Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 53: small carrot

Baiyun flying above the boat.

After more than half a month of speeding, Feizhou has reached the border of Luzhou, the edge of war.

"Lord, you should be near the battlefield. I heard that for the war, Huangfu Chaoge moved the border to fight with Lu Yang Wangjun at the border." Mu Chenfeng said from a distance.

"I heard it over there, there was a big war there, it seemed so fierce." Gou Chen yelled immediately.

"Oh, go over there." Long Wanqing instructed several people who drove the boat.

Not far away, Gu Hai was sitting in front of a book case on the deck, with a large amount of information in front of him.


Gu Hai put down a book in his hand.

"Gu Hai, you are really good enough, you have finished reading so much information." Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai blankly.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while: "This is all the information of the Shenlu dynasty that I searched for a few days ago. I do n’t know how to look at it, but I need to know a little bit about it. Although these materials are not useful, nine out of ten.

The master Lao Nian laughed aside: "Mr. Gu's success is not only wisdom, but also this effort."

"Did you see something?" Long Wanqing curiously said.

Gu Hai nodded and said: "According to these data, the Shenlu Dynasty has always been very close to the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, and even the people of the Shenlu Dynasty have been yearning for the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty."

"Oh." Master Liunian showed a hint of surprise.

"People all yearn for the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom. How could this happen? A king of a country and propaganda to the people do not all exclude other countries and keep their country independent." Long Wanqing curiously said.

"This Huangfu Chaoge did not do so, it was really very close, and this Huangfu Chaoge did not look like a king at all." Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Long Wanqing wondered.

"This emperor ’s song is a very affectionate person. He can eat with the people, and he can have fun with the people. He often visits the people with little clothing, even sings and dances with the people, and hunts with the people. He never invades other countries. There are often held competitions with the people. "Gu Hai explained.

"Uh, this is not what a king should do." Long Wanqing frowned.

"Yeah, but such a king, but the people love him very much. As long as there are foreign invaders, the people do not need to conscript, and they spontaneously defend the happy kingdom of the God Lu Dynasty. Therefore, although the people yearn for the prosperity of the Daqian Dynasty, but No one has been treasonous because they have a very amiable king. "Gu Hai explained.

"Uh." Everyone wondered slightly.

"Second, Huangfu Chaoge is single." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"It is impossible to be single so far, but he is the king." Mu Chenfeng was surprised.

"That is the case, and he did not hide it from his people. He said that he loved a woman and opened up the Shenlu dynasty, not to dominate the world, but to prove himself to the beloved woman and make him worthy of her." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Sure enough, he is a man of affection." Long Wanqing nodded blankly.

"Oh, this secret, I don't even know, you actually analyzed it from the data." Master Liu Nian smiled bitterly.

"Sir has seen Huangfu Chaoge." Gu Hai looked at Master Liu Nian.

Master Liunian nodded and said, "Perhaps, the woman that Huangfu Chaoge wants to pursue is Long Xiaoyue."

"Ah." Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Actually, I'm also curious. What a gorgeous woman your mother is, how many people care for her, even the master of the fleeting years, and she broke her heart for her." Gu Hai curiously said.

Master Liunian smiled bitterly, shook his head, and did not explain.

Aside from Mu Chenfeng, she shook her head and said, "You don't understand. Although the old church owner is not the most beautiful woman, she has something that attracts us. She has always been energetic and exciting. , Unfortunately, hey. "

"Master, you know who my father is." Long Wanqing suddenly frowned at Master Liu Nian.

The master of fleeting moments froze for a moment, a moment of silence.

"Master, you have been reluctant to say it before, do you know?" Long Wanqing looked forward.

"Yes, Master Liunian, who is that man? It's not a thing. The old church owner died for twenty years. He didn't even have any news. We know that there is always someone in the heart of the old church. But who is that person, The old church owner gave birth to two daughters for him, but for others, where did he hide? For twenty years, the old church owner has been dead for 20 years, and he has not appeared. " The wind frowned.

Master Liu Nian was silent for a while, and finally smiled bitterly: "I promised Long Xiaoyue, not to mention him, sorry, I can't say."

"But, I just want to know who he is." Long Wanqing eagerly said.

"Sorry, sorry, maybe the truth will come out someday, but I promised Long Xiaoyue, I can promise anyone, but I will never say anything to her, I promise she will take care of you, I ’ve been Always behind you. "Master Liu Nian shook his head stubbornly.

Long Wanqing was bitter for a while.

"Ang." "Roar."

Suddenly, a roar came, the flying boat stopped abruptly, and everyone shook suddenly.

But I saw that a black dragon suddenly appeared in front of the flying boat. The black dragon had one eye, and had a sin mark on his forehead, but it was a sin dragon.

"Somebody, go back." The one-eyed black dragon snorted suddenly.

In the cold drink, a huge momentum was released, and everyone's face changed.

"Fangs." Master Liu Nian's face changed, and his hand waved.


Eighteen Buddha beads flew out abruptly, encircling the flying boat, blocking the immense momentum of the sin dragon.

"Oh, this is the master of fleeting years." The one-eyed black dragon said coldly.

"Fangs, the uncle of Guilong ghost face." Mu Chenfeng's face changed and looked at the ancient sea.

"Ghost-faced uncle." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Ghost face, isn't it the biggest sin dragon that was killed by himself in Yinyuehai not long ago? This is its uncle.

"The owner of Yipintang, Long Wanqing." Tuya looked at the crowd coldly.

"Why are you blocking our way?" Long Wanqing stared.

"This is a theater of war. The military plane is heavy, and you must not break into it. Go one step further. Don't blame me for being rude, roar." Tuya said coldly.

The fangs roared loudly, the sky suddenly changed, the dark clouds shrouded, and a strong murderous rushed straight.

"Ang." "Ang." "Ang." ...............

In the distance, from the sky, a sound of dragon yin came from the four sides. Obviously, not only the fangs, but also a large number of sinosaurs blocked the area.

If there are trespassers, they must be attacked in groups.

"Go." Long Wanqing stared.

"call out."

Feizhou turned away from the cavities and retreated backward.

Tooth looked coldly at Feizhou leaving, and then slowly dropped down and fell on a mountain below, staring coldly at the intruders.

"Gou Chen, your ears are more spiritual. Is there any way to spare this group of sin dragons." Long Wanqing looked at Gou Chen.

Gou Chen suddenly opened his eyes, "Yes, yes, but ..."

"But nothing." Long Wanqing wondered.

"Just listen to me sing a song, oh, I can point the way first, while you fly, I sing, and after singing, give me a clap." Gou Chen excited.

"Okay." Long Wanqing agreed without a second thought.

"Don't," Gu Hai exclaimed suddenly.

However, Gu Hai shouted after all, and Long Wanqing agreed.

"Uh, what's wrong." Long Wanqing looked blankly at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked stiff and looked at Gou Chen.

"The master, the master, was promised by the host. Do n’t stop it. The host said nothing. You wo n’t let the host make a promise. Besides, a song will soon be finished. I sing so nicely, you I do n’t like it, it does n’t mean that others do n’t like it, everyone has different levels of appreciation. ”Gou Chen exclaimed suddenly.

"What happened to the ancient sea." Long Wanqing asked again.

"Woohoo, the master didn't sing for me." Gou Chen suddenly grieved.

"Sing it, sing it." Gu Hai looked disgusted.

"Great." Gou Chen laughed suddenly.

When the crowd was still puzzled, Gou Chen immediately pointed the direction of the flying boat.

"Dear people, listen," God Chen "is dedicated to your true love" Small Radish ". Gou Chen looked excited.

"Small radish." Long Wanqing and others showed a blank look.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

As soon as Gou Chen waved his hand, the void sounded.

The sound of the piano is extremely beautiful. Long Wanqing and Master Liunian nodded one after another. It is indeed a celestial piano. This music is absolutely pleasing and refreshing. Everyone is slowly intoxicated.

At this time, Gou Chen's voice sounded.

"I'm a little radish ~~, oh ~~~ oh, big and long ~~, oh ~~~ oh, everyone wants to kiss ~~, oh ~~~ oh, ............... "

Gou Chen opened his mouth, and the flying boat shook suddenly.

Almost everyone suddenly felt the whole body tremble violently, as if being penetrated by a sword.

Every time Gou Chen sang, everyone felt that there was a goosebump on the whole body.

It's not that it sings well, but it's too bad.

Not only did the lyrics make Tian Lei billow, but even the tunes sung by Gou Chen were actually incomplete, the roar of that throat almost killed everyone.

The people who were previously intoxicated by Qin Yin, woke up at nearly the same time under huge contrast, looked at Gou Chen with a look of collapse.

"I'm a little radish ~~, oh ~~~ oh, big and long ~~, oh ~~~ oh, everyone wants to kiss ~~, oh ~~~ oh, ............... "

The crowd was about to collapse, but Gou Chen was extremely intoxicated with singing. In the intoxication was charming little eyes, his left hand covered his heart, and his right hand waved affectionately, apparently already intoxicated and unable to extricate himself.

This product is a celestial piano, and everyone looked at Gouchen with a scalp.

This is not an unpleasant problem, but a sound of human dislike in the singing.

The crowd blocked their ears with force, but the magic sound could not be blocked at all, and the magic sound was so enthralled that they could hear it even if they blocked their ears.

It's terrible.

But just promised Chen to finish listening and applaud, Long Wanqing froze her face and kept back, her head full of groggyness.

The master of the fleeting years folded his hands, and cold sweat kept on his head


/1437806500903/32846786/-3550019397898966844.png) \ '> The meditation of Infinite Life Buddha is constantly chanted in the mouth, while the Buddhist scriptures are meditated over and over again.

Mu Chenfeng transported his body's mana to block his hearing, but the magic sound enchantment couldn't stop it at all, and the sound of Gouchen was like the ghosts staying together. Even if more mana blocked the ear, it could rush into the ear. in.


Mu Chenfeng's ears suddenly burst out of two bloods, but she used too much mana to hurt her ears.

The other wooden rudder disciples had long been hiding in horror at the other end of the boat.

At this moment, the flying boat was shaking, and several people operating the flying boat were about to collapse. The flying boat was operating as if it were going to fall from the air at any time.

"I'm a little radish ~~, oh ~~~ oh, big and long ~~, oh ~~~ oh, everyone wants to kiss ~~, oh ~~~ oh, ............... "

Gou Chen squinted with charming little eyes, covered her heart with her hands, and sang intoxicatedly.


Suddenly, Gu Hai kicked Gou Chen Ying to the ground, and the singing finally stopped.

The whole world is finally quiet.

Gou Chen intoxicated, suddenly knocked down, his face blanked.

"Well good." A crowd of disciples in the distance looked at Guhai gratefully.

"Master, why did you interrupt me again?" Gou Chen looked innocently at Gu Hai.

"Look, what kind of song did you sing them for, Mu Chenfeng bleeds all the tricks." Gu Hai said darkly.

On the one hand, Master Liu Nian crossed his hands and whispered in his mouth, "Heart demon, heart demon, sin and sin, infinite life Buddha."

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