Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 10: Mu Chenfeng

Silvermoon City, Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

Gu Hai and his party got off the crane crane and followed Long Wanqing towards the interior.

He was met by Long Wanqing's servants. One of them, Song Jiazong, who was imprisoned on the island of Jiuwu in the past, was rescued by the ancient sea and naturally knew the ancient sea.

Dahan officials followed Gu Hai, and were curious to see anything at the moment.

"Everyone is here." Long Wanqing asked the servant.

"Jin Ruo and Mu Ruo both came, but the Lord Jin Duo waited for a few days, and when he saw that the host did not return, he took his disciples to the front battlefield of Luzhou, and said that he would go there to find the clue of the cause of the death of the old church master. I leave a letter to the Lord. "The servant took out a letter.

Long Wanqing opened it and closed it with a few glances.

"Jin Ruozhu's temper is a little bit hot, but he is loyal to my mother, but now it ’s a mess and there is no clue. He is here, I do n’t know if there is any gain." Long Wanqing sighed slightly.

"Master Mu Ruo, where is Mu Chenfeng." Master Liu Nian asked.

"Yes, the master of the wooden rudder, with three thousand students of the wooden rudder, has been waiting here. However, the master of the wooden rudder seems to be more interested in this" Yinqin Conference "of Yinyue Mountain Villa. In addition, I wanted to get the qualifications for the conference, but ......... "The servant smiled bitterly.

"Conference qualification post," Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, Yinyue Mountain Villa's piano teaching this time has attracted a large number of piano masters from all over the world. After all, 'Gouchen' is too attractive, but not all piano masters are qualified and need to be screened. Outside of Yinyue Mountain Villa, there is a special screening area. Only after passing the music, can he be eligible to participate in the piano teaching conference. However, the master of the wooden rudder has gone eight times, but has not been successful. The screening is too strict. Road.

"Mu Chenfeng, I remember his Qin Tao, it is still very good, even without qualifications to participate in the‘ Qin Qin Conference ’.” Long Wanqing said blankly.

"There are too many masters of the piano, which is more stringent. Master Zhudu has been practicing the piano these days." The servant smiled bitterly.

"Ding, Ding, Ding ............... 咚咚咚."

At this moment, on the floating island shrouded in clouds above, a sound of piano sounds suddenly.

The sound of the piano is crisp and very pleasant. The sound of the piano sounds, and the clouds and fog around it slowly move, as if driven by the piano sound, dancing slowly.

"Oh." Gu Hai froze slightly.

Yunwu moved because of the sound of the piano, but the sound of this piano is already very good. However, I just heard the sound of the ‘waner fairy’ on the first floor of the world.

That piano sound can make Gu Hai intoxicated. This piano sound can only make Gu Hai feel good.

"Go and place Dahan officials for a while. Long Wanqing said to the servant.

"You go to rest and prepare. Tomorrow, I will let you explore the situation of the shops in the city in detail." Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes, emperor." Seventy officials saluted respectfully.

"Shangguan marks, you go and rest with them first." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan marks.

"Yes, emperor, but, emperor, Chen wants to walk around the city, can he?" Shangguanhen said with a hint of excitement.

"Okay, you settle down first, and then go on your own." Gu Hai nodded.

"Xie Xie," Shang Guanchen answered.

Away from officials.

"Let's go up," Long Wanqing laughed.

Gu Hai nodded.

Looking at the top, he stomped under his feet.


Jumped into the air like a shell.

Long Wanqing and Master Liunian flew quickly afterwards. The two waved their hands, and the surrounding clouds and clouds suddenly separated for the three to land on the huge platform on the floating island.


The ancient sea fell on the platform and looked out to the outside world, but the large cloud array was mysterious. When viewed from the outside, the dense clouds were extremely dense, but from the inside it could clearly see the outside world.


Suddenly, the sound of the piano on the floating island sounded like a broken string.

"Who is it, who dares to disturb me to practice the piano." A roar came from the kiosk not far away.

"Uh." Gu Hai froze slightly.

Above the floating island, the largest palace is called 'Xiaoyue Temple', and there are many palaces and pavilions next to it.

However, in a small pavilion, there was a roar of roar.

"Master of the wooden rudder, I heard that the pianist has to be peaceful in order to play the dying song. We just broke up a while ago and interrupted you, but it's because you don't have enough heart to keep the piano." The master laughed.

The ancient sea followed.

But saw a man in green came over.

The man, who was about forty years old, was quite thin, and his face was still shrouded in anger at this moment.

However, seeing Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian, this anger can't be vented, so he can only take a deep breath and suppress it.

"It turned out to be the master of the church and the master of fleeting years, Chen Feng was out of shape." Mu Chenfeng smiled dryly.

"It's okay, Master Mu Ruo, you are our Yipintang hope now, work hard to get 'Go Chen'." Long Wanqing laughed.

Mu Chenfeng smiled bitterly for a while: "It's easy to teach the piano, but I will work hard, and I won't humiliate the host."

Speaking, Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai, but his pupils shrank slightly: "This is ..."

"Gu Hai, I've seen Mu Ruzhu." Gu Hai laughed.

"Gu Hai, the master of the new rudder of the church, you killed Ding Rui and Monte Thai." Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"Muduo Master, don't make any noise, Monte Thai is still alive. Now on the island of Jiuwu, Ding Rui was killed by Li Haoran." Gu Hai shook his head and laughed.

Mu Chenfeng stared at Gu Hai for a while, and nodded, "Since the host chooses you as the master of the water rudder, you must perform well and don't let the host disappoint."

Gu Hai looked at this morning breeze suddenly. It seemed that he had just met you, and you pointed me at the elder tone.

"The lord of the church believed me and made me the master of the water rudder. If I behave, I will not bother with the wood rudder." Gu Hai said with a smile.

Mu Chenfeng did not seem to care about the ancient sea, as if he didn't pay much attention to the ancient sea.

"Mu Chenfeng, Gu Hai, you are all from Yipintang. You are good at cooperating. Don't let outsiders see the joke." Long Wanqing frowned.

"Don't worry," Gu Hai nodded.

"Master, please rest assured, since I am the master of the water rudder, I will naturally take care of him, Gu Hai, if you have any help you can say," Mu Chenfeng said directly.

"Uh, speaking of it, there is really something to ask Master Mu Ruo to help." Gu Hai thought for a while.

"Uh." Mu Chenfeng looked stiff, and just now he just said it casually, you really would climb down the road.

"Oh, talk about it." Mu Chenfeng said reluctantly.

"That's it. I brought dozens of people over and planned to open a shop in Silvermoon City to make them self-sufficient. However, I don't know much about Silvermoon's business, so I want them to be a market first. The investigation, however, they are too low, they are all the day after tomorrow, it may not be convenient in the city, so I would like to ask the master of the rudder to send some subordinates to accompany them to Silvermoon City to protect their schedule "Gu Hai said.

"Open a shop." Mu Chenfeng looked at the ancient sea silently, as if not keeping up with the ancient sea rhythm.

"Yes." Gu Hai nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I sent two hundred people to accompany them, but they bought things along the way, and they paid for it, and my people wouldn't care about them." Mu Chenfeng shook his head.

"Rest assured, I will give them pocket money." Gu Haiwei smiled.

Mu Chenfeng nodded.

"Teacher, please take the water rudder master to look around. Your subordinates also want to practice the piano for a while. Yinyue Mountain Villa will have another opportunity to issue a qualification post tomorrow. I will go to participate in the screening tomorrow." Long Wan Qing Road.

"Master Mu Ruo, you're busy." Long Wan nodded her head.

Mu Chenfeng nodded, stepped off the floating island, and found a quiet place to practice the piano.

Standing on the floating island, Long Wanqing introduced the situation to Gu Hai, but Master Liunian walked away in time.

The night view of Yinyue City is also very beautiful. Standing on the floating island, you can see a large number of floating islands floating around. In some places, it is extremely bright. In some places, the moonlight is falling, and some streets have beautiful pianos sound.

Silvermoon City, a true music city.

The next day, Zhong Dahan officials, escorted by a group of Murud disciples, began to enter the Sifang Street of Yinyue City and began market research.

Gu Hai was not idle, so Long Wanqing found a lot of her mother's deeds in Yinyue City, told Gu Hai to listen, Gu Hai helped him analyze, and found possible clues in the chaotic information.

Another day passed.

Mu Chenfeng returned from participating in the screening of Yinyue Mountain Villa.

Mu Chenfeng was angry and stern.

Long distance, Gu Hai had already guessed the result, turned around, Gu Hai avoided Mu Chenfeng's eyes, and did not want to expose his scar.

The ninth time, has been eliminated nine times, Mu Chenfeng how bad mood at this moment.

Long Wanqing couldn't stand it anymore, and sighed slightly: "Muduo master, forget it, there will be opportunities in the future."

Mu Chenfeng looked at Long Wanqing and became more and more depressed: "If you don't worry about it, I will definitely get qualified."

For Long Wanqing's comfort, Mu Chenfeng not only did not appreciate it, but was extremely embarrassing in his words.

Long Wanqing opened her mouth and wondered what to say.

"Mu Chenfeng, after all, you are the master of the helm of Yipin Hall, and the hall master speaks to you, what tone do you have." Master Liu Nian whispered coldly.

Mu Chenfeng suppressed the anger in his heart, and nodded his head, "The master of the fleeting year is right, the master, the subordinates did become a little bit bigger, and the subordinates paid the church masters, but they went to Yinyue Mountain Villa. I do n’t bother to worry, this is my own business and has nothing to do with Yipintang. "

"Uh." Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian looked at Mu Chenfeng with a bitter smile.

"Master, Yinyue Shanzhuang sent a messenger," a servant called from a distance.

"Uh." Everyone was in doubt.

Soon, a man in Tsing Yi approached and took out a guqin-shaped invitation.

"This is, this is the qualification post for the Qin Qin Conference." Mu Chenfeng was suddenly surprised.

However, the man in Tsing Yi said to Long Wanqing: "Yesterday, the old owner heard that the owner of Yipintang arrived in Yinyue City. Excuse me, you are Long Wanqing."

"Exactly." Long Wanqing nodded blankly.

"The old owner said that Yipintang's generation on behalf of the host, Long Xiaoyue's piano path is quite lively. Let me send a post for the qualification of the piano conference. The old owner is very sorry for the death of Xiaoyuetang, but Yipintang now represents After Xiaoyue Tang, the old one is willing to give Yipintang a qualification post in memory of Xiaoyuetang. This qualification post will be handed over to the new church owner Long Wanqing for Longwanqing to arrange at will. As long as Yipintang people, Who, who holds this qualification post


haracter'style = 'background-image: url (/img/1436086126450/32846786/-9218643956421138263.png)'> you can participate in the piano teaching conference. "The man in Tsing Yi submitted a qualification post to Long Wanqing.

"Ah, thanks to the old owner." Long Wanqing nodded blankly.

The Tsing Yi man gave a small gift, and then left quickly.

Long Wanqing grabbed the qualification post for a while, and Mu Chenfeng's eyes were straight.

Why, why did I go to the exam nine times and I didn't get the qualification post, others easily gave it to Long Wanqing.

Why, why did you lose your temper just now, saying that the affairs of Yinyue Mountain Villa are your own, and you do n’t bother to worry about it, and it has nothing to do with Yipintang.

Isn't this hitting yourself?

Gu Hai also realized Mu Chenfeng's embarrassment, turned her head and looked curiously.

The Mu Chenfeng looked at Long Wanqing, opened his mouth, and didn't know how to say it.

"Gu Hai, why don't you go to this piano teaching conference, I'm not good at it." Long Wanqing smiled wistfully while holding the qualification post.

"Don't." Mu Chenfeng called out suddenly.

"Um." Everyone looked.

Mu Chenfeng's face was already flushed with red, what big fat had he filled before.

"Master Gu Ruo, you, how well do you play the guqin." Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai and choked for a long time.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Teacher, forget it, let's give it to Mu Ruozhu. After all, Mu Ruzhuo helped me a lot before, and sent two hundred subordinates to **** me out."

When Mu Chenfeng heard it, she felt a little stunned, and then she felt a joy.

Long Wanqing looked at Mu Chenfeng, and looked slightly funny: "Well, since Gu Hai said, then this qualification post will be handed to the master of Mu Ruo, and I hope you will perform well at the piano conference."

"Thank you, thank you." Mu Chenfeng immediately took the qualification post, his face was full of excitement.

"It's time to thank Master Gu Ruo." Long Wanqing corrected.

Mu Chenfeng looked at the ancient sea and finally nodded his head and said, "Thank you Master Guduo."

"They are all my colleagues. They should help each other. When Gu first arrived, there are still many unfamiliar in Yinyue City. If you don't understand something, please ask the master to teach me." Gu Hai laughed.

"That's natural. Tomorrow, I'll send you another 500 subordinates to help you do that market research." Mu Chenfeng laughed suddenly.

"Thank you." Gu Hai nodded.

"Master rudder, bad, helm master." Suddenly, there was a scream of anxiety in the distance.

But a disciple of wood rudder ran over.

"What's the matter, panic." Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"We, we ..." The man looked at Gu Hai, his face ugly.

"Say." Mu Chenfeng stared.

"I used to accompany the owner of Gu Ruo to do market research in the city. Every time they entered a store, they had to buy something and make a record. Later, we went to the world's first piano building, but they were only It was deducted, "the man said bitterly.

"I was detained by the world's first piano building, for whatever reason, what did you do." Mu Chenfeng said blankly.

"We didn't do anything. They said that the master's subordinates were thieves and thieves. They were to be detained for interrogation and handed over to the government."

"Oh, thieves, thieves, why do they think so?" Mu Chenfeng wondered.

"Because the ancient lord's subordinates only have Hou Tian Jing Xiu, but there are too many spirit stones on them. They think that Hou Tian Jing cannot have so many spirit stones, so they say they stole."

"They are a group of Hou Tian Jing, how can there be so many spiritual stones, is the first piano building in the world wrong?"

"That's right, they have a lot of spirits, a lot." The man quirked.

"How is it possible, Master Gu Ruo, you seem to say the other day, just give them a little pocket money." Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"Not many, one thousand top grade spirits per person, let them do the special investigation fee in advance, not enough, then apply to me." Gu Hai frowned.

"One thousand, top grade spirit stone, this is not much, it's enough for me to sacrifice for a year, you give a group of houtianjing, each one thousand thousand top grade spirit stone to the street." Mu Chenfeng stared at the ancient sea with a stare, a face Incredible.

When did it start, the people in the wild place in Qiandaohai were so rich that they gave pocket money to Houtianjing, and there were actually a thousand fine stones.

Gu Hai nodded solemnly, watching Mu Chenfeng's face twitch.

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