Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 51: Monte Thai Visit

At Yinyue Mountain Villa, after the first ancient sea went to mourn the old owner, Mo Yike also brought Master An to come and give the old owner's body a fragrance.

After finishing the incense, Mo Yike brought Master An and also talked to Yunmo for a while.

Soon, the two also left Yinyue Mountain Villa.

"He is what he is. Mr. Mo, this time you and I invited him on behalf of my grandfather. He actually refused. No one asked for his guqin in Yinyue Shanzhuang, and I heard that Yinyue Shanzhuang also A lot of chaos disciples are leaving, "Master An complained.

"Slow a step, make a confession. Oh, this ancient sea is really amazing." Mr. Mo smiled slightly.

"Er, Mr. Mo, why should you care about this Yinyue Mountain Villa? Without the old owner, Yinyue Mountain Villa is simply an ordinary family of forging pianos." Master An frowned.

"Ordinary, stupid." Mr. Mo shook his head.


"When the old owner took over Yinyue Mountain Villa in the past, it was worse than now, but in the end, Yinyue Mountain Villa did not have the respect of the world. Even your grandfather and Dagansheng met the old owner, it was also very kind. Before the Lord was dying, he said more than once that Yunmo's talent for forging pianos was higher than him, and more importantly, he was also the blood descendant of Mr. Yinyue. "Mr. Mo shook his head.

"Uh, but Yun Mo is still inconspicuous now. Who knows in the future? The old farmer may have deliberately held him."

"Hold him deliberately. Why do you think your grandfather and Dagan Sheng respect the old farmer so much? Why do you think the old farmer would kneel before you, begging for forgiveness." Mr Mo sneered.


"Because of the old man's integrity, hey, tell you, you don't understand, you are off-track." Mr. Mo sighed slightly.

"I." Master An's uncomfortable for a while-

Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

After returning from the memorial service of the old owner, Gu Hai arranged it.

"Shangguanhen, Mu Chenfeng has promised to leave two thousand rudder disciples down and temporarily dispatch you to protect the first piano building on this street. In terms of business, you don't have to worry about it. I have accounted for those officials. Silver Yuecheng Industry, it's up to you to sit in the town for the time being. "Gu Hai said to Shangguan Mark.

"I just swallowed the snake's head. It just took a while to fuse, and the emperor went here to take care." Shangguan nodded.

"I guess, on the island of Jiuwu, there should be the first news of Gu Qin. Here are the three imperial edicts written by me. They will be handed over to me and brought back to Gu Qin." Gu Hai Submit three imperial edicts.

"Yes." Shangguan Mark nodded.

"This imperial decree is directly given to those who come to preach." Gu Hai took out another imperial decree.

"Uh, the person who came to the messenger." Shangguan marks for a moment.

"Yeah, you'll know by then. Some people, after all, can't bear being lonely, it's okay to beat them often." Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes." Shangguanhen nodded doubtfully.

"So, we're leaving immediately, don't treat me." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.


"You'll know soon." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

After another explanation, Gu Hai, Gou Chen, Long Wanqing, Master Liu Nian, Mu Chenfeng, and a thousand wooden rudder disciples, hurriedly left Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

The day after Gu Hai left, someone came again.

"At the doorkeeper of Mr. Xie Moke, my master has set up a banquet, and Mr. Gu has been invited to the banquet."

"At the boss, Ma Changkong, the guard, my adult has set up a banquet, and Mr. Gu has been invited to the banquet."

The two messengers handed out an invitation very respectfully, and they came almost at the same time. When they presented the invitation, they also competed with each other, looked at each other coldly, and then they were extremely polite to Shangguan marks.

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly and looked at the two of them: "Maybe they will make a trip to Bai, Mr. Gu left Yinyue City just yesterday."

"What." The two froze slightly.

"But this is the case, I dare not hide it, thank you for your kindness, and bother me to accompany Mr. Mo and Mr. Sima for a gift." Shangguanhen wryly smiled--

Above the vast sea, a flying boat was speeding.

Above the flying boat stood a group of Jinyi officials. The first one was the commander of the Jinhanwei of the Dahan Dynasty, Mengtai.

"My lord, it's coming to Yinyue City soon. I used to come to Yinyue City before, but it took me a few years of work. I can't think of Feizhou so fast. It will be here in less than a month." A subordinate respectfully said.

"Relax, don't bother me without my order," Montai said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The subordinate immediately backed away.

Between his hands, Montai took out a letter sealed by fire paint.

Looking at the letter, Montain was silent for a while, and finally, his hand slightly baked at the fire paint, and immediately opened the letter.

"Sir, that's what the prince wrote to the emperor." The former subordinate who had stepped back was surprised.

"Um." Monty glanced coldly.

The subordinate kept silent.

Montaign gently opened the letter and looked up—

"Father Emperor, these are the tunes that the children in North Korea ca n’t approve. Let Monte Thai send them to the emperor for approval. Secondly, the child recently discovered that Monte Thai, recently, often contacted the patriarch of the Outer Island, or escaped Dahan , The heart of the stove, the child was afraid that the analysis was wrong, let Monte Thai send a letter and leave it to the father to decide. "——

Looking at the letter, Montai's eyelids leaped wildly.

"Ancient ..., the emperor is clever. This prince is also too shrewd. I'm investigating group officials. The prince even sent someone to watch me." Meng Tai's face was gloomy.

Carefully place the letter in the envelope, bake it again with fire paint, and close it.

"Sir, there is Silvermoon in front of you," one of his subordinates called.

Montai nodded, his face still gloomy.

"For a few months, the emperor came with a group of people. I didn't know what shop to open. I didn't know how long to look for it." Montai frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I heard that there are 100 million people in Silvermoon City, and we want to find the emperor, but that is a haystack." A subordinate worried.

"Let's find it slowly," Meng Tai said in a deep voice.

The flying boat stopped outside Silvermoon City.

The towering city walls made a lot of Jinyiwei's eyes widen.

In Jinyiwei, some are innate realms recruited by Qiandaohai, and some are just mortals. Even the repairers of Qiandaohai have rarely seen such a huge wall.

"What a magnificent wall."

"Well, is that a watchtower? The watchtower seems to be down. Those repairers are rebuilding the watchtower."

"Are they all array mages, and will each of the foundry cornerstones be deployed?"

"How much will it cost."

"Yeah, my Royal Casino has been open for several months, and I may not be able to repair this tower."




A crowd of Jin Yiwei was shocked.

A person next to the owner of the crane crane laughed: "External people, this city wall was built by the ancient master, and the people in the city don't need to spend a penny at all."

"Master Gu, are you rich?" Cried Jin Yiwei.

"Of course, the ancient master is rich. I heard that this restoration requires three million top-quality spirits. When the ancient master paid for it, he did not blink." The owner of the crane crane laughed.

"Three million top-quality spirits." Montai showed a hint of horror.

Royal Casino, it seems that after a few months, so much income, no, it seems not enough, this ancient master is too rich, right?

"Why did the ancient master repair the tower?"

"This was destroyed by the ancient master himself. The ancient master naturally repaired it by himself."

"I heard that this tower cannot be broken at the peak of Yuanying Realm. Master Gu should be very strong."

"Of course it's very strong. Master Gu's piano is unparalleled."

"Oh, the ancient master of Xiu Tao." Montai wondered.

"By the way, who are you looking for?" The owner of the crane crane wondered.

"We want to find, uh, I don't know how to say ..." Montai frowned.

"Say, you should have a name." The owner of the crane crane wondered.

"It's called Guhai, oh, by the way, you definitely don't know. There are 100 million people in this city. It seems there is another called Xiaoyue Villa, have you heard of it?" Montai asked worriedly.

Even if Xiaoyue Villa is famous, it is not obvious that there are 100 million people in this city.

"Forget it, you can't find it, just introduce us to an inn first, let's find it slowly." Montai frowned.

The owner of the crane crane looked at the crowd in wonder: "You are looking for Guhai, the master of the water rudder of Yipintang, Guhai."

"Er." How all Jinyiwei looks stiff, how do you know.

"Well, yes," Montai said blankly.

"You are really looking for the ancient master, who are you ancient masters?" The boss of the crane crane frowned.

Ancient master.

The ancient master mentioned earlier, three million top-quality spirit stones, spilled out.

No, remember that the emperor didn't bring so much money to Silvermoon City, and even if he did, he didn't have so much money to bring.

"What are you guys from Guhai." Shen He car boss Shen said.

A group of Jinyiwei was slightly worried, why the expression of the boss of the crane crane was so gloomy, and some other people around him were not good at looking at themselves.

"We are the servants of the Guhai family. We just came from outside to look for the master." Montai wrinkled.

"Ah, Master Gu's family." The boss's somber face immediately laughed.

"Ah, Master Gu's family, come and make my fairy crane car and I will take you there for free."

"Sit mine, sit mine, mine is free."

"Roller, this is the one I invited first, everyone, please sit down, please get in the car."




The owner of the crane crane was very kindly invited.

This scene of Jin Yiwei looked dumbfounded.

"My master, is he famous?" Montai said blankly.

"Just, Silvermoon City, who doesn't know the ancient master, the ancient master wants to be the master of the city, and we all agree with both hands," said the crane crane boss excitedly.

"Ah, Lord of the City," Montai said blankly.

"Yes, if the ancient master wants to be the master of the city, all the people in the city can jointly plead with the saints today." The owner of the crane crane said excitedly.

A group of crane cranes, carrying Jinyiwei in the clouds and fog, drove towards the city.

At the gate of the city, the guard was about to register for inspection, but when Gu Hai's family came to visit relatives, he immediately gave a smile and sent the people into the city.

"Ah, the last time I came to Silvermoon City, the guards reviewed it for a long time, and it took some spirits to enter the city." A Jinyiwei frowned.

"Just kidding, Master Gu's family dare to blackmail, you will draw back?


?? Give me, I passed to the city guard system, and took that city guard out. "The owner of the crane crane said angrily.

"You are so powerful," Montai was surprised.

"I have the right to be a big fart, the face of Master Gu." The owner of the crane crane shook his head immediately.

Montai: "……………………."

Along the way, Zhongjin Yiwei kept asking the owner of the fairy crane car about the ancient sea, and the boss also said in a frown, like a legendary novel, and the crowd of Jinyiwei heard exclaimed, and then was extremely excited.

That's the emperor, it's our emperor.

Mengtai's face grew more and more complicated as he heard it.

In the hand, another letter was taken out, and Montai opened it gently—

Mr. Meng, we all watched the Royal Casino at Jiuwu Island. The spirit stone earned was a gold swallowing beast. Mr. Meng did not give up. Our six island owners cooperated to open a bigger casino in Qiandaohai than the Royal Casino At the casino, Mr. Meng came to sit in the town and took 10% of the shares.

Follow the ancient sea, how much is your uncle, what can that little money do.

As long as I work together, I will definitely be able to surpass Guhai ’s Royal Casino——

Looking at the letter in his hand, Montaign smiled bitterly, surpassing the ancient sea, you are so funny, you almost tempted earlier.

"Tear." "Tear." "Tear." ...............

Detective Montaign shredded this previously carefully collected letter. After shredding, the detective threw it and the fragments fluttered in the wind.

"Sir." A Jin Yiwei curiously looked at Monte Thai.

Taking a deep breath, Montai said, "It's nothing. Everyone arranges his clothes. When he meets the emperor, he must not be ashamed."

"Yes." A crowd of Jin Yiwei answered.

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