Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Mo Yike

Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The old farmer sat in the gazebo and played the guqin that had decayed like rotten wood. As soon as the sound of the piano came out, in the surrounding valleys, all the trees were withered, and there seemed to be clouds of condensed clouds. Vague figure.

Suddenly, a greenish color appeared in the yellow mountain forest, like a new vitality, breaking through the corrupt environment and regenerating in adversity.


However, the emerald green had not yet grown, and it was buried in the yellow mountain forest all around.

"Hehe, no chance to enter, the limit is approaching, maybe this is also a relief." The old farmer smiled slightly.

Qin Yin stopped slowly, the old owner didn't have any anger, turned his head to look at Yun Mo behind him.

"Why, something happened again in the city today." The old farmer laughed.

"The owner asked me to pay attention to the situation of Gu Hai. Today, no, even now, Gu Hai is still gambling." Yunmo smiled bitterly.

"Betting, fighting." The old owner wondered.

"No, fighting chess." Yun Mo curiously said.

Then describe what you know.

"Chess, ha ha ha ha ha, good chess, this ancient sea is really surprising." The old owner laughed.

"Zhuang owner, this ancient sea is quite strange, so strange." Yun Mo frowned.

"It's weird, weird is interesting. I'm almost there. It's a luck to meet this ancient sea before the soul is gone. With this memory, I'm not lonely when I go to hell." The old farmer said with a smile.

Yun Mo frowned, "Zhuangzhuang, you, if you leave, what should I do at Yinyue Mountain Villa?"

"Is n’t Yinyue Mountain Villa all given to you? If I die, you are the new owner, and no one dares to stop it." The old owner solemnly said.

"But, the owner, Yinyue Villa cannot do without you." Yun Mo worried.

"Idiot, what's wrong, Yinyue Shanzhuang was originally created by your ancestors. I am only managing on behalf of the master. My master is also your great ancestor. Unfortunately, your family is dying and it is your generation. Only one of you is left, but you are orthodox, no one dares not to admit it, rest assured, all the disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa will listen to you. "The old farmer advised.


"You blame me for sending the last lyre, Gouchen, sigh, idiot, I sent it out, and it ’s for your good, you do n’t have the ability to keep it. Once I ’m gone, Gouchen will become The disaster of Yinyue Mountain Villa, but I sent it out, but it became the umbrella of Yinyue Mountain Villa. Dagan Sheng owed me the favor of Yinyue Mountain Villa and a lyre, and King Lu Yang also owed the favor of Yinyue Mountain Villa and a lyre. Someone will owe our favor. I ’m doing this for you. You are too weak. Humanity is the most important thing to protect you. "The old farmer sighed slightly.

"I didn't." Yunmo shook his head.

The old farmer smiled slightly: "Yunmo, Tianqin, is an unattainable thing for outsiders, but for Yinyue Mountain Villa, is it unattainable? These four harmonicas were all made by your ancestors. You have their blood in your body, and they can make it, can you not make it? Although you may not have much talent in tempo, but you make the piano more delicately than anyone else, Yunmo, don't care about it, wait In the future, I hope you can keep improving and work hard to create a new lyre. "

Yunmo shook his head and said, "Zhuang owner, I don't care about 'Gochen'. I also firmly believe that one day I can make it, but, owner, you obviously can survive."

"Survival." The old farmer looked cold.

"Yeah, you can. Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, Qin Tao is different, Qin Tao can make a world, you can live by Qin Tao ..." Yun Mo cried.

"Stop," the old farmer stared.

Yun Mo's face froze.

"You are evil, Qin Tao is Qin Tao, Tian Di Zheng Da, Da Zheng Da, you do n’t learn those" Shou Shi ", Shou Yun Shen Wen Ling, hum, Shou Shou are in the first place, but you know what they are They are evil ways, demons and demon ways, and a few of them are good to end. In the whole world, there are still a few of the shoushi. They are the way to take death. In the end, only the soul and soul are destroyed. The sky is angry and you resent. They. "The old farmer stared.

Yunmo bit his lip, his eyes reddened slightly: "The owner treats me like a parent, but Yunmo doesn't want the owner's soul to fly away."

"Fool, there is always a dead man, alas." The old farmer sighed slightly--

Lord Mo brought a group of people quickly to the first piano building on the street.

Along the way, Qilou staff described everything they knew about Gu Hai.

"Oh, the master of Yipintang's water rudder, 700,000 top-quality spirits, thrown it out, just to save a group of Houtianjing, and then opened the first piano building on this street, less than two months, crowded the world's first piano building An odd-shaped instrument, Rijin fights gold. "Master Mo frowned.

"Yes, Master An and Jiang Tianyi have been working hard to compete, but they can't compete at all." The Qilou staff respectfully said.

"The deduction mode is wonderful, the best is the best, but of course the competition, but this ancient sea is indeed a personal talent, no, it is a genius." Master Mo eyes brightened.


Regardless of the reaction of others, Lord Mo stepped down the crane crane slowly, with subordinates opening the road, crowding the crowds of people around, slowly moving towards the inside.


"Assign." Gu Hai's voice came from within.

"Good job, Master Gu, kill him, hahahaha."

"Master An, hurry up, hurry up, the seventh industry, soon to Master Gu, you have one more chance left."

"Hahaha, there is one game left. I don't know how much industry Master An has left to bet on."




Everyone applauded all around.

Within the crowd came Master Master An's insults and Jiang Tianqi's sorrow and indignation.

Lord Mo's body looked at him, looking at the crowd screaming all around, his brows frowned slightly: "What people want, Master An, when you meet such an opponent, you are destined to have no chance of winning."

"Uh, sir, I heard there is another round." A subordinate whispered.

"There is one more round, he has lost. How come one round, hum, the Lord ’s industry has lost him." Master Mo said coldly.

Slowly, Lord Mo went to the end of the crowd and came to a place where a large number of soldiers intercepted.

Master Mo showed a token, and a teenager quickly sent the token to the city owner He Shikang.

When He Shikang saw the token, his face changed, and he immediately turned around, and just about to speak, Master Mo shook his head slightly.

"Go, ask the gentleman to come, be polite." He Shikang whispered to the teenager and explained.


Lord Mo was quietly taken not far from He Shikang, and other subordinates let them stay outside.

This place is too messy, and many people haven't noticed that there is another person beside He Shikang.

However, in a small loft in the distance, Sima Changkong had his eyes narrowed: "Mo Yike."

Lord Mo watched quietly in the field.

The last game of chess, Gu Hai only lost three sons, and instantly unlocked.

Three sons, just three sons.

"Thank you, Prince." Gu Hai stood up and laughed.

"Impossible, impossible, the sequel I carefully prepared, how it was broken in the twenty-eight heaven and earth game, no, no." Jiang Tianqi was crazy.

"Give me to death." Master An was furious and fought.

"Well." Jiang Tianqi was blown away with a single palm, and a blood spurted out.

"Master An." Jiang Tianyi and others cried worriedly.

"Lu An, can't you lose so much? You are willing to lose, and you lose. These industries belong to No. 1 Qinlou of this street." Long Wanqing stood in front of Gu Hai and stared at Lu An.

The ancient sea opened Long Wanqing, at this time, do not want to hide behind a woman.

"Master An, you have to teach this sublime subordinate, please go back to the lesson. This is the first piano building on my street, not yours." Gu Hai said coldly.

Master An is manic now, not my house.

"What **** is the No. 1 Qin Building on this street, come here, remove it for me, Fang Minghou, demolished the No. 1 Qin Building on this street, and level it to me." Master An An red-eyed roar.

Not long away, Lord Mo's eyes narrowed, ready to stop.

However, the subordinate who carried Jin Dan behind Master An was too fast.


With a loud shout, a giant golden knife slashed towards the first piano building on the street while stepping.

The immense power rolled up a storm.

"No, they are going to destroy the first piano building on this street."

"Hurry up and stop, no, help Master Gu."

"It's too late, it's too late, this person is Yuan Ying Jing, and he is still the pinnacle of Yuan Ying Jing."




The practitioners exclaimed all around, but no one could save it.

Was the first piano building on this street destroyed?

Master An's eyes were red. The practitioners around him were restless, and a crowd of soldiers blocked the people. In sight, the first piano building on the street was about to be destroyed.

Long Wanqing and Mu Chenfeng showed anxiety, but Gu Hai smiled coldly.

But at this moment, the first piano building on the street suddenly burst into clouds.

As soon as the clouds came out, a loud shout came from the inside: "Libashan is full of energy."

With a loud shout, suddenly a cloud of Fangtian Huaji condensed in the clouds and fog, Fangtian Huaji slammed off Fang Minghou's golden sword.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~."

A super loud noise, a violent wind swept the Quartet instantly.

In the eyes of everyone's eyes, Fang Minghou's golden sword was blocked, and a powerful force crashed away, instantly crashing Fang Minghou into the first piano building in the world.


The world's first piano building collapsed.

"What." Master An's face changed.

"This is, this is it." Jiang Tianqi, who vomited blood on the ground, stared in horror.

"Oh, this is the" Twenty-eight Heaven and Earth Array ". Recently, Lingshi has made more money, and I also arranged an enhanced version." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Twenty-eight heavens and earth are in an array, impossible, impossible?


??, how could you be in a world of twenty-eight. "Jiang Tianqi shouted with a stare.

"I told you before that it was nothing to do with the twenty-eight heavens and the earth, but if you don't believe it, I can't help it." Gu Hai shook his head and sighed.

"You will be arrogant in a world of twenty-eight days, and you will be here long ago. If you don't say it earlier, you won't say it earlier, oh." Jiang Tianqi once again vomited with a spit of blood.

The twenty-eight heaven and earth chess game that I am proud of is only the rest of the ancient sea play. You did n’t say it earlier, why did n’t you say it earlier.

Jiang Tianqi was desperate.

Master An's eyes are wide, and Fang Minghou's strength, Master An's knows, but this large array has been completely blocked. Jiang Tianqi has always been in the twenty-eight heaven and earth chess game. Why is this happening.

"Master An, it's enough." Gu Hai said lightly.

"Junk, those properties belong to my grandfather, Gu Hai, I will not let you go, I will not let you go, He Shikang, take me down the ancient sea, give me down him, I will copy his Home. "Master Anan roared facelessly.

In the roar, he looked at the city owner He Shikang, but saw He Shikang standing still, and an old man in gray clothes next to him looked at him coldly.

"Ah, Mr. Mo, why are you here?" Master An's face changed, an excitement.

"Oh, Master An still remembers me. Master An is so capable that he can defeat the Lord ’s industry one by one, please." Master Mo sneered.

"Ah, Mr. Mo, you listen to me, it's all ancient seas. He lied to us. By the way, Mr. Mo, your chess course is also very strong. You have played twenty-nine heaven and earth chess games. You can win him. I will win it back. "Master An ran over with excitement.


Mr. Mo hit with a slap.

This slap is very light, but extremely loud.

Light, that is an ordinary slap, loud, because after a slap, everyone on the street calmed down and took a breath of air.

What kind of person is such awesome, but that is Master An, the grandson of King Lu Yang, just slap it away.

"You, you, you dare hit me, I am, I am ..." Master An covered her mouth and stared at Mr. Mo.

"Master Ye's grandson, haha, believe it or not, as long as I say to Grandpa, you will not be grandson, or your father, don't want to be a sister-in-law. A large group of your uncles and uncles clapped their hands. "Mr. Mo said coldly.

Covering his mouth, Master An was excited, looked at Mr. Mo, bit his teeth, and finally lowered his head.

Not far away, Long Wanqing whispered to Gu Hai and said, "This is King Lu Yang's first counselor, Mo Yike, King Lu Yang is very valued."

"I see it." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

Master An, who slaps, has no temper and can already see his position in King Lu Yang's camp.

"Mr. Mo, I did something wrong, but you can win it back." Master An covered his mouth, politely.

"It seems you still haven't learned enough lessons, I won't help you gamble, hum." Mr. Mo looked coldly at Master An An.

Master An's face froze, and his eyes were aggrieved.

"Oh, it seems that I have to mention it to Wang Ye, are all the teachers in the family school all waste? Did you actually teach you such a thing, did the school teacher never teach you gambling." Mr Mo said coldly .

"Gambling, ah, Mr. Mo, you say that Guhai is a man of his own." Master An An stared with surprise.


Mr. Mo slapped again.

Quietly around, Master An covered her mouth and looked at Mr. Mo in shock.

"Huh, gambling is to teach you what you need to be prepared for when you encounter a gambling game. The first lesson is ten bets and ten loses. You ca n’t be involved in gambling easily. In the second lesson, you must know yourself. The situation of the other party can be, do you know yourself and the other.

Do you know the situation in Guhai, so dare to set up a gamble.

I haven't seen a stupid person like you who set a gamble. As a bookmaker, you have lost a lot of money.

Know yourself and know yourselves, you do n’t know the situation in Guhai, you do n’t even know your own situation.

This Jiang Tianqi's chess course, you think he is invincible, just find someone to set a gamble. Mo Yike said coldly.

"Me." Master An opened his mouth.

"Jiang Tianyi." Mo Yike looked at Jiang Tianyi not far away.

"Yes." Jiang Tianyi dreaded.

"You have the courage to make a gamble in the name of Wang Ye, you want to trap Wang Ye in the wrong." Mo Yike stared.

"I ... I ..." Jiang Tianyi said bitterly.

"Mr. Mo, I exported these industries. I can't really lose it like this." Master An An feared.

Mo Yike poked out his right hand, and Master An suddenly covered his mouth with both hands and was afraid to speak.

"Hum, you don't have to face, Lord Ye still has to face, you lose and you lose, you want to be robbed." Mo Yike stared.


Another slap was hit on Master An's face.

"Good fight."

"Mr. Mo played well."

"If you lose your face, you should fight."




The practitioners all around laughed suddenly.

Although it seemed awkward at first, everyone was accustomed to beating, and watching Master An was beaten by Mr. Mo, everyone was very happy.

Fang Minghou, who came out of the ruins, was surprised to see Mo Yike, his face was so solemn, he stood side by side with great respect, and was afraid to step forward.

"Jiang Tianyi, I was very optimistic about you before, and I entrusted you with the matters of Yinyuecheng, and you did it for me." Mo Yike looked at Jiang Tianyi with a cold eye.

"Mr. Please punish him," Jiang Tianyi knelt down, bitterly.

"What did you do wrong? You know now." Mo Yike looked coldly at Jiang Tianyi.

"There are rules and regulations. From the beginning, I couldn't allow Master An to be arbitrary in the world's first piano building. Then, I made mistakes again and again and did not dissuade Master An in a timely manner." Jiang Tianyi said bitterly.

"Huh, you still have to save, and you know that there are rules and regulations, evil causes, and bad results. I told you earlier that you must not step outside the circle. You really have a good memory." Mo Yike said coldly. .

Jiang Tianyi knelt on the ground and did not dare to speak.

After Mo Yike sent a fire, he turned his head to look at Gu Hai.

"Mo Yike, I've met the owner of Yipintang, and I've seen Mr. Gu." Mo Yike's expression softened instantly.

Long Wanqing said slightly, "I've met Mr. Mo."

Gu Hai nodded.

"Mr. Gu, Master An is a frivolous young man and is not very sensible. In the next generation, they will accompany Mr. Gu a crime." Mo Yike saluted slightly to Gu Hai.

Salute to the ancient sea.

The people all around were stunned for a moment. As soon as Mr. Mo came, he slapped Andong a few slaps, but now he salutes the ancient sea.

Gu Hai also said slightly: "Mr. Mo is polite, it is not necessary."

"Yes, in the following, I just expressed an attitude to Mr. Gu. Their behavior does not represent the behavior of Wang Yefu. Wang Ye has always been eager for talents like Mr. Gu, and he is not talented. I just want to pay Mr. Gu and invite Mr. Gu to work together. "Mo Yike smiled slightly.

Long Wanqing stared at Mo Yike with her eyes wide open. What's the matter, is this a digging wall?

Just now, I wanted to help King Lu Yang recruit Gu Hai.

In the small attic not far away, Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed: "This Mo Yike is indeed the first conspirator of King Lu Yang, and he immediately saw the value of the ancient sea. He wanted to recruit his Majesty for King Lu Yang. what."

Numerous practitioners all around looked at this scene blankly and couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Just now I was fighting for your life, and soon I started to corporal rites.

Gu Hai also looked blankly at Mo Yike, and then smiled bitterly: "Mr. Mo laughed and laughed. In today's situation, isn't Mr. Mo in vain? I'll just mention it again."

"No, no, Mr. Gu does not know Wang ’s attitude towards talents. As long as Mr. Gu is willing to enter the Prince ’s Mansion, Master An, hehe, he will no longer be the grandson of Wang ’s grandson, but an ordinary Wang Sun, and Mr. Gu need not worry about him. Bring you trouble. "Mo Yike said.

On the one hand, Master An's face changed, showing panic.

On Monday, the practitioners were in an uproar. The power of Mr. Mo was so great that he was the highest among the grandsons of King Lu Yang. If King Luyang goes, the son-in-law will take over, and the son-in-law will take over. Yeah.

Mr Mo said he dropped his name and dropped it.

PS: There is one more leader, and the debt owed by Guanqi is increasing, thank you, thank you.

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