Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 58: Love Flower

Love Flower Valley.

Gu Hai and his party crossed the thorny road with great curiosity and reached the interior.

Once inside, the horizon is endless, full of flowers.

Fragrant fragrance from all directions, not far away, one by one, the love flower tree demon, only one person tall, like a child, chasing around and playing around, a peaceful paradise.

Not far away are some floating islands and some palaces above.

"That, that is the floating island of Xiaoyue Mountain Villa." Mu Chenfeng laughed at a small island not far away.

At this time, there are more than a dozen large tree-like love flower tree demon came over.

"Which master played that tune just now, please ask me." The first tree demon said politely.

"It's me. The tune was created by my master." Gou Chen called immediately.

"Oh." The sentimental flower tree demon followed Gou Chen's direction and looked at Gu Hai.

"To take the liberty to disturb, I really need to visit Qinghua first, and there is a way to work." Gu Hai laughed.

"Please here." Several tree demon respectfully.

"I won't go. I'll go to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa and look up the clues." Chu Yan said in a deep voice.

"Alright." Long Wan nodded her head.

Chu Yan took a group of disciples of Golden Rudder to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa, and Mu Chenfeng arranged a disciple of 1,000 wooden rudders, and followed Chu Yu to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

As for the poison on disciples of Jin Ruo, the Shuren had also taken to detoxify.

Gu Hai, Mu Chenfeng, Long Wanqing, Liunian Master, led by more than a dozen love flower tree demon, walked under the largest giant tree here.

Although the valley of love flowers is called a valley, it is extremely huge.

The largest giant tree is a thousand feet tall and lush, it seems like a huge love tree.

There is a huge tree hole below, surrounded by some love flower tree demon, respectfully standing out, seeing Gu Hai and his party coming, all of them were slightly gifted.

Love Flower Tree Demon is extremely polite, and Gu Hai and others have also returned gifts.

"Master, Master, I will come back to see you." Mu Chenfeng first ran to the tree hole.

"Morning breeze is back, please come in." An old voice came from the old tree cave.

Gu Hai and others were slightly hesitant, but Mu Chenfeng had entered for the first time, and everyone looked at it and followed it.

"Last time I came here, I didn't see Love Huayan, I didn't expect it, but this time it was stained with the light of the ancient master." Master Liu Nian laughed as he walked.

Everyone stepped into the tree hole.

As soon as I entered the tree hole, I saw an old lady who was holding a teapot and pouring tea into a few cups.

Little old lady.

The ancient sea froze slightly. This is in contrast to the imagination. Shouldn't it be the love flower? It has completely become a human figure, the little old lady.

Qinghuayan held a few cups of fragrant tea in a tray and immediately laughed: "Please, please sit down, the place is rude, please feel free."

The tree hole is quite bright, like a living room with tables and chairs.

"Morning breeze, don't say hello to them yet." Qinghua smiled.

"Oh, you sit together, my Master is very kind, sit, it's okay." Mu Chenfeng greeted the tea tray immediately.

"Thank you for your love." Everyone saluted slightly.

"Oh, Tian-Qin, Gou Chen." Qing Huayan looked at Gou Chen, suddenly a little surprised.

"How do you know." Gou Chen was surprised.

"People are old, and their eyes have not been spent. The old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa used to bring you to me, but at that time you only had a body, and the soul was not united with the body." Qinghua said with a smile.

"Uh, the old owner took me here." Gou Chen said blankly.

"Old farmer is good now." Qinghua smiled.

The expressions of all the people were all at a loss.

"Master, the old farmer recently went to Xian." Mu Chenfeng smiled bitterly.

"What." Qinghua's face changed, and the tea cup she held in her hand suddenly flickered, almost not holding steady.

Mu Chenfeng did not hide it, and said everything to Qinghua.

After listening to Qinghua, she didn't speak for a long time. After a while, she sighed: "Hey, hey, hey."

After sighing for three consecutive times, the mood of Qinghua's whole person suddenly weakened a lot.

"Mr. Gu did that song just now." Qing Huayi looked at Gu Hai.

After all, Mu Chenfeng just explained everyone's identity just now.

"Exactly, the title" Liang Zhu ", the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai I saw before." Gu Hai nodded.

"Since ancient times, passion has been filled with hate and turned into a butterfly, so it is better to fly with wings and wings." Love Huayan sighed slightly.

At this moment, when I heard the death of the old owner, the whole person was unhappy.

"Master, did you set up a large array of thorns to prevent King Lu Yang from recruiting?" Mu Chenfeng asked.

"Yeah, I love the flower tree demon family. The devil is rare, mostly young and old. Where can I stand the war, I hope I can hide from it." Qinghua sighed slightly.

"A big disaster, what a big disaster." Mu Chenfeng wondered.

"Nothing, huh, huh." Qinghua sighed slightly, and didn't seem to want to say.

Turning his head, Qinghua looked at Long Wanqing.

"Long Xiaoyue's girl really looks like your mother." Qinghua smiled kindly.

"Love blossoms, this time I also came to track down the news of my mother's death, and it bothered me a lot." Long Wanqing respectfully said.

"Your mother called my aunt that year, and she had the best relationship with me, but unfortunately, unfortunately, you call me uncle, too." Qinghua sighed slightly.

"Okay, well." Long Wan nodded her head.

"Old lady, I'm a little bit uncomfortable today, so I won't entertain you more. Stay first. If you want to leave, then come to me." Qinghua sighed slightly.

Obviously, the death of the old farmer seems to be a great blow to Qinghua.

"So, bother, we also want to go to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa." Gu Hai nodded.

Qinghua nodded and sent everyone out.

After sending out the tree hole, Love Flower closed the door.

"Come on my shoulders, let's take you away." Several Shuren enthusiastically said.

"Thank you," Gu Hai and his team laughed.

The Shuren has a huge body and walks very fast, heading towards Xiaoyue Villa.

"Master Mu Ruo, love Huayan and the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, how is the relationship?" Gu Hai looked at Mu Chenfeng wonderingly.

"Uh, I don't know, brother, do you know?" Mu Chenfeng looked at a tree humane sitting down.

"Yi and Yinyue Zhuang, uh, how do you say, you have not yet come to worship at that time, the old owner has a very good relationship with You, really, Yinyue Zhuang is still young, and Xun looks very young, Laozhuang The Lord often came to play the harp to listen to my uncle, but then one time, they quarreled, and then never came again. "The tree man shook his head and sat down.


"I remembered, the one named Long Xiaoyue, every time I came, it seemed to bring the news of the old owner, and I heard once that Long Xiaoyue would bring back the news to Yinyue City every time. Old farmer. "Gu Shu sat down and said.

"Oh, my mother has become the link between the old farmer and her." Long Wanqing was surprised.

"No wonder I like the old church owner so much, no wonder that even if the old church owner dies, the old farmer still has to give Yipintang a qualification post." Mu Chenfeng said slightly.

For a moment, many things seemed to understand, and everyone looked in the direction of the tree hole with the door closed.

"I waited all my life, thought about my life, loved my life, and complained all my life, but it was the news of the death of the old owner, hey." Long Wanqing sighed slightly.

Everyone was silent for a while.

Not long after, the crowd arrived at Xiaoyue Villa under the enthusiasm of the flower tree demon.

Floating island.

Chu Yan stood with his hands on his shoulders, and looked at the people who ran quickly in the distance, his eyes narrowed: "I'll be back so soon."

Turning his head, Chu Yue walked into the palace on the floating island.

Gu Hai and his entourage returned, as if Chu Yan didn't talk much.

The habit of the ancient sea, first look for Long Xiaoyue's past information, it is best to have her writing and painting, maybe there is any useful information.

"This is my mother's study." Long Wanqing pointed to a large number of books in the study.

"Oh, it's been flipped here." Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Mu Chenfeng quickly attracted a wooden rudder disciple.

"Chu Ruozhu had turned it over before, and said he wanted to find clues about the death of Laotang Zhuo." Said the disciple of Mu Ruo.

Gu Hai frowned slightly and nodded.

"Gouchen didn't come up just now." Mu Chenfeng wondered.

"He's going to harm the group of love tree demon." Gu Hai casually replied, and began to organize the books around.

"Uh." Mu Chenfeng looked stiff, and mourned for a group of brothers.

The group stayed in Xiaoyue Mountain Villa for the time being.

Chu Yan didn't find any clues, but he didn't mean to leave either. He stayed in Xiaoyue Villa for the time being.

Gu Hai flips through the materials daily, or walks around with Long Wanqing daily.

Love Flower Valley is so beautiful, it's rare to have such a pleasant time.

In the setting sun, Gu Hai watched Long Wanqing's cheeks a little at times a few times, and every time Gu Hai worked seriously, when looking through the information, Long Wanqing also watched Gu Hai obsessively, occasionally showing a smile.

At other times, Qinghua has invited Long Wanqing to chat.

Over the next few days, the mood of love blossoms seems a lot better, but it just looks older.

After chatting for a few days, Long Wanqing found that she and Qinghuayan could talk very well. Some things also told Qinghuayan.

"Huangfu Chaoge." Love flower chuckled slightly.

"Well, it was Gu Hai who worked hard to find out. Huangfu Chaoge may know the cause of my mother's death, so we came here. Gu Hai said that when he reads the information, we will leave and find a way to see Huangfu Chao. Song. "Long Wan nodded her head.

"Huangfu Chaoge, I know that every time your mother came here, that Huangfu Chaoge will come, and you want to pursue your mother, unfortunately, your mother already has someone in her heart, and I heard that it is excellent." Laughed.

"Really, who is my father, do you know?" Long Wanqing eagerly said.

"I do n’t know, your mother refuses to say, oh, make evil, but Huangfu Chaoge, you do n’t have to look for it, I can find him, he is also a bitter child. He used to love your mother, but his heart is full of goodness Yes, but now, it looks like you are full of suffocation, but


747685.png) \ '> If he knew you were here, he should come. "Love Huaxi laughed.

"Uh, why."

"Because she likes your mother, and likes your mother, naturally she will like everything about your mother, including you, uh, of course, I definitely don't like your father." Qinghua smiled.

"Thank you for your love." Long Wanqing breathed a long breath, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"You like that ancient sea." Qinghua suddenly laughed strangely.

"Well, I don't understand what you said." Long Wanqing blushed suddenly.

"Hahahaha, I have seen these days, and I am here. How can I not understand, you like Gu Hai, Gu Hai, the wood, and you, but you haven't figured out that Gu Hai seems to have a knot." Hua Yan smiled.

"His wife was killed decades ago." Long Wanqing whispered.

With a look of Qinghua, she sighed slightly, "It's another bitter man, oh." The first book of this book comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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