Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 57: Liang Zhu

Chu Yan and Shuren stared blankly at the line in front of him. The boy wanted to sing, and let him sing. It doesn't matter if he can sing the door or not, let him try it.

What the two didn't know was that the crowd would not let Gou Chen sing, not because he wouldn't give him a try, but because they feared that after the trial, they would never have a chance to go in.

"Master, let me sing, I am uncomfortable." Gou Chen anxiously.

"Not allowed to sing." Gu Hai looked pale.

Sing it for you, we will be blacklisted forever by Love Flower.

"Why, why." Gou Chen was anxious.

Long Wanqing, Master Liunian, and Mu Chenfeng are also bitter at the moment. I have already told you that your song is hard to listen to, but if you do not believe it selectively, how can you explain it?

"Because I have a song, I need you to play it." Gu Hai said helplessly.

"Uh." Gou Chen was in no hurry.

"It turns out that the master also has a piece of music, you said earlier, you are the master, how can I not **** it from you. If your piece of music does not work, you will not be stopped by then." Gou Chen nodded suddenly.

Long Wanqing and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Not far away, Chu Yan and Shuren stared at the ancient sea blankly. Who is this, and singing with his subordinates, this is the master of Yipintang Water Rudder.

"This song is called" Liang Zhu ", and I inculcate it to you." Gu Haishen said.

Like Yun Mo's manipulation of Gou Chen, Gu Hai put one hand on Gou Chen's shoulders, and passed the "Liang Zhu", which he had heard when he was young, to Gou Chen through thought.

Gou Chen is a celestial piano, which is extremely sensitive to music. There may be other sounds in the idea, but Gou Chen sensed it instantly.

After a fragrant incense, Gou Chen also all met.

The ancient sea slowly let go.

"How." Long Wanqing looked forward.

"Sloppy, worse than my" Little Radish ", barely able to listen." Gou Chen shook his head.

Long Wanqing: "..............."

Gu Hai was black-faced: "Well, don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

"Oh, I don't know what it means." Chu Yan sneered.

"I don't know what it means." Gu Hai frowned at Chu Yan.

"You think you can open this thorny array with just a piece of music, huh, this thorny array is a joke too, the excuse of Qinghua blocking Wang Luyang will be broken by a piece of music you just grab I heard that a large number of luthiers from King Luyang's palace came to play the music, but none of them can open up the thorns, but you, one master and one servant, are still fighting to sing songs, jokes. "Chu Yan sneered.

Gou Chen's eyes stared, as if to refute.

"Well, don't talk nonsense with him, play your song." Gu Hai looked at Gou Chen.

"Huh." Gou Chen snorted coldly.

"Master Chu Ruo, do you know who this purple robe man is?" Mu Chenfeng suddenly sneered.


"Not long ago, he was going to go to the piano conference," Mu Chenfeng explained.

"Gou Chen, you can get Gou Chen even by you." Chu Yan looked unbelieving.

Instead, suddenly looking at Gu Hai, Gou Chen called Gu Hai the master, wouldn't it be that Gu Hai got Gou Chen, Gu Hai is the master of Taoism?

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

With a wave of detective Gou Chen, the sound of the piano suddenly sounded in the void. There is no artistic mood in the ancient sea. Gou Chen has it, and it is a celestial piano with a strong artistic conception.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a cheerful woman running with laughter in the fields.

At the same time, the thorns were inside.

Beneath a towering tree, the tree has a hole in it, which is dark inside. At this moment, several tree demon ran over and called out into the hole.

"Alas, alas, the sound of the piano sounds again, this time, a very strong mood of piano."

"Yeah, this is a master of piano." There was an old voice in the tree hole.

Quickly surrounded by a group of love tree demon.


In the presence of the tree demon, he suddenly showed an illusion of mood--

A very joyful woman running and laughing in the fields. The woman likes to read poems and wants to go out to study. However, it is not safe for the woman to go out alone, so the woman dressed up as a man and went to the academy to study. The scholars, the women and the scholars saw each other just as they did before, and the two of them married Jin Lan. For three years in the academy, they studied together during the day and fell asleep together at night. The women gradually loved the scholars. I do not know their intentions.

Until the time of an outing, the woman hinted to the scholar many times, but the scholar Mu Na did not find it. Helpless, the woman directly told the scholar that the scholar suddenly realized and accepted the woman's heart.

However, Naihe was known by another rich man. The rich man coveted the beauty of the woman and wrote a letter to go home to ask his parents to propose to the woman's house.

A letter from home urged the woman to go home. The woman was helpless and had to leave the scholar.

However, after returning, the woman was kept at home by her parents and was not allowed to go out. The woman could only write to the scholar.

The scholar hurried back and went to the woman's house to ask for a kiss.

However, the parents of the woman were reluctant to accept the scholars, sweep them out, and wait to come to Japan to marry the women to the rich.

The scholar left with a broken heart, and the woman saw him off.

The scholar returned home, fell in love with each other, and could not afford the illness. He wrote to the woman, but the woman was in the house and could not be visited.

Soon after, the scholar's vomiting ceased, and he ended in depression.

The woman learned that she washed her face with tears every day, her eyes were empty, her heart was ashamed.

Soon, the rich family sent someone to pick up a relative, and Huajiao carried a woman like a walking dead.

On this day, when he got married, the wind and rain were fierce, and the wind was miserable. When Huajiao passed the scholar's grave, the woman suddenly jumped out of Huajiao.

At this moment, the scholar's grave suddenly cracked, and the woman jumped into the grave without paying attention.

Life cannot be a husband and wife, and death must be in the same acupuncture point, and the grave slowly closes.

After the storm, from the grave of the two, two butterflies slowly flew out, and the butterflies were inseparable, flying freely in the lingering fields—

"Woohoo, oh, my love has blossomed for over eighteen, and I'm so sad."

"Well, my love blossoms are more than twenty, so touching."




In the thorny battle, the love tree demon is most sensitive to the lingering love story, and many tree demon are moved to the place where they touched.

And the thorns burst out.

The tree demon who was seriously injured by Chu Yu, but the injury was weird and quickly recovered, and the love flower on his head suddenly appeared a dozen.

"Gu Hai, what's the name of this woman and scholar?" Long Wanqing's eyes were red.

"The woman's name is Zhu Yingtai, the scholar's name is Liang Shanbo, and the rich man's name is Ma Wencai, which is the story I saw before." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Why Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai can't be together, and the dead are so miserable." Long Wanqing complained of Gu Haidao with red eyes.

"Don't we transform the butterflies together, and no one can stop them." Gu Hai softly advised.

"Um." Long Wanqing nodded with red eyes.

Not far away, Chu Kun frowned slightly and stopped speaking, Chu Kun was not good at piano, but after all, he could feel the superiority of the song.

"Okay, okay, the door isn't open, it's my turn, I'll sing a song." Gou Chen exclaimed suddenly.

Gu Hai's face was dark, and she was about to speak.


With a loud noise, a large burst of thorns burst into a gap in the shaking.

"It's on, it's on." Mu Chenfeng cried suddenly.

"I agree with you." Shuren looked at the huge gap in surprise.

Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Gou Chen was frustrated, "I haven't sung yet."

"Thank you for your performance. You want to sing. Okay, sing back to me." The Shuren immediately smiled and looked at Gou Chen.

"Okay, okay." Gou Chen suddenly excited.

Gu Hai and his party opened their mouths, trying to stop them, but everything was late.

"Master, he wants to listen, you don't want to stop it." Gou Chen Dun looked forward to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai was silent for a while and said, "Don't be heard by me while singing."

"Okay, okay." Gou Chen suddenly excited.

The Shuren looked puzzled. This gossip is obviously a master of the Taoist path. What kind of expression do you think?

Chu Kun frowned, looking at the crack in front of her eyes, and remained silent for a while: "The door is open, and the poison on my subordinates, do you also unlock it."

The Shuren looked at Chu Yan, and there was still a discomfort in his eyes.

"For the sake of" Liang Zhu "just now, carry it in, there is detoxification juice in it." Shuren frowned.

Chu Min nodded.

Long Wanqing and his party closed the boat, and as the Shuren slowly moved towards the thorns.


After everyone entered, the thorns slowly closed.

At the same time, King Lu Yang built a new city called Shen Lucheng to guard the city of Shenlu.

In the city of Lulu, within a hall.

The broken army waved, but it was the entire track of "Liang Zhu", listening to the ears of King Lu Yang and others.

After a beam of Liang Zhu ended, there was silence for a while in the hall, but everyone slowly opened their eyes.

"Liang Zhu, yes, it is a good piece of music." King Lu Yang praised.

Po Jun nodded and said: "The Gou Chen also found me and used a sound barrier to isolate the sound, but when I played the tune just now, in order to let the love lover hear it, I removed the sound barrier and I heard it again. Thanks to my voice, I have been paying attention to Qinghua Valley, otherwise I almost missed it. "

King Lu Yang nodded and looked at the others in the hall.

"You guys are also luthiers. For so many days, you haven't created a decent piece of music. You look at them, and you come in with one hand, and you go in, hum." Lu Yang said coldly.

"Master, I can't wait for incompetence." Zhongqin said bitterly.

The pianist didn't believe it. How could such a melodious tune come in handy.

"They entered the Love Flower Valley together." King Lu Yang said lightly.

"Yes, the thorns have sound barriers, and the internal sound cannot be heard. I can't hear it." Po Jun sighed slightly.


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"Enough, they go in, it's enough." Lu Yang Wang sneered.

"The Gou Chen was obviously got by the man who called the ancient sea. It should be the master of the water rudder of Yipintang." The broken army solemnly said.

"The news of Yinyue City hasn't come yet, indicating that Mr. Mo is coming back. By then, everything is clear. Gu Hai, the master of Qin Tao who came out, the name is familiar." Lu Yang Wang frowned. Up.

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