Congratulations, you are the only one who has unlocked this game till now!" The old man who watched Qi oppositely suddenly said.

The old man watching Guanqi did not have a loud voice, but it spread strangely to everyone's ears.


The 50,000 practitioners watching from the outside world suddenly burst into an uproar.

"How is it possible that Gu Hai has fallen!"

"How did he untie it? This is cheating!"

"It's not fair. If you sit there for three days, you can solve the situation? I will!"




Long Wanqing and Gu Qin also stared blankly at the old man who was watching the opposite chess. Didn't move at all?

"You have unlocked the chess game, please play! Prepare to be inherited by me!" The old man watching chess said again.

Fiction Net!

The author has something to say about editorbyjack2014-09-19->

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