Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Li Shenji

Third more--

It took two hours for the ministers to close the bank. Of course, they were all heavy ministers, and some small officials were not here.

At the end of the seal, Gu Hai carefully rolled up the gold scroll that was on the sky, holding the gold scroll in one hand, holding the **** seal of Tianzhen in one hand, and slowly walking down the altar.

Slowly walk towards the Temple of Heaven.

The ministers followed Gu Hai and slowly walked into the hall.

The main hall is ten feet tall, and the interior is extremely empty. There is a high platform on the north. The ancient sea slowly steps on the steps to the high platform on the north. Above the platform, a dragon chair carved by gold is very delicate.

Previously, the emcee handed in the official seal letter that had just been read and put it on the table beside it.

Gu Hai grabbed Tianzhen Shenxi and slowly covered it.


The seal of Tianzhen Shenxi shows that this seal of giving has had an effect ever since.

Gu Hai looked at the two columns and slowly sat on the dragon chair.

"Meet my emperor, long live my long live, long live long live."

Divine Land.

Outside an extremely ornate hall.

Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian slowly retreated from the hall.

"Master, what is Grandpa's attitude." Long Wanqing showed a complex look.

"Churchmaster, there will be a ruling on the holy, please wait patiently." Master Liu Nian laughed bitterly. When he left the house, he dared not say anything, what he said.

"Now the ancient sea should also be a country, I don't know if it is a mortal kingdom or a dynasty." Long Wanqing frowned.

"The mortal kingdom, huh, I think the ancient sea is still not worth it, and you should directly sacrifice the world and establish the dynasty, but the ancient sea is now too shallow, even the dynasty is the weakest dynasty." Master Liunian smiled bitterly.

"The weakest dynasty." Long Wanqing frowned slightly.

"The weakest, weak enough to be similar to the ordinary kingdom, how much territory he has, how many people he has, how strong he is, not to mention the dynasty, if there is no ancient sea, use the strength of his dynasty to get the land of Shenzhou. No more dynasty, a little monster beast tribe can destroy its group, a stronger kingdom can push the ancient sea dynasty, also in the wild and barren land of Qiandaohai, this is the ancient sea Opportunity. "Master Liuli smiled bitterly.

"At least, it's a dynasty." Long Wanqing shook her head.

They left slowly outside the hall.

In the hall, two voices came slowly.

"Holy, this is the information from Qiandaohai. This is about the ancient sea." An extremely respectful voice sounded.

The hall was silent for a while, and a majestic voice came out slowly: "Ancient sea, but it has some meaning."

"Where is Li Shenji now." Dagan Sheng's voice came again.

"Since the last time he was dismissed from the saint, he has traveled all over the world, and recently seems to be fishing for turtles in the North Sea." A very respectful voice sounded.

"Fishing the tortoise, hum, let's pass the word, let him reorganize the camp of God Machine within three months." The voice from Dagan Sheng came.


To the north of the Qiandaohai, a cloud covered the vast sea.


There was a loud noise, the towering tsunami soared into the sky, and a large whale was thrown out by the tsunami.

In the thunder and thunder, there seemed to be a giant monster that appeared on the surface, but it was a huge giant tortoise. The tortoise was as large as five hundred feet and turned over the river. The whole sea seemed to listen to its orders.


The giant turtle roared, the endless sea water soared into the sky, and a figure wrapped in the center.


At the Great Water Center, there was a loud noise, and a man in a purple robe was shot.

The man in the purple robe grabbed a golden tortoise in his hand and hit it with a swift blow.

With a single palm, a huge palm of five hundred feet was pressed down, as if to flatten the entire sea, and crashed into the giant turtle.



The giant tortoise's palm patted the past, and the two palms collided. The sky was rolled up by a storm. The storm appeared instantly. The chaotic air flow suddenly formed four tornadoes and sucked seawater crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Miao Chen, this piece of basalt gold armor, I put it away for the time being, still the same sentence, you are willing to submit to me, I will return this piece of basalt gold armor to you, ha ha ha." The man in the purple robe was soaring into the sky Up and fled away.

"Li Shenji, you thief, stop me and roar." The giant tortoise Miao Chen chased quickly, roaring in the sea like listening to its order, and swarming with him.

The man in the purple robe turned his head, with pride in his eyes, and turned his hands again.


Turtles struck each other and suddenly separated a distance.

Fly up high, between the clouds, as if there is a flying boat hidden.


Li Shenji landed on the flying boat: "Hurry up."

"Yes." The servant on the flying boat responded.

"call out."

The flying boat suddenly turned into a streamer and flew away.

"Li Shenji, shameless villain, roar." Above the sea, giant tortoise Miao Chen growled.

The surrounding sea water soared to the sky, and numerous sea fishes flew up and fell down.


After a while, the sea calmed down because of the giant turtle Miao Chen's anger.


Miao Chen's figure flickered, turning into a big man in a robe, looking coldly at the direction Li Shenji left.

Behind Miao Chen, a group of subordinates slowly appeared, standing respectfully behind Miao Chen.

"Elder Miao, his subordinates are incompetent. I did not expect that Li Shenji was so insidious that he came for the Supreme Gold Armor." A subordinate looked ugly.

Miao Chen looked at the distance, her face gloomy and said: "The Supreme is ridiculed, but the fragments of the Supreme cannot be blasphemed. Whoever dares to defile the Supreme Gold Armor must die."

"Lee Shenji is gone, what now?"

"Take care of the sea palace, I can sense the Supreme Jinjia falling, he can't run away, hum." Miao Chen's eyes glared.


"call out."

As Miao Chen stepped, she fluttered and shot towards the distance—

Flying above the boat.

Li Shenji clutched a golden shard in his hand and looked up carefully.

Li Shenji, looks a bit like Li Haoran. Although he is Li Haoran's uncle, the whole person looks younger and thinner, his hands are slender, and the whole person looks like a young man in his twenties, with only eyes Exuding an evil spirit.

"Homeowner, is this basalt gold armor?" A subordinate looked curiously at the golden shard in Li Shenji's hand.

"Xuanwu Gold Armor, when Xuanwu Supreme was condemned by heaven, his whole body was blown up. This is just a fragment of his turtle shell. Xuanwu Supreme, oh, he went against the sky with the old man who watched chess. Unfortunately, he lost all. By the day of condemnation, Yi Tiange was almost completely destroyed. Naturally, his accomplice would not be able to end it. Xuanwu Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme. It is rumored in the past that its turtle shell is the strongest protection in the world. In front of the condemnation, it is not completely broken. "Li Shenji sneered.

Holding the basalt gold armor, Li Shenji waved his hand gently.


There was a sudden cloud of gas around.

"Oh, yes, this tortoiseshell can also call the wind and the rain, and the cloud and water." Li Shenji said unexpectedly.

"Homeowner, I heard that 800 years ago, after the fall of Xuanwu Supreme, the Turtle and Snake family also suffered a great disaster and fell apart. Many strong people scattered to the four corners of Shenzhou. Many turtles and snakes were arrested to do something. Zongmen's guardian beast. "

"Well, the winner is the king and the loser is the pirate. It is good to survive, but this Miao Chen lives alone in the North Sea and is reluctant to enter the land of Shenzhou. It is quite stubborn, but it doesn't matter. I will slowly surrender him. There was a golden light in Li Shenji's eyes.

"By the way, Haoran has left Beijing." Li Shenji asked.

"Yes, it seems that he asked to take the initiative to go to Qiandaohai and said that he wanted to protect Long Wanqing." The subordinate nodded.

"Long Wanqing, the owner of Yipintang, Qiandaohai, confused, stupid." Li Shenji eyes closed.


"The death of the owner of Yipintang Long Xiaoyue, does he not know that the water in it is not ordinary? He dare to go to this muddy water, and although Qiandaohai and Qiandaohai are all influential Door, but I do n’t know if it was the site of Yitiange in the past, it ’s a place of condemnation, a place of taboo, and the old man watching chess is dead, but there must be countless calculations for this old demon evil, the calculation of the old evil evil, casually One can make them utterly lost, hum. "Li Shenji said coldly.

"Ah, what then?"

"Send him a message quickly, let him roll back immediately, Qiandaohai water, he can not detect." Li Shenji said coldly.

"Ah, yes, the subordinates will post the letter immediately."

"When it comes to Qiandaohai, it looks like Qiandaohai also has a basalt." Li Shenji frowned.

"Yes, but this basalt has been split. Xuanwu is a turtle-snake combination. This basalt, the turtle body and the snake body are separated. It seems that they often fight and compete for resources, and they want to rise against Jackie Chan."

"Evolved into the dragon race, huh, when the Xuanwu Supreme was alive, who would want to evolve into a dragon, the dragon is the dragon, the basalt is the basalt, the power of the basalt, and the dragon is not weak." Li Shenji sneered.

"Subordinates don't understand."

"There is nothing I do n’t understand. When Xuanwu Supreme died, the gods of the Xuanwu tribe were also destroyed by God. , Oh, the basalts have begun to give up their ethnicity, really can not stop the decline. "Li Shenji said coldly.

"call out."

The flying boat flew fast. After ten days, it finally reached a piece of land.

Soon, Feizhou landed in a group of palaces.

At this moment, outside the palace, many people were kneeling down in filial piety, and many people were crying.

"Uncle, I beg you to avenge your elder brother."

"Uncle, my brother died so terribly."

"Homeowner, Hao Ran was killed by a villain. It was a terrible death."

"Begging the homeowner for revenge


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A wailing sound rang outside Li Shenji's flying boat.

Above the flying boat, as soon as Li Shenji's pupils shrank, he saw a group of people crying and crying in the center. A rough coffin was lying flat.

PS: A few days ago, because of the specific framework of the third volume, I have always been Cavendish, and have been Cavendish, so that it is on the shelves today. There is only one chapter in the draft. The code word will be on the first day. It will definitely break out. How many chapters will be updated? Watch the chess as much as you can. This is the third update today. Watch the chess immediately and write the fourth update. Right, ask for the first order, please.

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