Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 39: Ghost face

Yinyuehai, outside a ditch under the three islands, is hovering around sixty-eight lazy dragons. The largest black dragon is the ghost face not long ago.

"Well, leader, you see, there seems to be a thick layer of fog between the three islands above." A red dragon sank.

The dragons looked up together and looked up.

"What kind of formation is it? He Shikang is really frustrating enough. Finding this group of wastes to keep the soldiers outside, what's the use, if we are there or not." A white dragon disdain.

The ghost face didn't care and climbed down again.

"Leader, I've been here for a while, so it's hard to feel uncomfortable." Bailong carefully looked at the ghost.

"Uncomfortable, what do you want," said the ghostly face lightly.

"I want to eat human flesh. Last time Master An took you to Beihai to hunt down basalt. We stayed to guard and we were so uncomfortable." Bai Long grieved.

"Eating people, huh, huh, how did you get branded with sin? I don't remember." Ghost Nian said coldly.

"Of course I remember. Did n’t I just eat some people? I was very secretive. I ate people from a small town in Daqian Tianchao. They ate very cleanly. There must be no living mouth. The essence of all beasts is my dragon. The best food, but it was reported by the insidious dragon and degraded to sin by the prince. "

"I was also degraded as a sin dragon because of eating talents. When my dragon family did not ally with the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, we were eating people, not just casually. I am a dragon, eating them is their creation. After the alliance between the dynasties, they ca n’t eat anymore. Prince Long is here to sacrifice Dagan. When will my dragon family fall to this place? ”Red Dragon frowned.

"Yeah, but it ’s time to eat. We still eat it and say we are sinful dragons. That is a complete sin. Last time, I went to a small village near Yinyue City and ate 800 people in the village. No one knows, either. "A blue dragon laughed.

"Well, you guys went out to eat again." Grimace sank.

"Uh, the last time the leader went to Beihai to eat basalt, I was bored when I stayed, so ..." Lanlong carefully looked at the ghost.

"He Shikang sends you a thousand prisoners every month. Don't you think it's enough? I told you, you must not act without permission. You are my ears," he said in a cold voice.

"I, I, I also watch you go to eat Xuanwu ..., the leader also said to bring some Xuanwu back to try something for us, but ..." Lanlong whispered.


The face of the ghost roared, and its claws stepped under its claws. Under the powerful force, the blue dragon struggled several times without struggling, but the other dragons did not dare to come forward.

Ghostly, he looked at Lan Long and said, "Do you know how I got the sin pattern? In the past, there were three black dragons who dared to disobey me. In the end, I ate them all. Do you wish that I would eat you?" "

The blue dragon was excited: "No, no, dare not, boss."

"Hum, listen to me. Recently, I'm in the limelight. Don't find me unhappy. Who dares to act arrogantly? I ate it." Ghost noodle said coldly.

"Yes," Qun Long answered.

"When the gust passes, I will take you to a place to eat." Ghost Nian said coldly.

"Ah, where." Qunlong surprised.

"When Mr. Mo sent someone to pass on his life, I asked a few more words. Last time, the blue dragon named Gu Hai was crushed with a seal of Xi, as if it was from Qiandaohai. I have asked him to help me, no matter The ancient sea came from any of the islands in the Qiandaohai Sea, and we ate all the people on his island. I could n’t finish it, and I would destroy his island. ”Ghost Noodle said coldly.

"Ah, it's all eaten, okay, leader Yingming, be sure to take me this time."

"I'm going to eat too."

"Leader, bring me when you go to eat the entire Guhai family."




The dragons were eager.

"Well, someone's here." The ghost's face suddenly changed.

The group of dragons became silent for a moment, looking coldly at a man sinking into the sea above.

"Fang Minghou." The ghost's face showed a hint of surprise.

Seeing that it was Fang Minghou, Qunlong's alert was also eliminated.

"Ghost Noodle, Master An is here. Above, I want you to go up." Fang Minghou said coldly.

"Oh, Master An is here, isn't Mr. Mo saying that no one will come to us during this time, so that we don't get to the sea." Grimace frowned.

"Master An is on it. If there is something to discuss, come up quickly." Fang Minghou said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Fang Minghou rushed to Shanghai and left.

Grim frowned slightly.

"Boss, Fang Minghou's attitude today seems strange." A red dragon wondered.

"Wait here, I'll take a look." Grimace cried.

"Yes," Qun Long answered.

The ghost's face burst out of the sea, and above the sea, there was a cloud of fog.

As soon as it entered the large array, eighteen beads fell like a meteor and slammed into the ghost's face.


The face of the ghost growled, his face sullen, and he bumped into it.


Suddenly, eighteen beads were slammed back, and around the ghost's face, it seemed as if he could not clearly distinguish the southeast and northwest, and he didn't know where it was.

When he bumped back the eighteen beads, his grimace turned to look at the Master Liu not far away, and Fang Minghou.

"Fang Minghou, what are you doing? You colluded with this monk to hurt me." The ghost face growled suddenly.

Fang Minghou smiled bitterly for a while: "Ghost face, it's not that I want to hurt you, but that I don't lie to you, Master An will suffer."

The ghost turned and looked away.

Not far away, a giant cloud beast general, Master An with a broken heart in both hands.

Gu Hai and his party stood next to him, looking at the ghost face coldly.

"It's you again." The ghost face looked coldly at Gu Hai.

Ghost-faced, huge, as soon as they entered the battle, they seized a large area.

"Sin dragon ghost face." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"You caught Master An and used it to threaten me, what do you want to do?" Ghost face said coldly.

"Caught Master An, ha, Sin Long, it's you who reversed it. It was Master An who was going to kill me, and I shot him out of self-protection, and I didn't hurt him." Gu Hai laughed.

"Gu Hai, what do you want to do?" Master An stared at Gu Hai.

"It's nothing, you don't have to move. I'll get something, and I won't hurt you." Gu Haiwei smiled.

"It won't hurt us, ha ha ha ha, you also want to hurt me, Gu Hai, just now I was still thinking, when should I go to Qiandaohai to eat your whole island, now I have decided, and wait for me to eat you , I'll go right away, I'm going to eat your whole family. "Ghostly face shouted.

"People who eat my entire island." Gu Hai narrowed his eyes.

"I still want to eat you, roar." The ghost snarled and rushed towards the ancient sea in an instant.

"Negative beast." Master Liu Nian slammed his hand.


The slapping of the palms and the dragon, the dragon's body shakes suddenly, and the rolling clouds appear out of thin air, flooding the quartet.


Between the roars, the Black Dragon instantly knocked back the figure of Master Liu Nian and returned, but the two sides were slightly deadlocked.

"Fang Minghou, he hasn't shot yet," growled the ghost face.

Fang Minghou turned to look at Gu Hai.

"Fang Minghou, I have no intention of killing you and Master An, you dare to take action. I want you Master An to die right away. Besides, within the battle, you are not my opponent." Gu Hai said coldly.

Fang Minghou's face froze.

"Master An could just say that if he dies, you can't live. Master An has tried to put me to death several times. I can't stand it now. It's already the limit. You want to challenge my limit again." Gu Hai stared. Xiang Fangminghou.

"Gu Hai, if you dare to kill Master An, you will not be able to survive. Master An's body has a thousand miles of music left by Master Wang. After hundreds of millions of miles, as soon as Master An dies, Master Wang will know, and who knows who killed An Master. "Fang Minghou said coldly.

"Wanliqinyi." Gu Hai suddenly changed his face.

Over hundreds of millions of miles, we can know the situation of the other party, can we also control the other party, Wanli Qinyi, the original **** machine owner Li Haoran was controlled to kill Long Xiaoyue, will not ...

Gu Hai's face sank.

"Gu Hai, you dare to touch me, my grandpa must know that you are dead, you are dead." Master An also roared.


Holding Master An's Cloud Beast Meng, his thumb moved and blocked Master An's mouth, speechless.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyy," Master Anson whispered angrily.


Suddenly, a cloud beast general appeared again, and instantly appeared beside Fang Minghou.

"Well, I promise you and Master An will not die, but you must not resist," Gu Hai said coldly.

Fang Minghou looked at the huge cloud beast in front of him, his face sank, but nodded.


Cloud beast fiercely raised Fang Minghou and held it in his palm, making him unable to move.

"Fang Minghou, you idiot." The ghost face growled.

"I planted you, just now, you said, you want to destroy my entire island." Gu Hai said coldly.

While talking, stepping on one foot, suddenly another giant cloud beast appeared.

The cloud beast Xiang Yu took Fang Tianhua's halberd and rushed into the battlefield of Master Liu and Ghost Face.

"Libashan is full of energy." Cloud beast Xiang Yu roared.

Fang Tian's halberd chopped off sharply, and a cold wind rushed forward.


Grimace growled.


The dragon horn and Fang Tianhua halter collided violently, blocking Fang Tianhua halberd, but the master Liuli hit his belly with one palm.

"Boom." Ghost face backed out.

"Huh." Gu Hai snorted, and the detective waved.


The billowing mist instantly shrouded the entire array.

Fang Minghou, Master An, Long Wanqing, and Shangguan Mark suddenly lost sight of the internal battlefield.

"Libashan is full of energy."

"Jiuxing Lianzhu."

"Long Xiao collapsed."


There was a loud noise in the fog.


The master of fleeting years was shocked by a shock


n> The shocked figure receded.

"It's bad." As soon as Master Liu Nian's face changed, he rushed forward.

But in the fog, there was a scream of ghosts.

"What is this, what is this, ah, what evil is this," exclaimed the ghost.


The ghost's face spurred the dark clouds of the sky, and thunder and lightning thundered violently, splitting at himself.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

Lightning struck himself, the screams of the ghost face became more and more fierce.

"Dead away, you monster." Grimace growled.

The master of the fleeting years rushed into it quickly, but saw the cloud beast Xiang Yu, holding the ghost face dragon head tightly to prevent the ghost face from moving, and at this moment, the ghost face had wounds, wounds, black air filled with black air, One by one, the skulls were quickly devouring ghostly bodies.

The ghosts mobilized the thunder and lightning to split the black gas, but the skull in the black gas had already penetrated into its body, and more and more places were venting black gas.

Cloud beast Xiang Yu's head, Gu Hai held a bone knife in his hand, his face was cold.

"Ang, no, get away." Grimace growled.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you don't die today, and the next day will be my disaster." Gu Hai said coldly.


Countless thunder and lightning split wildly.

Master Liu Nian stopped in mid-air and didn't know if he should step forward.

"Ang, Ang, Ang ........."

A scream of screams from the Black Dragon came.

The captured Master An, although he couldn't see the inside, listened to this scream, but he was frightened.

Fang Minghou was also extremely ugly.

After a while, the thunderstorms disappeared around the sky.

The fog dispersed slowly.

The cloud beast Xiang Yu returned with the ancient sea in hand, and the master Liuli returned.

What brought back was a skeleton skeleton of a dragon.

The ghost face disappeared, leaving only piles of keel.

"You, you, what have you done to ghost faces." Fang Minghou was surprised.

"Master Liunian, you are here to guard Fang Minghou, the rest, I can come." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Alright." Master Liu Nian nodded.

The strongest ghost face has been captured, and other sin dragons, don't worry too much.

"Gu Hai, you, you really want to kill all sin dragons." Long Wanqing worried a little.

After all, the Dragon clan is a beast of the great national kingdom. As the owner of the first rank of the grand champion, do you watch the ancient sea kill the dragons?

"Yes." Gu Hai's eyes flashed firmness.

This group of dragons has exceeded the ancient sea bottom line, killing Jiuwu Island, then you must prevent accidents.

Long Wanqing finally gave a slight sigh and nodded her head: "Forget it, it's their fault."

"Shangguan marks, you come to shout." Gu Hai waved a hand, slightly moved, it seemed to release a sound insulation layer.

"Yes," Shangguan marks said.

"Master An brought the clan, rewarded me and waited, and came in batches, and the Red Dragons came up first." Shangguanhen cried.

Although Master An covered her mouth, her eyes widened instantly. This was the voice of a ghost, and this person learned.

"Ang." "Ang."

A sudden roar came from the bottom of the sea.

Then, there were four excited red dragons rushing straight up, rushing out of the sea, and instantly shrouded in a large array--

The ancient sea is not far from the sea, on an island.

At this moment, there are two gray-covered practitioners staring far away.

"You see clearly."

"The Master Liuli returned from the past and picked a wig on the sea. I only recognized him. Master Liuli is in there. The big array here is probably arranged by the ancient sea. However, there is no news when entering the large array. Moreover, if you look at the ripples around the sea, you should be hiding dragons under the sea. "

"Hidden dragons under the sea. There are no dragon strongholds here."

"You see, you see, there are a lot of white dragons there, as if there are six white dragons, entering the array from the bottom of the sea."

"Sin Dragon."

"Yes, I guess so, it seems we have found a clue." One of them was excited.

"You're staring here. I'll tell Master Sima that the secret of Silvermoon City may be here."

"Okay." This book first appeared on the 17K Novel Network. See the genuine content for the first time!

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