Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Restoration of the mood of the old farmer

Chapter 15: Restoration of Lao Zhuang's Artistic Conception

Three changes today, this is the first change-

"Dangdang Dangdang, Dangdang Dangdang, Dangdang ..." Carnon was in progress.

The ancient sea played "Cannon in D Major", the most perfect Canon, and also the only "Canon" recognized by the Earth in the past.

There is no powerful artistic conception that the pianist blends in, only the tunes are lingering and undulating, one after another, continuous, in the tune, many tones are constantly repeated, but this repetition, but can not hear the monotonous feeling, the more The more you listen, the more you want to hear.

There is no mood, only the tune, but this tune seems to have overwhelmed countless moods.

The practitioners of Yinyue City have extraordinary music cultivation. Although they have no artistic conception, they have countless aftertastes in the tune.

Under the first piano building on this street, the practitioners who had originally planned to watch Gu Hai's joke, were getting serious at this moment.

People who have been here have heard a variety of classic songs, but this one has never been heard.

Many people closed their eyes.

There is no mood in the sound of the piano, so let's listen to the tune to simulate a mood in our minds.

Many people are intoxicated slowly.

Long Wanqing, Master Liunian, and Shangguanhen all slowly immersed themselves in this moving track.

But Mu Chenfeng's eyes were wide, and he kept saying, "Impossible, what kind of track from Gu Haitan, why I haven't heard it, but it's so nice,"

Opposite, in the world's first piano building.

Master An and Jiang Tianyi's faces became more and more gloomy. Both of them were very good at their temperament, but because of their goodness, they heard the extraordinaryness of this tune.

Originally, such a moving piece of music was pleasing to the eye, but at the moment it sounded, but like a voice of hell, he was declaring war on himself.

"How is it possible, the piano, this piece of music can also be played with other instruments, but why the first show was the piano, where did he get such a good piece of music, where did he come from." Master An's face was dull.

"Master An, there is joy and sorrow in this song. I even heard the cycle of life and death. How can it be, a song without artistic conception can achieve this effect, ancient sea, piano." Jiang Tianyi looked ugly.

Countless people who understand music, stopped listening to this song and listened carefully.

This is a baptism of the soul. Listening to music is like forgetting all the disturbances of the outside world. Listening to it, it is like following the music together with joy and sadness.

In the first floor of the world, some people who came to buy the piano suddenly stopped at this moment.

"Guest, do you want this harmonica."

"be quiet."

"Objectively, you haven't paid yet."

"I don't want to, stop me."




Everyone who came to buy the piano stopped one by one and slowly walked out of the first floor of the world. With the others, they looked at the tuxedo man on the terrace of the first piano building across the street, Guhai.

After the song was over, Gu Hai repeated it again.

The charm of Divine Comedy is here. You listen to it again, and you don't get bored at all.

Under the terrace, more and more people were surrounded.

The sound diffused through the sound reinforcement array method is transmitted to Silver Moon City in all directions.

In various places, originally people were busy with their own affairs, but at this moment they suddenly stopped.

"Pharaoh, don't play your piano, listen, listen, listen quickly, what kind of song, how can I hear a sad feeling."

"What sorrow, this is obviously pleasant music."

"No, no, I feel like a lingering love."

"No, I feel like separation between life and death."




Gradually, people stopped arguing, and the area expanded by the sound reinforcement array method remained at one tenth of the city.

Nine-tenths of the city are full of vocal, but this one-tenth city is quiet, with only one voice, the voice of Canon.

There is no mood or illusion, but only a gradual change of the tune. However, this tune caught the hearts of countless people in an instant.

In a small courtyard not far from the first piano building in the world, a woman in white, veiled, beautiful figure, exquisite and elegant, the incense burned in the incense burner, the woman stroked Guqin, an extremely beautiful picture, If there is a practitioner here, you will surely recognize that this woman is the 'waner fairy' who was invited to play the piano by the world ’s first piano building not long ago, and it is also the master of the piano who was replaced by the sound of the piano into the illusion when Gu Hai entered the city .

It came from the outside of Cannon that Fairy's brows frowned first, so loudly that she disturbed her creation, but then, Cannon's tune came, and the rolling melody was repeated, but it was slowly replaced by Fairy's fairy. In an indescribable feeling.

"Here, the notes keep repeating, but it's not monotonous at all. This song is simple and simple, and it has become a realm. Who is it?" Fairy stood up in surprise.

The range that the sound reinforcement array method can expand is only one-tenth of Yinyue City, and naturally it is not passed to Yinyue Mountain Villa.

Outside Yinyue Mountain Villa, countless masters of Qindao came to play outside of the Villa, playing their own masterpieces, in anticipation of passing the assessment of Yinyue Villa.

Inside the villa, in a gazebo, the old owner was wiping his guqin, suddenly, raising a brow, revealing a hint of surprise.

"Ding Ding Ding."

The old owner's detective waved on the guqin, and suddenly, a weird note came straight out.

As soon as the note came out, the practitioners playing the piano outside the villa suddenly changed their face, because their Guqin suddenly no sound.

There is no sound.

Everyone quickly played their guqin, but there was no sound.

"What's going on, my Guqin can't play sound."

"mine too."

"No, the strings are trembling, trembling. This is sound waves, a sound wave beyond my listening range. Someone plays the piano and resonates with our guqin."

"Who, who can influence my playing."




A group of piano masters showed a shocking color, who was so powerful.

In a panic, a disciple of Yinyue Mountain Villa came out.

"The owner has orders, please be calm and calm. The" silence "just called by the owner. Don't bother the owner to listen to the song.

"Ah, yes." The Qindao masters nodded blankly.

It is the old owner's silencer, then it is normal, but whose song can make the old owner care so much, we can hear nothing.

Inside the villa, in the gazebo.

The old owner listened to the tune, but others couldn't hear it at all, and everyone showed doubt.

The old farmer smiled slightly, and his hand guqin.


The void trembled a little, and then, in this trembling void, the piano song of "Cannon" came over instantly.

The melodious music of the disciples of Yinyue Shanzhuang suddenly heard eyes.

The old owner listened to the song. Soon, Gu Hai's "Cannon" was over again. Gu Hai began to play the third time, but three times, as if he didn't feel tired.

"Yun Mo, how does this song feel?" The old farmer laughed.

"It gave me a kind of tremor that penetrated the spine and reached the soul." Yunmo, a man in Tsing Yi, exclaimed with a hint.

"Oh, what do you say." The old owner looked at the others.

"I feel sad, parting like death."

"I feel happy, I have a feeling of love."

"I feel happy and like the pleasure of being alone."




Everyone expressed different opinions, as if they saw different things.

"Zhuangzhuang, I feel that everyone hears a different feeling. This piece of music is like telling a story. The previous paragraph seems to be remembering something. It is a calm and gentle whisper, as if asking itself. Do you remember those times, remember those beautiful and sad love.

The following period, however, made me very sad, as if telling me, that time can no longer be found, the beauty is no longer there, love is no longer there, everything is a thing of the past, and nothing but sadness and sadness remain.

The music keeps repeating, as if to say again, it is time that goes back and forth, and time that ca n’t come back. In the long river of time, although many things have settled with the years, there is a scar that is indelible, leaving us a detailed memory, Until the stalemate of the wind candle, this sorrow could not be smoothed out. Yunmo said again.

Yun Mo's explanation made the old owner nodded with satisfaction.

"Although I play very rusty, but it is a rare piece of music, piano, is this piano music?" The old owner revealed a hint of doubt.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Hai's piano music disappeared.

The old owner touched the guqin and played it with his guqin. It was still ‘Karnon’, but at this moment he used the guqin to simulate the sound of the ‘Karnon’ piano.

It is thicker and more psychic than the ancient sea.

Gradually, everyone seemed to see a real picture—

In the picture, a young boy who has become an orphan because of the war, was adopted by a kind piano player, and learned to play the piano with the piano teacher, and he played better and better. When he grew up, he became a well-known musician.

One day, a beautiful rich man accidentally broke into the cellist's residence, was moved by the cellist's sound, and fell in love with the cellist.

The rich man asked Qiangqin to be a teacher, and he wanted to learn the piano.

However, the rich man's thoughts are all about the piano player, and he has no intention to learn the piano. Therefore, although he has studied for a long time, it is still a mess. The piano player is very disappointed. .

The rich man was so heartbroken and extremely miserable that he vowed to the piano musician that he would learn the piano well and win the first place in the country.

After returning home, the rich man practiced the piano every day without any rest. He worked very hard and was very serious. He finally won the first place in the local area six months later.

He took the first to confess with the cellist, but the cellist was recruited and brought into the battlefield.

The rich man has been waiting for this great violinist, and he must wait for him to return for three years.

During this period, the son of a village chief saw the rich man's money and proposed many times, but failed to succeed. In order to let her die, she set up a trap to allow a broken body to be brought back from the battlefield and told her that this is a guru And propose a large number of gifts.

But the rich man didn't bother to propose, but cried for three days and three nights holding the broken body. On the third day, he committed suicide by cutting his wrist where the piano teacher taught her to play the piano.

In the second month of the wealthy's suicide, the musician returned.

It turned out that it wasn't long before the rich man got rid of the rich man, and the cellist missed the rich man's money. Without the rich man's money, he lost a lot of happiness. Only when he lost it did he know how to treasure it. / spanclass>


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In the half year since the rich man left, the harpsichord began to write a tune, and wanted to use this tune to propose to her. In this half year, countless thoughts condensed in one-third of the tune, but suddenly, the war began, Recruited.

In the three years on the battlefield, the harpist wrote another one-third of the song, and the song is full of sadness and separation of the rich.

When the war ended and the harpist rushed back, he got the unacceptable bad news.

Listening to Murakami telling the story of the rich man, the musician wailed and wept. In the next week, I felt the pain of life and death. Finally, a week later, in front of the rich man's tomb, I played this marriage proposal. Together with the last third, it contains the endless thoughts of the harpist, and the infinite sadness.

The people in Murakami heard this song and looked at the affection of the cellist in front of the tombstone of the rich man, and they all shed tears, and just after the end of the song, the cellist also died in the place where the rich man died. ——

The picture came to an abrupt halt, and many of the disciples in front of the old farmer had reddened their eyes.

Gu Hai's playing has no mood, but the old farmer expressed this mood, a very sad and touching story.

"Yunmo, how do you feel?" The old farmer asked.

"The landlord used the artistic conception to show the whole story. I waited until I understood it. The song was repeated, but it was the harpist who kept telling love and thoughts to the rich." Yun Mo analyzed.

"Yeah, there are only tunes, no mood, haha, this piano is really interesting." The old farmer laughed.

"Ah, no mood." Yun Mo was surprised.

"Qin, must there be mood?" The old farmer laughed.

"But, this is just an ordinary song." Yunmo frowned.

"It's an ordinary song, but is the composer the same as the master of the piano?" The old farmer shook his head.


"To be able to compose this song, when you are eligible to participate in the" Piano Teaching Conference ", you will send me a qualification sticker, and bring me a piano to show me." The old owner laughed.

"Yes, I'll go right away, but he only has tunes, and he will be qualified to post them, will there be some ..." Yunmo smiled bitterly.

"Didier, don't you understand yet, he is not only a violinist, let's go." The old farmer laughed.


The first piano building on this street.

Gu Hai talked five times.


The last note is over.

Quiet around, many people are immersed in it.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "This piano song is called" Cannon. "I played it five times with the piano. Presumably the masters of the piano have long remembered that you are welcome to repeat" Cannon "with various instruments."

With a sound of ancient sea, the sound passed through the sound reinforcement array to all directions.

"Cannon, this is called Canon."

"Good listening to Canon."




Numerous practitioners around the world slowly awakened from Canon's music.

Not far from the first piano building on this street, several of the practitioners around were frowning at the moment.

They are the masters of the piano invited by Jiang Tianyi. They originally planned to display the piano music in Guhai, and then began to count the piano, leaving the piano incomplete.

But at this moment, after five times of Cannon, the masters of Qindao opened their mouths and did not know how to speak.

Can this song be approved?

"You, it's almost time, hurry up." Jiang Tianyi's voice came immediately.

The masters of Qindao Tao were ugly, but their hands were short. The masters of Zhongqin Tao took the advantage of the world's first piano building.

The first Qindao master stepped out: "But this is unbearable, incurable, I don't know what to say."

PS: This is the first change, today's three changes, and another, anxious for a dragon set, the surname is 'Sima', the next chapter will appear, is a very powerful counselor, please go to the 'Longtaolou' for the dragon set of the 'Sima family' The interview will be the second one today. If you need a dragon set, come here for an interview. The interview location is in the middle of the dragon set.

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