Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Trivia

Fourth more——

Li House, inside a hall.

Li Shenji sat in the main seat, holding the tiger head of the tiger head chair with his right hand, and looked coldly at a Shenji camp disciple on the opposite side, listening to him telling everything.

In the hall was the rough coffin.

Everyone stood respectfully.

"You mean, Gu Hai killed Hao Ran." Li Shenji said with a narrow gaze.

"Yes, yes." The Shenjiying disciple said hardly.

"Ha ha ha ha, God machine camp, God machine camp, I handed it over to Li Haoran, what I teach is such a thing as you, dare to lie to me in front of me." Li Shenji said coldly.

"I, I don't." The Shenjiying disciple bit his teeth.

"Uncle, it was Gu Hai who killed the elder brother." A man in Huayi helped to set off.

"The second son is right." Two other Shenjiying disciples approve.

Li Haoran smiled coldly and pointed out: "You, you, and you, come, drag me out and cut on the square."

"Yes." Suddenly a group of subordinates came over.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" The second son exclaimed suddenly.

"Homeowner, why did you kill me, why did you kill me?" The three men who were caught screamed.

However, Li Shenji has ordered that all of his subordinates immediately pull the three out.

"Second son, help, second son help." The three exclaimed.

The second son was also shocked.

"Homeowner, I was wrong. It was the second son who asked me to say this. It was the second son who told me to say so. The owner gave his life." The three of them were shouted in horror.

However, Li Shenji's order has been issued, and others have not dared to plead.

"Cut." A loud shout came from outside the temple.

"Ah." "Ah." "Ah."

Three screams sounded, and everyone in the hall shuddered.

"Uncle ..." the second son looked ugly.

Li Shenji turned his head and said lightly, "Tomorrow, leave everything at hand and go to the North Sea and keep the island."

The second son's face was as earthy and wanted to ask for mercy.

But one person immediately pulled him aside and whispered: "Second son, you are angry for the eldest son, but you have deceived the owner, and the owner has not given you death, it is already a gift."

The second son looked up, and sure enough, Li Shenji's eyes were full of coldness, and he was so shocked that he didn't dare to say more.

Li Shenji looked coldly at everyone in the hall.

"Well, now, who will describe it to me again, Li Haoran went to Qiandaohai, what happened?" Li Shenji said coldly.

Next, the living Shenjiying disciples described everything in detail.

This time, there was no trace of partiality and nothing happened. Li Shenji listened quietly, tapping his finger on the armrest of the tiger's head chair, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After all the narrative was finished, there was silence in the hall, and everyone looked at Li Shenji.

"Behind the scenes, huh, Li Haoran, you really will be in trouble, Princess Xiaoyue, actually died in your hands, huh." Li Shenji flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Slowly got up, Li Shenji went to the coffin.


The coffin cover was opened, and there was a burst of cold air inside, which was obviously used to preserve the body. Li Shenji looked closely at Li Haoran's body.

His head was gone, and his body was bloodied, but his arms became dry bones.

Li Shenji slowly picked up a dead bone, and there was a dip in his eyes.

"Bone marrow is cleaned." Li Shenji frowned.

"Homeowner, no matter what, the death of the older brother is related to the ancient sea. The second brother was also confused before." Another man cried.

"Gu Hai." Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Li Shenji answered the decree." A loud drink came from outside the hall.

The hall's faces suddenly changed.

Li Shenji also quickly walked out of the hall, but saw a man in an official robe standing on a giant crane, looking out of the hall.

"Caomin Li Shenji, I've seen angels, holy and long lived." Li Shenji worshiped immediately.

"Holy sacrifice, Li Shenji, within three months, reorganized the sacred machine camp, waiting for holy dispatch." Officials on the giant crane said solemnly.

"Yes, the minister takes the decree." Li Shenji respectfully saluted.

At this moment, the official smiled: "Congratulations, Lord Li, Lord Li. Three months later, please take your divine camp to go to the holy capital to face holy, and leave the next."

"Congratulations, lord." Li Shenji answered.


With a long beep, the giant crane carried the official quickly into the sky and soared into the sky.

"Homeowner, you are reinstated."

"Homeowner, as long as you order, your ministry will come back immediately."

"Holy Lord, forgive you."




The crowd was overjoyed, as if they didn't care much about Li Haoran's death.

"Where is the God Machine Order." Li Shenji said lightly.

"It was taken by the ancient sea." A Shenjiying disciple solemnly said.

"It's the ancient sea again, oh, it seems that before going to the capital, I have to see this ancient sea." Li Shenji's eyes were cold, and there was a cold light in his eyes--

The Great Han Dynasty rushed to the Temple of Heaven.

Gu Hai, wearing a black dragon robe and sitting on a dragon chair, overlooked the two rows of officials with cold eyes. On the left is Gu Qin with a group of old shopkeepers. On the right, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, Scab, Mengtai and other newcomers.

"Slap." Gu Hai patted the armrest of the dragon chair, staring coldly at a group of officials on the left.

The faces of all the officials changed.

"The Great Han Dynasty had just been established for less than a month. Oh, there was news that some people started selling officials and selling titles. As long as you have money, you can buy officials." Gu Hai looked at the officials coldly.

"Mr. Emperor, Dahan now has too much territory, too many vacancies, and many positions need people. Although we have a large number of talents, they are still inadequate. In order to start the administrative operation as soon as possible, various places have thought of this method. Run the administration and increase the treasury as soon as possible. "An official insisted.

"It's your own family members who buy the official, hehe, increase the state treasury as soon as possible, the state treasury needs you to increase." Gu Hai said coldly.

All the officials were afraid to speak.

"Father Emperor, to obtain the territory of Nuo Da in a short time, there is indeed a shortage of manpower, and the administration in many places cannot be operated." Gu Qin sighed slightly and interceded for the old shopkeepers.

"If it doesn't work, just stop. Isn't it for you to prepare for the scientific examination? Screening talents with the scientific examination is not necessary." Gu Haishen said.

Gu Qin bowed his head.

"Monte," Gu Hai cried.

"The minister is here." Montai stepped out.

"It's been a month, what's up with Jin Yiwei's preparations," Gu Haishen said.

"Three thousand people have been recruited, which is not considered elite, but it can be slowly optimized, and Jin Yiwei can be put into operation for the time being." Meng Tai Shen said.

"Well, I will give you a Kowloon order, a thorough investigation of one city and one city. There are beneficiaries and mercenaries, embezzlers, bribes, private parties, and people who have troubled the people. They will be punished by the Dahan Law. Order, Ruyi came in person. "Gu Hai Shen said, handing out a token.

"The minister obeys the order." Monty took the token and returned.

Aside from the old officials, they looked stiff and sighed, but no one noticed that a **** rain was about to begin.


"The minister is here." Scar made a respectful list.

"With you dispatching soldiers and horses in each city, fully cooperate with Jin Yiwei's operation." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Chen Zongzhi." The scar should answer.

"Now on the Nine-Five Islands, and the other five mortal areas, how is the contact?" Gu Hai looked to Gu Qin.

"Father Huang, the negotiation in three of the mortal areas was very smooth, but the other two were not smooth, and they have always been lucky." Gu Qin frowned.

"Chen Tianshan."

"Being there."

"You lead the garrisons everywhere, and start to dig mountain roads to open all the mortal areas of the Jiuwu Island. First, dig the two regional passages that do not obey my Dahan Dynasty. At the same time, you will be charged by the host to accept three Dahan Hans. Area matters. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"The official obeys."

"Gao Xianzhi."

"Being there."

"I need a batch of elite troops, the world ’s soldiers and horses, you choose, the first batch of 800,000 elite troops to expand the first army, trained by you, take these two mortal areas as the battlefield, and I need an indestructible army In this battle, the enemy did not participate in the innate, you must not have, I hope that in the future, the Han Dynasty will not only be strong generals, but also a strong army. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"The minister complies," Gao Xianzhi answered.

A series of decree has been continuously approved by the North Korean Congress, and Gu Hai is now arbitrary, and no order is questioned.

"The Emperor Qilu, Shangguan marks, please." A guard greeted outside the hall.

"Oh, Xuan." Gu Hai wondered.

Shangguan Hen was reluctant to accept the official position of the Dahan Dynasty, and Gu Hai was helpless for a while. At this moment, he must ask for advice during the meeting.

Shangguanhen walked into the hall, and the two ministers looked puzzled together.

"Emperor, Yao Zhengtian is here. Outside the hall, there seems to be bad news." Shangguan marks solemnly said.

"Oh, Yao Zhengtian." Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

Yao Zhengtian is under the control of the beast. Before he set up the country, he asked Gu Hai to solve the chess game on the back of the turtle shell, and presented the old man of Gu Hai "A Brief Guide to the Heaven".

Gu Hai is grateful to Yao Zhengtian. After all, although the Tianchao strategy may not be precious in the land of Shenzhou, it is extremely needed for Gu Hai.

Without a display, Gu Hai stepped on the dragon chair and slowly walked out of the hall with Shangguan marks.

The ministers followed behind Gu Hai.

Outside the main hall, Yao Zhengtian was standing above the square, and now he was smiling at the ancient sea.

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu, no, congratulations to Emperor Dahan, the founding of the national dynasty, once opened, it is the dynasty." Yao Zhengtian said with a smile.

"Mr. Yao is so famous, I don't know why Mr. Yao came today." Gu Hai wondered.

Yao Zhengtian looked away: "When Mr. Gu established the country last time, something was delayed and he could n’t come. I hope Mr. Gu forgive me, but this time he came to bring bad news. I hope it will be useful to Mr. Gu . "

"Oh." Gu Hai wondered.

"In the past, Mr. Gu received the Peach Blossom Peach, and the news came out that countless practitioners from Qiandaohai Xiantianjing and Jindanjing heard the wind


ge: url (/img/1435749481473/32846786/-1769408697294472508.png) '> Today, Mr. Gu gets the dragon vein of the earth. This thing is more horrifying than the temptation of Baishou Peach. On the islands, some island owners in Yuanying Realm The emperor, the monarch, and the king couldn't sit still. They were coming to Jiuwu Island with all their strength. I just got the news not long ago. There are twenty Zongmenyuan infants. They are already in an alliance and are ready to rob Mr. Gu of the earth. "Yao Zhengtian smiled bitterly.

"Oh, twenty yuan baby realm." Gu Hai's face sank.

After Gu Haigang just finished speaking, Yao Zhengtian suddenly changed his face, revealing a bitterness: "It seems that the old age is still late, they have already come."

But when I saw the far south, twenty Changhongs came straight. Everywhere I went, there was a strong wind.


Twenty Changhong suddenly stopped in front of the Chongtian Hall, and a strong wind blew all directions.

Gu Hai looked up and looked coldly at the twenty figures that suddenly appeared in the sky.

PS: This is the fourth update. I will continue to watch the chess at night. There is one more update, and an additional leader. Thank you. After a few days, the alliance leader will be updated. Thank you for your support. First order.

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