Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Silvermoon City

Master An left with the dragons, but what remained was a mournful scene.

The sea water calmed down, and a crowd of basalts wept.

"Elder Miao, my father died terribly."

"As soon as the dragons came, all the sea monsters who had flattered our grandma before, ran away."

"Elder Miao, this time we were eaten by two hundred basalts, and there were three hundred injured."




Cries and complaints continued, and many corpses remained in the Quartet. Miao Chen's face was unsightly, but she was comforted for a while.

Gu Hai and his party were waiting in the sky.

In the evening, Miao Chen flew up.

"Emperor, it's really dangerous, otherwise our tribe will be wiped out." Miao Chen looked ugly.

Gu Hai nodded and said, "Hello, comfort them, comfort them, just clean up and go to the Jiuwu Island. I have already explained to the ancient Qin, a sea area nearby will be your resting place."

Miao Chen nodded: "Yes, thanks to the emperor. The emperor went to Luzhou, but he was careful of them. The ghost face seemed to be opening the palace."

"Relax." Gu Hai nodded.

"Mr. Shangguan, will you come with us?" Miao Chen looked at Shangguan Mark.

The identity of Shangguan Mark needs to be concealed, so Mr. Shang Guan called it.

"No, the emperor and I are going to Quzhou, and you take care all the way." Shangguan marks solemnly.

"Okay." Miao Chen nodded.

After an explanation, Miao Chen returned to the sea again.

Aside from the glory of Master Liu Nian, the ancient sea really conquered Miao Chen. Just kidding.

"Teacher, thank you very much for this time." Gu Hai looked to Long Wanqing.

"You don't have to thank me. In fact, we didn't take a shot just now, and Miao Chen can also solve the ghost face. That ghost face is about to open the Tiangong Palace, but, after all, it's just the peak of Yuanying Realm." Long Wanqing laughed.

"No, even if Miao Chen can deal with him, but it seems to be similar. During this period, it is likely that the dragons will attack the basalt, and the basalt will also lose a lot. Now, every basalt is very important." Gu Hai shook Shake his head.

On the other side, as soon as Master Liu Nian waved his hands, a group of servants quickly controlled the flying boat to fly.

"If you want to thank me, just teach me to play chess. This time, don't say that you haven't played chess with anyone for decades." Long Wanqing smiled and smiled.

"The host wants to learn, and Gu Hai naturally knows everything." Gu Hai said with a smile--

There is still a period of time before the land of Shenzhou. During this period, Gu Hai asked Long Wanqing about the situation of some Shenzhou land. Long Wanqing also knew everything about the ancient sea, and the two talked very well.

A few days later, in a hall of the Baiyun flying boat.

Gu Hai retreat alone.

In front of him is the "Long Jin Jin Dan Gong".

Gu Hai studied this exercise carefully.

"Jin Danjing ’s practice is to hit the" heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney "with true elements, and develop five tactics: heart consciousness, liver consciousness, spleen consciousness, lung consciousness, and kidney consciousness. Yuan, these five tricks are not similar to the existence of Dan Tian, ​​that is, Jin Dan Realm, open five more Dan Tian. "Gu Hai flashed a little doubt.

The mind sinks into Dantian. The spherical true element in Dantian rotates slowly, as if there is a vortex above it, absorbing the aura and condensing into the true element.

Among the true spheres, a purple dragon exists and roams in it.

This purple dragon is like a virtual dragon. It is a true dragon condensed from the innate merits of the true dragon, but the ancient sea merges into a distracting mind, and this dragon can move as he wants.

Under the control of consciousness, Xiaolong began to swim out of the real Yuan ball, swim out of Dan Tian, ​​led the real Yuan, swimming in the meridians.

After cruising around, slowly swim to the heart.

A meridian node of the heart seems to have a gray power.

Xiaolong led a large number of Zhenyuan rushed away.


The heart of Gu Hai suddenly trembled, and when it hurt, Gu Hai stopped immediately, and the gray power slightly shocked and remained stable there.

"Xinqiao, is this the entrance to Xinqiao? It takes a shock to be happy, but now the power of Zhenyuan seems to be a little bit worse, no, there should be some opportunity." There was a hint of blankness in Gu Hai's eyes.

When Xiaolong swims along the meridian, when he swims to the lungs, sure enough, the lungs also have a gray entrance.

The lungs cannot be opened.

Spleen, liver and kidney.

The ancient sea cruised one by one, but to open it, it didn't happen overnight. Zhenyuan still needed to accumulate, but also needed opportunities.

After practicing for two days, Gu Hai walked out of the palace again.

On the flying boat, Long Wanqing stood alone at the bow of the boat and looked into the distance. In the setting sun, the golden sun shone on Long Wan's clean white neck, just like the most beautiful gem in the world.

Gu Hai stood not far away, looking slightly dazed.

Suddenly, Long Wanqing seemed to feel something. She turned her head and looked exactly opposite the ancient sea.

Long Wanqing smiled slightly. The smile was as gorgeous as the flowers blooming. At that moment, Gu Hai felt the heart that had been frozen for a long time, as if suddenly a sound of ice breaking came.

The look of the ancient sea changed, and instantly pressed down the trace of warmth in my heart.

"You're out." Long Wan smiled softly.

"Yeah, I just studied some Jinlong exercises of Zhenlong. The sequence of Zhenyuan walking methods is really stronger than the Jindan Jingong exercises I found in the past. The atmosphere is magnificent.

"Opening five tricks is very important. Heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney are equivalent to the five tricks of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu. Opening the five tricks is very helpful to Yuanying's realm," Long Wanqing explained.


"Dantian gathers Yuanying. Among the five tricks, Yuanying will also gather in the future." Long Wanqing explained.

"The five babies are condensed in five tricks, that is not to consolidate the six babies." Gu Hai said blankly.

Long Wan nodded her head: "Yeah, these are your courage, the courage of the courage, the Yuanying, the source of your strength."

"Oh, people have three souls and seven souls, why are there only six yuan babies?" Gu Hai wondered.

Long Wanqing frowned, shook her head and said, "I don't know, but the practice of the world is the same. The six great babies are condensed, and they can open the heaven palace and practice the three souls."

Gu Hai's eyes flashed blankly, and he nodded.

"By the way, Yinyue City is about to arrive. A big city near Yinzhou, Yipintang, and others are already waiting there. There is a palace built by my mother in the past, which is also where my Yipintang is stationed. "Long Wanqing looked at the distance.

"Oh, your mother set up palaces, does your mother set up many palaces." Gu Hai curiously said.

"No, there are not many establishments. There are two places in Luzhou." Long Wanqing shook her head.

"Oh, why did you choose Silvermoon?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"My mother is a man who loves the harp, and Yinyue City's harp is very good. Nearly all kinds of harp in the world can be found in Yinyue City, where there are a large number of piano makers." Long Wanqing explained.

"Really." Gu Hai nodded with a hint of doubt.

The flying boat was flying fast, Long Wanqing pointed to the distance, and the ancient sea could already see a behemoth city.

Big sea, a super giant city.

That city is actually half the size of the island.

You know, Jiuwu Island is about the same size as the land of previous earth. It is like a small planet like Jiuwu Island. A city here has half the land of the earth.

Don't ask how the ancient sea was measured, because this city has walls.

The towering city wall is five hundred feet high.

Five hundred feet is equivalent to five hundred storeys. The sky above the city is surrounded by clouds, as if people can't see the inside.

Above the city walls, there are also countless arrays that sometimes shine.

"This is the Silver Moon City. The entire city is a giant formation that can withstand the impact of the opener, and is very strong." Long Wanqing explained.

"It's still grand," Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

Yeah, fortunately, it's no wonder that people on the land of Shenzhou think Qiandaohai is a barren land.

His own Dahan Palace is far worse than that.

This ordinary city can house its own Dahan Dynasty.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai's eyes kept staring.

And the officials brought by Gu Hai, at the moment, also breathed air-conditioning.

"Is this a fairy city, so magnificent."

"This is just a city, just a city."

"No wonder the emperor is going to use the entire Huoliaoguan as the palace, yeah, it's because my vision is too low."




Zhong Dahan officials felt that their eyes were not enough, and outside of Silver Moon City, various exotic animals were flying, which made the fairy house a great sight.

The flying boat slowly landed outside the Silvermoon City, and was specially reserved for the flying boat.

After closing the boat, a group of people came to say hello.

"This is a crane truck. Flying boats are not allowed in the city, and public areas are not allowed to fly randomly. This crane can carry us through the city quickly, er, similar to your old carriage, but only to pay." Long Wan Qing explained.

Gu Hai nodded, and paying was okay, he still had some spirits.

A group of nearly a hundred people chartered a crane crane and flew towards the city gate.

The gate of the city is about a hundred feet high, and two large characters ‘Silver Moon’ float above it.

The guard at the gate of the city wanted to check, Long Wanqing took out a pint order, and immediately put it in.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw a lot of floating islands in the city. There are a lot of floating islands floating on the sky. There are numerous pavilions and pavilions on the floating islands. They are extremely beautiful. , The fairy birds flying around the floating island, an extraordinary dream.

A lot of Dahan officials only felt that their eyes were not enough, and their eyes did not blink.

Far away, there are a large number of streets on which many repairers ran.

Long Wanqing has always paid attention to the ancient sea. After seeing the ancient sea only a little surprised, she immediately calmed down and showed a curiosity. Most people saw it for the first time, shouldn't they be shocked for a long time.

"Are all practitioners in this city?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Only a few are mortals, most of them are cultivators, and the weakest are the nurtures, but they can only live at the lowest level, followed by the most congenital and Jindan realms, and then the Yuanying realm. "Long Wan nodded her head.

"How many people are there in this city," Gu Hai curiously said.

"A hundred million." Long Wanqing looked at the distance.

Gu Hai: "……………………."

A lot of Dahan officials almost stared out. One hundred million, one city, there was one hundred million. In the old days of the ninety-five islands, one million people were super big cities.

"Yinyuecheng is a bit remote, and the population is not too much." Long Wanqing shook her head.

A group of Dahan officials: "..............."

The ancient sea is not too shocked. After all, this number is just four times the population of Shanghai on Earth in the past.


round-image: url (/img/1436000826897/32846786/4936451150981797028.png) '> Moreover, this city is larger than China on the earth, and there are not many 100 million people--

Silvermoon City, in a very magnificent hall.

Master An was gently wiping a pair of Guqin at this moment, and suddenly a subordinate stepped into the hall.

"Master An, someone sent a message just now, Long Wanqing they came." The subordinate respectfully said.

"Oh, Long Wanqing, they have also come to Yinyue City." Master An frowned and stopped.

"Yes, except that Miao Chen did not show up. At that time, everyone on the Baiyun was coming." The subordinate respectfully said.

Master An sneered: "It's really a narrow road for the enemies. How long has it been since they came in, hum."

PS: Let me rest for a few days and then make up for the outbreak, and keep two changes in these days.

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