Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Dark clouds over the city

"Ding Ding Ding ……………… 咚咚咚 ……………….”

"Tragic World", from the track alone, is still a very majestic piece. At least the ancient sea just listened to this music, it has the kind of momentum of the symphony on the earth.

With a mouthful of guqin, such a magnificent music popped up, Gu Hai was the first time to hear it.

Guqin can still be so majestic.

The sound of the piano is so powerful and majestic, but in this music, there seems to be an infinite sorrow, and a great tribulation abandoned by the world seems to torture you, torture your life, and your spirit.

Five senses are slowly missing.

The sky is getting dark, not because the clouds are covering the sky, or that night is coming, but that your vision is slowly degrading and slowly disappearing.

Blind, about to become blind because of this mood.

"What should I do, I cannot be blind, I cannot be blind, no."

"Who will save me, mood, I don't want to be entangled in this mood, who can help me, ah."

"I'm blind. What should I do then? Will I always be blind?"




Countless practitioners shouted in horror.

The sky was getting darker and the eyes were getting blinder. This was a big fear that instantly made countless practitioners tremble in their hearts.

Numerous practitioners rushed to the world's first piano building quickly, trying to stop the sound of the piano from continuing.

However, in the surrounding clouds, Waner Fairy has disappeared.

"Where, demon girl, where are you, come out." The practitioners shouted tragically.

Eyes were gradually invisible, and it was harder to find them.

The tragic world, the sound of the piano continues.

Vision, no, this is just the beginning. The sense of smell, touch, and even hearing, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and five senses are slowly degrading.

For the luthier, the other four senses can disappear, but hearing, once the hearing disappears, how can you play the piano in the future, and stop your own piano?

Panic is spreading, and fear is breeding.

Countless pianists, sitting cross-legged, played with their guqin.

"Ding Ding Ding."

As soon as Qin Sheng's artistic conception came out, he tried to impact the five senses brought about by the "Tragic World", but his own artistic conception could only persist for a while, and was instantly impacted by the majestic momentum of "Tragic World".

"The world's first piano building, I don't wear it with you."

"No, demon girl, stop now, the world's first piano building, stop now."

"Oh my God, my hearing is weakening. I'm going to be deaf. I'm going to be deaf. How can I play the piano in the future?"




The screams were endless.

Under the effect of the lyre, the sound filled the city in all directions.

Some practitioners soared into the sky and wanted to destroy the lyre.

However, the closer to Tian Qin, the stronger the effect of The Tragic World.


The practitioner who rushed into the sky suddenly lost all five senses.

Countless pianists are going to collapse, and countless practitioners are desperate.

The tragic world, in Silvermoon City, has created an extremely tragic world.

In a small courtyard not far from the world's first piano building.

Sima Changkong stroked Guqin in his hands.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

With a touch of his hand, a sound of piano sounds surrounds Sima Changkong, unlocking the tragic world of Sima Changkong.

Sima Changkong wiped Guqin and looked sneer at the direction of the world's first piano building.

"Daughter girl," Dream girl "," The Tragic World "is very powerful. Do you want to declare war on the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, haha, the world's first piano building, this time you can be miserable by the demon girl. "Sima Changkong sneered.

Sima Changkong sat in the small courtyard, just just moved the strings to ensure that he was not in trouble, and to ensure that his group of subordinates were not in trouble.

The disaster this time was too big and the whole city was affected.

The world's first piano building has fallen out at this moment. Numerous practitioners rushed into it, smashing the instruments inside, trying to stop the sound of the piano.

Master An and Jiang Tianyi were also stunned.

"It's over, it's too much, it's over, the world's first piano building is about to be over." Jiang Tianyi looked ugly.

"What Wan'er Fairy wants to do, what she wants to do, stop me."

"Can't find anyone, Master An, Waner Fairy disappeared."

"Find me."

"Ah, I can't hear you."

"Find it out for me, find out the **** for me, my eyes, my eyes are going to be invisible."

"What, louder, I can't hear you."




Disaster is spreading.

Above the first piano building on the opposite street.

The five senses of the ancient sea are also disappearing, and the ancient sea is also anxious.

Suddenly, the eyebrow space, the town of Xixi suddenly trembled.


There was a loud noise in the ancient sea's mind, and under the tremor of the town's seal, it seemed that the mood of his own body was expelled from the body in an instant.

For a moment, Gu Hai's eyes brightened again, and ears became clear again.

Standing on the terrace, looking in all directions, in the streets, there was a terrible chaos. Numerous practitioners slowly blinded their eyes, lost their ears, and suddenly became crazy.

"Master Gu Ruo, you play the piano, ah, ah, ah, ah." Mu Chenfeng was blind now, shouting in horror.

Long Wanqing grabbed the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai, I can't see, I haven't avenged my mother yet, I can't see, no one takes care of my sister, oh oh, Gu Hai, I'm going to lose my hearing, what should I do, go play Kannon, you Cannon, help me expel my mood. "Long Wanqing grabbed Gu Hai, helpless, tears in her eyes, and sadness.

"Playing the piano, but I can only play the tune, there is no mood, I can't help you drive out the intrusion of mood." Gu Hai anxiously said.

"Ah, Master Gu Ruo, what you say is not clear to me." Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.

"Gu Hai, go, go, okay, go." Long Wanqing clutched Gu Hai, but also in chaos.

The five senses are lost, and the whole person's life is over.

A great sadness rushed to the heart of 100 million people in the city.

Gu Hai grasped Long Wanqing, and was also anxious. Looking at the opposite, countless practitioners pounced on the world's first piano building, but the fairy Waner has disappeared between the clouds and fog around, only the sound of the piano, the raging The surging piano sound.

Guhai's brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Hurry up, Gu Hai, please." Long Wanqing grasped Gu Hai, crying extremely sad.

"Okay, I'll try it, but I don't know the effect." Gu Hai smiled bitterly, and slowly walked towards the front piano.

Sit slowly.

Although Long Wanqing couldn't see it, she felt that Gu Hai was near the piano, so she didn't dare to bother, sitting in fear, waiting anxiously.

On the opposite side, in the clouds, Fairy Fairy can still see the ancient sea.

Playing "The Tragic World" in my hand, seeing Gu Hai sitting in front of the piano, Waner Fairy smiled slightly: "Playing the piano, the piano without mood, no matter how good the music is, you are not my opponent, I The opponent is the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa. "

Turning her head, Waner Fairy no longer cares about the ancient sea, but looks in a distant direction. That direction is where Yinyue Mountain Villa is located.

At this moment, the same scene of horror and scream sounded outside Yinyue Mountain Villa.

"The world's first piano building, I have eight generations of you."

"My ears, I'm going to be deaf. I'm going to be deaf. Help me."

"Old farmer, save your life, old farmer, I will lose the five senses, and ask the old farmer to save us."

"Old farmer, miserable world, the mood is too fierce, we can't stand it, old farmer, help."




The tragic scene happened here as well.

Each of the piano teachers had originally been halfway through the assessment, and suddenly suffered from this indiscriminate disaster, suddenly panic inexplicable.

Quickly play Guqin to resist this mood, but the fairy mood of Wan'er Fairy is too strong, destroying and dying, all the way is like a bamboo shoot, destroying everyone's piano sound mood.

Only the mood of the tragic world is left.

Among the Silver Moon Villas.

Countless disciples are also extremely anxious at this moment, quickly gathering on a square inside.

Under the leadership of Yun Mo, everyone played a piece of music together, and the mood of all the people was connected to resist the mood of the tragic world.

The tragic world is as ferocious as the rushing sea.

Yun Mo led a group of disciples in the village to resist the mood, like a flat boat on the ocean, extremely dangerous, almost overturned and killed by a ship hit by the tragic world.

Each one is extremely ugly, one by one anxious.

"Zhuangzhuang, we can't hold it for a long time. This tragic world is too scary. Zhuangzhuang, what to do, what to do." Yun Mo called anxiously.

Not far away, in the small gazebo, the old owner still gently wiped his guqin.

Looking up slowly, looking at the sky, all the piano sounds came straight.

Others are affected, as if the old owner was unaffected.

Dark clouds are slowly accumulating in the sky.

With the accumulation of miserable moods and miserable emotions, the sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, as if the misery was gathering.

The longer the piano sounds, the thicker the dark clouds, it is a dark cloud of artistic conception, as if the tragic fate comes down.

In the hearts of everyone, over the entire Silvermoon City.

"A miserable world, is this for me, haha, is her apprentice, a gifted apprentice, a" miserable world ", breaking five senses, more terrible than physical killing, tragic, such a miserable world." The old farmer laughed as he watched the sky billow.

"Zhuangzhuang, I can't wait any longer, and asked Zhuangzhuang to take a shot." Yun Mo cried anxiously behind him.

The old owner looked at the distance, and looked at Waner Fairy at the first piano building in the world across an infinite distance.

And Waner Fairy looked at Yinyue Villa across an infinite distance.

It looks like two great masters, facing each other in the distance, the general battle of life and death.

While playing the piano, Waner Fairy showed a sneer, as if waiting for the old owner to shoot.

The old owner slowly laid the guqin flat, and the tentacle gently stroked the strings to prepare for his shot.

"Dang, Dangdang


'style =' background-image: url (/img/1436519691179/32846786/-1225036092794674959.png) '> Dangdang, Dangdangdang ………………. "

Suddenly, the sound of a piano was born, like an alien sword in the sky, and stopped in the middle of the two masters' confrontation.

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