Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 93: All things

"You have unlocked the chess game, please play! Prepare to be inherited by me!" The old man watching chess said again.

"Gu Hai, have you unlocked the chess game? Are you accepting the inheritance, will it be the end of life and death? Then the masters will be saved?" Long Wanqing suddenly surprised.

"Yes, righteous father, no matter what, you hold it first?" Gu Qin rejoiced.

Only Gu Hai, sitting in front of the chess game at this moment, frowned slightly, because Gu Hai still remembered the helplessness of the nine sons. Helpless to become Jiu Gongzi, want to find alternatives everywhere?

Others don't know what the heritage is, but Gu Hai knows it a little, Ba Gongzi? Accept the inheritance and become the eighth son?

Gu Hai was silent for a moment.

"Gu Hai, you are about to accept the inheritance, then the earth dragon veins will be yours too! I will give you the dragon jade!" Long Wanqing said anxiously.

Earth Dragon Veins?

This is one of the reasons why Gu Hai did not hesitate to come this time.

Originally, there was no need for the earth's dragon veins. With the "Heavenly Highlights" which Yao Zhengtian sent to himself, he found that this earth's dragon veins are extremely important.

Now, there is a chance to get the earth's dragon veins in front of it, should we give up? Give up this time, will there be a chance to get it later?

Gu Hai was silent for a while.

Numerous practitioners all around looked at the ancient sea blankly, not knowing what the ancient sea was tangled with.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Hai seemed to be determined and slowly took out a **** and landed in Tianyuan.


With the fall of the ancient sea, all of a sudden, the peony flower released a lot of golden light, and then slowly, the peony flower became transparent. Except for the live chess game and the dead chess game, all others became transparent. Giant flower above.

Jinguang, however, comes from under the peony flower, a huge leader.


Peony flowers suppress a huge golden dragon head. The head alone is as big as thirty thousand feet, with its face exposed and roaring, but the peony flower suppresses it, and the faucet can't move easily, and it is extremely annoyed at this moment.

Between the peony flower and the dragon head, it looks like there is a colorful fist-sized peony flower. The colorful peony slowly rotates, like a dream, colorful light. There are densely printed small letters in this light.

"Is that the earth dragon vein?"

"What's that fist-sized peony? There seem to be a lot of words floating on it?"

"Previously, they mentioned inheritance in Monte Thai. Is it the inheritance of the old man who watched chess?"

"That eight-color peony is the heritage of the old man who watched chess?"





The 50,000 practitioners were immediately excited.

If the earth's dragon veins allow everyone to be rational, then the inheritance of the old man who watched chess would be irrational. Is that the strongest legacy to the world?


Suddenly, there were hundreds of people rushing up towards the giant transparent peony flower.


"Dash, don't grab me!"

"Mine, mine!"




Hundreds of people rushed up and burst into the giant peony flower.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! ...............!"

There was a huge suction on the peony flower. Suddenly, hundreds of people rushed into the dead chess game, turned into pieces in an instant, and disappeared before everyone.

Nearly a thousand people jumped from the front, all sucked into dead chess.

Finally, the outsiders calmed down and looked at the scene blankly.

"Why is this? It's not fair, why can they go to a place where the ancient seas are played, and when we go up, we will be sucked into the dead chess?"

"Due to Gu Hai unraveling chess, so people are not allowed to enter the chess area?"




Countless practitioners stared blankly at the giant transparent peony flower, watching the earthen veins and the old man who watched the chess under the suppression. All of them had a **** feeling, but the feeling of seeing, not getting, But it is extremely depressed.

Long Wanqing stared at the feet with wide eyes, the place underneath had become transparent, and the dragon veins appeared, but there is something even more exaggerated than the dragon veins. Watch the old man's heritage?

"This, this ...!" Long Wanqing was surprised.

Gu Hai frowned just by taking a look.

"I have doubts! Where do I watch the chess game, why are there three kinds of chess? Black, white, and a kind of transparent pieces? I wonder if the old man who watched chess left an answer?" Gu Hai wondered.

Regarding Gu Hai's questioning, Long Wanqing, Gu Qin, and others all appeared dazed. At this time, how did you ask about the dead chess game?

The old man with white hair on the other side suddenly smiled slightly: "There is an answer to the ontology. It seems that the person who answers the question asks. The answer given by the ontology is' Tao Sheng Yi, Life Two, Life Two, Life Three, and Life. The source! ', Three kinds of chess, representing three forms! "

"Three forms?" Gu Hai frowned slightly, thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Hai looked and said: "Three is the source of all things? Three, is it all-inclusive? I have heard that Buddhists also have such explanations. Buddha has three Buddhas. The past, present, and future are the same. If the sunspots fall first, then the sunspots that fall will represent 'the past', the sons that have already fallen in the past. The whites that have not yet fallen represent the 'future', and the sons that are about to fall in the future, what does this mean? During the period when Bai Zi is not falling, it is 'now'. At the present time, there is no falling, but it is only in the heart to figure out where to fall. It is the piece in the heart. It is an imaginary piece, not a real piece. Therefore, the dead chess game Above, is the transparent chess piece not a real chess piece, but an illusive chess piece deduced from the heart? "

The old white-haired old man looked at Gu Haiwei and smiled: "I don't know, the ontology has not answered me, there are only so many, 'three', all-inclusive, you all get to know yourself! Please continue to fall, accept the inheritance to you! "

Gu Hai looked at the white-haired old man with a complex look.

Looking at the chessboard, the white-haired old man has fallen into a white one. Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai fell again.



The giant transparent peony flower suddenly trembled, and then cracks appeared. Below, the colorful fist peony flower trembled slightly, as if it were about to flood into the ancient sea.

It seems that as long as the ancient sea falls again, the colorful peony can break the giant transparent peony flower and rush to the ancient sea.

"Please drop off!" The white-haired old man dropped a white drop and continued.

Gu Hai frowned slightly: "What is this heritage? What is it for me?"

"There is a last word on the body, in fact, when you previously solved the game, you have got the greatest inheritance!" Said the white-haired old man.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

"Did you not realize the twenty-nine heaven and earth chess game? You have realized the 'temporal impermanence', the heavens and earth are not benevolent, and the life is the chess piece. In the inheritance of the ontology, the heavenly inheritance is the root. Inside the colorful peony, it's just the 'tradition of magic method'. No matter how strong the method is, it can never be better than heaven. You have already gained the heaven. This magic method of colorful peony is just icing on the cake. The inheritance of the earth dragon veins at the bottom is at the bottom. It is just the icing on the cake. Peony, the king of flowers, is the inheritance of the king, and it is the way of ontology deduced by the ontology, helping you to establish a country and take a different path from the year of the ontology!

"The way to stand up to the dynasty? The old man who watched chess was deduced? Why did the old man who watched the chess do not have a country?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Because, Li Chao is not the strength of the body! It can't reach the top. However, the chess course can be the first in the world, so the old man who watched chess gave up Li Chao and played chess with the sky!" Explained the white-haired old man.

"Is Li Chao not an old man who is good at watching chess? Then his inheritance may not be the best?" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes, after all, stronger than most dynasties and emperors!" The white-haired old man explained.

"If no one can solve this game, then the biggest inheritance, the" Heavenly Inheritance ", will be lost? Others will get the most" Spells and Inheritance "and" Dragon Inheritance "?" Gu Hai asked.

"Heavenly inheritance can only be obtained if he has a great understanding of chess, otherwise it cannot be inherited." The white-haired old man nodded.

"Have to inherit, what shall I pay?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Be another son, don't resist the colorful peony from entering your body. There are thousands of internal methods of colorful peony. It has the brand of the body. Relax your whole body. Don't resist, let the colorful peony read your memory and stay in your body. Under the imprint of the ontology, from then on, you will be a disciple of Yi Tiange, a disciple of Yi Tiange, listening to your order, your order is the order of the ontology! "Explained the old man with white hair.

"Read my memory, leaving the imprint of the old man watching chess deep in the soul?" Gu Hai stared suddenly.

"Yes, because this is the only way to accept the Inheritance of Spells!" The white-haired old man explained.

Gu Hai's eyes were narrowed, and a **** was sandwiched in his hand. It was supposed to land on the chessboard, but at this moment it was slowly retracted.

Deep in the soul is imprinted with the imprint of the old man who watched chess? Since then, like the nine sons, trying to get rid of the eight sons? Gu Hai doesn't want to do this. Besides, his memory never wants to be read by others, even those who are already dead.

"Gu Hai, you are a kid, the old man who watched chess is dead! The inheritance of this technique is in the land of Shenzhou. How many people are crazy about it!" Long Wanqing anxiously said.

Gu Hai slowly shook his head: "The benefits are great, but the risks are greater! You don't understand the terrible imprint of the old man watching chess!"

"Uh?" Long Wanqing frowned slightly.

On the one hand, the ancient Qin's expression changed for a while, and he took a deep breath: "Father, why don't you let the children accept the inheritance of the art?"

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly at Gu Qin.

"The righteous father, the death of the mother, the child's memory is still fresh, the child is incompetent, and can do nothing. The child wants revenge on the mother. The father is working hard. The child does not want to be a burden on the father. The child also wants to share it. Opportunity, can not give up for nothing! The child is willing to accept this risk! "Gu Qin said firmly.

"It's too risky, you can't stand it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"When the righteous father and mother picked up the dying child from the snow, the child survived and made money. Besides, there is such a huge heritage, what is the risk? At most one word! The child doesn't care! The ancient Qin resolutely said.

"No!" Gu Hai shook his head, not wanting Gu Qin to take risks.

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