Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 52: Ancient sea resume

Montai stayed in Yinyue City for three days, saw Shangguan marks, met a lot of officials in Qinlou, turned around Yinyue City, and hurried back with four decrees.

Above the sea.

"My lord, why the emperor's imperial edict is all about percussion." A Jin Yiwei looked at Montai anxiously.

Montaign looked at the sparkling sea, showing a bitter smile, and shook his head: "My mind was all guessed by the emperor. I didn't see me and knew my thoughts. This was the last time I was warned. "


"Well, don't make nonsense. We have already left a batch of Jinyiwei in Yinyue City. We can do our job well. The emperor has granted us the right to promise. If I do n’t know how to cherish it, I will do too much. "Monte Shen sank.


The flying boat was flying on the sea, and after more than half a month, it finally reached Qiandaohai again.

"咻." "咻." "咻."

As they passed by an island, three figures suddenly flew into the sky and stopped Montai.

"Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng, you are back. Our casinos on the six islands have almost been constructed." A man in a robe laughed.

Montai looked coldly opposite.

"Mr. Meng rest assured that our casino is bigger and bigger than Guhai's casino, just wait for Mr. Meng to come over with those Dahan officials who are ready to come to us." Another man laughed.

Montai chuckled coldly: "Oh, guys, you have bought a few people in charge of Dahan Royal Casino and have been held by me. You want me to take them with you and trust you together, ha ha ha ha ha."

"Why, Mr. Meng's right, it's easy."

"You don't have to think about it, those people are guilty of killing the country through the enemy. When I return to the DPRK, I will immediately cut them off." Montai said coldly.

"What, Mr. Meng, what do you mean? Didn't you say it's okay, you still want to follow the ancient sea, and there is nothing in the ancient sea, just a big han dynasty, how can we have an alliance of six islands."

"It's ridiculous." Monty smiled coldly, and waved at hand.

"call out."

Feizhou ignored the three and flew away again, flying towards Jiuwu Island.

"Monte, you will regret it." The three watched Feizhou leave and growled.

Montai stood at the railing of the deck and glanced coldly at the three men in the distance.

"Regret, follow you, I will regret it later, hum." Monta hummed, turning his head and not paying attention to these three clowns.

From the Dahan dynasty and everything in Yinyue City, Montai finally realized the fact that the Dahan dynasty is rising with the ancient sea.

Under one person, over ten thousand people.

Following the ancient sea, it will only rise and rise, and I have only some small cleverness. In terms of general trends, it is indeed far worse than the ancient sea. Now, the only thing that can be done is not to have some careful thinking, but to strive to do my job well and keep my own rights.

"After returning, Jin Yiwei expanded the enrollment and stepped up encryption inspections in the major cities of the Jiuwu Island." Meng Tai said in a voice.


Silvermoon City.

"Mr. Mo, when are we going to the front? How long will we have to wait?" Master An frowned and looked at Mo Yike, who was playing chess alone.

"Mr. Mo, the frontline princes are constantly fighting, and there is no longer anything important here, why does Mr. Mo stay in Yinyue City?" Jiang Tianyi was also curious.

Mo Yike has been standing in Yinyue City, waiting even if he is doing nothing every day.

Finally, three days later.

"Report, Qiandao sea sentry returns." A subordinate rushed into the hall.

"Oh." Mo Yike suddenly opened his eyes and dropped the chess piece at hand.

"Let's go back to the front and meet with Wang Ye." Mo Yike laughed.

"Uh, yes." Master An revealed a loss.

The crowd left Silvermoon City very quickly.

Out of Yinyue City and boarding the flying boat, Mo Yike immediately called out, "What about the materials, quickly bring them to me."


Several subordinates of the wind and dust came forward and handed out a thick stack of information.

"That's the point." Mo Yike frowned.

"Sir, we have tried our best, and it's already a lot, more than everyone we have collected before." Several subordinates bitterly.

"Well, go down to receive the reward, take a break, freshen up, and after I read the information, come over to give me additional explanations." Mo Yike Shen said.

"Yes." A group of subordinates retreated immediately.

Master An curiously looked at the stack of thick materials in front of Mo Yike.

A few large characters ‘Ancient Sea Resume’ were written on the cover of the material.

"This is, Mr. Mo is asking people to investigate the details of the ancient sea." Master An surprised.

Instead of paying attention, Mr. Mo looked at it alone.

The information is very detailed, and Mr. Mo was fascinated when he looked at it.

at the same time.

The main residence of Silvermoon City.

In front of Sima Changkong, there was also a stack of ancient sea materials.

"Hisse, King of the Army, Gu Hai, appeared at the age of thirty. As soon as he was born, he led the army to sweep the world. The wastes let them look for talents. Based on this, the ancient sea is enough to enter our field of vision. He turned a blind eye.

Oh, abandon the official business, the richest man in the six countries.

In a short period of time, becoming the richest man in the six countries is indeed beyond ordinary people's ability. It has developed too fast.

This is not the richest man in the six nations. This is the seventh nation, the seventh among the six.

Acquired qualifications, begged to worship Xianmen but not.

Are all the patriarchs on the island of Jiuwu Island stupid? They are so talented and so wise that they don't even look at them.

Cultivate external skills to achieve the perfect day after tomorrow.

In a barren worldly world, there is no spiritual fruit, and it can actually cultivate to the peak of the post-mortem realm.

Alas, there is an exercise method here, uh, that's it. This method can also be practiced to the peak of the day after tomorrow, so strong willpower. "

Above the flying boat, Mo Yike also looked at the information in his hand.

"If it wasn't for Long Wanqing's whim and she was so talented, she would have been buried in the bitter cold ruins. Alas, there is a separate" Song Eradication Plan ". Mo Yike turned over the Song Eradication plan.

Turning over the Song Dynasty plan and turning it over, Mo Yike's eyes are not the first appreciation, but the eyelids are jumping wildly.

"His." Mo Yike took a breath.

"Mr. Mo, what information, you are so surprised." Master An surprised.

Mo Yike carefully read it again, and then handed the plan of destroying the song to Master An, closing his eyes alone, and began deducing the plan of destroying the song in his mind.

Naturally, the Song Dynasty plan was not the most comprehensive, but it did not prevent Mo Yike from completing it.

With all kinds of information gathered, Mr. Mo's mind was deducing and completing the Song annihilation plan. Although he closed his eyes, his mind set off a terrible storm.

At the same time, Sima Changkong in the main city of Yinyue City is doing the same thing. Although her eyes are closed, she can see that the eyeballs are constantly turning, her brows are locked, and her face is shocked.

"Huh." Sima Changkong opened his eyes.

"Great, terrible Song Dynasty plan, terrible Song Dynasty plan, serial plan, more than a dozen serial plans at the same time, inspiring people, manipulating people's hearts, bereavement, bereavement, bereavement, understatement In the meantime, the ancient sea was destroyed, this ancient sea is a terrible character. "Sima Changkong's eyes flashed with shock.

The evaluation of the ancient sea is constantly increasing.

Flying above the boat.

"Huh." Mo Yike also opened his eyes in shock.

"Eh, it's nothing, isn't it just a mortal kingdom? It doesn't matter what it takes to think so much." Master An looked at the Song Dynasty plan, and there was a slight scorn in his eyes.

Mo Yike stared at Master An, and opened his mouth for a long time, wondering what to say.

"Mr Mo, I'm right, how do you look?" Master An curious.

"You are not saved." Mr. Mo shook his head.

"Ah." Master An slightly hesitated.

However, Mr. Mo was a master of the "Song Eradication Plan", which was captured by Master An. He carefully read it again. After a while, he carefully set it aside.

Master An looked at Mr. Mo silently. Was it important?

Mr. Mo ignores Master An and continues to look at Gu Hai's resume. Everything is thrilling.

"Jiugongzi." Mr. Mo frowned.

"Twenty-eight heavens and earth battles, twenty-nine heavens and earth battles, old man watching chess." Mr. Mo's eyes became more dignified.

Master An looked at Mr. Mo aside. When he saw Mr. Mo ignored him, he was worried for a while. After thinking about it, he said flatly, "Mr. Mo, although the ancient sea is capable, it is definitely not as good as yours."

Mr. Mo ignored.

Seeing that Mr. Mo didn't bother, Master An once again said carefully: "I was accidentally fooled by Gu Hai before gambling in Yinyue City and Gu Hai. Gu Hai is very powerful, but it must be better than Mr. Mo's. Mr. Mo played the 29th World Chessboard game with the nine boys. Although he did not finish the game, he was recognized by the 9th Child. The 29th World Chessboard game was not what Gu Hai could look up to. At that time, if you did not stop Go, play chess with Gu Hai ... "


Mr. Mo dumped a pile of information to Master An: "Look at it yourself."

Master An's face was a little frosty, picked up the information and looked up, and looked at his face and froze.

"It's impossible, Gu Hai cracked the twenty-nine heaven and earth game." Master An face looked **.

The main city of Silvermoon City.

"The information before Guhai was thirty years old, the family news of Guhai, what kind of education he was exposed to before he was thirty years old, and why there was only news after Guhai was thirty years old." Sima Changkong looked at everyone in front of him.

On the flying boat, Mo Yike also asked the same topic.

"What does it mean?" Mo Yike stared at his subordinates after washing.

"Just no, sir, Gu Hai seems to have popped out of a crack in the stone. This time, we went to find information about everything, but there is no clue about Gu Hai before the age of 30." A subordinate bitterly said.

"Waste, this is the resume of the ancient sea you said." Mr Mo said coldly.

"Sir, we have tried our best." A group of subordinates said bitterly.

"Come on." Mr. Mo squashed the airway.

The subordinates left, and Master An looked at Mr. Mo and said, "Sir, you don't have to make such a big fire, then the ancient sea will be smarter, and you will also play chess. Grandpa also has a lot of such counselors ..."

Mr Mo stared at Master An with his eyes wide open.

"Uh, Mr. Mo, why are you looking at me like this?" Master An worried,


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"Many of these masters are in the hands of Master Wang, huh ..." Mr. Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly. He had no strength to refute Master An.

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