Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 55: Ten round

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~."

The two punches of Huangfu Chaoge and Ao Shun collided. Under the huge impact, a force air wave was formed, and the air wave passed. The sky suddenly burst and the sky opened, and a violent wind rushed straight towards the Quartet. .

The battle between Lu Shiren and Qunlong also ended abruptly.

Huangfu Chaoge stood in place, but Ao Shun was beaten up and down in an instant, his face flushed and his eyes were angry.

Far away.

Gu Hai raised a brow: "Huangfu Chaoge is only Yuan Yingjing, Ao Shun has opened the Tiangong, and the first confrontation turned out to be the victory of Huangfu Chaoge."

"Differently, Huangfu Chaoge calls the power of Shenlu to the world. All the people lend their power to Huangfu Chaoge. Huangfu Chaoge's power is soaring to the sky. This is the advantage of repair, the monarch of a country, or the master of a sutra. Mobilize everyone within your jurisdiction to face foreign enemies, "Master Liu Nian explained.

Gu Hai stared into the distance, his eyes narrowed, and he was also the master of a country. Could he fight like this?

In the distance, the imperial power of the emperor's song is too huge, and he looks at it from afar, like a burning flame.

"King Lu Yang, don't send this little worm here, aren't you going to destroy my **** foot, aren't you going to get rid of me, come on, you come." Huangfu Chaoge stared and looked away. King Lu Yang there.

"Miscellaneous, ..." Ao Shun stared and refused to charge again.

King Lu Yang waved his hand slightly and stopped Ao Shun from saying anything.

Ao Shun was very respectful and nodded.

King Lu Yang looked at Huangfu Chaoge and said, "Huangfu Chaoge, do you think that the Emperor Shenlu is so indelible? The king only loved you, and only tolerated you to this day. My tolerance has a bottom line."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, King Lu Yang, do you want me to surrender, do you think it is possible, do you think it is possible, I ca n’t wait to eat your meat, drink your blood, pinch your bones, and sleep on your skin." Huang Fuchao Song said with red eyes.

"Huh, stubbornness." King Lu Yang snorted.

Detective hand, grabbed one palm towards Huangfu Chaoge.

King Lu Yang didn't get up, so he grabbed it with one palm. Suddenly, there was a billowing black mist in the void again. In the black mist, a huge black palm suddenly emerged, and it was overwhelmingly pressing against the imperial court.


The black giant palm came down, rolled up a tornado, flying sand and stones, covering the sky, and suddenly covered the entire battlefield.

"Break it for me." Huangfu Chaoge yelled loudly, and punched him with a punch.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~."

It is dozens of times louder than the previous boxing sound with Ao Shun.

The huge tremor, and the countless peaks around the tremor, also trembled violently.

"Kaka Kaka."

The valley at the foot of the flying boat where the ancient sea was, was suddenly torn apart, tearing a huge trench.

"Retreat," cried Master Liu Nian.

The flying boat quickly and carefully retreated toward the rear.


There was a sudden loud noise, and the throne where King Lu Yang sat down suddenly burst apart.

"Um." King Lu Yang stood up with his eyes wide open.


The big sleeve was thrown away, and the flying sand and stones in the center of the battlefield were instantly rolled into the sky.

However, I saw a huge pothole in the center of the battlefield. With the pothole as the center, the trenches spread like countless spider webs toward the countless mountain peaks and spread to the army of the Quartet.


Below the huge pothole, it looks like a crater, and the magma rushes straight out, rushing down the ditch to form a stream of fire, and the two troops retreat.

On the other side, Huangfu Chaoge has returned to the tower.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hands, and stared at King Lu Yang in a breathless breath.

"King Lu Yang, do you want to come again? Believe it or not, as long as the strength of my people in the Lulu dynasty is restored, I will immediately lend new strength to me, and my strength is endless. Believe it or not." Huangfu Chaoge looked coldly at King Lu Yang in the distance.

King Lu Yang stood up. Although the throne exploded, King Lu Yang was not injured at all and looked at Huangfu Chaoge coldly.

"You have the power of the world at the foot of the god, I will destroy the power of the world at the foot of the god, I will collect it one city at a time, destroy your national fortune, and see what support you have, hum." King Lu Yang hummed.

"Come on." Huangfu sneered.

"Ming Jin withdrew his troops and blocked the border. No one was allowed to cross the border and guard the Quartet of Shenlu City. No entry or exit allowed." King Lu Yang said coldly.

"Yes," the Quartet soldiers answered.

"When the land is built, the King will be stationed here to guard the city of Shenlu." King Lu Yang said coldly.



The army quickly leveled the surrounding mountains and palaces, as if hidden in storage space, and quickly moved out.

The army was stationed and the craftsmen built the city, very fast and very quickly.

In the distance, Huangfu Chaoge's face was gloomy.

King Lu Yang built the city here to look at himself, and then sent his army to start the city and the city to collect the Shenlu Dynasty.

One less city, one less fortune, can accept the power of the people, and one less, King Lu Yang wanted to kill everything.

But at this moment, there was nothing he could do. As soon as he retreated, the city of Shenlu was immediately won--

In the distance, Gu Hai and his team looked at each other in the distance.

"Even if there is national luck in Huangfu Chaoge, but looking at the posture, it is still not Lv Yang's opponent. Why did Lv Yang Wang Mingjin withdraw and stop, why didn't he go all out in a rage, and Lv Yang's army is definitely better than Huang Fu's Chaoge is brave, and this number is also much stronger, so why did it stop. "Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"King Lu Yang is more powerful, but war is not a matter of individual heroism, and sometimes it depends on the overall situation," Gu Hai explained.

"Oh." Mu Chenfeng looked at Guhai in doubt.

"The military strategy is clouded, ten is surrounded, five is attacked, and twice is divided. Although King Lu Yang has a great advantage, it is better to be surrounded at this moment." Gu Hai explained.

"Uh, martial arts, what martial arts." Everyone looked at Guhai in doubt.

The ancient sea froze slightly. This is Sun Tzu's art of war. What do you want me to say?

"Well, I created my own art of war, just like now, King Lu Yang really has a lot of strength. Forcibly attacking the city can also succeed, but you know how it turned out." Gu Hai laughed.

The master on the side of the stream said: "The result is that the fish and the net are broken and the army and civilians fight hard to resist. King Lu Yang will eventually win, but he will also suffer heavy losses, and the emperor's song will eventually be defeated. He was badly hurt. "

"So, surrounding the city of Shenlu, with the passage of time, the morale of the internal soldiers and the public will become weaker and weaker. When the morale is exhausted, breaking the battle is only a breeze, I am right , I remember that you had a similar effect in your previous Song Dynasty plan. It was n’t soldiers, it was people ’s hearts. ”Long Wanqing laughed.

"Yeah, King Lu Yang is really beautiful in this hand. Not only that, but he also sent troops to attack other cities in the Shenlu Dynasty. This has some flavors of help in it. Hehe, King Lu Yang is not a ubiquitous generation." Gu Haishen Inhaled and nodded.

"Then what do we do now?" Mu Chenfeng worried.

"Retreat first, Shenlucheng, we can't get in for the time being, and slowly find a way." Gu Hai shook his head.

"By the way, there is a palace of my mother, let's go there." Long Wanqing looked moved.

"There are palaces here, too." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Long Wanqing's mother has two palaces in Yinzhou, one is Yinyue City, and the other is here.

"It's where my Master tribe is." Mu Chenfeng also laughed.

"Oh, Master Muduru."

"My dear, love is beautiful." Mu Chenfeng laughed.

Gu Hai was slightly puzzled.

"Love flowers are the same as the Lushi people you saw before. They belong to the monster class monsters, plants and monsters, love flowers become monsters. There is only love flowers in the world. Now there are many small love flowers monsters. After the Master, the old church owner set up the palace here, and met me, and I was also fortunate to join Yipintang. "Mu Chenfeng explained.

The flying boat carried the people around the frontier's blockade and shot towards the east-

Where King Lu Yang was, although the throne was destroyed, his subordinates soon sent a new throne.

King Lu Yang was sitting on the throne, looking coldly at Shenlu City in the distance, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Standing next to him was a man in Tsing Yi. The man was expressionless, and his eyes were full of coldness, as if there were no human feelings.

The man in Tsing Yi frowned suddenly, and looked at the direction that the ancient sea Feizhou left.

"Master Wang," the man in Tsing Yi respectfully said.

"Well, broken army, what's wrong?" King Lu Yang wondered.

"I just heard a trace of Gou Chen's voice, and listened attentively, but Long Wanqing, the master of Yipintang, arrived, as if he was going to Qinghuayuan now." Po Jun respectfully said.

"God Chen." King Lu Yang frowned and looked at the broken army.

"Yes, he and I are both celestial pianos. If I pay too much attention, he will be discovered by him, without paying too much attention, but he is right." Po Jun solemnly said.

"Going to Chen, it seems that the conferencing meeting was over, and Mr. Mo went there in person, but he didn't get Going to Chen. What happened?" Wang Lu frowned slightly.

The broken army stood aside and didn't speak.

King Lu Yang looked at Shenlu City in the distance and suddenly smiled slightly: "Long Wanqing, it's really time to come, go to the place of love, it saves me a lot of things." ——

Flying boat.

Gou Chen turned her head to look at King Lu Yang, her frown slightly.

"What's wrong," Gu Hai wondered.

"We seem to be found." Gou Chen frowned.


"It seems that there is a man named 'Breaking Army' beside King Lu Yang. He is also a celestial piano. He found us." Gou Chen frowned.

"Breaking the army." Long Wanqing's face changed.

"What did they say?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I said a few words at the beginning, and then I used a sound barrier to break the army, and I couldn't hear it. The sound barrier, I would, also, hum, I made them inaudible to us."

The detective waved.


There was a slight buzz around the crowd, and it quickly disappeared.

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