Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Elves

With the promise of Mo Yike, the practitioners on the entire street suddenly calmed down.

In order to be able to invite Gu Hai, he would not hesitate to drop Master An's status, and pay too much attention to Gu Hai.

In a small attic not far away, Sima Changkong's face changed.

"Mo Yike, you really can say it." Sima Changkong's eyes flashed anxiety.

"Sir, Namo Yike, is it just to restore the reputation of King Lu Yang, to deliberately devalue Master An and raise the ancient sea, after all, the practitioners around are all on the side of the ancient sea." A subordinate said.

"No, his Mo Yike is not so. He has such courage. I can't think of it. I still underestimate this Mo Yike. It's really a character." Sima Changkong's face sank.

"Uh, sir, no, that ancient sea is so powerful, is it worth it?"

"This time, if it wasn't for ..., I would also try to solicit him. You don't understand. Some people, they are gold in the mound, you can see its brilliance at a glance." Sima Changkong frowned.

In the distance, Master An's face showed horror.

But at this moment, Master An did not dare to make any noise. Who is Mo Yike? Master An knows better than anyone. Grandpa is the number one counselor. Grandpa trusts him more than his children. If Mo Yike goes to speak to grandpa, grandpa, You do n’t have to think about it.

Trouble to find Mo Yike yourself, don't just laugh and laugh. If you dare to trouble him, do n’t use Mo Yike to tell Grandpa that Grandpa will definitely take his full status immediately. This is also just a moment when Mo Yike slapped himself. Why dare to return.

At this moment, looking at the ancient sea not far away, I was looking forward to the ancient sea not to agree.

Mo Yike looked at Gu Hai very sincerely.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while: "Mr. Mo is very polite. He is the master of Yipintang Water Rudder, and he is also a colleague, isn't it? As for entering the Prince's Mansion, it is only in the village of Nomura in the countryside. Being the master of the water rudder is already at the lower limit. "

Gu Hai refused, but Mo Yike was not at all annoyed, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu, I know what I said just now is abrupt, but the door of Wang Yefu is always open to you. You will know the sincerity of Wang Yefu in the future. of."

Gu Hai smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Well, I'm leaving next, Mr. Zhu Gu's shop, business is booming." Mo Yike smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Mo." Gu Hai nodded.

"He Chengzhu, since Master An has exported these industries in the name of Wangye, then let's close the transfer, and today's business will end here." Mr. Mo looked at He Chengzhu.

"Alright." He Chengzhu nodded.

Mr. Momo presided over, and the transfer of all industries was extremely fast.

Master An's face turned wild. Is everything a foregone conclusion? He lost so many industries this time. Grandpa doesn't know how to blame it.

After the transfer, He Chengzhu withdrew his troops. At this moment, the repairers are no longer noisy, and they are all happy.


Suddenly, a sound of Guqin came over the city of Yinyue.

"Oh." The crowds who were about to disperse suddenly frowned and stopped, looking at the sky in doubt.

"Ding Ding Ding."

Three consecutive sounds of the harp sounded through the city, and the clouds over Yinyue City suddenly became colored.

"This is, the old farmer plays the piano."

"That's right, the sound came out, I remember the last time."

"Old farmer, what is this?"




Countless practitioners revealed their doubts.


Suddenly, hundreds of beams of light rushed down from the colorful clouds and flew in all directions in the city, of which seven were directly near the street where the ancient sea was located.

There are two small lofts not far away, which are exactly where Sima Changkong and Waner Fairy live.

The three shots were directed at the city's master He Shikang, Master An, and Fang Minghou, while two others flew towards Mu Chenfeng and Guhai.


It was a cyan light that suddenly appeared in front of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai stared at the green light in front of her.

It was a little girl with one finger high, only one finger high.

On the back of the little girl, there are a pair of transparent wings. During the rapid flapping, the flapping of the **** trembles as if forming a beautiful music.

"This is it." Gu Hai widened his eyes.

Thumbelina, and transparent wings.

"This is an elf, a musical elf condensed by Lao Zhuang's master." Long Wanqing explained.

Numerous practitioners around were also surprised with wide eyes.

"Elven," Gu Hai wondered.

"Why is Qin Tao ranked first among literary studies, because Qin Tao can create a soul and use the sound of a piano to make a soul, but what an ordinary person can achieve, Waner Fairy who has previously played against you, she has not reached that level. Let ’s create the soul. The old owner actually created the soul with the sound of the harp. This is a soul without attributes, an ethereal soul. All can be manipulated by the player. They can also call the essence of the soul, so they are called elves. Long Wanqing explained.

"Spirit of soul, elf." Gu Hai stared at the Thumb Girl in front of her eyes wide.

This is Qin Yin created, Qin Tao, this is Qin Tao.

In Qiandaohai, the ancient sea already knows the strength of the chess course. Chess power can be deployed to create the world. Although Qindao doesn't know much, the scene in front of it deeply shocks the ancient sea.

Make the soul.

People have three souls and seven souls, and Qindao can create souls, can it not be able to win the world and create, so as to create new creatures and new races.

Is this Qin Tao?

The elf in front of him looked at Gu Haidao: "The owner of the qualification post, I am the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, and his whereabouts are unclear. I can only use this elf to talk with Er and so on. After ten days, please go to 'Yinyuehai' on time , The piano teaching conference will be held there ten days later, and everyone will make preparations early. "

"Uh." Gu Hai showed a hint of blankness.


The elf patted his wings and rushed towards the colorful clouds in the sky, then rushed into the clouds.

call out.

Hundreds of elves rushed into Caiyun together.

"Ding Ding Ding."

In the sound of several pianos, Caiyun slowly dispersed.

Everything seems to have happened, leaving countless shockers watching the elf flying away.


The essence of the soul, created by the old owner with the sound of the piano.

The ancient sea is still deeply shocked.

Not far away, in a small attic, there was a hint of sourness in Wan'er's eyes: "Huh, the essence of the soul, the elf, what's so great, I'm about to break through the bottleneck, and I can create it right away, hum."

Obviously, not long ago, I wanted to fight with the old owner, but the result was unsuccessful. Now that the elf has come out, the victory and defeat have been divided, and Waner Fairy's heart is only sour.

"Elf, I see the elf." Finally the monk shouted excitedly.

"The old farmer's piano, it turned out to be so powerful."

"Elf, it's really an elf, I don't have any eyes."




Countless practitioners are excited.

Mo Yike frowned suddenly: "Yinyuehai."

"Mr. Mo, will Yin Yuehai ..." Master An carefully stepped forward.

"Let's go," Mr. Mo muttered.

"Yes," everyone said in response.

Including He Chengzhu, he also quickly followed away.

Long Wanqing looked at the back of the crowd, and a slight chuckle appeared on the corners of her mouth: "Gu Hai, this time you can post and make so many industries."

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "In fact, these industries are nothing. As long as people are still there and start-up capital, they can rise again immediately. Mr. Mo sees a lot more thoroughly than Anko."

"Uh." Long Wanqing shook her head slightly and shook her head. "Yeah, even if they want to recover as before, it will take a long time."

"It takes a while, but you haven't seen it. As soon as Mr. Mo came, everyone around Luyang King's industry would stop excluding him. He is a powerful character." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"You mean, he was doing a show just now."

"Not all, but there are some reasons for it." Gu Hai shook his head.

"You don't really want to go." Long Wanqing bit her lip, a flash of worry flashed in her eyes.

"No, rest assured, Yipintang is more comfortable than Luyang Wangfu." Gu Hai said with a smile.

"That's good." Long Wan laughed.

The army of the city's main government was gone, and many repairers were still on the street.

"Dear everyone, thank you for your previous support. Today, the first piano building on this street is 10% off." Gu Hai laughed.

"Ha ha ha, ten percent off, be sure to buy one."

"Mr. Gu's atmosphere."



The practitioners around were also very happy, and many people poured into the first piano building on the street.

Gu Hai and his party also slowly left the sight of everyone.

Returning to a room, Mu Chenfeng frowned: "The Lord of the City used to chase after the old church owner. I never imagined that he actually helped Master An to deal with us.

Long Wan nodded her head. Obviously, when he shouted to Uncle He Shikang himself, he did not react at all.

"No, He Shikang's behavior is strange." Gu Hai shook his head.


"Although he had stood by Master An's side before, he didn't have the kind of meaning to stubborn Master An, as if there was a feeling of helplessness." Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh." Long Wanqing wondered.

"Let's visit the Lord of the City." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Okay." Long Wan nodded her head-

At the end of the street, Lord He Cheng returned with his army, Mo Yike walked in front, Master An and others followed.

"Lu An, I know you are jealous, but remember to me that you must not find trouble in the ancient sea. The Lord is now looking for talent if he is thirsty, and he is in desperate need of talents, so it is not easy to appear one. If you seek revenge on him, don't blame me for not giving you . "Mo Yike gave a cold look at Master An.

Master An frowned, "Yes."

"Mr. Mo, the old farmer actually chose Yinyuehai this time, will he find out ..." Jiang Tianyi said worriedly.

Mo Yike narrowed his eyes and nodded his head, "It is indeed a trouble, but Yinyuehai was originally the closed sea of ​​Yinyue Mountain Villa. It is not difficult to guess where the piano teaching conference was held, but I hope not to break the event of Wang Ye, Let's go to Yinyue Mountain Villa first, hoping to discourage the old farmer. "

"Yes." The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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