Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Les Miserables


Countless practitioners looked up at the sky.

But when I saw the sky above the first piano building, there were suddenly dark clouds, and the dense dark clouds slowly deformed into a shape of a guqin and a cloud-like Qixian guqin.

"This is it," Master An frowned, surprised.

"This is condensed‘ Tianqin ’, Waner Fairy ’s piano has reached this level.” Jiang Tianyi showed a hint of surprise.

"Tianqin, as soon as Tianqin comes out, Waner Fairy's playing will magnify the artistic conception infinitely to the whole city through this mouth Qin." Master An's eyes brightened.

"Ning Tianqin is not a casual person, this fairy is somewhat more than I expected." Jiang Tianyi looked complex.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." Wan'er Fairy suddenly swayed Guqin.

Suddenly, a sharp piano sound came out. At the same time, the dark cloud-like 'Tianqin' above the sky, the strings followed the Wanqian fairy's guqin, suddenly fluctuating, a strong voice, straight into all directions in an instant, It is even more powerful than the ancient sea's sound reinforcement array method, and instantly penetrated the entire Silvermoon City.

"Um." Countless practitioners in the city looked up with doubts.

"Today, at the invitation of the world's first piano building, I would like to present to all the masters of Yinyue City a piece of music I created," Tragedy World. "Waner Fairy began.

Tianqin simulates the sound of Waner Fairy's vocal cords, and conveys this sentence to the entire Silvermoon City.

"The first piano building in the world, who invited this time, is this the piano sound condensed?"

"Tianqin, this is the legendary Tianqin. Who has invited the first piano building in the world?"

"Tianqin is now, sounds are good, what a miserable world."




Countless practitioners looked up curiously.

Within Silvermoon Villa.

Yun Mo and all the other disciples in Shanzhuang all changed their faces and looked up at the sky, because Ning Tianqin can't be done by everyone. It requires a strong piano ability, who this person is.

Everyone looked at the sky and the old farmer not far away.

The old owner was still wiping his Guqin gently, as if he hadn't heard it at all.

In a small courtyard not far from the world's first piano building.

Not long ago, the first man to buy a piano, Sima Changkong, was also wiping a guqin gently at this moment, with a group of subordinates standing behind him.

"Sir, this is the model of the first piano building on this street. There hasn't been any change for the time being." A subordinate was extremely respectful.

Sima Changkong wiped Guqin while squinting his eyes: "The first piano building on the street, haha, piano, Canon, everything was just for the sake of building momentum. This ancient sea is not simple. I want you to check the ancient sea situation and find out."

"Inquiry a little, but not much. This person is the master of Yipintang Shuiduo. I only heard that Li Haoran and Ding Rui died because of him. There is not much news about it, as if from Qiandaohai." The subordinate respectfully said.

"Li Haoran, oh, it is no wonder that the Holy Spirit will let Li Shenji regain control of the Shenji Camp. It turns out there are reasons for this ancient sea." Sima Changkong frowned.


"Send someone immediately and go to Qiandaohai to inquire about the ancient sea." Sima Chang said in a deep voice.


After explaining the subordinate's affairs, Sima Changkong put down Guqin and picked up a stack of paper on the table, part of which was the pre-sale contract of the piano, and part of it was the operation model of the first piano building on the street.

"It's really a wizard." Sima Changkong looked at these materials, his eyes brightened.

"Ding Ding Ding ........."

Suddenly, Waner fairy's lyre sound came, accompanied by Waner fairy's words.

"Oh, the world's first piano building, please this demon girl play the piano, miserable world." Sima Changkong was a little surprised.

Soon, Sima Changkong revealed a complex smile and said, "The world's first piano building is really looking for death. I want to suppress the flames of the ancient sea piano and I can find others. I have found this demon girl. This is my own way of death, demon girl. Even if the "Tragic World" is finished, your world's first piano building will be abolished. If you don't die, you won't die. "

The voice of Waner Fairy naturally reached the first piano building on the street.

In the huge piano building, countless customers showed a hint of surprise. This was the voice of Waner Fairy, and many people went out curiously.

Where the ancient sea is located.

Mu Chenfeng came in anxiously.

"The master of the hall, the master of the old rudder, the world's first piano building, asked someone to hit the platform again, this time still Waner fairy." Mu Chenfeng worried.

"We know." Gu Hai nodded.

Long Wanqing also revealed a trace of complexity: "This fairy Waner doesn't know what it is. It seems to come from the south of Shenzhou. I have passed by all the way, looking for countless people to learn the piano path. I heard that I have also found Lu Yang. Wang Douqin, just don't know what the result will be, but she has gone all the way, defeated countless masters of piano, and her reputation has also grown. "

As Long Wanqing described it, the sound of the piano opposite was already sounding.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

Guqin moved, Tianqin has spread the sound of the piano throughout the city.


For a moment, it seemed that the world was dark.

"What." Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

Not just the morning breeze, almost all practitioners in Yinyue City have changed their faces.

Guy was still at noon at this moment, but with the sound of the piano, suddenly it was dark.

No, there are no dark clouds in the sky. The sun is still shining. Why is it dark?

"Go, take a look at the terrace." Long Wanqing said anxiously.

Mu Chenfeng rushed out first.

Gu Hai followed.


Sure enough, there was an uproar around the Silver Moon City at this moment.

It was getting dark, and it was getting darker.

Gu Hai and his party stood on the terrace and looked opposite. Sure enough, Wan'er Fairy was playing the piano quickly, the melody was melodious, and Tian Qin in the sky kept spreading the artistic conception in all directions.

Around the fairy Wan'er, a cloud of fog surrounded him, looming.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

As the piano sounded, the sky became darker.

"What's the matter, the sun is empty." Long Wan wondered.

Mu Chenfeng waved his hand, and there was an extra fireball in the palm, but the color of the fireball was very dim.

"No, it's not that the sky is getting dark, but that we're in the mood of Waner's fairy vocals." Mu Chenfeng stared.

"The mood, but we are still awake now," Gu Hai wondered.

"This is a combination of artistic conception and reality. Waner Fairy's piano path is too scary. She moved the artistic conception into reality." Mu Chenfeng looked ugly.

"So what," Gu Hai wondered.

Mu Chenfeng smiled bitterly: "So what, then the mood you feel does not only exist in the fantasy, but a fact, for example, now we are not seeing the sky dark but the ... . "

"But what." Long Wanqing asked.

"But our vision is deteriorating." Mu Chenfeng sweated on his forehead.

"Visual degradation." Long Wanqing's face changed.

"This is the sense of destruction, the miserable world, the misery of the world, the sense of destruction." Mu Chenfeng looked to the opposite in horror.

"Stop, don't play, don't play." Suddenly a practitioner rushed anxiously towards the world's first piano building.


Wan'er Fairy completely melted into the mist and gradually disappeared.

The practitioners who rushed to the first piano building in the world suddenly emptied.

"What about people, about people." The practitioners bellowed anxiously.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

In the sky, Tian Qin continues.

Countless practitioners faced with horror.

"Get out of town, run away, run away."

"If you can't escape, the voice of Tianqin will not be broken when it comes to your ears. It will always follow you and follow you. Unless you break this mood, you will always follow you."

"What to do, what to do, my eyes are getting darker and darker, I am going to be blind, I am going to be blind."




Countless practitioners shouted in horror.

"The world's first piano building, yes, the musician invited by the world's first piano building, look for the world's first piano building."

"Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Treasurer, hurry up, stop the sound of the piano, hurry up."

"The world's first piano building, you want to kill us."

"My eyes, my eyes are getting more and more blurred, what should I do if I can't see it."




Countless shouts sounded outside the world's first piano building.

Within the world's first piano building.

Jiang Tianyi and Master An all changed their faces.

"It's bad, it's bad, Master An, can't go on like this, fast, stop Waner Fairy, and people's resentment will be boiling. Our first piano building will be destroyed." Jiang Tianyi anxiously said.

"Don't you say that you want to give the people in the city a memory, Waner will finally unlock the mood." Master An shook his head.

"Yes, in case you don't untie it, if you don't untie it, this mood will follow other people's lives, blind eyes, what else, what's worse?" Jiang Tianyi anxiously said.

"She's called" The Tragic World ", it should be just the beginning." Master An frowned.

For a moment, countless practitioners in the city felt the visual degradation, listening to the sound of the piano, all showing the color of panic and anger.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

Numerous piano masters began to play the piano, and wanted to use their piano mood to resist the mood of "The Tragic World". However, it was useless.

The eyesight of Mu Chenfeng and Long Wanqing were falling, and the sky was getting darker.

"Gu Hai, you are fast, you are quick to play the piano, and you are going to resist the mood of this" Tragic World ", otherwise we will all be blind." Long Wanqing anxiously said.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "I played, there is no mood."

"How can there be no mood? Didn't you create Cannon, Master Gu Ruo, let's go. I now believe that you are a master of the piano, and you should go against this" Tragic World ", otherwise, we will all be miserable." Mu Chenfeng looked anxiously to the ancient sea.

"But I'm really not a master of piano, I can only sing, without mood, how to resist." Gu Hai bitterly said.

"Ah, no, that's impossible. How could this be so, are we all going to be blind?" Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.

"My nose, my sense of taste is malfunctioning, and it is slowly failing."

"My eyes are so blurry that they are almost invisible."

"My voice, ah, what's wrong with me, ah, it's going to be dumb."

"Ears hurt, my hearing, I, start to blur."

"Five senses, miserable world


s = \ 'character \' style = \ 'background-image: url (/img/1436512730568/32846786/1624335096584444077.png) \'> It is the five senses of destruction, the five senses of destruction, no, no. "




In Yinyue City, there was a sudden scream.

Under "The Tragic World", it shows the tragic world of Silvermoon City.

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