Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 46: Mu Chenfeng's transformation

Silvermoon City, East Tower.

"Look, look, what's over there."

"Bronze Army, Million Army."

"Is this a siege?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."




East of Silvermoon City suddenly burst into panic.

"Quickly close the city gate, close the city gate, and open the garrison." The soldier in the east shouted suddenly.


The city gates suddenly closed and closed. The entire Silvermoon City, regardless of the wall or the sky, was suddenly shrouded in a matrix.

"Let's go in, we haven't entered the city yet," the people outside the city exclaimed.

However, a fierce army rushed in the distance and brought out a cloud of airbursts, which had already made all the soldiers in the city horrified.

No matter what the situation, the first priority is to ensure the city.

Close the gate first, and then look at it.

"That is, the host's Baiyun flying boat." Mu Chenfeng above the city tower was surprised.

But it was Gu Hai who drove in a flying boat in front of him, and millions of bronze men in the back chased him down.

"That is, Master Gu." Someone suddenly recognized it.

"Quick, open the door." Gu Hai roared.

The ancient sea yelled, and the flying boat twisted suddenly, leaned aside, and one million bronze people suddenly followed the direction of the drift, chasing and killing the ancient sea.

"Not siege, it scared me."

"The bronze monsters are hunting down the ancient master."

"How did Master Gu provoke this group of monsters."




The people breathed a sigh of relief all around.

"Quick, open the gate and let the ancient sea come in." Mu Chenfeng exclaimed suddenly.

"Yes, let Master Gu come in, there are large groups in the city to resist bronze monsters." Many people nodded.

"No, what if the groups of bronze monsters entered the city and destroyed the city?" The defender called.

"The monsters didn't attack the city just now, it doesn't mean they won't attack the city later. If I open the gate, I will be trapped by the people in the city." Another general shook his head.

"But Gu Hai is dangerous." Mu Chenfeng glared and drank.

"The group of monsters, the speed, obviously the strength of Yuanying Realm, the number of millions, once they enter the city, they can level the entire Silvermoon City to the ground." The former soldier sang.

People frowned around, but no longer spoke for Gu Hai.

"Jack, that's the master of the water rudder of Yipintang, open the gate for me." Mu Chenfeng rushed to the gate with a group of Yipintang disciples.

"Stop them."

"Stop me, you forgot. In the past, your five senses were lacking. Whoever helped you find it, if it wasn't for the ancient rudder master, you would all be blind and deaf." Mu Chenfeng roared.

The soldier's brow froze when he stepped forward.

"There is something, I have a pint hall, open the door." Mu Chenfeng rushed into the door.

"Stop, stop," the former general shouted.


Mu Chenfeng slammed his hand, and suddenly rushed out of the hundreds of tree vines in his sleeves, and flung them at the goalkeepers.

"Ah." A large number of soldiers were flew away.

"Open the door," Mu Chenfeng called.

"Yes," Yipintang disciples answered.


Suddenly, the gate of Dongcheng opened slowly.

In the distance, while the ancient sea was surrounded by bronze people, the door suddenly opened.



Flying in a flying boat, the ancient sea burst into the city gate.

"Close the door, close the door, close the door." The guard on the city tower exclaimed.

The bronze man rushed like a meteor shower.


With a loud noise, everyone hurriedly closed the door.


The formation was shrouded again.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." …………………………

The dense crowd of bronze men slammed in, and the Dongcheng Tower that was struck immediately was shaken strongly.

Falling meteors are dangerous.

"Master Gu Ruo, what's going on, church owner they are all right." Mu Chenfeng worried.

Gu Hai took a look at Mu Chenfeng. Previously, Mu Chenfeng was arguing with the generals guarding the city on the tower, but Gu Hai could see clearly, and the door was opened and closed by Yipintang disciples. Gu Hai naturally guessed that it was Mu Chenfeng's door.

"Master Mu Ru, thank you," Gu Hai thanked.

Although I had some opinions about Mu Chenfeng before, Gu Hai was really grateful just now, after all, Feizhou couldn't hold it for long.

"Where are the lords?" Mu Chenfeng worried.

"They are all right," Gu Hai laughed.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

At this moment, around the Dongcheng Tower, millions of bronze people gathered to bombard the Dongcheng Tower fiercely.

Yuan Ying Jing can't break the city gate, but this is not a Yuan Ying Jing, but a million, the peak of a million Yuan Ying.


The Bronze People joined forces to slam the East City Tower and slam the city walls, and there were dense Bronze People in all directions.

With repeated blows, the entire formation of Silvermoon City was violently shaken again and again.

"Boom." "Boom." ...............

The entire Yinyue City was in the midst of a major earthquake. Nearly 100 million people walked out of their houses in horror and looked toward the east of the city. There was a huge roar over there, and the sky was shaking violently, as if broken at any time.

"What's going on, what's going on," no hundreds said in panic.

"No way. The Dongcheng Tower formation is cracked. The defender formation is about to break."

"The crack is getting bigger and bigger, what to do, these monsters."




Countless soldiers cried in horror.

Gu Hai did not make more nonsense with Mu Chenfeng, but he took out a large number of spirit stones to Mu Chenfeng: "Hurry up, help me fill the flying boat with spirit stones and repair the array."

"it is good."

Mu Chenfeng took everyone to add the top quality spirit stone to the formation of Feizhou, and the top quality spirit stone to the power department.

The ancient sea is a hall on the flying boat with Gou Chen's soul.

A fingertip forced a drop of blood into the soul of Gouchen.

"What, don't you, this is the blood deed. It's over, it's over, the person who created me, why did he plant a blood deed on me, sir, don't merge into the blood deed, okay." Gou Chen soul looked at Gu Hai looking forward to Road.

"Or I will let you go now, or I will refine you." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Don't, don't, you let me go, and I'm finished, but you're going to refine me, and I'm finished." Gou Chen's soul looked at Gu Hai, pathetic.

Gu Hai looked at it coldly.

"Otherwise, you can get into the blood, just go along with the contract, don't obliterate my thoughts, but good, I like me now, I don't want to become other people." Gou Chen soul smiled bitterly.

"You can erase your mind and reshape it. If you don't say it, I don't know yet." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Gou Chen's soul almost vomited blood, and stared, "You didn't know it."

He talked a lot, snapped, and slapped himself.

"Why am I so unlucky." Gou Chen soul desperate.

"Okay." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Uh, uh, what are you talking about?" Gou Chen soul suddenly surprised with wide eyes.

"You are you, Gou Chen, although you hate it a bit, but keep yourself." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Ah, really, great." Gou Chen soul excited.

This time, Gou Chen's soul no longer repels, letting that drop of blood from the ancient sea melt into the eyebrow.


Outside, there was a roar of defenders.

Gu Hai grabbed Gou Chen's soul and quickly walked out of the hall.

"Gu Hai, the Dongcheng Tower is about to be broken." Mu Chenfeng worried.

"What happened to Lingshi."

"I've filled it before, it's easy, it's alright." Mu Chenfeng said.

"You're leaving, I'll take this group of bronze men out of here." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~."

With a loud noise, the Dongcheng Tower exploded and opened. The combat power of millions of bronze men was too fierce. It was worthy of being a war machine. This went to the battlefield, attacked the city, and invincible.


Millions of bronze people chased towards the ancient sea flying boat.

The ancient sea flying boat suddenly blasted towards the south of the city.

Flying up high, millions of bronze people chased after him.

Along the way, countless people in the city saw these bronze people, one by one in shock.

"Is that the ancient master?"

"It was chased from Yinyuehai."

"What happened to Yinyuehai."




In the horrified eyes of countless people, Feizhou has reached the gate of Nancheng.

"Open the door," Gu Hai shouted.


The door opened suddenly.


The ancient sea Feizhou shot out instantly.


Millions of bronze people also flew out quickly.

Gu Hai left with these scourges.

Leaving a pile of ruins in the east of the city, and mourning the face of the soldiers guarding the city, the tower was gone.

Mu Chenfeng stood in the ruins, showing a rare smile.

In the city, on a floating island.

When Mo Yike got the news, he always paid attention to the east of the city.

Gu Hai drove the flying boat and quickly flew away with millions of bronze people. Mo Yike also kept staring.

"Gu Hai." Mo Yike frowned.

Behind him stood the big treasurer of Jiang Tianyi.

"Mr. Mo, isn't this frozen figurine?" Jiang Tianyi was surprised.

"We tried a lot of ways to be able to unlock the ice sheet, but it was actually unlocked by the ancient sea. Oh, this ancient sea is more mysterious than I thought. Let you send someone to explore the island of Qiandao, when will you come back?" Road.

"Send someone already. Come on, it should not be long before there will be news of Gu Hai, but Mr. Mo, this million bronze people are released by Gu Hai, shouldn't you be angry." Jiang Tianyi was surprised.

"Angry, why am I angry, I am too late to be happy, millions of terracotta warriors, the great Yinyue Army, siege the city, and be invincible, how long it took to break the city just now." Mo Yike laughed.

"Half column time."

"Yeah, Banzhuxiang time, if it is used by Wang Ye on the battlefield, it will be a peerless killer." Mo Yike laughed.

"But this bronze man is no longer in our hands. Once exposed, wouldn't it ..." Jiang Tianyi frowned.


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"As long as it is above the border of Yinzhou, it is Wang Ye's." Mo Yike chuckled.


Feizhou's formation supplemented the spirit stone, the speed recovered at the beginning, and soon pulled a group of bronze people out of the distance.

Gu Hai drove the flying boat and rushed to the sea closure again.

Find the big hole that was previously broken.

"call out."

Millions of troops followed.

Gu Hai grasped Gou Chen's soul, which had been refined with blood, and rushed towards Yinyue Island.

PS: Three more finishes. This is thanks to the leader ‘Vanque Q group 326812275’. Thanks to the leaders who raised funds in the group, watch how much the game owes, sweat, slowly.

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