Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Multiple version changes

The old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa liked "Cannon" and ordered two pianos.

This is even more shocking than Gu Hai's previous playing of the piano. Countless monks from Silvermoon City saw the man outside the first piano building on the street rushing to sign a pre-sale contract.

Not worth it, the old owner of the house thinks it's worth it, you don't think it's worth it, don't want to buy don't block me.

The cannon song is not good, and the old owners like it. You can leave Silvermoon at that level of appreciation.

More than a dozen musicians invited by the world's first piano building have already fled away at this moment.

Any more stays cause public outrage.

A lot of practitioners wanted to buy pianos just now, and the pianists stopped them with their own prestige. Now the serial numbers of many practitioners who buy pianos are listed in the back. The group of practitioners have already scolded them.

The pianists escaped, bitter and bitter.

"This time I was bitter by the world's first piano building."

"Yeah, just take that money, my lifetime name."

"Why did the old owner send someone at this time, and why Gu Hai was so lucky."

"This is retribution."




The masters of Zhongqin Tao hide bitterly.

The first piano building on this street.

Downstairs are customers who ordered the piano like a tide.

Upstairs, Master Liunian, Shangguanhen, and Long Wanqing all smiled, and the battle was started.

Mu Chenfeng looked at the qualification post in Gu Hai's hand, and now he was completely confused: "Why is it like this, I played the piano so well, I didn't get the qualification post after nine exams, Gu Hai talked so scum, Yinyue Villa Send in the qualifications. "

"It's not fair. He doesn't have any mood." Mu Chenfeng shouted in his heart depressed.

But Gu Haina was qualified to post the goods at a real price, and it was sent by the old owner himself. How could he be so lucky.

"Gu Hai, congratulations, you can also participate in the piano teaching conference." Long Wanqing smiled.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while: "Actually, I can't play well, I can only tune, there is no mood, and it will be a waste at that time. Otherwise, I will give you this qualification.

Aside from Mu Chenfeng, he looked at Gu Hai. Do you want to give away this qualification post, uh, it seems that he also gave it to him. Thinking of this, Mu Chenfeng became more and more tangled.

"I don't, I can't play well." Long Wanqing shook her head.

"Otherwise, Master Liu Nian, I don't really want to go." Gu Hai handed it to Master Liu Nian again.

"Master Gu Ruo, you should go." Master Liu Nian shook his head.

On the side of Mu Chenfeng's resentful glance, he cursed in his heart: "Coquettish."

In the end, Gu Hai strongly insisted that the qualification post was forcibly given to the master of the fleeting years.

"Master Mu Ruo, I didn't expect the first piano building on this street to be fired, so I would like to ask you a favor." Gu Hai said.

"Master Gu Ruo, you said." Mu Chenfeng was very polite this time, but he still had some dissatisfaction.

"The first piano building on this street will be very busy for the next period of time. My dozens of subordinates have to deal with too many things. They may be too busy. I want to borrow some people from you. You can rest assured that their hard work I'll pay it, "Gu Hai said.

"No problem, how many people do you want?" Mu Chenfeng curiously said.

"One thousand." Gu Hai said.

"Uh." Mu Chenfeng unexpectedly looked at Gu Hai, asking for so many people. In the end, Mu Chenfeng nodded: "Okay."

The news of the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa ordering the piano immediately spread to all directions of Yinyue City. Numerous practitioners came to see what the piano looked like. People in the city who had not heard of Canon had also entered this area. Area, feel what the good music that even the old owner said.

At the same time, the price of the piano also made countless practitioners widen their eyes, one hundred top-quality spirits.

Although the old owner bought the piano before, everyone would not say it was expensive, but he still thought about why it was so expensive.

At this time, the practitioners on this street pointed at the 100-fold price of the extreme piano and piano on the notice, telling you vividly how the world's first piano building was so ancient.

"What, the world's first piano building is a black shop."

"If you have more money, just grab it, no."

"The world's first piano building, how could this happen?"




Countless practitioners didn't believe it at first, but they couldn't believe it. Many people vowed to swear that they saw it with their own eyes. It must be true.

To buy a piano, many people shook their heads.

On the street, although there are numerous repairers, but few enter the world's first piano building.

The world's first piano building and the street's first piano building are the rhythms of the two layers of ice and fire.

This side of the street is full of enthusiasm, and you have to pay for the piano if you can't buy it. There are ten teams, and they continue to sign contracts and pay.

The spirit stones were not put away, but all piled up on the terrace next to the piano, piled up like a hill.

On the opposite side, the world's first piano building is in a depression at this moment. Occasionally a few practitioners entered it, and soon came out. Nuoda world's first piano building was empty.

Master An and Jiang Tianyi looked at the opposite with ugly faces.

"Master An, I can tell that this ancient sea sells pianos, not only to make money, but also to spread across the world's first piano building. He is discrediting us and making us powerless." Jiang Tianyi looked ugly. .

"Business rules." Master An said with a grim expression.

"Yeah, Gu Hai plays Carnon every day, and that spiritual stone is piled up like a mountain. He is only a commercial propaganda. If we take improper means, we will be spurned by the entire industry." Jiang Tianyi looked ugly.

"Congratulations to this 7,700 customer, Mr. Gu said that this 'Extreme Qin' was bought from the world's first piano building, and it was considered a bonus to you." Suddenly, a Dahan official uploaded from the street Shouting.

"Um." Jiang Tianyi frowned.

But I saw a Dahan official who gave the extreme piano with a price of one hundred Zhongpin Lingshi to a customer who was holding a contract.

On the terrace, the stones have been piled up into hills.

Gu Hai stood on the opposite terrace and smiled slightly at Jiang Tianyi.


After turning over, all the spirit stones have all earned a small space in the token.

"Only on the seventh day, seven hundred and seventy-seven customers, seven hundred and seventy thousand top-grade spirits were credited, and Gu Hai did not have any losses at all." Master An's face was gloomy.

"Business Wizards, seven days, huh, Master An, the opponent we met this time is really not easy. We lost money in us and made it back in seven days." Jiang Tianyi said bitterly.

"I don't care what kind of business genius he is, hum, no one has ever let me be so aggrieved, Jiang Tianyi, you have a way to break his piano building." Master An chuckled coldly.

"Master An doesn't say, I can't watch the world's No. 1 Qin Lou ever since business is slumped, but Master An doesn't need to worry too much. He will do both good and bad." Jiang Tianyi chuckled.


"First, he has no supply, no piano craftsman, no guqin, no various instruments. How can he compete with us? After the decoration is complete, no goods are sold. He only has pianos. What's the use, even if there are supplies, However, they only have a lot of background, and the quality of their various musical instruments is certainly not as good as ours, so they can't compete with us.

Secondly, pianos are selling well during this time. After a while, will people calm down and still spend so much money on pianos? Rich people are a minority after all. Oh, going on, fewer and fewer will buy pianos.

At that time, the first piano building on this street will fail because of subsequent weakness. "Jiang Tianyi laughed.

"Wait slowly, I don't want to wait." Master An said coldly.

"Then create momentum for us, and ask Master Tao to play the piano. Attract people to come to our Pavilion, and spend a lot of money. Please keep asking Master Tao to come and hiccup the opposite side." Jiang Tianyi said in a deep voice.

"Then please," Master An said in a deep voice.

"Yes," Jiang Tianyi said in response--

As Jiang Tianyi expected, the number of people who ordered pianos gradually decreased over time. However, the first piano building on the street is full of people every day.

The counterattack of the world's first piano building began.

Once upon a time, only one master of the piano would come to play. Now, every day, a master of the piano comes to play.

During the performance, the powerful mood immediately made the street practitioners stop and feel.

Different masters of piano, different artistic conceptions, for a time, this street seemed like a grand event.

Cannon listened every day, not talking about boredom, but after all, he had lost his original freshness.

The popularity of the world's first piano building is rapidly increasing.

In a renovated house in the first piano building on this street, Mu Chenfeng rushed into it anxiously, just to see the shocking scene.

Gu Hai turned his hands and took out 500,000 top-grade spirit stones and handed them to Shangguan marks.

"When you see what you want to eat, buy it, don't be willing to spend money." Gu Hai solemnly looked at Shangguanhen.

When Mu Chenfeng was near her mouth, she forgot it completely, and her face was blank and complicated.

This rudder master is also too generous. Give his subordinates pocket money to buy, one for 500,000 top-quality spirit stones, 500,000 top-quality spirit stones, you hit me, I want to buy food.

Mu Chenfeng looked resentfully at this tyrant.

"Master Liu Nian, Shangguan Hen is here to buy and eat, it may not be safe, you need to worry about it." Gu Hai looked to Master Liu Nian.

"Rest assured, I will protect Shangguan marks, and you also take good care of the host." Master Liu Nian nodded.

"I will." Gu Hai nodded.

"Master Liunian, don't worry, I'll be fine." Long Wanqing also laughed.

The master of the fleeting year nodded, and Shangguanhen put away 500,000 top-grade spirit stones with a piece of storage equipment he just bought. He turned his head to see the stunned Mu Chenfeng.

"Uh, Mu Chenfeng, what's wrong?" Long Wanqing wondered.

At this time, Mu Chenfeng just woke up and was anxious: "The first piano building opposite the world, invited a large number of musicians to come. Today, two musicians take turns playing the piano, and many customers are attracted by the opposite."

"It's okay, the grasshopper after the fall will not be able to jump for a long time. When my piano building is renovated, the first piano building in the world will be closed." Gu Hai laughed.

"Ah, but you are out of stock." Mu Chenfeng showed a hint of confusion.

Although he didn't care, Gu Hai stepped onto the third floor terrace again.

Mu Chenfeng and Long Wanqing followed.

Sure enough, in the opposite piano building, the piano sound came again. The piano sound was melodious, with a strong mood, flowers and leaves flying around, and the light was shining. Many practitioners went to listen to the music.

Gu Hai slowly walked to the piano again.

"Open the PA system," Gu Hai said.



The sound reinforcement array method opened and instantly attracted many practitioners.

"Look, Gu Hai is going to play the piano again, and it is Canon again. Although it sounds good,


ter'style = 'background-image: url (/img/1436349717404/32846786/-4891247660685476691.png)'> I have heard it many times. "

"Can the piano only play Canon?"

"Although many times, I still want to listen to the feeling of the piano, other instruments, after all, do not have this feeling."




Many practitioners turned to look at Gu Hai.

"Dangdangdangdang ..."

The piano sounded slowly.

"Well, no, this is not Canon."

"Uh, no, it's Canon, but how did it feel?"

"This is Cannon's song, but in some places, is Gu Hai bombing wrong, and it's faster."

"That sounds pretty good."




A special Cannon passed slowly to all directions.

Everyone in the city who heard the tune showed blankness.

"Is this Canon? Why isn't it the same?" Many people showed curiosity.

Halfway through the piano, Gu Hai's voice suddenly sounded.

"Cannon is a tune, not just a piece of music. It can be ever-changing. Everything changes, all the players like it. From today, I will not repeat the original Cannon. Today, this song is a modified version of Cannon. , Called "Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition." Gu Hai's voice came.

"Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition."

"Rock, what is rock."

"Super crazy piano version, what do you mean."




In the curiosity of everyone, this changing cannon is getting faster and faster. At first, it was similar to the previous cannon. Gradually, when it reached a certain level, it was different, and at least it was different.

Previously, it was just a continuous, continuous feeling, but now, it is a turbulent shock.

It seems that the flood is coming, and the violent flood is like a floodgate flooding, and it hits your heart.

I used the piano to imitate rock, and when that intense sound came out, it immediately ignited the passionate flames of countless practitioners.

One word, burning.

It was as if the flames were burning fiercely in my heart, wave after wave, frantic shock.

A super-burning piano song immediately stirred the hearts of countless practitioners.

"Here, is this Canon? I heard it wrong, so intense."

"Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition. Is this a change for Canon?"

"I want to learn this song too, it's too fierce."




Numerous practitioners were instantly exploded by this sense of music.

Before the world ’s first piano building, the practitioners listening to the sound of the master of the piano, suddenly trembled, and walked out of their respective illusions, listening to the magical sound of excitement, leaving the world one by one. The first Qinlou area is not far from the Guhaiqin Building.

"This is, the rock cannon super crazy piano version, the original cannon can change." Numerous practitioners looked at the ancient sea in surprise.

The excitement that has passed away these days has ignited again, following the passionate music, the notes in my mind are beating wildly.

Not far from a small courtyard.

Fairy fairy looked at the ancient sea playing the piano in the distance and frowned again: "The" Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition "is much worse than the original" Cannon "in the realm, but with a new force, Passion? It really is super crazy. "

Yinyue Mountain Villa.

With a wave of the old owner's detective, Gu Hai's playing came over.

"Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition", huh, huh, it's really full of vitality, young people, young people are so good. "The old owner sighed.

The super-burning piano tunes immediately shattered the layout of the world's first piano building.

Master Qindao doesn't agree with the performance, but he can't even beat you crazy.

Jiang Tianyi and Master An suddenly looked at the ancient sea in the frantic playing. The ancient sea's fingers had only the afterimage left. The speed of the hand, the crazy music, and the faces of the two people became more and more ugly.

At the moment, in Yinyue City, affected by this song of Cannon's changing tunes, countless practitioners seem to be chanting in an instant.


"Yeah, Cannon's repetitions can be faster, slower, and many changes can be added."

"I can also change Canon."

"Canon, as long as the subject remains the same, it can change a lot."

"The rock cannon super crazy piano version is too intense."




Countless practitioners showed their surprises, as if a flash of light had crossed their minds.

"Cannon", the classic version that Gu Hai had heard in the past, has more than a dozen versions. In various TV series and movies, you can change it in the face of different environments. After the change, it has a charm.

"Dangdang Dangdang ..."

Crazy Canon, began to swept Silvermoon City again.

On the opposite side of the world's first piano building, Master An's face sank: "Carnon, it's a musical form that can keep changing."

"Well, this is Guhai's taste that leads the whole people. He once again stirred everyone's curiosity. Cannon can change it. As long as he likes Cannon's pianist, he can't help but change his own Canon. "Jiang Tianyi's face changed.

Sure enough, as Jiang Tianyi guessed, with the release of Gu Hai's "Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition", countless city pianists played their own Canon with their instruments.

Speed ​​can change, and some syllables can change. Suddenly, a number of unique cannons begin to blossom everywhere and continue to ring through Silvermoon City.

Changing the tune is a very interesting thing for the musician. Playing a tune of your own is more exciting than playing other people's tunes.

This is the case with Canon, which allows you to change, to change you, different styles, and instantly excite everyone.

For a time, Silver Moon City began the era of full-scale Canons, with Canon farmers enthusiasts everywhere creating.

For a time, Khanom became more and more famous.

It is very easy to change, and it is very nice after the change, as if everyone has become a great composer, it is a joy to play.

Everyone loves Canon.

For a while, the musicians in the world's first piano building were ready to hit the stage. All of them were stunned, and the audience went to create the tunes themselves.

The first wave of propaganda in the world's first piano building failed.

PS: Three more, this is thanks to the leader ‘Wu Jinyu’. I updated 13,000 words today, take a break, stop for two days and make up for the remaining outbreak.

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