Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 47: One hit

Outside Silvermoon Island.

"Boom, boom, boom ..............."

A series of roaring sounds, but a large cloud of clouds wrapped up Yinyue Island, and outside Yinyue Island, there are a large number of practitioners impacting the large array.

"Asshole, Yun Mo, you are crazy, you are going to release my young master."

"Yinyue Shanzhuang disciple, listen, dare to hurt my adult, you wait for the Zhuangzhuang."

"Open up, start up, let go of my uncle."




The practitioners who hit the big crowd are all exposed and anxious.

Many of the six hundred people who got the qualifications for the piano-concert conference, many of them are unknown, came to attend the piano-concert conference alone, but some of the servants and disciples always kept outside Yinyue Island.

Everything was normal as usual, but by their own abilities, who would have thought that a group of musicians would be counted by Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The reputation of Yinyue Mountain Villa has been passed down for many years, and it has never been done before.

The practitioners broke the battle with all their strength, but the big battle was so easy to break, and the people kept abusing in anxiety.

In Yinyue Island, above the large lawn square.

A group of disciples of Yinyue Shanzhuang stood on the outskirts, with a flash of determination in their eyes.

More than five hundred musicians were tied to the lawn by the strings of Gou Chen Yijing at this moment, staring at Yun Mo who was manipulating Gou Chen's body.

"Yun Mo, don't do it, don't do it, please." The old farmer said bitterly.

"Zhuang owner, you have taught me before. People are alive, and they can face any difficulties. When a person dies, there is nothing. Most of the owners, our disciples in Zhuang, are picked up by you, as is Yun Mo. The owner of the landlord is arrogant, we ca n’t just watch you die. Even if the world is infamous, we have to work for you. The landlord, you are done, please ask Rong Yunmo to let go. "Yunmo face Lu said firmly.


Gou Chen Ling Xu suddenly.

"Buzz ..."

Under a series of tremolos, the body of the old farmer suddenly trembled down, but a white light cluster suddenly appeared in the main body of the old village. Among the light clusters, three faintly can be seen Light and shadow.

"Three souls." Shangguan marks not far away changed his face.

"Stripping off the three souls, Yun Mo he stripped out the old souls of the three owners, this is to change body." Master Liu Nian's face changed.

Yun Mo turned to look at everyone on the lawn.

"Zhuang owner, there are more than 500 bodies here, and eventually one will suit you." Yun Mo said firmly.

When looking at Master An, Master An suddenly screamed in panic: "Dare you, dare you, dare, my grandpa will destroy your Yinyue Mountain Villa, you dare to move me, no one of you will be good The end. "

Yunmo gave a cold glance at Master An and sneered: "In order to make the old owner live, I can stop Yinyue Mountain Villa. After today, there is no Yinyue Mountain Villa in the world. Your grandfather is looking for revenge from us, he Don't know where we are. "

"Ah." Master An's face changed.

"However, rest assured, Master An, your piano path is too weak, and I will not choose you if it is absolutely necessary." Yun Mo's eyes showed a dislike.

Master An: "..............."

Looking at Yun Mo's disgusting expression, Master An didn't know for a moment whether he should be angry or happy.

Looked at each of the musicians.

Suddenly, Yun Mo's eyes fell on Sima Changkong.

"Um." Sima Chang frowned.

"Mr. Sima, the owner told me before that there are three strongest musicians here, namely Gu Hai, Mr. Sima, and Waner Fairy. Gu Hai left Yinyuehai, and the control range of Gou Chen's artistic conception was limited, so he ran, Wan Son fairies are female streamers, and that only lets you come first. "Yun Mo solemnly said.

"Bold, do you know who Sima is."

"Miscellaneous account, Yun Mo, you dare to hurt the court officials."

"Master is ..."

Suddenly, a group of Sima Changkong's subordinates called out among a group of musicians.

"I know who Sima Changkong is." Yun Mo snorted suddenly.

The crowd suddenly choked.

"Sima Changkong, a new generation of leaders of the Sima family, came to Yinyue City with the decree to investigate, I know, I know." Yun Mo sneered.

"You know, you're still going to take my body." Sima Chang looked coldly at Yunmo.

"Master Sima, you can think of me as a lunatic, I'm already crazy, I don't care so much and offend it." Yunmo said coldly.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

Qin Yin went straight to Sima Changkong.


Sima Changkong trembled suddenly and his head was roaring.


The three souls of the old farmer were suddenly pulled and rushed into the body of Sima Changkong, as if they had Sima Changkong.

"Ah, ah, ah ........." Sima twitched suddenly in the sky.

The twitching scenes showed a sense of panic and despair among the musicians watching.

"Master," exclaimed a group of subordinate piano teachers.

However, at this moment, all of them are tied up. They can't be moved at all, and they are all greedy. If they were **** at the beginning, they could still be freed. But now, with the coming down of a few days, Gou Chen Yijing has already entered the soul. The marrow cannot break away at all.

"Puff puff."

Sima Changkong sprayed a white foam and rolled his eyes.


The three souls of Sima Changkong trembled slightly, and they were about to be squeezed out of the body.

The three souls of the old farmer were placed in it and placed several times without success.

"If this continues, even if Sima Changkong persists, Sima Changkong's three souls will be hurt a little." Master Liu Nian, not far away, looked ugly.

But everyone is powerless.

In this way, Qin Yin impacted the three souls of Sima Changkong, and for a period of time, the three souls of Sima Changkong had been turbulent, but it seemed that they had a force that could always drag the three souls away.

"Well, you have the magic weapon to keep the soul." Yun Mo's face changed.

"Shao Zhuangzhu, you can't move forward to **** the house, otherwise, the three souls of the Zhuangzhu will also be hurt." Shouted a disciple of the villa.

Yunmo nodded.



The three souls of the old farmer immediately flew out, and the three souls of Sima Changkong returned quickly.


Sima fell into the sky, his eyes narrowed and he looked at Yunmo. At this moment, he seemed exhausted and had no energy. At this moment, his body was still convulsing as if he had hurt his mind.


All the pianists drank in air.

"Yinyue Shanzhuang, retrograde and incompatible, heaven can't tolerate it," said a group of musicians in horror.

Yun Mo ignored it, but suddenly turned to look at the fairy Waner.

"You see what I do, I'm a woman." Fairy Waner exclaimed.

Sima Changkong has a magic weapon to guard the soul, but Waner Fairy does not.

"Women are women. Later in the day, the landlord accepted this kind of seizure, and he will search for a new body again," Yunmo said in a deep voice.

"No, no, you do n’t know who my Master is. The Lao Zhuang Master was defeated in the hands of my Master. My Master asked me to go north to find the Master, and the Old Master knew my Master. You dare, you dare, my master will not let you go. "Waner fairy exclaimed.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

The sound of the piano has sounded.

A shock of mood, went straight to Waner fairy.


It was as if a sledgehammer had hit his head.

"Master, save me, save me, master." Wan'er fairy suddenly burst into tears.

The pride of the past has been shattered. At this moment, it is like a little girl in a poor cry.

But now, Yinyue Island is like hell, and countless practitioners in the outside world are shocked and cannot enter at all. The disciples of Yinyue Mountain Village are tormenting them like demons.

"Master, who will save me, ah, ah." Fairy fairy cried and cried.

The three souls of the old owner have been moved to the fairy Wan'er. Seeing that the fairy Wan'er is about to be taken away.

Just this one.


There was a sudden loud noise, a large burst of Yinyue Island shattered and opened, and Yinyue Island also shook.

"What." Yun Mo's face changed and looked up.

The big battle of Yinyue Island, but it is not lost to the sea enchantment, the peak of Yuanying Realm cannot be broken, how can it be broken.


For a while, countless bronze people descended from the sky and hit the island in all directions.

All the peaks of the island collapsed in an instant.

Millions of bronze people slammed into the earth, leaving huge potholes.

"It's the ancient sea." Long Wanqing suddenly felt a joy on her face.

But I saw that Gu Hai was approaching instantly, and went to the place where Yun Mo was in front.

"What, stop me." Yun Mo exclaimed suddenly.

"call out."


Gu Hai's right hand was snapped on Gou Chen's body's head instantly, Gou Chen's soul, and instantly got into the body's head.

"Master Gu." Countless musicians around him suddenly surprised.

"Thank you, Master Gu. Thank you, Master Gu."

Outside the island, countless practitioners in the broken array were immediately grateful. All the practitioners were desperate at that moment, and this large array could not be broken at all.

At this time of despair, the ancient sea came.

Coming from the sky, I saw a large array of Yinyue Island, the ancient sea paused for a while, and so on, the bronze men in the rear, and then readjusted the speed, causing a million bronze men to crash.


There is no doubt that the towers of Silvermoon City smashed apart, not to mention the small island.

Under the big impact, the flying boat was also damaged and could no longer fly.

But Gu Hai didn't care about this at all, as long as the body and soul of Gou Chen were combined.

It rushed into the center of the square in an instant, and an unprecedented force broke out. No one had time to stop and finally succeeded.


Gou Chen trembled slightly and stopped all movements.

"What, jerk, hurry up, it's almost, it's almost." Yunmo screamed and manipulated Gou Chen.

However, at this moment Gou Chen's soul returned, how could he still be controlled by Yunmo, and keeping everything unchanged is already the limit.

The piano sound that hit Waner's fairy's head stopped instantly, and the three souls of the old owner stopped in front of Wan'er's fairy.

Dangerous and dangerous, he almost rushed into his body and lost his house.

Waner Fairy Lihua's rainy face suddenly stopped crying, and she felt a big shock in her heart. Fortunately and gratefully, she turned her head and saw that the ancient sea blocked everything.

"Ancient sea." Fairy Fairy froze there.

How could this be a big liar.

PS: Something happened today, the update is unstable


png) \ '> Sorry.

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