Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 12: The first piano building on this street

The world's first piano building.

Numerous repairers and shop owners in Yinyue City have already gathered outside the building. At this moment, everyone is paying attention to the situation inside the building.

Master An, the master of Yipintang, had two swords stretched out.

Two thousand and one Pintang disciples broke into it, but three thousand archers were already waiting here, and the war between the two sides was about to begin.

What was originally a collision between the two giants, now there is something ancient.

It turned out that the group of prodigals were all under Gu Hai.

Sure enough, what kind of subordinates and what kind of bosses, the group of prodigals are just smashing ordinary shop owners with money, and this ancient sea, dare to smash Master An with money. Have you ever seen money as Master An?

Why is this scene so weird.

Countless practitioners widened their eyes.

Within the world's first piano building, a large number of wooden rudder disciples are also wide-eyed. Do n’t be too public, you rudder master, OK?

"Redeem, have I said to you to redeem." Master An looked coldly at Gu Hai.

"Why, Master An is afraid to bid." Gu Hai sneered.

"Hehe, Master of Yipintang Shuiduo, you really don't see money." Master An whispered coldly.

"Master An, you have rules on your site, but let me know what rules you have. My subordinates, if you redeem, how much is enough." Gu Hai insisted.

Master An looked coldly at Gu Hai, looked at it for a while, and revealed a sneer: "Yeah, if you want to redeem, then redeem, one person, ten thousand fine stones."

"What." Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Ten thousand." Mu Chenfeng's eyes widened.

Countless practitioners are in an uproar. Isn't this difficult?

This group of subordinates in the Houtian realm can buy their lives when they grab a large number of them, and their lives are as low as ten low-quality spirit stones. You need 10,000 pieces, or high-quality spirit stones, that is, one billion low-quality spirit stones. People, ten million times the premium, just kidding.

"Just kidding. Ten thousand top grade spirits alone are enough to buy Jin Danjing's life."

"Yeah, it's too much to buy Jin Danjing."

"Master An is simply embarrassing Gu Hai."

"This person named Gu Hai will definitely not pay."

"Seventy people, seven hundred thousand fine spirits, how could he have them."




Almost everyone is watching Gu Hai jokes.

Mu Chenfeng also heard this number tremble. Seven hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones are seven billion lower-grade spirit stones. How could the ancient sea have it? If I were dreaming, I wouldn't pay this money.

All the rudder disciples were stunned.

Although I have seen that the subordinates of the ancient sea are rich, it is impossible to be so exaggerated. I heard that they came from the barren land of Qiandaohai.

When Long Wanqing heard it, she was also angry. Ten thousand top-grade spirits were bought. Is this a joke?

Long Wanqing was about to get angry.

"Wow la la la la."

In front of Gu Hai, there was a sudden burst of rattle.

When I saw the ancient sea waved, the top-grade spirit stone burst out like a waterfall.

Rolling up the top spirit stone, as if the tide is coming, covering the sky, rolling in all directions, just like the water, washing all directions in the world's first piano building.

"Money, so much money."

"The top-quality spirits are all top-quality spirits. My eyes are gone."

"Here, this is the finest spiritual stone like a hill."

"So much, so much, I can't stand it."

"Guhai, he has so much money, he actually has so much money."




The impact of Qian Shan was indeed huge. At the moment, countless practitioners in the outside world widened their eyes and felt that their whole body was shivering. This is money.

I'm busy working hard to earn hundreds of top-quality spirits a year, which is already the limit.

But here is the ancient sea.

Who is this ancient sea, where does it come from, so rich.

Many outside practitioners seem to have gone crazy.


A group of wooden rudder disciples headed by Mu Chenfeng, with their eyes widened, seemed to be able to put a few eggs.

The top-grade spirit stone that rolled out like a tide, the impactful picture has never been seen in a lifetime.

Hell alive, I am so powerful, every year there is only a little bit of spirit stone, this ancient sea is so weak, from such a poor place, actually turned over hundreds of thousands of top grade spirit stone.

The archer upstairs also widened his eyes at this moment and looked at the rolling waves of spirits. When someone shook his hand for a while, the arrow suddenly burst out.

The rumbling sound sounded.

The big treasurer Jiang Tianyi also widened his eyes. Jiang Tianyi hadn't seen so much money, but he had never thought that this ancient sea could take out so much money at once.

In Jiang Tianyi's mind, there are not so many spirit stones in the entire Yipintang.

"Master An." Jiang Tianyi's face was ugly.

Long Wanqing's eyes flashed reluctantly, but the master of the fleeting years smiled slightly, and it was a kind of enjoyment to see the ancient sea solution bureau.

Above the terrace, Master An looked grimly below.

When Gu Hai turned his hands and waved the tide of the rolling stones, Master An knew in his heart that it was not good.

Master An had never cared about this ancient sea before. Ten thousand top-grade spirits were alone, just to humiliate his uncontrollable power.

But now, Gu Hai turned his hand over 700,000 spirit stones and waved them, not to humiliate him, but to humiliate himself.

The hundreds of thousands of spirit stones are like hitting their own faces.


Finally, the rolling stone mountains piled up and looked at it from afar.

"Okay, thank you Master An for your success. Here you have 700,000 top-quality spirits. You can send someone to click on them. I take away my subordinates," said Gu Haiwei with a smile.

Gu Hai's indifferent expression seemed as if the hundreds of thousands of spirit stones were not money at all, and he didn't care at all.

"You, you, this group of celestial lands, you actually use 700,000 top-grade spirit stones to redeem." Master An stared at Gu Hai coldly.

"Isn't this the rule of Master An, Master An's opening of the mouth, will not go against it, you, but Master An." Gu Haiwei smiled.

"Let people go," Master An said coldly.


Suddenly, a group of wooden helm disciples went to quickly take over seventy Dahan officials.

"Gu Hai, ha ha, okay, okay, you're fine. I did slap you, but 10,000 top-quality spirits, buy an afterworld, you don't regret it later." Master An said coldly.

"I regret it, Master An joked. They are my subordinates. My subordinates are more valuable than this group of spirit stones. After all, these groups of spirit stones are valuable, and my subordinates are priceless." Gu Hai Cold channel.

"Priceless, hum, stiff mouth, seven hundred thousand spirits, haha, welcome to come again next time." Master An said coldly.

"Yes." Gu Hai nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Jiang Tianyi is the treasurer." Gu Hai suddenly looked at Jiang Tianyi.

"Um." Jiang Tianyi frowned at Gu Hai.

"I would like to ask, what is the price of your best" non-spirit wood piano "here," Gu Hai curiously said.

Numerous practitioners outside the building stared at Gu Hai blankly. This ancient sea is stupid. It has just digged out 700,000 spirit stones, and now wants to buy a piano again.

Everyone in the building stared at Gu Hai blankly, not knowing what kind of ghost Gu Gu was doing.

"The world's first piano building has everything, even some musical instruments. There are all kinds of pianos, drums, flutes, and flutes. The piano made of non-spiritual wood is this ancient piano, which was tuned by the master of the piano , Extreme Qin, one hundred Zhongpin Lingshi. "Jiang Tianyi pointed at a guqin hanging on the wall not far away.

"That extreme piano, I know, but nobody buys it."

"Yeah, it's just made of ordinary wood and strings, and it's still a hundred Chinese spirits, so I won't buy it."

"Although it is a master tuning, I heard that it has been in that decade and no one has asked for it. It is too expensive."




Numerous practitioners outside the building gave pointers.

"Oh, a hundred Chinese spirits, it's really cheap, so I bought it." Gu Haiwei smiled.

With that said, he took out one hundred Zhongpin Lingshi again and placed it near Lingshi Mountain.

An Gongzi and others looked at Gu Hai in confusion, and took the mouthful of "Extreme Qin" very carefully and handed it to a Dahan official.

"So, I'll leave after waiting, we will not be at the site of Master An, and trouble Master An. Otherwise, we will become thieves again." Gu Hai looked at Master An with a slight smile.

"700,000 top grade spirit stones, you don't feel bad at all." Master An still couldn't understand.

"Thousands of gold are scattered, and they will come back. I spent it and I will make it back soon." Gu Hai sneered slightly.

Turning to look at Long Wanqing, Long Wanqing nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Yipintang disciples slowly withdrew from the world's first piano building.

Everyone retreated, leaving Master An alone on the terrace, with a hard hand.


The tea cup in his hand was crushed.

Although he earned 700,000 top-quality spirits, Master An's heart was not very comfortable. Although it caused a serious bleeding in Yipintang, it was very boring.

Jiang Tianyi looked at the huge Lingshi Mountain below, but he showed a happy look: "Master An, still you can make money, so many spiritual stones are enough for us to earn a year or two." ——

Everyone from Gu Hai's party stepped out of the world's first piano building.

The outside practitioners gave way and looked at the ancient sea in the center in surprise.

The disciples of Yipintang are also shocked by the ancient sea at this moment. The master of the water rudder is too bullish. He has 700,000 high-quality spirits, and he lost his eyes without blinking.

"The emperor, the emperor, etc., please ask the emperor to punish him." A number of Dahan officials immediately knelt down to plead guilty.

Gu Hai stood at the door of the world's first piano building, and looked coldly at the world's first piano building plaque, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Get up, you did nothing wrong," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"But, but the emperor I waited for lost 770,000 fine stones." Officials were still guilty.

"Seven hundred and seventy thousand, will be back soon. You don't have to go to the shop to see, we will open the 'Qinlou'." Gu Hai flashed a cold light in his eyes.

"Qin Lou." Long Wanqing said a little surprised.

"Lord, the 700,000 spirit stones just now belonged to Li Haoran's private collection. I used up all of them. This time, I have less than 50,000 spirit stones. I want to open the shop on the other side of the store and use the money. Something is inadequate ... "Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing.

"The shop here is very cheap. About 40,000 top-grade spirits are enough, but you really want to open the Qin Lou." Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai with a hint of surprise.

"Forty thousand is enough, that's good, it seems my money will not run out, just buy this shop


2701.png) '> I want to open the piano building. "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Gu Hai, you are crazy, you sell the piano. In this street, all the piano buildings can't compete with the world's first piano building. The world's first piano building ranks first in Yinyue City. You are still across the street from it. Kaiqin Tower, aren't you losing money? "Mu Chenfeng glared.

"I did business in Guhai and I never lost money." Guhai shook his head and said firmly.

"Well, what's the name of that piano building." Long Wanqing, however, was very convinced of Gu Hai, showing a hint of curiosity.

Gu Hai turned to look at the No. 1 Qin Tower in the world, and sneered: "It's called the No. 1 Qin Tower in this street."

Long Wanqing's eyes lit up in the first piano building on this street, which is obviously a hug platform with the world's first piano building.

The world's first piano building is the biggest tone, but ‘the first piano building on the street’ is not strong, but it just presses the opposite side.

"Gu Hai, you really sell harp, you are seeking your own way of death." Mu Chenfeng stared at Gu Hai with a look of unbelief.

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