Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 41: Water god

"Kaka Kaka Kaka."

Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian froze into ice sculptures instantly.

Gu Hai's face changed, and it was too late to save. The ice sculpture was broken at the touch. Gu Hai dare not touch it.

Moreover, with the repair of the master of the fleeting years, it was impossible to stop the cold, and it was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant. No wonder the dragons have been here, but they are powerless.

It turned out that this giant ice was so cold.

"Well, tell them just now, don't touch them, wait for me." The sound of Shangguan's bitter smile suddenly sounded.

"Shangguan marks, how are you?" Gu Hai looked at Shangguan marks.

"Thank you, Emperor, I have completely reached the Yuanying Realm, and I have been able to mobilize a little divine power." Shangguanhen was excited.

Gu Hai was not happy: "Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian, they are frozen. Do you know what is going on?"

"The emperor rest assured, they are all right, it's okay to persist for two or three days." Shangguan marks smiled.

"Um." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark in confusion, at this time, still laughed.

"The emperor, this ice is not ordinary ice, but a dead water god." Shangguanhen explained.

"Dead water god." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, Shouyun Shenwenling, God, this is a race **** of the water monsters, but this race is extinct, but their gods are left behind, waiting for the years to pass away, and eventually the ash is annihilated. It also foreshadows that the **** has lost his consciousness and turned into a treasure. "Shangguanhen explained.


"Yes, ordinary people ca n’t touch it. That ’s because although this **** is dead, it contains the boundless grievances of the entire race. The **** of the water system has even expressed this grievance in the cold, so it seems to be A huge piece of ice, but there is not much cold air, and the seawater around it is not frozen. "Shangguanhen explained.

"God, it works for you." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark.

"Yes, I also have the **** of race. Only the supreme race of each race can understand what this is, but this thing is more useful to the emperor. I have got the snake head, and the emperor will take it." Shangguanhen laughed.

"Oh." Gu Hai wondered.

"Using this god, refining the kidney qi to form the water **** palace. In the future, the emperor babies condensed by the emperor will be infinitely stronger than others, and the water system spells will definitely be better than others."

"Kidney is water, use this to hit the kidneys." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

I swallowed a lot of dragons before. At this moment, my body is extremely uncomfortable, and I can't flush my liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

Moreover, how large this ice is, millions of bronze people are shrouded in it.

"The emperor, God, it is not so collected. Moreover, even if this dead **** is dead, but instinctively also hopes to have a place to live, the kidney of man is the best place. Inhale and enter the body of the kidney, it can help you open the kidneys and open up the water shrine. "Shangguanhen solemnly said.

"Oh." Gu Hai froze slightly.

But when he saw Shangguan marks closed his eyes, a green light burst into his eyebrows, and his hand was pointed.


An eyebrow burst from the eyebrows and headed for the huge ice.


As soon as the aperture wave touched the ice, the ice suddenly appeared ripples, like water ripples.

Slowly, the ripples ups and downs, revealing a dark blue energy mass inside.

"Emperor, this is the essence of God. It does not freeze people. It is inhaled into the body and driven into the kidney with thoughts. It will open up the kidneys by itself." Shangguan marks called.

Gu Hai crossed his knees and opened his mouth.


Suddenly, the deep blue silk-like energy suddenly sucked into the ancient sea mouth.


The whole body of the ancient sea was instantly covered with frost.

Not afraid to hesitate, Gu Hai's whole body of thought led the energy straight to the kidney body.



There was a sudden loud noise, but the dark blue energy suddenly opened the kidneys.

A huge space similar to Dantian was instantly exposed in front of the ancient sea.

"Wow la la la."

Suddenly, the dark blue energy rushed into the space, and a large amount of ice-cold air instantly wrapped up the kidney body of the ancient sea, and the kidney of the ancient sea became aqua blue.


The whole body of cold air poured into the body, and the ancient sea that had just been frozen all over the body suddenly disappeared.

The ancient sea opened its mouth to suck, and the huge ice was rapidly decreasing.

Shangguanhen has stepped back to protect the law for the ancient sea.

The power of the water **** is poured into the kidney, strengthening the kidneys of the ancient sea, and building a palace of the water god.


The ice of strangeness turns into energy pouring into the ancient sea——

On the sea, a large array of ancient seas.

"Drink." Fang Minghou sang loudly.


The cloud beast squeezing Fang Minghou blasted away.

"Master An, be careful." Fang Minghou slammed into the cloud beast holding Master An.


The cloud beast also burst into pieces.

"Huh, huh, huh, finally came out, Fang Minghou, hurry up, hurry up, take me out of here." Master An said with a horror.

After all, the previous scene of the ancient sea slaughtering dragons was still scary.


Detective Fang Minghou hit the clouds not far away.


Suddenly, a large gap appeared in the array.

"Master An, go out with me. I used to watch Gu Hai here to start the formation. I opened a rift and didn't know how much time I could stick to it." Fang Minghou called.

Talking, Master Master An suddenly burst out.

"call out."

Fling out of the gap, the gap suddenly closed again.

The two escaped the large array, stood on the sea, and looked at the large array in horror.

The sea was calm and calm, and an inconspicuous cloud covered it. Who would have imagined how terrible the killings might be under this large array.

"Go, Fang Minghou, we will leave here immediately." Master An was shocked.

"No, Master An, wait a minute, I'll take a look." Fang Minghou narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

After speaking, Fang Minghou dived into the sea with a murderous look in his eyes.

In the distance, on an island.

Hundreds of gray people gathered here, but the first one was Sima Changkong.

"My lord, look, it's that cloud and mist," someone cried.

"Oh, well, those two ..." Sima's brow frowned slightly.

"It's Fang Minghou and Master An. They went out, and something happened inside." The gray-clad man who was monitoring here was surprised.

"Fang Minghou bypassed the large array and entered the sea again." ——

Fang Minghou showed his face sullen, with a murderous look in his eyes, and went straight to the bottom of the sea. He soon reached the trench, took out a long knife, and approached it carefully.


There was a roar of noise in the depths of the trench, and Fang Minghou soon reached the depths and suddenly saw the internal picture.

Inside the ice, Fang Minghou has seen it more than once, but now, the endless ice has disappeared half, and that ice seems to be pouring into the ancient sea mouth.

"How is it possible that this hard ice is not dead?" Fang Minghou was surprised.

Master Liu Nian and Long Wanqing were frozen into ice, leaving only what was called Shangguanhen, the Jin Danjing.

Fang Minghou's eyes flashed a puppet, which was really a good time.

"Who." Shangguan Hen frowned suddenly and turned his head.

Fang Minghou no longer hesitated, grasping the long knife, and rushed to it in the past. The long knife in his hand was chopped, and a golden knife rushed straight to Shangguan.


The sword is fierce, and the ordinary Jindan realm cannot be blocked at all. Fang Minghou firmly believes that this knife will definitely kill Shangguan marks.

"The mysterious snake is ever-changing and never moves forward." Shangguan marks stared with a cold drink.


Between the eyebrows, an emerald green aperture suddenly appeared, and when the aperture came out, it suddenly turned into a transparent ten-foot green snake.

As soon as the green snake emerged, the surrounding sea was instantly dyed green, and it bumped into a golden blade.


The golden sword whispered a whistle, and then eclipsed quickly.

The green snake was smaller, but rushed to Fang Minghou in an instant.

"What." Fang Minghou's face changed and he shot it with one palm.


With a loud noise, the green snake exploded, but Fang Minghou was backing in terror.


Fang Minghou, frightened, withdrew from the sea instantly.

"Fang Minghou, what's wrong with you, your whole body is green." Master An was surprised.

"Leave, Master An, hurry up, ah." Fang Minghou's face quickly grew pustules, shouting in horror.

"call out."

Holding Master An, he suddenly shot towards the sky.

"Oh, oh."

As he flew, Fang Minghou vomited blood, and his face was horrified.

"You're poisoned, what poison, so fierce, your cultivation can't resist." Master An An said in a horror.

"Hurry on, hurry on." Fang Minghou passed out in terror.

Master An was a spirit, and took Fang Minghou quickly fled into the distance.

In the distance, Sima Changkong and others looked at the escaping two in surprise.

"Sir, do you want to chase it?"

Sima Changkong shook his head with his eyes narrowed and said: "No need, it's useless to chase after, there is nothing on the bottom of the sea, Fang Minghou is in the Five Baby Realm. Just after a while, I fled so miserably. Out."

And at the moment the sea floor.

Shangguanhen watched Fang Minghou leave and said in a cold voice: "Escape, escape is useless, I can already use a little divine power, hit my snake poison, only I can solve it."

Turning his head, Shangguan marks looked at Guhai again, protecting the law for Guhai.

At this moment, the rolling ice has melted into energy that pours into the ancient sea. The endless ice is now only one tenth left.

The ancient sea mind and heart sink into the space of the kidney, like the small space like Dantian, but Dantian contains the spirit of the spirit mother, showing purple, and this type of Dantian is blue, ice blue, and water blue.

"Kidney opens, congenital environment comes second." Gu Hai felt an excitement in his heart.


The ice is rolling and fully integrated into the kidney. At this moment, if there is no flesh and blood, the ancient sea can be seen, but his kidney is a faint blue light


32846786 / 895596382726035584.png) \ '> Crystal clear.

Kidney essence overflows with endless vitality.

Gu Hai's lower body is also very strong at this moment, and the whole body seems to have an endless energy.


The kidney is opened. The power that previously swallowed the dragons seems to have a place to pour, as if the river is rushing straight to the kidney, and once it enters the kidney, it seems to be transformed by the cold ice in the kidney. Balls of water blue real dollars.

True elements converge toward the center, as if converging into a liquid sphere.

The cold air from Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian was also inhaled into the ancient sea.

The two just froze for a moment and sobered up instantly.

"Just, what happened just now." Long Wanqing said coldly, blankly.

"Broken, how did you do it?" Master Liu Nian was also surprised.

Shangguanhen looked at the two, smiled slightly, without explanation, and continued to protect the ancient sea.

At this moment, the two people noticed the ancient sea, the ancient sea was glowing with a faint blue light, and the flushing on the previous face was slowly disappearing.

"The ancient sea is breaking through." Master Liu Nian wondered.

The crowd waited patiently, and turned their heads to the bottom of the ocean at the moment.

Without the ice, millions of bronze people were exposed to the sea.


The Bronze Man wrote in front of the banner "Silver Moon" and suddenly fluttered.


Suddenly, the bronze man clutching the banner trembled slightly, making a sound of empty bells.

"Om." "Om." "Om." ...............

The sound of empty bells seemed to be contagious. It was spreading rapidly to other bronze people. It didn't take long for the millions of bronze people to tremble together.

"This is it." Everyone was surprised--

In the vast Silver Moon Sea, millions of elves are flying around, flying very fast.

However, just as the bronze people at the ancient seas trembled, suddenly, the millions of elves were almost at the same time, as if they heard something.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

Millions of elves suddenly went crazy, fluttered their wings, and flew towards the south of Yinyuehai quickly, toward the bronze man where the ancient sea was.

On an island, the fairy Waner constantly played music to attract the elf.

The yellow elf was getting closer and closer to Wan'er Fairy, and slowly closed her eyes and danced.

Waner Fairy felt that her heart was beating strongly, she reached out her left hand, her left hand stretched towards the yellow elf, and her right hand continued to play the piano.

I ran into it and touched my fingertips.

"Successful, I'm going to grab Gou Chen's soul."


It was just a moment to grab Gou Chen's soul, as if a 'hum' came, almost all the elves were slightly surprised.

"Uh, what a voice." The yellow elf suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah, let me go first, let me go first." The yellow elf suddenly showed ecstasy, his wings fluttered and flew towards the South China Sea.

"What, don't run." Fairy Fairy nodded and didn't catch it.

Gou Chen soul flew away.

Not only the yellow elf, but all the green elf around them quickly flew away, all exposing ecstasy, and shooting towards the silver moon in Hainan District.

"No, who, who is bad for me, ah, bastard." Waner fairy jumped up in anger.

"call out."

Picking up the guqin, Waner Fairy chased after her, watching Gou Chen's soul flying further and further away, Waner Fairy felt her heart was bleeding.

Who, who, Waner Fairy wants to cry without tears.

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