Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Qinlou dispute

A subordinate of Houtianjing, pocket money, a thousand fine stones.

The combination of these words, how to listen to how awkward, not to mention Mu Chenfeng, Mu Chenfeng's subordinates are not stimulated these two days.

It was originally arranged to protect a group of celestial beings. They were more reluctant. After all, going out this way, no matter what, they must pay money.

However, since this group of Dahan officials came out of Xiaoyue Mountain Villa, they saw what the local tyrants were.

Originally I was thinking that when I went shopping, I still called a crane truck.

But starting with a word from the first Dahan official, you don't need to consider this issue.

"You crane truck, one day, how much is it?"

"A Chinese spirit stone."

"What, it's so cheap, find me fifty cars and pack them for two days before talking."


"Fifty cars are packed for two days, only one top-grade spirit stone is really cheap."



"Well, this is the sword."

"This is a sword engraved with the flame formation method. It is extremely powerful. You see, when you wave it, there is a flicker of fire."

"how much is it."

"A Chinese spirit stone."

"What, it's so cheap, bring us all the different types of swords in your shop, and we'll pack them."


"A piece of Chinese spirit stone is really cheap."




"How do you sell this elixir."

"Healing elixir, a medium-grade spirit stone, no, for the first time when the guest officials came, I gave a 10% discount, and a ninety-grade spirit stone."

"What, such a good elixir, as long as this money, give me 500 tablets first, if we get sick in the future, just take one, it's good."


"Oh, by the way, the elixir that is cultivated in Houtianjing also gave us five hundred pills, which is really cheap."




At this moment, a bunch of wooden rudder disciples finally understood why they wanted to pack fifty cars at a time. This was for placing goods, these local tyrants, where did the money come from?

As a result, a group of Murud disciples took the initiative to establish relationships with the crowd, and the officials were very polite. From time to time, they bought something for the Murud disciples. Suddenly, the relationship became countless.

However, this team has also made a big splash.

The large purchasing team has seen it, but who has seen only the cultivators in the post-day realm so arrogant.

Entered the store, and then repaired the situation, sometimes they ca n’t even hold a knife, but they just have money, so what ’s good, they bought it immediately, but there is a requirement, the owner of each store, want to account Show them.

I don't bargain, I buy you a lot of things, and it's not difficult to look at your account.

Many stores have submitted their accounts, and some stores are unwilling, unwilling, well, then I will not buy it.

Therefore, this wonderful team can be regarded as a beautiful scenery of the commercial street.

Along the way, I smashed a avenue with money, just like God of Wealth. These money were not smashed forward like money, and every store likes such people.

Until I met the world's first piano building.

Originally, this local tyrant threw money all the way, but it was quite smooth, but when he reached the world's first piano building, he encountered a stubble.

The guards of the world's first piano building detained them all.


At the other end of the street, many shopkeepers moved by the wind and quietly raised the price of things in the shop. They were waiting for the fat sheep to come and slaughter.

You buckled it all down, that's what it means.

Some shop owners couldn't sit still to see what happened, but they were all kicked out.

A group of Dahan dynasty officials suddenly blinded.

There is no way to fix it too low, the day after tomorrow, can't resist at all.

Still a few officials were clever, and immediately gave up the resistance, and at the same time plugged a few good-quality spirits to the disciples of Mu Ruo, so that they quickly return to report.

No, come back and write to the ancient poster.

After listening to Gu Hai, Long Wanqing, Master of Time, and Mu Chenfeng, her face suddenly changed.

"Look what, go, call, we go to the world's first Qinlou to ask for someone." Long Wanqing glared with angrily.

"The world's first piano building, that is the property of King Lu Yang." Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

"What's the matter, I'm on my shoulders, go." Long Wanqing called.

"There is a master of labor and helm." Gu Hai frowned.

Mu Chenfeng looked at the ancient sea. If before, Mu Chenfeng didn't want to take this risk, but holding the "qualification post" that Gu Hai gave to himself, he turned his face and did not recognize anyone, and he couldn't afford to lose that person.

"Okay, I'll call someone right away." Mu Chenfeng nodded his teeth.

Suddenly, Mu Chenfeng ordered two thousand wooden rudder disciples and followed Gu Hai and his party towards the world's first piano building.

The ancient sea was really rich, and the explorer wrapped twenty large crane cranes, installed all the disciples of Yipintang, and killed the world's first piano tower.

Along the way, Mu Chenfeng took a strange look at the ancient sea a few times, and for a long time, finally couldn't help it and asked: "Guduo Master, I heard the owner said that you have only practiced in the secular world before, you have n’t touched Spirit stone, it should only be more than a year, why do you have so many spirit stones. "

Gu Hai is thinking about the situation of the world's first piano building. He has no heart to deal with Mu Chenfeng, but just casually said: "Uh, I did a small business and made a little money."

Do a small business, is this a small business, so at this time, you went to grab the money bank, but, you, Qiandaohai wild place, is there a money bank.

Mu Chenfeng held countless puzzles in his heart and stopped talking.

The crane crane was flying fast, and it didn't take long before it reached the world's first piano building.

At this moment, a lot of people have been surrounded outside the world's first piano building, and some wooden rudders are still arguing with the world's first piano building. Numerous practitioners and shopkeepers are watching from afar.

"The world's first piano building, this is a violation of the rules of the industry. How can anyone rob customers of money? Isn't this a black shop act?"

"Shhh, keep quiet, this is Lv Yangwang's industry."

"However, it is not surprising that they are strange. I am also surprised. How can this group of nurture cultivators have so much money?"

"But I heard that this group is a people of good taste."

"What's wrong with Yipintang, this is Luzhou, the land of King Lu Yang."




There was a lot of discussion among the people. Twenty huge crane cranes stopped, and each of them got down to a hundred people, that is, 2,000 heavily-armed practitioners, and they looked eagerly towards the world's first piano building.

"Look, Yipintangzhu, brought someone over."

In shock, the crowds gave way.

"Master, helm master, you are here."

"Ah, lord, you are here too. Great. Some of us were injured by them."




Dozens of wooden rudder disciples shouted anxiously.

Gu Hai and Long Wanqing walked first, followed by Master Liuli and Mu Chenfeng.

Gu Hai's face was gloomy, Long Wanqing's face was anxious, Master Liu'an looked calm, Mu Chenfeng's face was worried.

"What are you doing? You want to make trouble, and you will go away and catch them all." Someone chuckled at the door.

"Catch it all up, who gives you so much power, we are holy soldiers, you are so brave." Long Wanqing stared.

"Um." The guard at the door looked stiff and suddenly saw Long Wanqing.

"Get away," Long Wanqing yelled.

"The first piano building in the world is not where you wait for wanton." The guard yelled.

Just before approaching, the master of fleeting years snapped a finger, and a buddha suddenly flew out.


The guard was slammed into the world's first piano building.

Long Wanqing and Gu Hai stepped inside.

"Emperor, emperor, we are here."

"The emperor, the officials failed, and all the spirit stones were taken away by them."

"Emperor, they took all the spirit stones."




Not far away, a large number of Dahan officials were locked by the bracelet at the moment, and they shouted together.

Around, a group of yellow robe practitioners in the world's first piano building, clutching their whip, were interrogating a group of Dahan officials.

Gu Hai exhaled secretly when he saw a group of officials still alive.

Around, there were a group of wooden rudder disciples.

"People who give you the right, dare to buckle my taste." Long Wanqing glared and glared.

"It turns out that these thieves are from Yipintang, sister Wanqing, why are you from Yipintang all thieves?" An unpleasant laughter came.

"Um." The crowd frowned.

The first piano building in the world is peculiarly constructed, similar to the large shopping malls that Gu Hai saw on the earth, with a large square in the middle, and a variety of shops and exhibition areas on each side surrounding a circle.

The crowd looked up.

But I saw a spitting terrace on the third floor. At this moment, a white boy was sitting, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and looked sneerly below.

There was a man with a golden sword standing behind the boy in white clothes, and there was a pile of spirits on the terrace next to him. Apparently, it was found by officials from Dahan, as if it was displayed to Long Wanqing and others, which angered everyone.

"Lu An." Long Wanqing frowned.

"Master An." Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

The master of fleeting years narrowed his eyes, and Gu Hai's face sank.

"Sister Wanqing, you really don't meet in your life. You actually came to Yinyue City, oh, these thieves are your people from Yipintang. Unlike, I remember, Yipintang only recruits elites, this The crowds are all post-mortem. When did you start, the threshold of Yipintang is so low, and a group of thieves and thieves are recruiting to Yipintang, or I will help you solve them, so as not to tarnish the reputation of Yipintang. ”Master An smiled. .

"Thief, why do you say they are thieves, are they rich if they have money?" Long Wanqing frowned coldly.

"This is the first piano building in the world. I said they were thieves, they were thieves, and the spirit stones on them were mine." Master An sneered.

Long Wanqing still needs to argue, but the ancient sea is a pull Long Wanqing.

"It's useless to argue, my people, I'll come." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"But ..." Long Wanqing was slightly worried.

Gu Hai came to the front.

"The world's first piano building, oh, who is the big treasurer here?" Gu Hai suddenly said.

"Oh, boy, I talk to Long Wanqing, what are you, dare to interrupt." Master An looked coldly at Gu Hai.

"In the next master of the water rudder, Gu Hai, these thieves just won by Master An are just my subordinates." Gu Hai said with a smile.



There is no share of you here, get away. "Master An said coldly.

Gu Hai ignored Master An, but looked around.

"The state-owned state law has its own rules and regulations. The world's first piano building is arrogant for Yinyue City's business community, and it has begun to self-destruct signboards. Still, the big shopkeeper is not ready to do business in Yinyue City." Gu Hai finally locked his eyes next to Master An A lean old man.

"In the world's first piano house, Jiang Tianyi, the world's first piano house, is the industry of King Lu Yang, and you can't destroy the signboard. It's not your turn to comment on the milky smelly boy. The rules of the thin old man looked at Gu Hai coldly, and there was a disdain in his eyes.

"Well, disciple Yipintang, come in and take people away." Long Wanqing roared angrily.


Two thousand rudder disciples suddenly swarmed in, one by one, seemingly trying to rob a large number of Dahan officials.

"Church Master, it's not appropriate to be angry." Mu Chenfeng cried anxiously.

However, at this moment, Long Wanqing could not hear Mu Chenfeng's words, and greeted the disciples of two thousand wooden rudders.

"Well, you must understand my rules when you enter the first piano building in the world." Master An snorted.


Suddenly, a large number of archers suddenly appeared on the upper floors.

The archers, the long arrows on the strings, and the two thousand wooden rudder disciples facing the sword below, the number of archers is actually as many as three thousand, one by one, showing fierceness, as if the order was issued, all the arrows were sent .

"Wait, wait, Master An, there is something to say, disciple Mu Ruo, put away the sword." Mu Chenfeng exclaimed suddenly.

"Lu An, you are already waiting for us here." Long Wanqing stared at Master An with a stare.

"Sister Wanqing, I said, this is my place, and I must respect my rules. These thieves, I have to take a good look at it to see how they stole my money, wait for my trial, and send it to me. Guanfu, you can go to Guanfu again to find someone, but by then you may lack arms and legs, and I can't manage it. "Master An smiled slightly.

"Do you dare." Long Wanqing yelled, staring angrily.

"Oh, I don't understand. How do you care about this group of ants in the heavens." Master An showed a little doubt.

Long Wanqing seemed to be angry, but Gu Hai stopped it gently.

"Master An, this group of people belong to me. Today, I must take all of them away, Master An, you can ask for a price, and I redeem them to leave." Gu Hai took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"The emperor, the emperor, and other capital crimes." A large number of Dahan officials kneeled to Gu Hai together.

Lu An frowned and looked at Gu Hai: "Yintangtang, the rudder of the water, I haven't noticed yet, you are actually a person, you are really rich, and you talk to me about the redeemer. This group of post-mortem waste, previously connected I didn't have the courage to resist, and I accepted the detention directly. This group of counselors, you want to redeem them. "

"That's what I once said. Protecting yourself is the first principle. Master An, you can make a price," Gu Haishen said.

Lu An squinted at the ancient sea.

Aside from the morning breeze, Mu Chenfeng stared at the ancient sea. Are all the locals coming out of Qiandaohai all local tyrants? It ’s okay for a group of people to throw money around and open the road. You also want to use money to smash Master An Didn't the master see money?

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