Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 40: Million Bronze Man

Silver Moon Sea, on an island.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

A series of beautiful piano sounds, but Waner Fairy sitting on the grass is playing the music.

With a play, countless flowers bloomed on the grass, and the fish on the sea were attracted, swimming towards the island, as if intoxicated by this beautiful music.

Hundreds of cyan elves were flying around the island.

When the little elf heard Waner's piano sound, she suddenly danced and became infected, showing how moving Waner's fairy was.

"Why haven't you come yet?" There was a flash of eagerness in Wan'er's eyes.

There were more and more cyan elves around, and it was about to reach a thousand.


Suddenly, a sound wave rushed straight in. When the sound wave arrived, all the blue elf around them retreated, but a yellow elf suddenly appeared.

"Gou Chen soul." Waner fairy shined.

According to the direction of Qin Yin, he chased here, but the yellow elf was very cunning, and ran away as soon as he approached, Waner Fairy never chased it several times.

There was an excitement in Wan'er's eyes: "Well, you musicians are all waste, dare to laugh at me, so far, only I have found Gou Chen soul, why do you laugh at me because of the ancient sea."

"Wait until I catch Gou Chen's soul and watch me hit you in the face fiercely, hum." Fairy Waner's eyes were filled with excitement and nervousness.


The yellow elf dances around Waner Fairy. After all, the elf also loves music very much. The listening of the pianists is very wide. The elf's nature is not bad. The pianist is looking for them, and the elf is looking for music.

So far, only the piano sound of Wan'er, the Liuqin Master, has attracted them, dancing and spinning around Wan'er.

"Get closer, get closer, I can catch it, get closer, you can't run away." Fairy Waner's eyes flashed with excitement.

The elf is the body of the soul. The ordinary array and magic weapon can not be captured at all, and can only be grasped by hand. Today, although Gou Chen's soul is attracted by the sound of the piano, he is still alert to the fairy fairy and keeps flying in a certain distance.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." Waner fairy sounded constantly, Waner fairy believed that this little yellow elf would soon cheat to his grasping range, and after getting hooked, it must be beautiful.

The ancient seas.

Master An's view of the ancient sea is no longer scornful of the world, but is chilly from head to toe.

Sixty-eight dragons were all settled by him, one was left and one was left.

Into a pile of sensational bones.

Fang Minghou looked at the ancient sea that came back by grasping the last keel, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

It is not difficult to see that the ancient sea is only in the early days of Jin Danjing, but that group of dragons, so powerful dragons, all died in his hands.

The fog was dense and unclear.

However, Fang Minghou still vaguely saw the two magic weapons of Guhai.

A bone knife, a black seal, and then a large array, all the dragons were killed.

Although he killed one after another, he killed it alone.

"Master An, the trouble you are looking for this time is beyond our imagination." Fang Minghou smiled bitterly.

Gu Haifei came back and didn't say much, but sat cross-legged.

Sixty-eight dragons were swallowed by bone knives, and the power of one-thousandth of the feedback was extremely huge. The ancient sea was flushed with redness, and the face was full of blood.


Regulating the energy in the collective, impacting the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, powerful power, a sudden pain in the ancient sea that suddenly hit, but still did not open any tricks.

"Due to practicing external skills, are the five tricks extremely difficult to open?" The ancient sea opened his eyes bitterly.

"Gu Hai, are you okay?" Long Wanqing worried.

Gu Hai shook her head and stood up: "It's all right."

It's okay, but there is too much power accumulated in the body. Gu Hai is pressing on an impulse to vomit blood, slowly dissipate.

"Let's go and see." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

Master Liu Nian looked anxiously at Gu Hai and nodded.

Gu Hai waved her hand and opened a mouthful.

Gu Hai, Long Wanqing, Shangguanhen, and Master Liunian entered into the mouth together.

"Stop it."

The crowd entered the sea, and the large array of mouths instantly recovered.

"Wow la la la."

The energy accumulated in the body is hot and hot, and the sea water on the body side is boiled instantly, and countless bubbles pop up.

"Gu Hai, you are so hot." Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai worriedly.

"It's okay, I can fix it, it will be fine in a while." Gu Haiwei smiled.

Long Wanqing frowned and nodded, Gu Hai refused to say, there was no way, the group continued to dive towards the deep sea.

And in a big battle.

Fang Minghou exhaled, "Well, they're finally gone."

"Um." Master An was covered by Meng Yunshou's mouth, but still looked at Fang Minghou in doubt.

"Master An, I will try my best to break away from this monster, please be careful." Fang Minghou said in a deep voice.

Master An looked at Fang Minghou in surprise.

"This big array is too weird. The strength is almost reaching my limit. I tried my best to break away, but the ancient sea is very easy. If I break away, it will be more miserable. Now that they are gone, I can break For a while, you be careful. "Fang Minghou said in a deep voice.

"Huh huh huh." Master An nodded excitedly-

Gu Hai and his party slowly sank into the ocean floor, and soon reached a huge trench.

"Emperor, it's right here, I feel the snake head." Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.


The four walked towards the trench.

The four walked across a long, narrow aisle, and suddenly reached a huge undersea square, staring at the square with wide eyes.

Above the square, a huge emerald green snake head is floating, the snake head is a hundred feet in size, the snake head has long been broken, but his eyes are glowing.

A pair of pale green fangs stretched out, pressing against a huge piece of ice beneath.

A square piece of super strong ice covers the entire square, and the snake head is very small.

The snake head's fangs are pressed on top of the ice. The fangs seem to be stagnating the ice. The ice has melted by a tenth, and it is still melting.

Inside Jianbing, there are millions of bronze soldier figures standing straight.

"Terracotta Warriors and Horses." The ancient sea froze slightly.

"What terracotta warriors." Long Wanqing wondered.

"It's not terracotta warriors, it's just something like that. Terracotta warriors are made of earthenware, so they look a bit like bronze, wearing bronze armor." Gu Hai frowned.

"Yeah, what's the use of these bronze people, millions, there are actually millions, exactly the same." Shangguan marks wondered.

"Look, the front bronze man is holding a banner."

"Yinyue, the banner reads the word" Yinyue ", which was made by Mr. Yinyue, and then sealed in the ice. The criminal dragons are here to melt the ice with a snake head." Dragon Wan Qing showed her doubts.

"But this ice is not as cold as it seems." Master Liu Nian wondered.


Suddenly, Shangguanhen growled and opened his mouth.


The huge snake head seemed to be subjected to a traction force, and suddenly floated in the flutter.

"Emperor, I'm going to eat, I can't wait." Shangguan marks excited.

"Eat." Gu Hai laughed.

"This ice, don't move, I'll tell you how to do it later." Shangguanhen looked at the snake head excitedly at this moment.


A huge force encircled the snake head of Baizhang, as if it had been shrunk in an instant, Shangguan marks swallowed the snake head in his stomach.

"Uh." Master Liu Nian showed a hint of surprise.

These days, I help Shangguanhen to find food, but I still do n’t know what these foods are for. Now it is a snakehead of a hundred feet.

"This snakehead, shouldn't it be highly toxic, how can he eat it." Master Liu Nian worried.


On the side of the body surface of Shangguan marks, a virtual shadow suddenly appeared, but it was a tortoise and a snake, basalt-like, and basaltic and black-snake, all showing their colors.


Shangguan mark sits cross-legged, adjusts his breath, and bursts of green light around his body, as if the snake's head has numerous tonics, which promotes the qualitative change of Shangguan mark's body.


Suddenly, the surface of Shangguan's body shook, causing a violent water ripple.

"Yuan Yingjing, this breaks through to Yuan Yingjing." Master Liu Nian looked at Shangguan Hen in surprise.

The ripples of water on the surface of Shangguan's body seemed to be repairing, and the master of the fleeting years was amazed.

Gu Hai's breath was long, and there was a flash of satisfaction in his eyes. At least everything he had done before was very worthwhile.

The ancient sea is protected by Shangguan marks.

The master of the fleeting years came to the ice, and looked at the ice of millions of bronze sculptures in doubt.

"Is the ice strong, but there is no cold, if the sin dragon wants the bronze sculpture inside, why not break the ice directly." Master Liu Nian looked at Jian ice in doubt.

Long Wanqing also came forward: "Yeah, there is no cold at all. The banner says" Yinyue ", which was left by Mr. Yinyue that year, and is a bronze silver moon army."

The master of the fleeting years took out a long sword and tempted to the ice.

Just touched the ice for a moment.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka."

Suddenly, a icy air, straight out of the sword.

"Well." Master Liu Nian's face changed.

But when I saw the cold air running down the body with the sword, Master Liu Nian's right arm froze for a moment, and then spread to the whole body instantly.

"Master." Long Wanqing's face changed, and her hand smashed away, trying to break the ice.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka Kaka."

Long Wanqing's palms and slaps froze suddenly. This cold air followed Long Wan's true scent, and straight into Long Wanqing's body.

Just moments later, both became ice sculptures.

Yuan Yingjing repairs, at this moment in front of this cold air, there is actually no resistance.

"What." Gu Hai turned his head, his face changed.

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