Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 56: Thorns

The ancient sea flying boat kept going eastward, and one day later, it reached a rainforest area near the sea.

"Come on, it should be over there." Long Wanqing looked at Master Liu Nian.

Master Liunian nodded and said, "Hurry up, I've been here once, and I'm in that direction."

"Did you see it?" Mu Chenfeng said with a smile in the distance.

"Well, thorns." Mu Chenfeng frowned slightly.

But I saw a distant area connected to the sea, and the thorns soaring up the sky, wrapping the surrounding, the thorns are very huge, as high as a thousand feet, like a super huge city wall, blocking everything from the outside world.

Asuka flew near, but had to detour all.

"Bush of thorns," Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, the thorns array is the guardian array of the Love Flower Tribe. It is stronger than the walls of the Silver Moon City in the past. Moreover, the thorns are more poisonous and poisonous. Few people dare to strike this array "Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"Then my mother's palace." Long Wanqing looked at Mu Chenfeng.

"In there." Mu Chenfeng smiled bitterly.

"What to do, thorns blockade, how do we get in." Long Wanqing frowned.

"Wait, go around, there is a small door over there." Mu Chenfeng pointed to the distance.

"This position should belong to the junction of the Shenlu Dynasty and the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, there are too few race monsters in love. They ca n’t afford to toss. They never join any country. It ’s a good thing. However, Master is more hospitable and has made a lot of friends. Very happy, the palace was established here. "Mu Chenfeng explained.

"It seems to be fighting over there." Gou Chen frowned.

The flying boat quickly passed by. Sure enough, not far away, the sword was shining, the dust was flying, and a rattan sprung out from the ground and collided with the sword.

"Broken." He shouted.


Like a tree-like monster, it flew out and hit the thorns.

The battle was over.

The flying monster looks like a big tree, but has human features and limbs, the face is wrinkled like the old bark, and there are a lot of bright flowers on the tree.

"Love flower tree demon." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

It was the tree demon who slowly stood up, but there were many wounds on his body, and some branches had broken into pieces. He looked weakly at the opposite.

On the opposite side was a man in a yellow robe. The man grabbed a golden long sword in his hand, and looked at the tree demon with a murderous look on his face.

"It's Chu Yan." Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Chu Xi, Master of Yipintang Golden Rudder." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Sure enough, behind the man in the yellow robe, there was a large disciple of Yipintang disciples. At the moment, some people fell to the ground, his face turned black, as if poisoned.

"Hum, something that you can't control, try to die." Chu Yan's eyes glared, and a sword slashed at the weak tree demon.

"Stop it." Mu Chenfeng stared, and immediately flew out.

Suddenly a wooden stick popped out of his hand, and when the wooden stick stretched out, countless whiskers suddenly appeared, heading for Chu Qi's sword.

"Um." Chu Yan's face suddenly changed, Jian Guang turned, and came towards Mu Chenfeng.


In an instant, a large swath of Jianqi burst out of Jianguang, chopping the roots of the trees into pieces, and a few sword Qis passed Mu Chenfeng's body instantly.


Mu Chenfeng flew out covered with blood.


Obviously, the strength of Mu Chenfeng was not worth mentioning in front of Chu Yan. One round was defeated instantly.

"Oh, Mu Chenfeng, do you want to die? Say you want to die, hum." Chu Yan's eyes stared, a flash of evil spirit flashed in his eyes.


The ancient sea detective caught Mu Chenfeng and looked coldly at Chu Chu.

Chu Yan also found Feizhou at this moment, and looked at everyone on the Feizhou.

Seeing Long Wanqing's frown, Chu frowned and said, "Oh, it's the master."

"Chu Xi, what's going on, how could you fight with Qinghua Shu Yao." Long Wan frowned suddenly and asked.

"It's not a fight, it's about to kill him. As for why, you ask him, hum." Chu Yan hummed.

The arrogant attitude made Gu Hai a little stunned. This is the master of the golden rudder. How can I feel that the flame is bigger than the master of the hall.

"Chu Xi, the first master of Yipintang." Mu Chenfeng explained to Gu Hai with a grin.

The first master of Yipintang.

No wonder the previous sword defeated Mu Chenfeng.

"Brother, what's going on with you, how's the injury?" Mu Chenfeng walked with the pain and walked in front of the Qinghuashuren, and fed the Shuren with elixir.

Gu Hai looked at the opposite Chu Yan, and Chu Yan also looked at Gu Hai.

For a time, Gu Hai felt that his whole hair was erected, and there was a feeling of being caught by prey.

"Yintang Master of Water Rudder, Gu Hai, met Chu Rudder." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Skin isn't smiling, it's not a good thing, hum." Chu Yan snorted.

"Yes, Your Excellency is a good thing." Gu Hai sneered.

The other party is not polite to himself, and there is no need to be polite to him.

"Um." Chu Yan looked coldly at Gu Hai and rushed out.

Gu Hai looked at Chu Yan coldly and refused.

"Brother, how are you fighting?" Mu Chenfeng looked anxiously at the Shuren.

The Shuren smiled slightly bitterly: "I won't let them in. They have to go in. They hit the thorns and got poisoned. They hit me. Who let them run in random."

Chu Yong chuckled not far away: "Crash, joke, I went to my Yipintang palace, why did I ram, stop me, and hurt my disciples, I should kill."

"You should kill, how many times have I told you, not allowed to enter, you do not listen yourself." Shuren glared.

"What's going on, brother, why not go in." Mu Chenfeng wondered.

"His Majesty's Order opened a large group of thorns half a year ago. I fell in love with the family, closed the mountain, closed to outsiders, denied entry, and allowed to leave. Every month, a guard was sent to inspect the Quartet. I was sent to inspect They are the ones who rushed by themselves and hit poisonous thorns, but they all rested on me. "Shuren said bitterly.

"Detoxify my subordinates and open the channel. I want to see love." Chu Yan said coldly.

"Huh, I told you all, I have the ability to let the door open by myself." Shuren glared.

"I killed you and I can go in." Chu Yan turned his sword and pointed at the Shuren.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, Lord Chu Ruo, Qing Hualian and Lao Tangzhu are the best friends. Lao Tangzhu dies, so you treat Lao Tangzhu the best." Master Liu Nian said coldly.

"Yeah, Master Chu Ruo, don't be rude." Long Wanqing frowned.

Chu Yan looked at Long Wanqing, and whispered in a cold voice: "Tang Lord, you are still young and do n’t understand many things. It ’s not that I want to target them. They are against us. If you do n’t believe you, you ca n’t get in.”

"I can't get in, I'll think of a way, but you're wrong." Long Wanqing said depressed.

"I have a bad attitude, hum. In order to inquire about the death of the old church owner, I rushed to Luzhou without stopping. These days have not stopped. You are better off. You are going to play in the Qiandaohai again, and you are attending the piano conference. There is a problem. Your mother's case has not been investigated. I can now find out that your mother came to this palace before she died. I rushed here without any slack and wanted to find clues. What about you? "Chu Xi said coldly.

"Who said we had no clue, we knew the killer right away." Long Wanqing exclaimed.

"Oh." Chu Yan looked for a moment, looking at Long Wanqing.

"Huh." Long Wanqing turned her head and refused to tell Chu Yan.

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

"Brother, go and talk to Master and say that we are here and want to go to Xiaoyue Villa." Mu Chenfeng advised.

There is a Xiaoyue Mountain Villa in Yinyue City, and there is also a Xiaoyue Mountain Villa here.

"Don't think about it, King Lu Yang sent someone, but he couldn't get in. I have already started this large array, but I won't open it casually." The Shuren smiled bitterly.

"King Lu Yang sent someone to do something." Mu Chenfeng frowned slightly.

"If we want to warn us, we can go to war. How could He agree, in the end, the door didn't open." Shuren smiled bitterly.

"Fight, why."

"Let's go against the Lushi people of the Shenlu dynasty. The Lushi people are earth and stone monsters. I love the flower tree demon and the wood system monsters. With wooden soil, I want us to break the foot stone people." Tree People bitter.

"It's no wonder Master is unwilling to receive, loves the flower tree demon, does not participate in the war at all." Mu Chenfeng nodded.

"Yeah, so do n’t even think about it. People sent by King Lu Yang are not allowed to enter. If you are allowed to enter, it is disrespect to King Lu Yang. If King Lu Yang is angry, it will bring us disaster. Yes. "Shuren smiled bitterly.

Mu Chenfeng's complexion was slightly frozen.

"After all, there is a way." Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"It's not impossible to go in, old rules, do you remember how Long Xiaoyue got in at the beginning." Shuren spread his hand.

"Uh." Mu Chenfeng froze slightly.

"My mother used to encounter thorns," Long Wanqing said unexpectedly.

"Yes, that's the first time the old church owner has come."

"How did my mother get in."

"Love flower, move for love, if you can move love flower, no matter who it is, it will be the best friend of the love flower tree demon. The love flower tree demon will never block friends from entering, the old church owner said that herself In the journey of love, she sang a song that she wrote to her lover. As a result, my master was moved. The master was moved to let the old church owner enter and become the best friend. The old church owner was allowed to build a palace in the tribe. "Mu Chenfeng explained.

"Love flower, moved by love." Gu Hai slightly for a while.

On the other hand, Gou Chen suddenly flashed his eyes and said, "Singing, I'm the best at it. Let me do it, and I will definitely be touched by Love."

"Don't." Gu Hai, Mu Chenfeng, Long Wanqing, Master Liu Nian exclaimed at the same time.

Shuren and Chu Yan a little hesitated, what happened.

"You do n’t understand appreciation, it does n’t mean you do n’t understand.


/32846786/501249943288909901.png)\'>Let me come, I ’ll sing a song, really, this way, the host does not sing to me, I ’m so uncomfortable, I want to sing a song, let me sing , My amazing creative talent. Gou Chen immediately asked Gu Hai.

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