Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 14: "Canon"

Can't help but make a splash.

The world's first piano building is dared to be called the world's first piano. Its status in Silvermoon City is self-evident. The largest piano building in the city has so many righteous people, so is the world's first piano building. The first time it became the talk of the rest of the city.

King Luyang and his grandson came and framed the disciples of Yipintang in the world's first piano building. Yipintang turned over 700,000 top-grade spirit stones and redeemed seventy subordinates.

Yipintang swallowed it. No, the first piano building in the world came out, and a ‘first piano building on the street’ was opened across the street, and the niche was opposite.

This is the rhythm of death.

Not to mention the mundane practitioners are interested in this kind of thing, the practitioners are also very interested.

These two days have been waiting for follow-up development, how should the first Qinlou of this street revenge.

Sure enough, within two days, the follow-up news came out. A group of practitioners had originally listened to the sound of the master outside the first piano building in the world, and suddenly saw the notice posted on the opposite side. .

"Arrive in half a year, pay first, Gu Hai is crazy, what kind of piano do you want me to pay first?"

"I heard that Jiang Zhangyi blocked the purchase channel of the first piano building on this street."

"No wonder it arrives half a year later, but it's so stupid to pay first if you pay first and get the goods after half a year."

"Piano, what is it?"




Everyone looked at the pre-sale written by Gu Hai on the notice board, with a look of scorn, how could there be such a business.

But the next notice made everyone's eyes round.

"Not made of spirit wood, piano, a hundred top-quality spirits."

"Look, next to it is the" Extreme Qin "of the world's first piano building. This one hundred middle-class spirit stone, the piano requires a hundred top-quality spirit stone, a gap of a hundred times. This is a live face.

"Just, I ca n’t buy extreme pianos. With this money, I can buy several guqins made of spirit wood. The ordinary pianos are one hundred fine-quality spirits. This ancient sea is even more fun. A hundred times the price, he's crazy. "

"Piano, what is piano?"




The practitioners counted the ancient sea mad, how could someone give you a hundred top-quality spirit stones half a year in advance, just for the piano made of ordinary materials half a year later.

Across the street, the world's first piano building naturally got the news the first time.

"It seems that there are not many people buying piano recently." Master An frowned.

Jiang Tianyi smiled with a bitter smile: "Yes, Master An, although Master Tian An earned 770,000 spirit stones a few days ago, it has hurt the credibility of the world's first piano building, and many practitioners are afraid to come Buy a piano, worry about ... "

"Worry this is a black shop." Master An whispered coldly.

"Yes, there is a point, but Master An doesn't have to worry too much. After a while, this momentum will pass. After all, we detained the subordinate Guhai and violated the business rules."

"Hum, rules." Master An snorted.

"Master An, I have been thinking a few days ago why Gu Hai should buy extreme pianos, and now I finally understand that this person's city is too deep. I bought extreme pianos just to set off his piano, a hundred times the difference, He is preaching that his 'No.1 Qinlou of this street' is a hundred times better than our 'No.1 Qinlou of the World'. "Jiang Tianyi said coldly.

"One hundred times, huh, I see him as a darling, a guqin made of ordinary materials. How could someone buy a hundred times as much spiritual stone?" Master An said coldly.

"Yes, the subordinates feel the same way." Jiang Tianyi nodded.

As the two talked, a customer suddenly asked downstairs.

"Do you have any pianos for sale? Show me one."


"Yeah, the piano to be sold on the other side, let me see what it looks like, it can sell a hundred top-quality spirits."

"Uh, no."

"No, aren't you the first piano building in the world, aren't there all the pianos, how can there be none."




After a while, someone curiously asked about the piano, but the world's first piano building had no piano at all.

Master An's face sank, and Jiang Tianyi frowned slightly.

"Treasurer, should we cast a batch of steel guqin." An attendant asked curiously.

"No," Jiang Tianyi frowned.

"But many people ask."

"The word piano is derived from the ancient sea. Many people will only take his as the first standard. If we make something that is far from his, it will only be popular." Jiang Tianyi shook his head.

"Yes," the attendant answered.

Master An was squinting, looking at the first piano building across the street.

The first piano building on this street VS the world's first piano building, the news seems to have wings and flies in all directions to Silver Moon City.

Anyone who hears the news thinks that Gu Hai is crazy about dreaming and thinking about money and crazy, but also countless people are looking forward to it. They don't know what the piano looks like, which makes Gu Hai so confident.

In the city, a cloud-covered mountain forest area has numerous outside piano sounds. A large number of musicians play the piano here, only for one of the villas in the mist to pass a paper qualification sticker. This is the most prestigious place in Yinyue City. .

Inside Yinyue Mountain Villa, in a gazebo.

Clouds and mist surround the gazebo, and there is a mountain forest around it, which is extremely beautiful.

A white-haired old man sat in the kiosk, holding a cloth towel in his hand, and gently wiped a mouthful of Guqin that seemed to be dying.

"Keekeke, old man, you have to be like me, will Shouyuan be done, Kekeke, hahaha." The white-haired old man gently wiped Guqin.

Behind them was a group of disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa in Tsing Yi. All of them were extremely respectful, and they were afraid to breathe.

"Recently, is there anything interesting in the city?" The white-haired old man asked, wiping Guqin.

One person behind him suddenly looked away: "Lord Qiu, different things happen every day in the city, but one of them is unusual, but the master of Yipintang rudder, provoking the world's first piano building. In. "

"Oh." The old white-haired owner was slightly surprised and turned his head.

The Tsing Yi man respectfully said what he knew.

The old owner quietly pondered for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "It does have some meaning, piano, steel material is not suitable for the body, most strings, the sound is extremely unique, very far from Dafan strings, want It's not easy to sell steel strings, unless you make songs for the unique sound of steel strings. "

"Make a song."

"Yeah, the piano is so expressive, the famous songs are hard to find." The old owner shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Yes, the owner thinks that the ancient sea is not crazy." The man in Tsing Yi said unexpectedly.

"Wait for two days, I haven't seen what the piano looks like." The old owner shook his head and said.

"Yes, I will always pay attention to this matter and report at any time." Tsing Yi man respectfully said.

"Um." The old owner nodded.

Then, the man in Tsing Yi talked about some other interesting things in the city. The old owner laughed and listened, as if at this stage, there were not many things that could surprise him in the world. He just listened occasionally and smiled slightly—

After two days of fermentation, the first piano building on this street has indeed aroused the curiosity of countless practitioners.

How many people came to inquire about what the piano looked like and what the piano was, but Dahan officials kept talking about it, saying only two days later, the ancient sea exhibition would be revealed to everyone.

Two days later, outside of the first piano building on this street, a lot of practitioners have been surrounded by good things, watching from a distance.

On the first piano building in the world, the master piano player played the piano. Many people had no intention to listen to the general. Everyone looked at the terrace of the first piano building on the street.

At this moment, a group of Yipintang disciples were standing around the terrace, guarding a behemoth at the center, and the behemoth was covered by a black cloth curtain, making it impossible to see what was inside.

"That's the piano, so big."

"One foot long, half foot tall, what kind of piano is this behemoth?"

"Is the Guqin made of steel, what does it look like?"




Many people are waiting curiously.

At this moment, even though the father-in-law didn't take Gu Hai in his eyes, he still stood with curiosity in a hidden place on the first floor of the world and looked at the heavily guarded terrace across.

"Piano, you think you can make a weird thing, you can knock down the world's first piano building, joke." An Gong sneered.

Jiang Tianyi nodded his head. Indeed, the name of the first piano building in the world is not something that can be shaken by two odd-shaped instruments. Among the instruments, the guqin is always the respect.

Seeing that it was not Guqin, Jiang Tianyi was completely relieved.

Long Wanqing, Master Liunian, Shangguanhen, Mu Chenfeng, and everyone have never seen the piano. At this moment, they are covered with black cloth, and they are also curious.

"Where's the ancient sea, hurry up, what piano, mysterious and secretive, exactly what it looks like." Mu Chenfeng curiously.

Mu Chenfeng hasn't seen much of such a large instrument, Zhong Yan, giant drum, it seems that this shape is not.

"The emperor is changing clothes, wait a minute." Shangguan marks smiled.

"Changing clothes, playing a piano and changing clothes." Mu Chenfeng frowned.

Just as everyone was anxious, not far from a room in the first floor of this street, they slowly walked out of the ancient sea.

As soon as the ancient sea came out, everyone around was suddenly silent, because the ancient sea was dressed in an alternative style, but it looked more like the elegance of the ancient sea. At least Long Wanqing and many women practitioners in the Quartet all had their eyes bright.

The black dress robe is like the contoured texture of a knife. The front is short and the back is long. The back is like a dovetail. It looks very serious, solemn and sacred. A pair of dark leather shoes on the lower body. A little bit towards the piano.

"What kind of clothes is this." Long Wanqing showed a hint of surprise.

"Listening to the emperor, it looks like a 'sweater'." Shangguanhen explained.


The world is huge, and there are countless strange clothes. There are always some special clothes. Although a tuxedo does not cause much sensation, a visual aura is instantly catching the eyes of countless practitioners.

"Popularity." The opposite An Anzi sneered.

"Yes, selling the piano, after all, it depends on the quality of the piano, no matter how good it is, it's just a vase." Jiang Tianyi nodded.

"How is the preparation?" An Gong asked lightly.

"Relax, Mr. An, I have invited a group of piano masters. As soon as the piano show is over, they will come forward and make their batches incomplete." Jiang Tianyi sneered.

"Um." Andy nodded.

Gu Hai slowly walked to the piano.

Gently waved.

Several Dahan officials pulled the black curtain, and the piano show was suddenly in front of everyone.

It was a huge black weird piano with three legs. The paint on it was very bright, but there was a sense of nobility in the light, just like a triangular table.

Gu Hai waved his hands gently, and a number of Dahan officials carefully lifted the huge cover above.


class = \ 'character \' style = \ 'background-image: url (/img/1436259511506/32846786/-1769690171049512311.png) \'> Suddenly, the interior is exposed like countless string organs, and looks very complicated.

On the side, Dahan officials handed in a towel, and Gu Hai gently wiped his hands and sat down slowly.

"This is a piano and a stool. How can I play it?"

"This is the piano. It looks so expensive."

"It looks like the goods are useless. Can you play them?"




Many practitioners showed curiosity.

Gu Hai is where the key cover is slowly opened. Suddenly, 52 white keys and 36 black keys are suddenly displayed in front of everyone.

A total of eighty-eight buttons, all of them looked slightly.

"So many buttons." Jiang Tianyi upstairs frowned.

"This is the piano." Master An frowned.

Seeing Gu Hai being so solemn, the two felt bad after all.

Around, countless practitioners watched Gu Hai wearing a tuxedo, sitting extremely solemnly in front of the piano, and then slowly and solemnly, although some people still showed disdain, but the surroundings gradually became silent, even the opposite The master of the piano, also curiously stopped to pick up the piano.

"Get up," Gu Hai said faintly.


Several Yipintang disciples quickly started a formation around, the formation was transparent, but the void around them was slightly ups and downs.

"This is the sound reinforcement array method. Gu Hai, he is going to die." Jiang Tianyi stared.

"Amplified array, Gu Hai is so confident."

"The sound reinforcement array method cannot expand the mood of the piano master, but can only spread the tunes. Therefore, the intoxicating feeling I heard in front of the master of the piano, may not be intoxicated after the sound reinforcement. There is a song, a song, anyone can play, then there is not much advantage, unless a new song. "

"Gu Hai amplified the sound and did not win with his artistic conception. He wanted to conquer all people with a tune."

"Amplification of the sound array, the sound goes out. Once the playing is not good, the brand of the first piano building on the street will be completely smashed."




Countless people looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

But when I saw Guhai Detective, the first button was pressed down.


Suddenly, everyone stopped and looked at Gu Hai. This piano sound suddenly spread to all directions with the sound reinforcement array method. Although it would not flood the entire city, one-tenth of Silvermoon City suddenly appeared. Heard the sound.

"Piano, piano sound, but a lot of ethereal." Many practitioners first impression.

"Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang Dangdang, Dang ........."

Gu Hai's fingers continued to play, the piano sound continued, the original crowd was still in surprise, and soon, they stopped in surprise.

No mood or illusion appeared. It was just the most common piece of music. However, listening and listening, many people were immersed in the music.

Yinyue City, has been baptized by the piano for many years. People in the city understand the piano more or less, and will appreciate it more or less.

As the sound of the piano continued, many people closed their eyes and felt it.

Playing the ancient sea in the harp, seeing more and more quiet around, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Gu Hai is not a master of piano. He is only a piano seller. Doing business and publicity is the number one priority. If you want to sell a good piano, you must first gain the voice and gain the momentum first.

Therefore, Gu Hai made some preparations for the selection of the first song. There are countless masters of piano, and he cannot work **** his artistic conception. On the song, it must be classic, and the classics are like magic sounds. They kept cycling.

The first song, Gu Hai selected "Canon", the strongest brainwashing divine song on Earth in the past.

On the earth, the ancient sea has heard some popular songs, known as brainwashing divine music. Under the popularity, no hundreds of people sang and danced. But those songs are more brainwashing than Cannon, and those divine music can be popular for nearly a thousand years.

Since its birth, Canon has been an undefeated myth in the music industry for nearly a thousand years.

In the past, when the earth first appeared, the piano was not accepted by mainstream music. Many musicians despised this big guy until a group of piano geeks appeared. Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach and many more The outstanding pianists slowly pushed the piano to its peak. They wrote a classic piece of piano music that passed down to the world, and then slowly pushed the piano into the altar.

But how many people know that among the music created by Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and other musicians, many of them use "Cannon", Beethoven's "Symphony of Destiny", Bach's "Five Cannon Variations", etc. All used Canon.

Because "Cannon" is not only a piano song, it is also a song style, just like some martial arts masters of martial arts, extending numerous changes.

A large number of musicians, or take a short section of Canon, use it in their own songs, or the entire song of Canon.

Countries around the world have been using Cannon. When he was young, Gu Hai had heard many popular songs, including Cannon. Many movies and TV backgrounds were Cannon variations.

A "Cannon" is based on its various variations, and when Gu Hai was young, there were more than 2,000 versions.

More than two thousand variants, which have been passed down for nearly a thousand years, have become more and more prosperous. Perhaps ordinary listeners don't feel anything, but the former earth musicians regarded it as a holy scripture, just like the old western Bible.

As long as you are a musician, you will create at least one or two songs related to Canon.

Temple-level tunes, magical tunes, thousands of years of enduring divine music.

Music can be without borders or the world. As long as the same humanity and the same appreciation, classics are always classics.

Maybe Khanom is not the best song in this world, but at the moment, it does give a lot of piano masters a strong stimulant.

Gu Hai wanted this feeling, and used piano to promote the piano.

Let this ethereal feeling strike the hearts of the people, and as long as the Divine Comedy of "Cannon" is echoed in the mind, the first thing that comes to mind is the piano.

"Dangdang Dangdang, Dangdang Dangdang, Dangdang ..." Cannon went on.

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