Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 44: The bronze man chases the ancient sea


The attack of the Bronze People, the entire sea area shaken by the aftermath caused a huge wave.

The practitioners who came from all directions showed horror, watched from a distance, and dared not approach.

"Hmm." "Hmm."

Suddenly two flying boats rushed out of the large array in the center of the waves.

It is the flying boat of Master Liuli and Waner Fairy.

"call out."

The two flying boats quickly flew out of the array and flew towards the crowd in the distance.

"That's Waner Fairy."

"Is that the demon girl, wasn't she the Gou Chen soul she was hunting before."

"Isn't her piano awesome, has she caught Gou Chen's soul?"




Numerous practitioners looked at Waner, looking forward to conversation.

The surroundings were too noisy, and the practitioners talked so loudly that they naturally passed into the ears of the fairy Waner, who was amazing in hearing.

"Huh." Waner Fairy snorted sullenly.


At this moment, a large explosion exploded in the distance, and the endless sea water once again exploded into the sky.

"call out."

Another flying boat rushed out instantly.

It is Guhai, Guhai controls the flying boat with one hand, and holds the yellow elf with wide eyes in one hand.

"Look, it's ancient sea, ancient master."

"It is really the ancient master. Look at the ancient master, it is Gou Chen soul."

"It was got by Master Gu."

"Master Gu's artistic conception is really powerful."

"The demon girl still wants to compare with the ancient master, dreaming."

"Yes, Master Gu ’s artistic conception of Qin Tao is not comparable to that demon girl. The demon girl still wants to use the following means to stop it, which is ridiculous."

"In the face of absolute power, all conspiracy and tricks are jokes, and the demon girl is useless to make up and mess. The ancient master is stronger than him, that is, powerful."




Numerous practitioners are surely in the air.

Waner Fairy's anger just exploded.

"Gu Hai, you liar, I'm not finished with you." Waner fairy screamed even more aggrieved.

However, at this moment, the ancient sea has already flown away.

Holding the yellow elf in his hand, he was flying fast.

The little yellow elf stared at the distance: "My obedient, fly fast, fly fast, my life is very valuable, hurry, hurry."

"Shut up," Gu Hai said darkly, coldly.


But I saw that from the bottom of the sea, all the bronze figures suddenly flew into the sky, like shells, and shot at the ancient sea flying boat together.

"Hmm." "Hmm." "Hmm." ...............

Millions of artillery shells bombed the ancient sea flying boat.

The scene instantly opened the eyes of the practitioners who were just talking.

"What is that, figurine."

"Bronze figurine."

"So fast."

"Just kidding, this is the top figurine of Yuanyingjing."

"Here, there are hundreds of thousands, no, millions."




Countless pianists suddenly screamed. They all went together to practice the piano, and they had heard of the figurines.

Such a huge amount naturally attracts everyone's horror.


In the millions, chasing the ancient sea.

In the past, it was just an elf, only the size of a thumb. Now, it is all humanoid. One by one, the figurines are exposed, holding bronze swords in hand, the speed is extremely fast.

"Hmm." "Hmm." ...............

The ancient sea drove the flying boat, and the speed was only a little faster, but there are millions of bronze people.

Flying in a straight line, the ancient sea can slowly pull away. However, the Yinyue Sea has a sea closure.

It didn't take long for the ancient sea to reach the edge of the enclave.

"Break it for me."

Tianzhen Shenxi slammed down.


The burst trembled, but it didn't break.

"What." Gu Hai's face changed.

Tianzhen Shenxi, this is the strongest force now, ah, actually did not earn Kaifeng enchantment.

Although the sea enchantment has been shaken, but it has not been broken after all, maybe a few more times, it can be broken, but the recent Bronze Man has come closer.

"Let's go." Gu Hai's complexion changed, and she gathered up the Tianzhen Shenxi, and steered the flying boat and turned away.

"call out."

The flying boat left and hundreds of bronze people arrived.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

Hundreds of Bronze People slammed on the sea enchantment, the Enchantment trembled slightly, turning their heads, and the Bronze People chased towards the Ancient Sea again.

Silver Moon at sea.

Gu Haifei was flying in the air, looking all over, there were bronze men everywhere, inaccessible to the sword, the speed was amazing, fiercely slaughtered towards himself.

The flying boat shuttled between the gaps in which the bronze men flew.

Gou Chen's soul looked at the dense bronze people in front of him at the moment, and he was dumbfounded.

"Do n’t, do n’t go, there are all bronze people there, all, ah, ah, I ’m going to be killed by you, father and mother, help, eh, I do n’t seem to have father and mother, learn from them, shout smoothly Oh my god, I do n’t even have a father and mother, who came to save me, not even a shouting person, I ’m so miserable. ”Gou Chen soul cried in horror.

"Shut up." Gu Hai shouted with a headache.

The yellow elf was still shouting.

The ancient sea was exposed, and the flying boat was manipulated against a large group of bronze people. There was no way to avoid it, and it was surrounded in all directions.


Suddenly, the flying boat hit fifteen bronze people and flew out of the gap of the large bronze people instantly.

"He hit his mother, well, escaped." The yellow elf suddenly shouted in excitement.


The ancient sea flying boat was once again shot in the silver moon sea.

"Hmm." "Hmm." "Hmm." ...............

A large number of bronze people chased after each other and kept following.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly while evading the Bronze Man. At this scene, how did it feel like a large wave of fighters were chasing themselves.

Not a big wave, but a million fighters are chasing themselves, how long can they persist.

When flying to Silvermoon Island.

Almost thousands of bronze people have been there on Yinyue Island. When they saw the flying boat coming, they rushed up.

"call out."

The ancient sea's flying boat quickly flew past.

A large-scale, fierce pursuit battle was staged in the sky over the Silver Moon.

Nearly all practitioners looked up, including a group of luthiers.

"Is that the ancient master? It's too fierce. He was hunted down by this bronze monster. If I were, my legs would have been soft."

"The Bronze Man is so good. I saw the ancient master flying to the side of an island. The Bronze Man hit the island with one punch."




Numerous practitioners do not know that they are worried about Gu Hai, or they are jealous of Gu Hai's grasp of Gou Chen's soul. Maybe they don't know what kind of psychology they know. They only know the scene in front of them, maybe only once in a lifetime.

On the flying boat of the fleeting master.

Long Wanqing bit her lip, her face worried.

"Master, is there any way to help Gu Hai." Long Wanqing said anxiously.

Master Liu Nian shook his head with a bitter smile: "There is no way, if the ancient sea he saves himself, he can release Gou Chen's soul."

Long Wanqing was still extremely worried in her eyes.

"Teacher, Gu Hai said earlier, I think it makes sense. At this moment, the bronze people are exposed. He Chengzhu may not conceal any more. Let's go to He Chengzhu." Master Liu Nian called.

"Um." Long Wan nodded her head-

Silver Moon Sea on an island.

He Shikang looked at the Bronze Man in the sky, and now he was also a puppet.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, bronze people, liberated by the ancient sea, it seems that it can't be concealed, it can't be concealed, ha ha ha ha." He Shikang's eyes carried a bitter despair--

At the large formation where the Bronze People exploded, the water was tumbling for a while. At this moment, it had gradually calmed down a lot, and the three islands in the shape of the shape were exposed again.

"Sir, there is a small formation of Gu Haibu here, there are 6,000 soldiers who have been sealed for repair." Someone suddenly cried.

Sima Changkong flew over with a large number of people in gray clothes.

"Seal this area of ​​the sea and prevent others from coming in. If necessary, show your identity token." Sima Changkong called.


The previous six thousand soldiers on the island were released.

"Give me a trial." Sima Chang looked coldly at the six thousand soldiers.

"We said, don't judge, it's the city's main we do, He Shikang, He City's master." A soldier suddenly called.

Obviously, the ancient sea is still in front of He Shikang's people, so why did Shikang send the ancient sea to kill people?

"I said, to me, there are dragons and guilty dragons on the sea floor."

"I said, I said, I was innocent and I was fooled by He Shikang."




A group of soldiers scrambled to tell Sima Changkong everything they knew.

Sima Chang looked at the crowd blankly. It was extremely difficult to investigate the case before, but now, how so smoothly.

"You then interrogate, make me a transcript, sum it up, give me the results, come with a few people, and take a look with me to the bottom of the sea." Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.


Silvermoon Island.

The old owner looked at the Bronze Man in the sky, and also showed a smile: "Okay, a good figurine, okay, Mr. Yinyue, your figurine is very powerful, the disciples are incompetent, and the Yinyue Mountain Villa is not good. You're ashamed. "

With that said, the owner of the old farmer was already sullen, his eyelids twitched, and he was about to die.

Aside Yunmo's face changed.

"Are you ready, hurry." Yun Mo shouted to the people around the island.

In all directions, a group of disciples in Yinyue Mountain Village all looked up and said, "Shao Zhuang, we are all fine, waiting for your order."

Yun Mo's expression fell, and he fell silent. All the disciples of the villa looked at Yun Mo.

"You guys, today, I want to do something that violates the rules of Zhuang. After today, my Yinyue Mountain Villa may be inconceivable by the world, but I must do it, and today I may be inconceivable by the world. But, I do n’t I regret not doing it today, I will certainly regret it for life. If you do not want to do it with me, leave immediately, I don't blame you. "Yunmo took a deep breath.

"To save the old owner, I am not afraid of any infamy."

"My life was saved by the old farmer. If the old farmer could survive, I wouldn't be afraid of it."

"Young owner, don't hesitate. Hurry, the old owner has reached the limit."

"We don't go."




Shouted a group of disciples.

Yun Mo looked at the support of his disciples, but his eyes flashed firm.


mg / 1437461631656/32846786 / 1543270305395217645.png) '> Yun Mo looked at Yinyuehai Qufang, with a hint of embarrassment on his face: "You masters of Taoists have offended."

PS: This is the first change.

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