Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Not crazy

"Gu Hai, why? The old man watching chess is dead, what else are you worried about? The heaven and the heaven punished him, and the old man watching chess is extinct!" Long Wanqing wondered. Novel == If you have read this chapter, please move to "/" to read the latest chapter, or you can search for "" or "" directly on Baidu, please remember our new URL. /

Gu Hai shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I have a feeling that the old man who watched chess left the congenital endgame, left the fire of Yitiange, and left the chess game of Jiuwu Island. It was not a whim! A danger, a creepy danger! "

"Feeling? Just feeling? Feeling maybe inaccurate?" Long Wanqing puzzled.

Gu Hai shook her head without explaining.

"However, Yifu, if we don't collect this" Succession ", the Master of the Year will not be able to play a chess game?" Gu Qin worried.

"Yeah, master, what do they do?" Long Wanqing worried.

Gu Hai looked at the dead chess game in the distance and shook his head, "But who can guarantee that if I drop another son, they will definitely be able to get out of the dead chess game?"

"Huh?" Everyone froze slightly.

"Since it is a dead chess, it is only dead, and the final victory and defeat will be determined, and there will be a winner who will be passed on alive. But what about the people inside? Maybe they will escape, and maybe another? "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Maybe all will die?" Gu Qin stunned slightly.

Long Wanqing's anxious expression suddenly stagnated.

"What then?" Long Wanqing said anxiously.


Suddenly, the place of the dead chess game changed. To the south of the dead chess game, a golden chess piece suddenly appeared.

Countless golden threads emerged from the golden pieces, connected to more than 30,000 black chess pieces floating above the dead chess game.

"That's it? Golden pawn? Righteous father, I heard that in the endgame, you all got a golden pawn. Golden pawns can gather your own cloud beast? Is this also true?" Gu Qin was surprised.


Suddenly, a golden shadow appeared in the palm of the golden pawn, grabbing the golden pawn.

The moment when the palm of the hand grabbed the golden chess piece, the whole body became more and more condensed, but it was Monte Thai. Monte Thai grasped the golden chess piece in one hand, and the wind chime in one hand, showing an extremely excited color.

"I got it, ha ha ha ha, Fu Xue, so much fight, or I got it first!" Montai Xuying yelled suddenly.

"The power of the big array, move with me, get me up!" Montait shouted with a golden pawn.


The golden **** is a source, with countless golden threads connecting all black chess.


Suddenly, more than 30,000 black chess pieces all jumped up and rushed to the transparent pieces.

"Wow la la la!"

After a series of collisions, the transparent chess pieces were suddenly hit and flew to the side.

"This is a ghost image? How did Monte Thai's image in the chess world show that the chess game came outside ...?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Because Monte Thai has jumped out of the chess game, he is no longer a chess piece!" Gu Hai brows.

"Not a chess piece? What is that?"

"He is a chess player!" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes.

"The chess player? Is it the golden chess piece?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Yes, he got that golden chess piece, controlled all black chess, and all the black avatars were Monte Thai chess pieces. Maybe, when we first arrived three days ago, we heard their voice because Monte Thai They were near the golden pawns at the beginning, maybe they were fighting for the golden pawns, Montait was here! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"How could that be? Master, Yingying Li is the most favored person, how could he be preempted by Monte Thai?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Because Monte Thai has the key, the key to the shortest path in this array!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Wind-bell?" Long Wanqing moved, staring at the numb-looking wind-bell, with a peony tattoo on her head.

"People who play chess? Isn't it that Monte Thai won, everyone else is going to die?" Gu Qin's face changed.

"Not necessarily, a game of Go, but more than one chess player!" Gu Hai shook his head with narrowed eyes.

Sure enough, on the north side of the chessboard, a golden chess piece popped up again. Countless golden thin lines emerged from the golden pieces, leading to all white pieces.


A palm appeared abruptly, grasping the golden chess piece, slowly condensing two ghost images, Wei Wei and Li Wei.

Li Wei stared at the wind chimes opposite. Wei Yan grasped the golden chess piece and squeezed his hand.

"go with!"


More than 30,000 white chesses suddenly converged to the north, and then rushed towards the transparent pieces.


With a loud noise, a lot of white and transparent pieces broke.

"Sin beast, do you think it's useful to demonize these people? It's not yours, it's never yours! Hum!" Wei Yan yelled.

"Wei Wei also jumped out of the chess game, he is also a chess player! He is in charge of white chess?" Gu Qin's face changed.

"Because Li Wei? Li Wei also has a peony flower tattoo on his head?" Long Wanqing's face sank slightly.


On the side of the board, suddenly another golden **** emerged.

"The third one? Why is there a third one?" Gu Qin was surprised.

But I saw the third golden chess piece, and a gold thread came out to connect all the transparent chess pieces. A palm grabbed the third golden chess piece, and a figure suddenly condensed.

It was the blood of Fulong Fu, who held the golden chess piece in one hand, and held the neck of a woman in white with the other hand, revealing a dark face.

The hair of the woman in white was a snake head, amidst the screams.

"The woman in white, the master of peony, rose?" Long Wanqing said in surprise.

"She is demonized by Fu Xue, and she also has a peony flower tattoo on her head. She is also a key?" Gu Qin showed a hint of surprise.

"Brother, brother, save me!" Shouted in the trembling rose.

And Rose's arm stroked, facing the direction of Montai, showing the color of begging.

"Brother?" Long Wanqing said in surprise.

"Fu Xue, you actually got it too, and got a golden chess piece through Rose!" Wei Wei said with an ugly face.

"Come on, ha ha ha, Monte, I'm your sister! Do you have the ability to come again?" Fu Xue faced out.

"Sister? Huh, have you been demonized? What do you pretend to do? Get my sympathy? I haven't had sympathy for a long time!" Meng Tai said in a cold voice, and turned to look at Wei Wei: All this blame you! "

"Hum, evil barriers, you are responsible for it!" Wei Zheng looked back at Montai in disapproval.

"I blame myself? Huh, I don't know who blame yourself, but you and I do not need to be taken advantage of by this beast. Somehow just now, the earth suddenly became transparent. You see it, earth dragon veins, and That colorful peony! "Meng Tai said coldly.

"Yeah, Li Wei, I'm an apprentice, I will transmit power to you, let's get rid of this beast first!" Wei Wei said coldly.

"Yes, Master!" Li Weiying said.

Detective Wei Wei waved toward Li Wei, and Li Wei slaped his palm in the direction of Fu Xue.

A transparent light sphere suddenly emerged from the side of Fu's blood, which enveloped Fu's blood and rose.


A palm hit the light ball, and the light ball trembled suddenly.

"The power of sentient beings, let me dispatch!" Wei Yan yelled.


Suddenly, all white chess trembled a bit, as if all forces followed the golden silk line toward the golden **** in Wei Yi's hands. Wei Wei immediately passed the power to Li Wei, and Li Wei's power suddenly soared innumerably.


To the north of the dead chess game, suddenly there were ghosts, and in the blink of an eye, more than 30,000 ghosts appeared, each one extremely reluctantly reaching out his arms, instilling power into Wei Wei and passing on to Li Wei.

More than 30,000 people are chess pieces and can only be left to their mercy. At this moment, one by one, showing pain and being forcibly drawn strength, some people who are weak are suddenly dried up.


The dried-up man was suddenly drawn with all the power, and died with death, and the white chess corresponding to him also burst suddenly.

"Ah!" Long Wanqing exclaimed.

Forced to draw power to death? As a pawn, is it so sad?

"That is the master of fleeting years?" Gu Qin suddenly pointed at one of the more than 30,000 ghosts in surprise.

"Where, where?" Long Wanqing exclaimed, the master alive? Great?

At the same time, the other side of Montai was also hit with a single palm. All the sunspots were controlled by it, and they drew countless forces and rushed into the light ball outside Fu's blood.


At the same time, more than 30,000 ghosts suddenly emerged from behind Montai, one by one being painfully drawn out of his own strength.

"That is, Li Haoran?" Gu Qin suddenly found Li Haoran in the thirty thousand virtual shadows.

"Roar!" Fu Xue yelled.

Use the golden pieces in your hand to mobilize the power of all transparent pieces. Resist the power from white and black.


On the board, the transparent pieces seem to collide with White and Black for a moment.

Behind Fu's blood, more than 30,000 ghosts suddenly appeared. And these more than 30,000 virtual images, everyone is actually a snake head.

"All demonized people?" Gu Qin's face changed.

"How did Fu Xue do it?" Long Wanqing was also surprised.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ...

Thirty thousand demonized people show their embarrassment and pain, passing on their power to Fu Xue.

"First ancestor, I can't do it, let me go!" A demonized man was drawn to dry up.


The transparent chess piece implicated by the demon was bursting open. That demon is dead.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Under the strong force, the transparent light spheres on the side of Fu Xue suddenly cracked numerous cracks.

"You are most correct to demonize Rose, because she is the key to jumping out of the game, otherwise, even if you demonize everyone, what about it? Unfortunately, the golden chess piece you are looking for is useless. Although Through this piece, you demonized all the people connected to it, inspired their potential and gave you more power, but what about them, they are just some inexplicable transparent pieces. On the board, only black and white chess are available. , Is orthodox! "Montai said coldly.

"Transparent pawns can only defend and cannot attack, it's really useless!" Wei Wei said coldly.


With a loud noise, the transparent mask outside Fu Xue's body burst open.

Meng Tai and Li Wei combined the two palms of more than 60,000 practitioners and slammed on Fu Xue.

Although Fu Xue had a huge power defense, he couldn't take the shot and was only passively beaten.

"Miscellaneous account! Hey!" Fu blood flew out, and a burst of blood burst out.

At this moment Wei Wei suddenly shot, and the detective swiftly pointed his finger, as if a sword gas shot straight out and shot into the palm of Fu Xue.


The golden chess pieces on Fu Xue's palm burst into pieces.

"What? No, no!" Fu Xue cried suddenly.

"Broken your golden chess, you will be scrapped! Out of the game." Wei Wei coldly.

Sure enough, as the golden chess piece exploded, the countless gold threads connected to the transparent chess piece were instantly disconnected and disappeared.

The figure of Fu Xue suddenly disappeared slowly.

It is the player who is in charge of the golden chess piece. Without the golden chess piece, he fell into the chess game again and turned into a chess piece.

"No, no ...!" Fu Xue slowly disappeared, and when he disappeared, he grabbed at Rose.

Seeing that the rose was about to be caught.


Suddenly, there was an extra long sword in Montait's hands, a sword that chopped down Rosa's head.

"What?" In Fu Xue's astonishment, the ghost disappeared.

"Rose is the key, do you still want to use this key to **** the golden chess pieces in our hands? Now, you are completely out!" Montai said coldly.

The rose snake's hair flew in the air, slowly disappearing, leaving an incredible look in her eyes.


The transparent pieces in the chessboard suddenly felt like a piece of scattered sand.

"go with!"

Meng Tai and Wei Yan each split a large piece of black and white pieces against them. Suddenly, a large number of transparent pieces were crushed. Then he was surrounded by 10,000 blacks and 10,000 whites, and rounded to a corner of the board.

Fu Xue is out, and there are two players who play chess: Meng Tai and Wei Wei.

Almost at the same time, Wei Yan and Meng Tai collided with each other.


The two palms collided, regardless of each other, and the remaining more than 20,000 pieces of each one were suddenly adjusted to roll.

Behind Wei Wei and Meng Tai, they seemed to be standing more than 20,000 practitioners, with their palms resting on their backs, and they were forcibly drawn for their stalemate.

Black and white face each other.

"Monte, you are really cruel enough, Rose? You killed so neatly, but your sister! Oh, by the way, you also killed Yue Yao neatly, Yue Yao is also your sister , Ha ha ha ha! "Wei Yan said.

"What?" Li Wei's face changed.

Yue Yao is the sister of Monte Thai?

Meng Tai looked at Wei Yan coldly, and was not provoked by Wei Yan, but said coldly: "My good teacher, all this is not thanks to you? When killing Yueyao, I Do n’t know that she is my sister. As for this rose? All have been demonized, and killed, and your conspiracy has created my cold blood! "

"Hum, wicked son, bully the teacher to kill the ancestors, kill the relatives and sisters, you still have a face to say me? I have already assigned the wind chimes to Li Wei. You now have nothing." Wei Yan said coldly.

"What?" The wind chime beside Montaigne's face suddenly changed.

Li Wei looked excitedly at the wind chime opposite his face.

Mengtai twisted her head while stalemate with Wei Yan, and said coldly: "My good Master, do you think that it is still useful now? The wind chime is mine, even if I use her, she still Mine. Say I killed my sister and sister? In addition to worshipping you, what do you do yourself? Count your daughter. At this time, in order to let Li Wei listen to you, you have to sell your daughter again? "

"Well, okay, okay, okay, when I adopted you, I shouldn't have let you go, I should have strangled you that year!" Wei Weihan said.

"Shit me? You can't bear it. The four of us, brothers and sisters, have been caused by your own hands to the present situation. Do you think I don't know? Are you just here to inherit? Stolen from the Peony Sect, stole Li Wei from Ding Longzong, and then stole Yue Yao from the Peony Sect? Without you, I am now the Peony Sovereign, and Li Wei is also the Ding Long Sovereign! "Meng Tai said coldly.

"What? Monte Thai, what are you talking about?" Li Wei stared blankly.

"Three brothers, don't you know yet? You are the son of the ancestor of the Dinglong ancestor of the previous generation. Wei Ye stole you back to the Dafeng gang. And I, Yue Yao and Qiangwei should be the children of the ancestor of the peony ancestor of the last generation. You daughter, don't you understand? "Montai said coldly.

"When did you know?" Wei Yan looked at Montai coldly.

"I didn't know it at the beginning, until I entered this game and saw Rose, I understood everything, everything understood, Wei Wei, a deep city government, in order to get today's inheritance, you have been so long ago Began planning? The old man of Guan Qi set up Dafeng Gang, Ding Longzong, and Peony Sect, guarding the seals. The old man of Guan Qi planned to release the lineage this year, so he left three keys to the three suzeraints, all of which Children are the key for this game. It ’s not enough for you to have a wind chime, and you have stolen the children of the other two lords, and you want to eat alone? Hahaha, unfortunately, you stole the wrong thing. It is the key, but Yueyao and I are not the key!

You have extra control over Feng Ling and Li Wei, and everything must be under your control, but Yue Yao and I are letting it go, so it caused the rebellious character of Yue Yao and me, "Meng Tai said coldly.

"But I nurtured you after all!" Wei Wei coldly said.

"Yeah, nourished us, that's because you want to use us. Rose was not born at that time, and you're not sure if we are the keys, are we? We all have use value!" Montai said coldly.

"It's useless to say anything, Montaigne. I heard that for the sake of the dragon veins, you gave up the wind chimes to Li Wei at the beginning. For your wife, you have to give up. Hahaha, don't you use the chimes?" Wei Yan said coldly.

"What's the use? Windbell is my wife. If I didn't do that then, I would die! I owe her, and I will slowly resupply her later!" Montai said coldly.

Aside, there was a grin on the wind chime's face.

"Mending? It's not necessary, you're going to die soon!" Wei Wei said coldly.

During the conversation, I saw Wei Yan pinch his hand. It seems that a silk thread suddenly emerges, and it is connected with a wind chime.

"call out!"

The wind chime yanked suddenly, and the wind chime's body flew up involuntarily, and was immediately drawn to Montai. Montai gathered the strength of more than 20,000 people in one palm, terrifying, and as long as he rubbed on his body, he could die instantly.

Seeing that the wind chimes are about to die in the hands of Monte Thai.

Mengtai's face changed: "Miscellaneous things, old things, you actually planted the technique in the wind chimes before? In order to inherit, you want to kill the wind chimes?"

As his face changed, his palm suddenly moved to one side, trying to avoid the wind chimes.

"Huh!" Wei Yan smirked. He slammed his hands.


Meng Tai spurted blood and was severely hit because of avoidance.

"Dead!" Wei Wei shouted.

"Dad!" A tear dripped from the corner of Fengling's eyes, looking at Wei Yan's face, revealing a look of despair.

Because although Montai had avoided it, Wei Wei would surely still hit the wind chimes with Wei Wei's full strength, and the wind chimes would surely die.

"Don't!" Li Wei shouted abruptly, slamming Wei Wei.

"What? Sinner!"

Wei Wei was not prepared for Li Wei, and was suddenly hit by a cricket.

The wind chimes were saved, but Wei Yan's calculations were defeated.

"Old man!"


Montaigne broke out and hit Wei Wei with a bang.

"Well, ah!"

Wei Ye was suddenly unprepared, and was immediately knocked out. Under the power of terror, the whole body was suddenly deformed.


More than 20,000 virtual shadows behind Wei Wei suddenly disappeared.


Meng Tai hit Li Wei with a backhand.


Li Wei also spewed blood, deformed a large body, and flew out.

"Wei Li!" Feng Ling exclaimed suddenly.

Mengtai was slightly surprised by Feng Ling's attitude, but he did not hesitate to grab Wei Jin's golden pawn.


Montai had one golden hand and two golden pieces, all in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha, old man, now, I have control over black and white. I am the only chess player. You have all lost. I am the only winner. I am the only winner, ha ha ha ha!" Montaign laughed.

In the laughter, the power of the golden chess pieces was mobilized again, and the powers of black and white were all brought together. The strength of more than 40,000 people was drawn by Montai. Mengtai's open palm slammed towards Wei Wei and Li Wei: "Death!"

"Don't!" The wind chime suddenly exclaimed. His body jumped in front of Li Wei.

"What?" Mengtai's expression suddenly changed. But it seemed that it was too late to withdraw.

Forcibly withdrawing force, the strength of one palm weakened countlessly, but the remaining force was still huge and horrified, hitting the wind chime.


A spurt of blood sprang from the wind chime, and it suddenly slumped, like this palm, which shattered the whole body of the wind chime.

"No, no, wind chimes, why? Why?" Montai lifted the wind chimes suddenly in horror.

However, at this moment, the wind chimes have collapsed and Qiqiao bleeds.

"Wind chimes!" Li Wei lay weakly aside, exclaimed.

"Li Weige! I'm your Yueyao!" Feng Ling smiled suddenly.

"No, wind chimes, aren't you crazy? How did it happen again? No, you are not Yueyao!" Montai cried in horror.

Feng Ling turned his head to look at Montai, as if he was looking back, his face was flushed. Looking at Montai, he touched Montai's face, shook his head gently, and a hint of utterance appeared on his face: "I am not crazy, husband. From the beginning, I was not crazy, I always knew who I was. "

"Aren't you crazy?" Meng Tai and Li Wei both looked at Feng Ling in amazement.

"Everyone thought I was crazy, but I didn't. Kekekeke!" Feng Ling spit out blood, and said weakly.

Montaign quickly took the elixir and fed it into the bell.

But there was more blood in the mouth of the elixir.

"No, no, why?" Montai cried in horror.

"I love you, husband, I love you. But it's too late! It's too late for you to come back!" Feng Ling coughed with blood and despaired.

"What's late? What's late?" Montai roared as if she were crazy.

"In the two years before Li Weige was arrested, I still wanted to resist, but he forced me to replace Yueyao. In the 34th year, I couldn't hold on. I pretended to be Yueyao in front of him. You came back, but you did not. In the tenth year, I no longer rejected Li Weige, but I still have you in my heart. In the fifteenth year, I accepted Li Weige, and I accepted Yueyao's identity. Maybe, I can't wait for you, I will be Yue Yao in the future.

In the next five years, I hypnotized myself, I was Yue Yao, and I found that I was happy too. Although Li Weige sometimes loses my temper, it is really good to me. I slowly fell in love with Li Weige. I am Yue Yao. I am willing to be Yue Yao. I like to be Yue Yao. I love Li Weige! I start to forget you slowly!

But, but why are you showing up again?

Why are you so late?

Too late!

When I gave my heart to Wei Li, you came back!

Why so late?

Too late, too late, too late! Said the wind chimes weakly.

"Wind chime, it's okay, I'm still back! Isn't it? I'm still back!" Montai's eyes reddened.

"Kekeke, husband, I know you used me, but I don't blame you! I know you will marry me, you will use me, but I'm happy, I don't blame you! I also know you take me Pushed it to Li Weige, and I don't blame you! Really, I never blame you, husband! "Feng Ling died shortly.

"Nothing will happen, wind chimes!" Montai anxiously.

The elixir could not be fed, and Mengtai infused the wind chimes with Zhenyuan, but the wind chimes were a mess and could not be treated at all. Montai's eyes reddened.

"Fujun, Keke, I'm going to die. I only have one request. I know you won't let Li Weige go. I don't ask you to let him go, just ask you for the last thing! Please!" Fengling's eyes have opened. Not open.

"You say, you say!" Montai cried, tears falling.

"After we die, bury us together, let me and Li Weige bury them together, okay?" Feng Ling closed her eyes, and the last tears came from the corners of her eyes.

Slowly, the wind chimes were silent. The last sound disappeared.

Holding the wind chimes, Montai froze there.

Feng Ling's last request was to be buried with Li Wei? Bury with Li Wei? For a moment, Feng Ling's previous desolate words echoed in his mind.

"It's too late! You're too late!"

"It's too late! You're too late!"

"It's too late! You're too late!"




Mengtai's mind was filled with magic sounds, and Mengtai held the wind chime, tears in his eyes, and the whole person froze there. At the last moment, Feng Wei chose Li Wei. Too late?

"Wind chimes!" Li Wei cried in despair aside.

This book is from the beginning!

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