Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Cheated by Gu Hai

After all, Silvermoon City is different from other cities. There are too many people who like to play piano.

The release of the Rock Cannon Super Crazy Piano Edition immediately aroused the enthusiasm of countless people, and even brought the somewhat desolate No. 1 piano building on the street into a lively scene again.

In contrast, a group of musicians invited by the world's first piano building ended in shame.

The business of No. 1 Qinlou in the world is getting worse and worse, the business opposite is becoming more and more vigorous.

Jiang Tianyi and Master An both looked grim.

Selling pianos has always been the first piano building in the world to flourish, and the piano buildings competing with oneself are all sloppy business, when did it become so contrasted.

"Are all the masters of qindao you brought in are all waste, Gu Hai defeated them all with a song of Canon." Master An said coldly.

"Master An is so angry. Speaking of which, this ancient sea is indeed a business wizard. He can mobilize the enthusiasm of customers at the most appropriate time. Cannon can change the song. He can already say that. A heavy blow. "

"so what to do now."

"I ’ve been in business for many years, and I have n’t met my opponent for a long time. Master An does n’t have to worry about it. Business is actually the same as fighting a war. Like this Canon, it is just a tune. Indeed, many people are enthusiastic now, but after a while, this freshness will pass and no one will care about it. By then, this 'odd' of Guhai will be useless.

I mentioned to Master An before that there is no goods in Guhai's piano building. He is renovated and no goods are sold. What's the use? It will only be a joke.

Let him jump around for a few days, and wait for his piano building to be renovated. I'll send them a gift. "Jiang Tianyi sneered.

Master An has suppressed the enthusiasm in the heart, the sales of pianos today are indeed sky-high, and it should not be touched.

"Huh, okay, when his piano building has been renovated, Khanom's thunder has passed, I see how his piano building closed, hum." Master An snorted--

As Jiang Tianyi expected, how popular was Canon, after a month of brainwashing, the piano teachers were also tired, and the sales of pianos gradually dropped. From the beginning, ten teams lined up to buy, slowly until now. There is only one team and sometimes no one.

Opposite, Master An and Jiang Tianyi smiled slightly.

Long Wanqing was quite anxious.

"Teacher, don't worry, the first piano building on the day after tomorrow will open. Piano sales are just one of the instruments. There will be many other instruments in the future." Gu Hai laughed.

"But, the day after tomorrow, what will you sell, do you have to make a new instrument and pre-sell it?" Long Wanqing worried.

"Who says I don't have anything to sell, then you will know." Gu Hai laughed.

Long Wanqing frowned and nodded.

"By the way, the master seems to be out of town following Shangguan marks." Long Wanqing frowned.

"I know, I gave Shangguan Mark another 500,000 fine-quality spirits and asked him to buy something to eat." Gu Hai nodded.

On the side, Mu Chenfeng was drinking tea constantly, pressing the shock in her heart.

Money, how many people guess these days, how much money Gu Hai earned, this is only a month, is he a swallowing gold beast.

Mu Chenfeng knows that there will be one million top-grade spirit stones for Shangguan marks. I will go, one million top-grade spirit stones. How many years will it take to earn it by myself?

But the ancient sea gave Shangguan marks, just buy food.

Then is Shangguan Mark a food item, so it can be eaten.

"The ancient and ancient rudders, the first piano building on this street has been renovated, and after you played the piano in the past two days, you publicize it and invite people from all over the city to buy various musical instruments, but where do you come from? "Mu Chenfeng puzzled.

"Did I not borrow a thousand of my subordinates with you? These days, they are helping me find the source of the goods, and the day after tomorrow," Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh." Mu Chenfeng nodded blankly.

The whole city has received news. Many practitioners know the situation in the ancient sea. Can an outsider really withstand the pressure of the world's first piano building?

Where did he find the supply.

Will there be pianos for sale?

In a street, many shop owners are waiting for it early, and want to look at Qin Lou, has it become a joke today.

Early on, many people started to be surrounded outside the first piano building on this street.

And after this month of waiting, the world's first piano building also slowly recovered a bit of popularity.

Jiang Tianyi's treasurer had prepared gifts early, and looked sneerfully at the first piano building on the street opposite the closed door.

The decoration style of the first piano building on this street is very novel. The polished marble is laid throughout, and the white tone is the main part, which looks very gorgeous and luxurious.

Outside, Dahan officials and a large number of disciples in Yizhong have already stood.

"Just arrive."

"It's crackling ..." A string of firecrackers rang.

In the lively scene.

Gu Hai and Long Wan slowly walked to the front.

"Beginning of the ribbon cutting." An official from Dahan shouted.

A whole set of opening ceremony, countless practitioners looking around widened their eyes.

Where did these groups of local crickets come from, what kind of opening ceremony, crickets are so weird.

This is the style of Guhai to open a shop. The customs brought from the earth, all the practitioners are completely confused.

Gu Hai and Long Wanqing cut the colored **** with scissors.

"Opening." Gu Hai laughed.

In the crackling firecrackers, the first piano building on the street officially opened.

The door opened suddenly.

The interior decoration adopts a transparent design. At the center, sunlight can illuminate it, making it look bright and spacious inside.

"Three days before the opening of the first piano building on this street, everyone, 10% off the entire venue, clearly marked the price, no bargain, no credit, the best piano in the city, the cheapest piano in our family, the cheapest piano in the city, Our home is the best, please inside. "Gu Hai laughed.

10% off.

Many practitioners rushed in quickly, Jiang Tianyi prepared some special gifts to slay the ancient sea, but the ancient sea really opened strangely, and these gifts were invalidated.

"It's really open. It's impossible. Where did he get the goods? Are there really good ones?" Jiang Tianyi walked in unbelievably.

"Wow, it's all goods, five floors, all filled up, a lot of musical instruments."

"This floor is actually full of guqin. The quality of this guqin is not worse than that of the world's first piano building. Ah, this price is only half of the world's first piano building. What, half of the price is still 10% off today. I want it, I want it. "

"This flute is also good. It's the same quality as the world's first piano building, only they are 70% of the price. What's more, it's a 10% discount. I already wanted it. Give it to me. I want it."

"What, take ** to pay there, and **."




The five floors are all polished marble paving, and the marble on the wall is extremely bright. Please invite the master piano player to play a relaxing tune in it to let customers walk among them.

The salesman is also extremely polite and will introduce you to the advantages and disadvantages of musical instruments.

However, the internal storefront was divided into many small shops.

"This is how the Erhu shop at the end of the street opened here." Jiang Tianyi's face changed.

"That's the Guqin shop next door. The drums are the best. A special area is set aside for him to sell drums."

"There, there, these are the specialty shops in Silvermoon City, all organized and opened here."

Jiang Tianyi looked at the small shops, showing surprise.

In the past, although the small shops are far worse than the first piano building in the world, after all, some instruments that can be used can be used in the first piano building on the street.

A win-win situation was born.

"Well, Jiang, the shopkeeper, you are here too. I have a flute here. You have exaggerated it before. You can see that our shop is the most famous." A man in Tsing Yi looked at his small counter and looked at Jiang Tianyi with a smile. .

"You, Chen, haven't I told you that you can't supply to Guhai, you forgot." Jiang Tianyi said coldly.

"No, we didn't supply him. We are opening our own shop. You see, my brand is also hanging in. I'm a little Chen flute shop." Chen Tsang immediately laughed.

"What do you mean, you don't count the supply, look at it, you sold the goods, but the money was handed over to the ancient sea people." Jiang Tianyi stared.

"That's not true, Jiang Treasurer, the money will be returned to us." Chen Treasurer smiled.


"Gu Hai said that this is similar to a big mall. Our brand can be located in the mall. There is great popularity here. As long as we have good quality and how much we sell, it depends on our abilities and the rules in the mall. Into the sales. "Chen Treasurer explained.

"Withholding points, your brand enters at will."

"How can it? Gu Hai is picking it. It is not a good product and it is not allowed to settle in. Any sale of counterfeit and shoddy products is subject to a fine. We issue a **, and the customer pays at the payment counter, only for good accounting." Chen The shopkeeper explained.

The shopkeeper Jiang's face turned wild: "Shopping mall, shopping mall, deduction point, ancient sea, you actually think of such a curvilinear method."

"Jiang, the shopkeeper, I won't tell you. Today's business is particularly good. I will visit your first piano building next day."

The first day of opening, has attracted countless practitioners.

Inexpensive and cheap, with guaranteed guarantees and a novel sales model, it immediately made countless repairers pay for it quickly.

Many people are rushing to buy musical instruments, just as they don't need money.

There are long queues at multiple payment counters, all of which come to send money.

The piano pre-sale business is deserted, but in this mall, it is full of instantaneous vocals.

The news flew out like wings.

Jiang Tianyi went out in despair and kept saying, "It's over, it's over, the world's first piano building is over."

Cost, the ancient sea does not need cost at all, as long as it can do accounting and management, just sit and collect money every day.

The supply of musical instruments is not needed at all. The shops that taste sweetness will crowd their heads and enter this mall.

It is ridiculous that he still wants to block the source of ancient sea. Can this still be blocked?

These small shops are indeed inferior to the world's first piano building, but they also have their own specialties. The specialized musical instruments are not worse than their own, and they are much cheaper.

Those practitioners are not fools. When the two parties compare, the first piano building in the world is abandoned.

The treasurer walked back to the world's first piano building.

At this moment, within the world's first piano building, there is an empty area with only a few customers


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"The shopkeeper Jiang, the opposite Qinlou opened, many people went to see it, you have also been there, how about, the opposite instrument is a mess, how long will it go bankrupt." Master An drinking a cup of tea, smiled and walked in Coming Jiang Tianyi.

Jiang Tianyi smiled bitterly: "Master An, Gu Hai is not just a business genius. He is a business genius. The piano music of the past few days was only for today's momentum, and the money made by the piano is just a head-up, just for the momentum. We They were all fooled, they were all fooled. "

"What, build momentum." Master An frowned.

"Yes, the piano is only sold for the sake of building momentum. The first piano building on this street is the most terrible gold swallowing beast. My first piano building in the world is in danger." Jiang Tianyi said bitterly.

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