Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 48: Atonement

"It's almost, it's almost?" Yun Mo looked at the uncontrollable Gou Chen, showing despair ...

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." ...............

The bronze men who smashed into the ground below suddenly climbed out of the giant pit and rushed to the large lawn square again.

However, the bronze man rushing in front of him suddenly stopped, stood high, and remained motionless, and suddenly his face became frightened.

"Huh ... huh ..." .........

More and more bronze people gathered around, trying to grab Gou Chen's soul. Similarly, densely flying in the air, they suddenly stopped, and looked at Go Chen, not far away, together in horror.

Hook Chen's body sitting cross-legged, his eyes suddenly opened, and a purple thunder glow appeared in his eyes.

Gou Chen suddenly showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the bronze man.

"It's almost there, when I'm finished, you'll merge again, when I'm finished ..." Yun Mo exclaimed anxiously.

"Huh? Get away ..." Gou Chen snorted.

"Om ..."


Yun Mo was hit and flew out instantly.

"Shao Zhuangzhu ..." a group of disciples in Yinyue Mountain Village screamed forward.

Gou Chen ignored Yunmo, but looked at the Bronze Man.

"Just now, you chase me, are you chasing you?" Gou Chen smiled with a wicked smile.

The bronze men seemed to have guessed something, and turned around in horror. Flee towards the Quartet.

"Want to escape? Only then? Hahahaha, you are all the elves I created, fuck, chubby? Are you? Want to eat me? Run? I see how you run, you are all my creation Yes, your soul line is in my hands, I see how you run ... "Gou Chen coldly said.

The detective waved.


It seemed as if a bunch of transparent thin lines popped up in the hand and instantly connected all the bronze people. The bronze people who were still fleeing were suddenly pulled suddenly and settled in the air.

"I want you to chase me, I want you to chase me, shit, find death ..." Gou Chen rushed angrily.

The fingers in his hands kept shaking, and the bronze men in the air suddenly bumped into each other.


Two bronze men bumped head to head.

"Dang, Dangdang ..."

A series of head-to-head hits, and the sky is loud. A huge buzzing sounded throughout Yinyuehai, like a bell.

"Fuck, I remembered, so you don't hurt, come out to me ..." Gou Chen yelled.

Pulled sharply in his hand.


The sky full of bronze people fell down instantly, and on top of the transparent thin line, each one suddenly pulled a blue elf with a big finger.

"Om ... um ... um ..." ...............

The elves looked at Gochen poorly.

"Go to your mother, when you were about to eat me, why wasn't this expression, you want to eat me? Damn, all come to my mouth, roar ..." Gou Chen yelled angrily.

Suddenly, one million elf suddenly turned towards Gou Chen's mouth. After only a short while, all the elf were sucked into Gou Chen's mouth.

"噗 咚 ... 噗 咚 ..." .........

Bronze people without elves all around them fell down one by one and fell into the sea.

Numerous practitioners all around looked at Gouchen in surprise.


"This is Tian Qin, Gou Chen? Is this a living person?" Countless practitioners were surprised.

"Gou Chen ..." Gu Hai drank coldly behind him.

Gou Chen turned his back to Gu Hai, his face suddenly froze.

Suddenly, Gou Chen covered his head: "Oh, headache, headache, after the end, the soul and the body are fused and mutated. I can't remember the past, I can't remember the past ..."

Gou Chen fell to the ground with pain in his head.

The pianist bound around looked blankly at Gou Chen. Wasn't it very good just now? Why don't you suddenly cover your head?

The ancient sea froze slightly, worriedly approached.

"Gou Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you okay ..." Gu Hai helped Gou Chen.

Gou Chen covered her head and woke up. A weak glance at the ancient sea.

"Who are you? I don't remember you, who are you?" Gou Chen looked at Gu Hai blankly.

"You don't remember me?" Gu Hai sank.

"Oh, I remember, you give me a kind feeling, I feel, I have your blood in my body?" Gou Chen looked at Gu Hai and seemed to think of something.

"Yes, you can feel just fine ..." Gu Hai Shen cried.

"So kind, so kind, you must be nice to me, right?" Gou Chen suddenly looked forward to Gu Hai.

"That's right ..." Gu Hai frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"It's so good to me, I have your blood in my body, then, are you my dad? Dad ..." Suddenly happily cried, wanting to pour into the arms of Guhai.


Gu Hai threw a slap.

"Dad, why are you hitting me?" Gou Chen covered his mouth, feeling a cry.

Gu Haiyin said with a grimace, "Did you really forget? Or, can I help you reshape your mind?"

Gou Chen's face changed, and he became extremely serious: "Master, if you have any questions, go and tell him, Gou Chen can help you do it ..."

Long Wanqing: "..............."

Master of fleeting years: "..............."

Shangguan marks: "..............."

Is this goods Gou Chen? Is this Erpi face?

Just pretend that you have lost your memory, and want to be relatives with Gu Haipan? This, this is too shameful, right? What about your martial arts?

The ancient sea is also black ...

"Well, let's unlock the Qin Tao mood on them ..." Gu Hai commanded in silence.

"Okay, master ..." Gou Chen answered seriously.

The detective waved.

"Tear it ..."

The piano mood of the masses of musicians was instantly released, and the bound musicians were immediately free.


The pianists released the shield cover on the body surface and took out the sword at the same time.

"Yun Mo, Yinyue Mountain Villa, what you have done is good. My Zong and your Yinyue Mountain Villa have broken ties ..."

"Yinyue Mountain Villa, my master will come to escape justice ..."

"Yinyue Mountain Villa, I am ..."




The piano masters were suddenly scolded.

Wan'er fairy immediately got away, quickly retreated, and looked viciously at Yunmo not far away.

"It's over, it's over, ha ha ha ..." Yun Mo said bitterly.

"My lord ..." A few musicians not far away suddenly embraced Sima Changkong like epilepsy.

"Yun Mo, you dare to attack the imperial court officials, your Yinyue Mountain Villa, this is rebellion against the sky ..." a piano teacher angered.

Yun Mo is still to be debated.

"Kneel down ..." A loud voice sounded.

But the three souls of the old farmer, after losing his restraint, he was able to speak suddenly. At this moment, the three souls are not transparent, but glowing with green light.

"Zhuang, the owner?" Yunmo looked at the old owner in surprise.

The three souls overlap, an old Zhuangzhu soul body, staring at Yunmo with anger.

Yun Mo's face froze, and he knelt slowly.

Around, a group of musicians and internship practitioners gazed coldly at the old farmer.

In the past, the old owner had a high reputation, and now everyone no longer respects the old owner and no longer respects Yinyue Mountain Villa. However, nothing was noisy, just staring at the old farmer.

The old owner turned to look at everyone.

Suddenly, the soul of the old owner knelt down at the crowd.

"The owner ..." exclaimed a group of disciples at Yinyue Shanzhuang.

However, Lao Zhuangzi still knelt down and knelt down to a group of musicians.

"You Taoists, the juniors I teach, are not sensible, I am here to plead guilt with you ..." The old farmer scratched his head at everyone.

"Ah? The owner, don't ..." a crowd of disciples at Yinyue Mountain Villa suddenly exclaimed.

"Zhuang owner, you can't do this ..." Yun Mo suddenly burst into tears.

The old farmer stood up forever in his life. He never surrendered like anyone else in his life, that is, when the Dagan Sheng came up, the old farmer did not practice his own kneeling worship.

The old farmer was right and stood upright. No one ever folded his waist.

King Lu Yang came and treated him with courtesy.

In Yinyue Mountain Villa, when outsiders saw the old owner, they saluted themselves. And still bow down to worship?

Around the musicians frowned, and the previous scorn was a little cramped.

"Old farmer, you don't need to do this ... it's not your fault." Master Liunian smiled bitterly.

Although others did not speak, some people were already intolerable.

The person who once stood high and knelt up in front of himself now? Please forgive yourself?

"I Yinyue Shanzhuang, for doing such a bad thing, I am incompetent and unable to stop, and trouble you. This ceremony, you can stand it, just now you almost died because of Yinyue Shanzhuang, a kneeling ceremony at Yinyue Shanzhuang, and it was worth it What's going on? "Said the old owner's soul bitterly.

"Zhuangzhuang ..." A group of disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa immediately knelt down and wept.

"Zhuang owner, it has nothing to do with you, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. When you get up, no one can let you fold your waist, and no one can, Dagan Sheng comes up to my villa, you have never been polite, Yun Mo I knew it was wrong, Yun Mo was wrong, it was all wrong, it was all my fault ... "Yun Mo cried forward.

"The child does not teach, the teacher is faulted, your fault is my fault, the fault of Yinyue Villa is my fault ..." The old farmer shook his head.

"Dear friends, please forgive me, in the next generation of Yinyue Villa, I will give you a gift. I did not teach them well, and I will trouble you ..." the old farmer once again shouted.

Master Qindao frowned, a bit bitter.

"Old farmer, forget it. In the olden days, I am also grateful for the guidance of the old farmer. I don't think anything happened today ..."

"Old farmer, get up. The teacher once asked you to donate the piano. You don't have to do this, I haven't happened ..."

"Old farmer, I will not pursue Yinyue Mountain Villa, I will manage them in the future ..."




In the past, the old landlord's good destiny played a big role in the end, and after all the musicians groaned, they finally forgave them.

The position of the old owner in front of the eyes has a great status in the minds of the Taoist practitioners. Such characters, when they are dying, bow to you and bow to you, please forgive me. The resentment in the hearts of everyone was relieved.

"Thank you, thank you ..." the old owner said.

"Zhuangzhuang, I was wrong, I was wrong ..." Yunmo was crying and kneeling in front of Laozhuangzi, afraid to look up.

Yun Mo knows Lao Zhuangzi's personality. Lao Zhuangzi cherishes his feathers all his life. He is good to others in his life, and is good in others. He would rather die than eat longevity. He has a strong personality, because he has a righteous spirit for his spine.

Now, he is doing something arrogant, and when the old owner is dying, his former achievements have been abandoned. It was even in this group that some people despised themselves.

Some people don't look down on themselves, and the personality of the old farmer is even more unlikely. However, in order to make atonement for himself, the old farmer scratched his head for forgiveness?

Yunmo cried very sad, not only did he not help the owner, but also made the owner do such a shameful thing?

The disciples in the surrounding village also cried very sadly, kneeling on the ground, motionless.

The old owner got up and touched Yunmo's head, revealing a kind of kind smile: "It's okay, Yunmo, as long as you can grow up through today's things, my kneeling, even if it is worth it, you have to remember silver In the words of Mr. Yue, if you want to make a piano, be a man first. You must learn to be a man first ... "

"Oooooooooooooooooh, I know, owner, I was wrong ... you hurt someone on your knees ..." Yunmo cried extremely desolately.

"Kneel? Hahaha, kneel down, I kneel before the portrait of Grandpa Yinyue, kneeling before Master, and not outsiders, it's nothing, isn't it? Kneeling down, don't be sad, take good care of it later Don't smash it yourself, the brand of Yinyue Mountain Villa ... "the old farmer smiled with amusement.

"Well ... Yun Mo swears that he will never do anything wrong ... never ... ohh ..." Yunmo cried.

The old owner nodded with a smile. He turned to look at Sima Changkong.

Several luthiers looked at the old owner with a complex look. I wondered if I should forgive him. Sima Changkong was still in epilepsy. Is it just an apology?

The soul of the old farmer slowly approached.

"Mr. Sima, Yinyue Mountain Villa is sorry for you. You are old and incompetent. You can do nothing now. You hurt the three souls. I use my heavenly soul and human soul as supplements to help you ..." Sigh.

"Ah? What?" Everyone was surprised.

"Zhuang owner, don't ..." Yun Mo looked up suddenly, shouting in horror.

"Om ..."

The soul of the old farmer was suddenly divided into three. Two of them were muddled, and their heads seemed to have swirls. Only the third is sober.

"Heavenly soul, human soul, I have already dissipated my own brand, but it is the most ordinary soul power, and there is also my life's Qindao artistic conception, hoping to compensate you ..." the third soul said.

"Om ..."

The spirit of the sky and the human soul suddenly got into Sima Changkong's body. The pianist didn't stop, they all looked at the old owner with a complicated look.

"Sima Changkong, but this time was a blessing ..."

"How high is the artistic conception of Lao Zhuang, Qin Tao? Even if it absorbs one-tenth, it will benefit a lot ..."

"The old owner is the one who can play elf ..."




There was envy from the pianist all around.

"Om ..."

Sima Changkong's whole body trembled a little, restoring calmness. The old soul and the soul of the old owner, like Dabu, instantly repaired all the damage of Sima Changkong's three souls, and nourished for a while, so that Sima Changkong's face became rosy. Already.

Sima Changkong slowly opened his eyes and looked at the old owner with a daze, but soon remembered everything.

There was a bitter smile: "Old farmer, you don't need this ... Thank you old farmer for the gift ..."

The old owner nodded his head, and finally looked at the ancient sea weakly.

"Mr. Gu, the old man did not read you wrong, so many violinists, after all, you won the prize ..." The old farmer looked at Gu Hai and smiled slightly.

"Luck ..." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"The first is the first, Mr. Gu is polite, just now, thank you ... or Yunmo will make a big mistake ..." the old farmer said bitterly.

Not far away, Waner Fairy poked her lips ...

Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly, I do not know how to explain.

After looking around the crowd, the old farmer looked at Yun Mo and a group of villagers again.

"I'm leaving. In the future, you must listen to Yun Mo's words ..." The old farmer was reluctant.

"Zhuangzhuang, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhh ..." a lot of disciples in the village wailed on their knees.

"Yun Mo, take good care, I will look at you in the sky, huh, heaven? I ca n’t go up in the sky, the sky soul is gone. However, I still have the land soul, and I can be reincarnated, maybe one day, I will be reincarnated I have become a harpist. At that time, I may find my own guqin. I really hope to see Yinyue Mountain Villa again. I really hope that I can get the guqin you made for me. Yunmo, the villa is in your hands. , Can you let me ask for the Guqin of Yinyue Mountain Villa in the next life? "The old farmer smiled kindly as he touched Yun Mo's head.

"Yes, I can, Zhuangzhu, I will make the best piano, make the best piano for you, and make the celestial piano, I must build it for you ... Zhuang, Yunmo, I'm sorry for you, woo Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh… "Yun Mo kneeled on the ground and wept loudly.

"Idiot ..." The old farmer smiled slightly.

Slowly, the soul of the old owner disappeared before everyone.

"The owner ... wow-wow-wow-wow ..." A crowd of Yinyuehuangzhuang disciples burst into tears and began to cry.

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