Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 27: Belated Lord Mo

On the street outside the first piano building on this street.

Numerous practitioners stared at the end of the chessboard in silence. Many people had already made up their sleeves and waited until the ancient sea was bullied.

But right now, isn't this the big treasurer Jiang Tianqi of Yinyue's first chess building, and isn't his chess course very powerful?

Known as one of the top ten chess kings of Silvermoon City, what is the situation?

The piece of armor that was killed by Gu Hai's son did not stay. This time it was swallowed a hundred pieces. This is against the rhythm of the sky. The ancient master played chess so well. Coincidentally.

"Okay, Master Gu."

"Master Gu won. Quickly, transfer the first chess building of Yinyue to Master Gu."

"Hahaha, okay, Master Gu plays great chess."




The practitioners all around cheered.

Long Wanqing is a matter of course. If you are fighting a harp, the ancient sea has no artistic conception of qindao, and you may not be able to win. You have to be better than playing chess.

Sure enough, Qiandaohai was too remote, and Guhai's chess power in Qiandaohai didn't pass at all, and Yinyue City knew about Guhai chess power by himself and his subordinates.

This is not a pit man, this is what Master An asked for.

Long Wanqing also laughed: "He Chengzhu, since you have been the host, now you have witnesses from the whole city, the victory has been determined, and now you can transfer property rights. This is the name of Master Anyang Lu. Oh yes. "

He Shikang frowned slightly, and there was a hint of distress in his eyes.

"What's going on, Jiang Tianqi, didn't you say you would win, didn't you say you would win." Master An An stared angrily.

Master An feels that he is going crazy. Although this is the first chess building in Yinyue, although it is not as good as the first piano building in the world, it is also a huge industry in Yinyue City. It can bring a lot of military expenses to Grandpa every year.

I broke down the world's first piano building, and I don't know how to explain it to my grandfather. Is it possible to send out the first chess building of Yinyue again?

Master An can already imagine how terrible the grandpa's punishment is.

"No, Master An, by coincidence, it must have happened." Jiang Tianqi stared at the chessboard with a stare.

"What happened, what happened, you said to me, what happened, you exported the first chess tower of Yinyue." Master An An stared angrily, in that look, as if to kill Jiang Tianqi.

Every Monday, the subordinates saw Master An's stern expression, and no one dared to come forward to persuade him.

Jiang Tianqi shouted immediately: "Master An, I'm going to play the next game with him, the next game, just by chance, by chance, he happened to win me."

Master An's eyes were full of killing.

Jiang Tianqi once again resolutely said: "Master An, you know, the ancient sea is just a harp, he is a bad chess player, I can win him, I have seen the twenty-eight heaven and earth chess game, you know, that is twenty-eight heaven and earth Chess game, but that can be arranged in a world of twenty-eight worlds, ah, the ancient sea must not play me, I have eight endgames, I have eight endgames, I can definitely win, I can definitely win, give me another chance. "

Master An stared at Jiang Tianqi with red eyes.

"Master An, believe me, I will lose Gu Hai to ruin, and I will let Gu Hai lose to my knees in front of you and let you insult." Jiang Tianqi vowed with a curse.

Master An's expression slowly eased.

"Master An, let it go." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Master An has left Jiang Tianqi and looked at Gu Haidao: "No, you must play another game."

When the practitioners heard about it, many people suddenly exploded.

"What, willing to gamble to lose, Master An loses."

"Why did King Lu Yang have such a grandson?"

"I'm going against you, King Lu Yang's reputation has been lost to you."




Numerous practitioners glared angrily all around.

"Oh, Master An means that re-gambling, or just as you said in the name of King Lu Yang, does not count." Gu Hai said with a smile.

"I just calculated, I'm willing to bet on losing. It's yours. My Wangfu's property in Silvermoon City is more than that. There are other industries. I will continue to gamble with you and use other industries to gamble with you. You have to bet. "Master An glared.

Master An is also crazy at this moment, even if the world's first piano building is closed, Yinyue chess building must be kept and must be won back.

"Still Jiang Tianqi and I play." Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, it's Jiang Tianqi, but this time, it's a stub. Jiang Tianqi realized the stub from the twenty-eight heaven and earth game." Master An stared and stared.

On the side, Long Wan stood quietly and didn't speak. At this moment, she was unable to tell anything. The twenty-eight heaven and earth chess game was still incomplete. Jiang Tianqi did not understand the twenty-eight heaven and earth chess game.

"It's not impossible, just whether Master An has cashed out the previous ones first, so that I can continue to play chess with the big Jiang shopkeeper." Gu Hai laughed.

"Transfer." Master An waved his hand.

The city owner He Shikang took a long breath and nodded.

Suddenly, a lot of officials quickly transferred the industry.

The crowd waited patiently.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Master An, this time in front of the city owner and in front of the people in the city, the industry has been transferred, don't wait a few days, and come to an industry dispute.

"Well, it's not yours, I don't know yet." Master An chuckled coldly.

"Go, lead a group of people, go to the first chess building in Yinyue, take over the chess building." Gu Hai said to a Dahan official.

"Yes," the Dahan official answered.

Suddenly, under the leadership of several Dahan officials, a group of disciples in Yizhongtang and some of Master An's subordinates went to the first chess building in Yinyue.

"Jiang Tianqi, you can tell me clearly. If you lose again, come up and see me." Master An chuckled coldly.

"Yes," Jiang Tianqi answered.

"Go and prepare for the endgame." Master An said in a deep voice.

"Yes, but my subordinates are a bit worried. I have eight endgames, each with its own advantages. I don't know which one to choose." Jiang Tianqi frowned.

"Then eight articles together, one game and one game, one industry and one industry bet against him. You lose one game, lose an industry, and you win one game. You won in front of Gu Hai, including the first piano building on this street Here, "Master An said coldly.

"What, it's not fair, it's not about the stakes."

"How can Master An's industries compare to the first piano building on this street?"

"Yeah, it's not fair to use all the industries in Guhai and bet against you."




The practitioners shouted in anger around.

"Quiet." The city owner grunted.

Around the army again crowded a group of practitioners outward.

"Gu Hai, you have to gamble, you have to gamble."

The ancient sea looked strangely at Master An, and finally revealed a bitter smile: "Master An, in fact, these days, my heart is also gone, and you have lost a lot, I think it's okay, everything is over, how is it."

"Master An, Gu Hai was scared, he was scared. It was just a coincidence that he was scared of my endgame." Jiang Tianqi was surprised.

"No, you have to bet." Master An stared.

Gu Hai looked at Jiang Tianqi and smiled slightly: "Treasurer Jiang, in order to please Master Master An, you have to bet my entire family. You want to push me to the grave, but I don't know, you are digging yourself."

"Well, the monsters are bewildering. Just now you were just a fluke. The twenty-eight heaven and earth game is not what you can understand. You thought you would win, ignorant child." Jiang Tianqi glared and drank.

"Twenty-eight heavens and earth chess game, huh, huh, but you think it is too strong." Gu Hai sneered.

"Ha ha ha ha, then you come." Master An called.

Gu Hai: "..............."

To tell the truth, why don't they believe it.

"Okay, prepare your proof of property rights, sign the contract, and put it on the market." Gu Hai helplessly said.

Long Wanqing stood aside, silent all the time, and the practitioners all around were worried about Gu Hai again.

Jiang Tianqi was proud, but Master An was holding his fist, and always felt like something was wrong.

Opposite, on a small building.

Sima Changkong frowned slightly: "Did Gu Hai say all the truth, Master An had not climbed out of the pit yet, so he fell again."

On another small building.

Waner Fairy also frowned and looked at the center of the crowd in the distance: "The villain wins, hum, you can always win." ——

Silvermoon City, the southern gate.

A flying boat stopped.

From above the flying boat, a group of slaves in black clothes came down. At the front, an old man in gray clothes walked in front.

A group of crane cranes quickly approached to pull the business, and everyone took the boat and set foot on the crane crane.

"Mr. Mo, where shall we go first, the world's first piano building?" A subordinate curiously said.

"No, go to the first chess building in Yinyue. It's been a long time since I touched the 'playing chess bed', but that's the treasure left by the old man watching chess. Go, go there first, hahaha." Master Mo smiled slightly.


At the gate of the city, a token passed easily and rushed towards a street in the city.

Before long, the crane crane stopped in front of a huge chess building.

"Quick, quick, these things move out."

"Hurry out."

"Limited to you for half an hour, if you do not evacuate, you will not be allowed to move."




In front of the chess building, there was a lot of noise, and many practitioners were watching.

"Yinyue's first chess building, lost to the ancient master."

"Okay, ask them to go to the ancient master to trouble, retribution."

"Deserve it."




The practitioners applauded all around.

Lord Mo's face changed from the crane crane.

"Miscellaneous account, what are you doing, dare to pretend to be in the first chess building of Yinyue." A subordinate in black rushed up.

A Dahan official who was counting down suddenly stared at him: "What are you doing? This is my master's industry. The first chess building of Yinyue is already my master."

"Well, be bold." The black man immediately became angry.

"Who are you, this is the shop of Master Gu, what do you want to do?"

"It won't be Master An's arrangement. He can't afford to lose too much."




Numerous onlookers of the perimeter immediately stopped in front of the man in black.

"Come back." Master Mo shouted.

The man in black frowned back.

"Ah, Lord Mo." Suddenly, the man in the chess building who originally carried the item recognized the old man in gray.

"Oh, it's you, what's going on, how does Yinyue's first chess building change hands?" Master Mo said coldly


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The man was indifferent, I don't know how to speak.

Master Mo's eyes narrowed: "Oh, even I dare to hide, you are so brave, you know how to hide my end."

"Tongtong." The man knelt down to the ground: "Master Mo, it doesn't matter to me. It is Master An who took the shopkeeper to the first piano building on the street, bet against Gu Hai, and exported the chess building."

"Bad gambling, so courageous, Jiang Tianqi dare to gamble with Wang Ye's industry and people. His brother, Jiang Tianyi, didn't he want him to watch more?" Master Mo eyes stared.

"The world's first piano building, the world's first piano building also closed down." The man knelt on the ground bitterly.

"Miscellaneous account, why the world's first piano building will be closed. Where are they, Master An, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tianqi?" Master Mo said coldly.

"They are still at the first piano building on this street. They seem to be gambling ..." the man said bitterly.

"Get on the bus and take me to the first piano building on the street. Also, tell me everything I know, if you dare to hide it, the whole family will be destroyed." Master Mo said coldly.

"Yes." The man answered with a shock.

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