Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 61: Dinglong Formation

Love Flower Valley.

A large number of tree demon concentrated under the largest love tree in the center, showing anxiety.

Love Huayan, Huangfu Chaoge, Gu Hai, Long Wanqing all walked out of the tree hole, frowning at the thorns in the north, and there was a sound of blasts of soldiers in the north.

"Love blossoms, King Lu Yang arrives, opens the thorns, and surrenders the thief imperial emperor's song, otherwise the peace valley will be flattened and your family will be destroyed."

A loud blast came from outside the array, and it was fierce.

"Well, I just saw that there were hundreds of flying boats outside the large array, each with over 10,000 soldiers, that is, at least a million troops, and hundreds of dragons, thousands of dragons, and thousands of tyrants. The valley was encircled, and King Lu Yang personally led the army. What should we do? "A Qinghua tree demon horrified.

"Dajie, is this the Dajie." Qinghuayan looked ugly.

"King Lu Yang knew that I was here so soon, someone leaked my whereabouts." Huangfu Chaoge said in a deep voice.

After saying that Huangfu Chaoge frowned and looked at Qinghua.

Qinghua frowned and looked at the tree demon, shook her head: "It can't be my tribe."

"It can't be my person either, except for Lu Shishen, nobody knows I'm coming." Huangfu Chaoge said in a deep voice.

The two looked at Gu Hai and Long Wanqing.

"We also just knew that Mr. Huang Fu came." Long Wanqing frowned.

Gu Hai did not speak, but looked at the Xiaoyue Mountain Villa, and did not say more. Although there was speculation, it was still uncertain, and he did not say anything for a while.

"Boom ~~~~~~"

A sudden loud noise came from the thorns in the east.

"Not good, sigh, Xiaolong and His Majesty broke from the thorns in the east, a lot of Xiaolong, a lot of domineering, what to do." A tree monster in the distance exclaimed.

"Jiaolong, domineering." Gu Hai stunned slightly--

East of the thorns array, headed by a hundred dragons, commanded thousands of tyrants, and the dragons gathered here. The head of the dragon was the first one-eyed dragon, the uncle with a ghost face, that Gu Hai arrived at the border not long ago. Tooth decay.

Tu Ya looked at the thorns in front of him in a cold voice: "Listen to all the Yalong tribe, the Prince said, here is the flaws of the thorns, the thorns are deep-rooted, but the land around the sea is rootless Entering and breaking out of the sea, the Huangfu Chaoge has no luck now. Whoever caught the Huangfu Chaoge first, the Prince said, rewarding Dragon Dan and promoting the Dragon family. "


The crowds of dragons and tyrants suddenly burst into excitement, all eyes were full of warfare, obviously the temptation of Shenglongdan was too great.

"Go." Fang yelled.


Three thousand dragons and three thousand fighters scrambled into the sea, rushed to the roots of the large array of thorns, to break through the obstacles of the sea floor, and rushed into the large array.


The flawed land is a flawed land after all. In the roar of the earth, countless black mud poured from the bottom of the sea, and it seemed to break through the general array.

At this moment, there are a large number of tree people on the top of the large thorns array in the array. You can stand at some observation platforms at high altitudes to see the outside, and the sky is covered by large clouds. The outside can not see the inside, but the observation platform inside is clear. See the outside world.

On the large array of Oriental observation decks, the Shuren looked at the three thousand dragons, and three thousand fighters broke down, and his face suddenly became wild.

"It's over, it's over, let me know soon. The array is loose, and the dragon and the subordinate are about to break in. Hurry, let me know." The Shuren shouted in horror.

When the treeman exclaimed, the first dragon was already bursting his head, breaking the broken stone, and his head reached the bottom of the sea inside the array.


In the roar of Xiaolong's face, he quickly squeezed the crushed stone and let his body get in.


Three thousand dragons and three thousand tyrants came out of the sea one after another.

"Hahahaha, this is not the case with the thorns."

"I came in, I came in, roar."

"Look at me holding Huangfu Chaoge, Shenglong Dan is mine, and I want to evolve into a true dragon."




The dragons and tyrants were very excited, and the imperial chants of the imperial princes were powerful, but that was in the state of luck, and now there is no luck, it is the peak of the Yuanying Realm.


The dragon and the lord roared, wanting to break through the sea and rushing towards the inside of the Qinghua Valley.

On the lookout platform, the treacherous man's face went wild: "No, no, Ji Long and his subordinates broke in, prepared to fight, prepared to fight."

"There are large clouds and fog on the sea, is it arranged by Mr. Gu, is it useful?"

"Don't care, it's ready to fight."




A large number of Shuren yelled and rushed.

In the distance, under the giant love flower tree, the love lover and others also heard the movement of the East. Under that roar, there seemed to be a group of dragons breaking out of the battlefield.

"Well, Xiaolong and the hegemons came in, hey." There was a snoring voice from the trees in the distance.

"The thorns are full of holes, even the Dragons know it." Qing Huayan's face sank.

"Yalong, it's a coincidence." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

There was a loud noise from the east, followed by the mournful sounds of the dragons and the hegemons.


"No, what's going on, I'm suppressed, I can't move."

"No, it's specifically for our dragon pressure."

"Only for the Dragons, what is it."




Panlong and the horrified exclaimed.

"It's Mr. Gu's big team." Qinghua narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, to be precise, this big team also came from the old man who watched chess. I used to get the" Dinglonghuan "of the old man who watched chess. I could press the dragons. Although the ring was finally broken, there was a The formation method, which I have obtained, is just for you. "Gu Hai explained.

"Oh." Huang Fu looked at Gu Hai for a moment.

"I'll guard the East, and I'll be here, as long as I am not the strong one who opens the palace, it should be difficult to come in." The ancient sea surface revealed from the channel.

"Okay," everyone answered.

"I'll go with you." Long Wanqing called immediately.

The detective took out the flying boat and shot toward the east.

Flying to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

Just to see Chu Yan frowning standing on the floating island, standing next to Master Liu Nian and anxious Mu Chenfeng.


Master Liu Nian, Mu Chenfeng quickly flew into the flying boat.

call out.

The flying boat continued to fly towards the east.

"What now?" Mu Chenfeng said ugly.

"Master Mu Ruo, please go and get me Gou Chen, these days, where have you gone crazy." Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh, well, I know where he is. These days, he sings scared away almost all the tree demon, but he has some young children who love the flower tree demon. Where, I'll go to him. "Mu Chenfeng flew out anxiously.

"Master Liu Nian, stop Chu Yan, I suspect he is a spy." Gu Hai whispered to Master Liu Nian.

"What." Master Liu Nian and Long Wanqing changed their faces.

Master Liuli stepped off the flying boat and flew towards the distance. If Chu Yuan was spy, then the problem would be big—

East Sea.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

A force that came out of nowhere was suddenly crushed on the dragon and the hegemon. The dragon and the hegemon who were about to burst out of the water were suddenly depressed by a strange force, and instantly pressed into the bottom of the sea. .

All the dragons and lords widened their eyes, revealing an incredible.

This is, this is impossible.

There is not a heavy object, but the fog on the sea condenses a fog balloon, which presses the yalongs into distraction. The fog balloon seems to have a weird array of operations.

"This pressure is directly on my dragon."

"How can there be a special formation for the Dragons? Impossible, impossible."

"Dinglonghuan, I remember, it is Dinglonghuan, and Dinglonghuan has an effect, watching the old man's formation."




All the dragons and tyrants were terrified.

The Shuren, who was preparing to meet the enemy, opened his mouth, revealing blankness.

I was still scared of these dragons and hegemons. I didn't know how to deal with it. I thought that the fog array method of Guhai was useless.

The Qian Qianlong and the hegemon that had been under control just now were overwhelmed by the large array.

"That's great, this big team is too strong." A group of Shuren cheered excitedly.


Gu Hai and Long Wanqing's flying boat suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Gu, they have been crushed by your battle."

"Mr. Gu, your battle is too great."




Cheers shouted.

The ancient sea is condensed, because this is just the beginning. It is possible to block the strong outsiders. Is it possible that the battle outside the city of Shenlu on that day, I saw it with my own eyes, and King Lu Yang was going to break the line and couldn't stop it.

"Gu Hai, what to do." Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai worriedly.

"Do everything and listen to destiny." Gu Hai took a deep breath--

Big array outside the East.

Tooth looked coldly at the crowds of Yalongs, but they broke in, and there was no other movement.

There is a sound barrier in the thorns array, and no internal sound can be heard.

"It shouldn't be, the first batch of intruded Yalongs, even if they rushed to Huangfu Chaoge, should be a little moving." Fangs frowned.

Hundred-headed dragon floated on the surface of the sea, there was no movement at all, and his heart sank to the bottom.


Suddenly, the **** lord rushed back in terror.

"Boom, boom, boom ........."

A succession of dragons and fighters scrambled out, one after another showing horror and blood.

"What's the matter," fangs yelled.

"Boss, it's over, all have been suppressed, all in front has been suppressed, and no one can move." The **** body shouted in horror.

"What." Fang stared.

"There is a large array inside, there is an ambush, and we are in an ambush." ​​The **** body shouted in horror.

PS: Introduce a QQ group for watching chess. It is the core book group QQ: 463976022. In addition, there are three groups of eternal fairy tales. I put them on the book pages. These four groups, every Thursday night, I Will appear in the group, all go, interested friends, you can look at it, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

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