Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 45: Break through

Silvermoon City, East Tower.

Mu Chenfeng and his two subordinates stood on the tower and looked at the sea in the distance.

"I don't know what happened to the piano teaching conference," a subordinate frowned.

"Master, your decision is wise. Since there are evil dragon scourges there, it is bound to be dangerous to teach a piano in it. It is said that the sea enchantment has been opened again.

"Yeah, lord, although the ancient sea is somewhat capable, but can face the evil dragon, what can it do now, the owner is even worse than the old one, the Lord went forward, just in case ..." The subordinate echoed. Road.

Mu Chenfeng looked at the distance and remained silent for a while, "I started to regret it."


"I should go in with the host, eh." Mu Chenfeng sighed slightly--

Silver Moon Sea.

Millions of bronze people desperately chased the ancient sea flying boat, nonstop, nonstop, surrounded the ancient sea many times, and escaped several times dangerous.

"This will not work. If this continues, the energy of the flying boat will be exhausted, and I will be exhausted. The flying boat can not stand such a number of violent collisions." Gu Hai frowned.

Millions of fighters are hunting down, and if they are consumed, it is a death.

Enter the sea, let alone laugh, enter the sea, the speed is no faster than the bronze people, and the ancient sea also found that this group of bronze people are not chasing themselves with their eyes, but induction.

They can sense where Gou Chen's soul is, so it's useless to hide.

The formation of the defense, the previous big battle on the island was so powerful, it was also broken by the Bronze Man, what kind of defense method to use.

You can't escape, you can break the sea, you may be able to break open, but this group of bronze people give yourself time.

"Well, the sea enchantment, I have a way." Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes suddenly.

"What, what way, you really have a way." Gou Chen soul stared at Gu Hai with a look of surprise.

Gu Hai returned a disgusted expression.

"Don't hate me. Anyway, I can sing very well. You have a way. There is a way. Can I help you?" Gou Chen soul excited.

"Shut up, you're helping." Gu Hai said coldly.

With the idea, Gu Hai no longer avoided the Bronze People.

Similarly, on the Sifang Island, countless practitioners see the escape pictures of the ancient seas are not the same.

"Why did Gu Hai run to a place with a lot of bronze people?"

"Yeah, there aren't any bronze men over there, why doesn't he go there."

"No, you see, there are more bronze people around the ancient sea."

"Yeah, is he seeking his own way of death? He seems to be gathering bronze men."




The scene in front of me is incomprehensible to countless practitioners. Before the ancient seas fled around, but now it is in one place, as if waiting for a group of bronze people to gather.

More and more bronze people.

In a blink of an eye, it was already hundreds of thousands.

"go with."

The ancient sea suddenly manipulated the flying boat and rushed towards the direction with the most bronze people.

That scene saw countless practitioners staring wide.

"You're crazy, God, you're crazy." Gou Chen soul exclaimed.

Is this to death?

How can there be such a rush, more and more bronze people, how can this escape?


Sure enough, there weren't many Bronze people in this collision.

I fled before, hitting at most a dozen, and then escaped.

But this time, it hit eight hundred, and the large array on the flying boat suddenly appeared a lot of damage.


Finally broke out, but the large array on the flying boat lost most of it.

The speed of the flying boat suddenly dropped a lot.

"It's over, what can I do? I'm still very young, I'm only one year old, and I don't want to die." Gou Chen was crying.

"Shut up," Gu Hai said angrily with a dark face.

call out.

The flying boat fled again.

However, after the collision just now, all bronze men were detoured to the back of the ancient sea.

Previously were bronze people in all directions.

But now, all the bronze people are behind the ancient sea, and they are overwhelming, forming an army formation that is generally dense and chasing after them as neatly.

"This is it." Countless practitioners appeared blank.

But he saw Feizhou heading towards Fenghai enchantment.

"I know, I know, Gu Hai is going to break the enchantment with a bronze man."

"All the bronzes are together and hit the enchantment together."

"Thousands of bronze people hit the enchantment, and the enchantment just trembled. This time, one million bronze people hit the enchantment neatly."




Countless practitioners looked at heaven in surprise.

Sure enough, the flying boat in the ancient sea was unhappy, and the bronze people chased it up.


The ancient sea roared, and the flying boat suddenly turned in the direction of the sea below, but the strong inertia still caused the flying boat to rub over the sea-sea enchantment.

Bronze people, too close, did not expect that the flying boat would fly downwards, but they crashed into the sea enchantment.

Millions of bronze people rushed away.

It is like a million meteor showers, which are instantly bombarded at a point.


"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

The super loud sound rang through the entire Yinyue Sea, and the quartet of sea water suddenly rolled up the violent waves again.

At the impact, a mouth of thousands of diameters appeared.

"Broken, broken."

"Look, the ancient sea is flying, and I'm out."

"It really broke Kaifeng's enchantment."




Numerous practitioners were screaming, and the ancient sea Feizhou shot first and flew towards the sky.


Millions of bronze people are still chasing after each other, shouting, and chasing towards the ancient sea flying boat.

"My brother, you are too fierce, I guessed a long time ago that you are infinitely intelligent, you can think of a good way, but I am wise." Gou Chen said with great excitement.

"Huh." Gu Hai breathed a long breath.

"What to do now, it seems that your speed is not enough, they soon catch up." Gou Chen soul stared.

"Into Silvermoon City, Silvermoon City has a large defensive lineup. I hope to be able to defend this group of bronze men. Also, the driving spirit in the flying boat is almost used up and must be replenished quickly." Gu Hai took a deep and delicious airway.

"Think with me, I think so, you are as smart as me." Gou Chen soul excited.

Gu Hai once again gave a disgusting expression--

Silver Moon in the sea.

On an island, Fairy Fairy looked at the big hole in the sea-sea enchantment, and her face was ugly: "Huh, I will be a little smart, what ’s so great, big liar."

But, just after that, Wan'er fairy suddenly changed her face: "What, what's going on."


But she saw Waner fairy's body suddenly, a very small thin line suddenly emerged, binding herself.

"Kaka Kaka."

Suddenly, Waner was now bound by the thin line, her body curled up.

"This is, this is, the silk thread of Chen Yijing, the old farmer, she yells at us." Wan'er fairy changed her face.

Not only Waner Fairy, Sima Changkong on the distant island also changed his face, and a silk thread emerged from the body surface, binding it up.

"Master, what's wrong with you," a subordinate exclaimed.

Sima Changkong's face changed: "It's not good, it's Yunmo. At first, he used the Gou Chen artistic conception to condense the strings to surround our six hundred luthiers, saying that it was convenient for us to capture Gou Chen's soul. He had a long-term plan."

"Ah, why did he do this."

Sima Changkong suddenly changed his face: "Well, Yunmo won't do the life-changing thing."

Another place, on an island.

Master An fled with Fang Ming Hou in a hurry and fled to the island and hid.

During this period, the distant tsunami, followed by the soaring millions of bronze people, made Master An an inexplicable panic, cursing the ancient sea in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

"Fang Minghou, wake up." Master An looked at Fang Minghou.

At this moment, Fang Minghou's whole body has burst into countless blood bubbles. This effort has been gone.

"His, dead." Master An's scalp tingled for a while.

When Master An was afraid, suddenly, a string suddenly appeared outside the body surface, suddenly bound Master An.

"What's going on, what's going on, grandpa, save me." Master An suddenly called in horror.

For a time, all the musicians invited to the Qinqin Conference, except the ancient sea that escaped the sea bound, were all bound up instantly.


It seems that there are hundreds of transparent strings, connecting from Yinyue Island to all the musicians.


The transparent strings suddenly tightened.

"Hmm." "Hmm." "Hmm." ...............

For a moment, all the musicians in Yinyuehai were immediately pulled by the strings and flew towards Yinyue Island.

As if lifting a line when fishing, all the luthiers became big fishes, being yanked by the fishing line, and flew to Yinyue Island.


Many musicians called in horror--

Yinyue Island opened a large array of fog, and the interior could not be clearly seen.

I saw one by one the musicians were pulled and pulled back to the square where Chen Chen's body was located.

"No, Yunmo, what are you doing?"

"I can't move, Yinyue Mountain Villa, what are you doing?"

"Ah, it killed me."




The practitioners who were constantly being pulled back looked angrily towards Yun Mo.

At this moment, Yun Mo pressed one hand on Gou Chen, and Gou Chen played Ling Xu, a piano sounded, binding a group of masters.

"Cough, cough, evil barrier, what are you going to do?" The old farmer looked at Yun Mo in anger when he coughed.

At this moment, the old owner was **** with a golden string.

A group of disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa stood in all directions, showing their absolute determination.

"Zhuang Zhuang, I can't watch you die. There is an article in the ancestral fortune-making book," Heaven-level Qin Soul Exchange ". Here are the best musicians. , The owner can survive. "Yun Mo said with red eyes.

"Sin barrier, that's a taboo, it's the talent of a shoushi, that's a harm to the heavens, don't do it, Yun Mo, you can let me go, just don't, don't make a big mistake." The old farmer cried bitterly.

PS: This is the second update, and one more at night.

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