Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 26: I play chess very well

"Yeah, after watching the world chess game in the twenty-eighth world, I have realized eight pieces of peerless pieces, Gu Hai, do you dare to gamble with me?" Jiang Tianqi sneered and looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai: "……………………."

Long Wanqing: "……………………."

Master An and Jiang Tianqi are forcing Gu Hai to play chess. If it is Dou Qin, Gu Hai will certainly refuse, Long Wanqing will also help to obstruct it.

Long Wanqing is no longer in trouble, and the ancient sea is also stunned. This is a way in heaven. You do n’t go, and you have no way in hell.

Qin Tao, he is a master of fakes.

Chess, that's my business.

"Master Gu, don't listen to him."

"Master Gu, wherever you go to the first piano building on this street, we will go shopping."

"Yes, Master Gu, we support you. If we change places, we will definitely go."

"Battle chess, these shameless villains, they have the ability to fight the piano."

"Yeah, you have the ability to fight with the ancient master."




The practitioners were angry all around.

"Quiet." He Shikang, the city's owner, gave a cold drink.

The monks who were about to move immediately around the army forced some distance away.

"Why, dare not." Jiang Tianqi sneered.

"Yes, Gu Hai, do you dare." Master An sneered proudly.

"It is not impossible to fight chess, but how do I believe you?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I believe, there is nothing to believe." Master An frowned.

"If I win, will you honor it," Gu Hai frowned.

In the eyes of Master An and Jiang Tianqi, Gu Hai seems to have been forced into despair, leaving it alone.

"I am in the name of my grandfather, presided over by the city's owner He Shikang, and the whole city has witnessed that you still do n’t believe me. You ca n’t believe me or you ca n’t believe my grandpa.” Master An said coldly.

"The city owner is willing to preside." Gu Hai looked at He Shikang.

He Shikang looked at Gu Hai strangely, and smiled slightly: "It happens to be here today, if you are willing to bet, I can also give a testimony."

Gu Hai was slightly silent.

"How dare you, you were not willing just now, Gu Hai, I told you, you have agreed to the chess fight just now, and now you want to fight chess if you want to, and you want to fight chess if you don't want to." Master An coldly Road.

"Mr. Gu, don't listen to him." Numerous practitioners around were anxious.

Gu Hai waved his hand to stop everyone's concern and turned to look at Master An. "Since Master An has said this, the next game is harmless, but isn't this colorful head too small? point."

"Er." Master An slightly hesitated.

He Shikang, Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tianqi, and others all showed confusion.

"If not, if I lose and I leave Silvermoon City, I will not demolish the first piano building on this street, except for my people who want to take it away. All the decoration patterns in it will remain the same. Here you are, and I will persuade all shops to stay in it. Even, I will leave the piano casting method to you, how? "Gu Hai said with a smile.

Master An looked at Gu Hai blankly, and others looked at Gu Hai in confusion.

"Gu Hai is not going crazy, the first piano building on this street, but a beast that swallows gold, he wants to send them all." Jiang Tianyi whispered to Master An.

"Correspondingly, if you lose, how about your silver moon first chess building, to me," Gu Hai said with a smile.

Master An's eyelids leaped wildly. This ancient sea didn't play cards according to common sense. Shouldn't you be unhappy with anger? How did you become so calm?

"Master An, beware of fraud." Jiang Tianyi whispered.

"Get away, what's wrong, hum, I don't believe he's ever played Jiang Tianqi." Master An suddenly exasperated.

"By the way, let me remind you again." Gu Hai smiled at Master An and others.


"I play chess very well." Gu Hai laughed.

Master An: "..............."

"Well, playing chess is very good. You lie to the ghosts, I bet on you, come and prepare the chessboard." Master An suddenly called.

"Yes," a group of subordinates should yell.

"Master An, I bet on you. There are witnesses from the city owner and the people in the city. Do you show some sincerity and invite the transfer officials to come and bring a seal, and all kinds of property rights certificates, all brought, once The chess game is over, I'm willing to gamble to lose, it can't be dragged on for a long time, how? "Gu Hai Shen said.

"I think it's you who want to drag it. All the people are here. You, go and take all the property rights of the first building in Yinyue." Master An said coldly.

"Yes," a group of subordinates should yell.

Master An looked coldly at the ancient sea.

The whole city looked angrily at Master An and his party, worrying about Gu Hai.

Gu Hai has also obtained all the property rights certificates of the No. 1 Qin Building on this street and is preparing for this gamble.

At the same time, the people also signed a contract that they were willing to gamble to lose, signed Gu Hai's name, Master An's name, and the name of the witness city owner.

Everything can't be turned back, just wait for the moment the chess starts.

The people were worried.

And not far from a small building.

Sima Changkong frowned slightly: "Why should this ancient sea go down?"

"Perhaps Gu Hai is also very good at playing chess." A subordinate next to him curiously.

"It's impossible. His piano is so powerful that his mind has gotten into the piano. Even if he can, the chess course should be limited, but Jiang Tianqi is a professional chess player. The two battle against each other. Gu Hai has no advantage. "Sima Changkong said blankly.

"Subordinates are unclear."

Sima Changkong looked at Guhai in the distance in doubt.

In another small building, Waner Fairy stood quietly in the room, and looked at the ancient sea in the crowd coldly through the window.

"The villain is motivated, hum. Do you think playing chess is the same as playing the piano, you can play a game of" Cannon ", or you can play a game of" Sadness ", hum, see how you die. "Waner fairy whispered.

Soon, everything was ready.

Dahan officials and Master An's subordinates handed over their respective property rights to a number of responsible officials in the government, and as soon as the results came out, they were transferred immediately.

Now the whole city has witnessed that nothing can be done.

Gu Hai and Jiang Tianqi took a seat. A game of chess in front of them determined the ownership of two huge industries.

"Mr. Gu, please invite me first." Jiang Tianqi smiled confidently.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, picked up a piece of black chess, and pressed his hand on the position of "Tianyuan" on the board.

"Wow." There was a loud noise all around.

"The ancient master really does not play chess. How can this first son be placed in the most central Tianyuan position? Isn't this a waste?"

"It's over, Master Gu is going to lose."

"Xiantianyuan, that's a waste."




Although the practitioners around him have limited knowledge of chess, they can still play chess. The first son is Tianyuan, but this great starting momentum is wasted.

On a small building in the distance.

When Sima Changkong was originally sorry for Gu Hai, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"The first son, Tianyuan, only I have the esteem, Gu Hai is so confident." Sima Changkong frowned suddenly.

In another small building.

"Huh, arrogant." Waner fairy dismissed.

Jiang Tianqi, Master An, and others laughed when they saw Gu Hai's fall.

This is freaky.

Jiang Tianqi slowly dropped a white child.

"Slap." "Slap." "Slap." ...............

Gu Hai and Jiang Tianqi were one son after another, and the practitioners quietly surrounded each other. They did not dare to disturb Gu Hai playing chess, and were anxious for Gu Hai--

Outside Silvermoon City.

A flying boat slowly flew towards Silvermoon City from a distance.

Above the flying boat, a gray-clad old man stood at the bow, looking at the distant sky at the moment.

"Master Mo, it's going to be at Silvermoon in two more hours, Master An seems to be in Silvermoon." A subordinate respectfully said behind him.

Lord Mo nodded and smiled: "Silver Moon City, the world's first piano building, and a lot of royal lords' industries, this time should allow me to take back a lot of military expenses, the frontline war has started, and money is used everywhere."

"Master An's seat in Yinyue City should be okay, and I heard that Yinyue Shanzhuang Lao Zhuang mainly held a piano conference. During this time, the world's first piano building must be in the bucket." The subordinate laughed.

"Yeah, the first piano building in the world, the first chess building in Yinyue, can be named the first in a city, these days are sure to make money every day, haha, the Lord ’s military expenses do not need to worry too much." Master Mo laughed.


Silvermoon City, in front of the first piano building on this street.


The ancient sea finally fell to the ninth five-year position.

For a moment, Jiang Tianqi's Baizi was presented with a hundred capsules.

One hundred raisins at a time, this is more than a dragon slaughter, basically a swallowing dragon.

It's not that everyone lost, but Jiang Tianqi's Baizi swept clean, as if not long ago, the whole city played sorrow, a sorrowful fight, and destroyed the clouds of fate.


Countless practitioners in the Quartet took a breath.

At first, I was worried that Gu Hai would lose, but in a flash, Gu Hai ended the chess game with an absolute advantage. Jiang Tianqi's chess piece on the board left only a set of scattered sand, and the rest was eaten by Gu Hai.

Jiang Tianqi was stunned at the moment.

"No, no, you cheat, you cheat, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't do this." Jiang Tianqi shuddered.

Why is my chess piece suddenly missing a large piece, impossible, impossible.

Staring at the chessboard, Jiang Tianqi was looking for the omissions on the chessboard. It couldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this, my chess piece, my chess piece.

Jiang Tianqi is going crazy.

The practitioners were stunned all around.

Wan'er Fairy opened her mouth in surprise, and watched Gu Hai drop the last son.

"It was won by this guy, it just so happened." Fairy Fairy also widened her eyes inconceivably.

On another small building.

Sima Changkong took a deep breath: "The first son Tianyuan, the last ninety-five, is this a coincidence, and the ancient sea chess course is so superb, I see the flowers."

"It's true, sir, the first son Tianyuan, the last ninety-five, when the fall, the victory has been won." One person whispered behind him.

"Send me someone to inquire into Qiandaohai. There is no such thing as the ancient sea. I want all the information." Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Ah, sir, haven't you arranged, our people have already gone."

"No, send another group of people, not only him, but I want to get all the news of his family, I want the most detailed." Sima Chang said in a deep voice.



und-image: url (/img/1436691318944/32846786/4171120688803156197.png) '> Yes. "

No matter how amazed everyone is, no matter how Jiang Tianqi looks for the omissions on the chessboard, the ending has finally come out, and Gu Hai has won.

"I said that, I play chess very well." Gu Hai stood up with a smile.

PS: Three more finishes, this is thanks to the leader of the alliance, 'Exhausted the world's people', another chapter, but more and more owed, yesterday there was a personal immortal, thank you for your support, but watch chess is not saved, belongs to The handicapped party, after this small explosion, had to calm down for two days to continue the three changes, and owed three outbreaks, watching chess.

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