Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 62: Dongfeng

The fangs paled.

"It's impossible. What a battle, you have no resistance." Fang Yan's eyes glared.

"I was suppressed first, but near the exit, just two dragons were suppressed, and they burst out of the fog balloon that suppressed me, and I escaped. The formation method seemed to target our dragon nature, it seemed to fix the dragon ring, right , Dinglonghuan. "The yelled in horror.

Fangs face changed.

A group of dragons and fighters scrambled to escape, but at this moment, one in and one out, only five thousand were left, and one thousand were suppressed inside.

at the same time.

The thorns rushed to the north, and the ears of the army were broken. Naturally, they all heard clearly, and they reported the news to the east of Lu Yang.

On the one hand, Aoshun's face sank: "The formation method, the formation method of Dinglonghuan, how can it be, it must be newly arranged, who."

King Lu Yang was not angry, but revealed a hint of surprise: "Oh, unexpected, come tonight, and still have such a harvest."

"Master Wang," Ao Shun frowned.

"It's okay, no one can escape tonight. They originally flattened the big team and took the imperial song of the emperor. Since there is something new, what can you try? Maybe it will be useful to the king." The king showed a touch of pride.

"Tooth decay, you go in and see." Ao Shun Shen said.

"Yes, Prince." Toothy heard his voice in the distance.

"You, enter with me. Since it is Dinglonghuan, that only targets Yalong and follow me." Fang said coldly.


The hundred dragons roared and burst into the sea.


Suddenly, following the path of the dragons, avoiding the toxins of thorns on the bottom of the sea, they squeezed towards the inside.

During the drilling, the tooth decayed slightly, and even if the first five dragons rushed into the inner sea for the first time, their heads were drilled out.

"Libashan is so angry." A loud roar sounded.


Wudao Fangtian Huaji slammed the five dragons.


The dragons glared and roared, and spit out a icy air, trying to freeze the attacking people.

However, this is not a human, but Xiang Yuyun Beast. Five Xiang Yuyun Beasts ignored the cold, and Fang Tianhua's halberd banged on his head.

Wulong stared, half of his body was still stuck to the ground, only his head was exposed, but he couldn't move.


Suddenly a loud drink sounded.

However, he saw a man holding a bone knife in his hand, stabbing into a dragon's eyebrow with a knife, and then quickly jumped to another dragon, one by one, into the eyebrow.

"Ang." Wulong stared, as if struggling.

It's a pity that everything is too late, the dead knife comes out, and the black gas suddenly flows along the wound into his brows.

"Ang." "Ang." "Ang."

Wulong screamed in pain, his body quickly twisted.

However, the five-handed Fangtian painting halberd was pressed, the head could not move at all, could not escape, could not move, and could only struggle with pain.

"Ang, Ang ........."

Wulong shouted in pain, but the billowing black gas has condensed countless skeletons and devoured its body frantically.

The group of dragons that followed, saw Wulong's frantic struggle, and suddenly had a figure.

"What's the matter." Fang stared.

"What happened?"

"Boss, they seem to be in pain. Save them."

"Ah, that black gas, black gas, ah, their bodies are gone, only the bones are left, they are eaten, they are eaten, and only bones are left."




The dragons screamed, and their fangs changed their face: "Withdraw."

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

The dragons escaped in horror.

"Prince, the big array is not only directed at Yalong, the pioneer five dragons are also ambush, and they are eaten in an instant, leaving five keels left." Fangya cried to the distance.

On King Lu Yang's flying boat.

Ao Shun's face sank: "Bold."

King Lu Yang looked more and more in his eyes, and the detective stopped Ao Shun.

"Finished to report, it should be the guy named Gu Hai who has lined up in the east, yes, good format." King Lu Yang's eyes glowed with a hint of light.

"Master Wang." Ao Shun still looked angry.

"If you have the ability, you can use it for me, but it is worthwhile." King Lu Yang's eyes flashed with confidence.

"But what to do with the thousand dragons and lords, let them be killed." Ao Shun worried.

They are, after all, a great force and cannot be wasted here.

"Indeed." King Lu Yang nodded.

He looked at the thorns in front of his eyes for a moment. "Bronze thorns, there are sound barriers inside, you can hear outside, but not inside, break the army," Break East Wind. "

"Yes." Po Jun nodded and stepped forward.


The broken army took a step, and suddenly a sound of harp sounded in the void, the harp sounded cold, rushing out with a sense of killing, and rushing straight towards the thorns.

The thorns burst into a gap, and a piano sound burst into the burst.


As the Qin Yin entered the large array, it instantly transformed into a ten-foot-old skeleton warrior's phantom. The skeleton warrior's phantom grabbed a sword and rushed towards a treeman.

"Ah, it's not good." The treacherous man's face changed with a wave of his hand, and ten rattan rushed towards the skeleton warrior.


The two collided, making a sound of golden stones.


The Treant was hit and flew out instantly.

Skeleton warrior ghost, but drove straight in, flying towards the depths of Qinghua Valley.


A powerful treeman fluttered his hand.


The skeleton warrior's shadow suddenly burst open.

"Broken East Wind." Huangfu Chaoge sank.

"Sound Gong." Qinghua Yan also sank.

A skeleton warrior is nothing, but this "Broken East" has just begun.

"Ding, Ding Ding, Ding Ding ..............."

Outside, when the army broke hands, the Dongfeng repertoire officially started, and the melody was condensed into a solid entity, like a long white river, tumbling into the thorns array, drilling into the thorn array from the gap, and passing through the thorn array, it turned into The phantom of a skeleton warrior, such as the smoky skeleton army, is fierce.


In the roar of the skeleton army, he rushed to all directions, grabbed the sword, and chopped down to the love flower tree demon.

"Ah, oh, help."

"Give me death."





In the valley of love flowers, a moment of chaos.

Millions of skeletons exploded, and suddenly brought hellish suffering to the valley.

"Divine vines," Qinghua yelled, staring.


The biggest love tree behind him swayed for a while, and a moment, a rattan sprung up in the valley of love flowers, and instantly appeared among the tree demon to protect the tree demon.

However, the outside world, the piano sounds constantly, the skeleton army never stops.


"Kaka Kaka Kaka."


The Skeleton Army attacked the rattan everywhere, chasing and killing tree people.


A skeleton soldier was shattered, but it was quickly formed by ten conglomerates.

On the east coast, hundreds of skeletons surged along the piano.

Long Wanqing's face changed: "Break Dongfeng, the condensate becomes an army."

On the occasion of change, Long Wanqing quickly took out her sword and fought with several skeleton soldiers.

"Ding Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang."

The Skeleton Army can't kill, it can't be killed, it seems to kill all talents willingly.

"Longtang Lord, how can this monster not be killed, ah," shouted in horror when several Shuren were fighting.

"This is Yin Gong, Qin Tao Yin Gong, killing Qin Yin, I can't break it." Long Wanqing showed anxiety.

At this moment, Mu Chenfeng not far away brought Gou Chen.

"Ah, bastard, don't kill me, I'm also Tian Qin." Gou Chen was running away.

The skeleton army is chasing after it. Mu Chenfeng, while blocking the skeleton army, yelled at the tick Chen: "Go Chen, fight back, fight back."

"Ding Ding Ding ..............."

Gou Chen Ling Xu fluctuated, and suddenly thousands of elf surged out.


Skeleton soldiers cut it with one stroke.


Thousands of elves were slaughtered instantly.

Gou Chen: "..............."

Thousands of elves, slaughter.

"Quick, quick." Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.

Gou Chen suddenly sweated heavily: "Come, here, but the songs I know are all peaceful songs, all yearning for beauty, how can it be so fierce."

"This is the sound of the broken army. You and him are both celestial pianos. It won't be that much difference. What will happen, come out quickly." Long Wanqing called.

"" Liang Zhu ", I will Liang Zhu." Gou Chen disease rushed to the doctor.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

Suddenly, as the piano sounded, overwhelming butterflies spewed out.


Ten skeleton soldiers slashed all the butterflies in half, flying butterfly corpses all over the sky.

Long Wanqing: "..............."

"I know" Cannon ", yes, I know Cannon." Gou Chen called in a panic.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

Suddenly, a ghost image of an old man playing the piano appeared, and a wealthy girl ghost image was listening.


Fifty skeletons were cut off, and the old man and rich girl were chopped into meat sauce instantly.

Mu Chenfeng: "……………………."

"I will also be" sad. "Yes, I will be sad. That's a fighter's song." Gou Chen's eyes brightened.

"Ding, Ding Ding, Ding Ding ..............."

Sadly, a powerful fighter suddenly appeared.


With one punch, the skeleton soldier in front of him was punched out.

"Haha, it can be done." Gou Chen's eyes brightened.


Hundreds of Skeleton Army came over.

"Give me death."

The mighty fighters rushed up, with an enemy of five hundred, and fought fiercely with a group of skeletons.


) '>

However, more and more skeleton army, more and more fierce, the fighter seems to be a little overwhelmed.

"Why there is only one fighter, play some more, hurry up." Long Wanqing called anxiously.

Gou Chen said with a black face: "Sadly, there is only one fighter."

Long Wanqing: "..............."

Mu Chenfeng: "……………………."

The breaking Dongfeng tune is getting more and more fierce, and more and more skeletons are killed.

There was a panic in all directions, and people were mourning and fleeing.

"Where is the ancient sea, what is the ancient sea?" Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.


Not far away, on the surface of the sea, Gu Hai grasped a bone knife and got out of the sea.

Under the sea, a thousand dragons and tyrants have all turned into a pile of dead bones.

The surface of the ancient sea was flushed, and he was about to vomit blood, which forced the disturbance of energy in the body.

As soon as I got out of the sea, I saw countless skeletons flying around and hunting down Shuren.

"Master, help me, I can't do it anymore, what can I do?" Gou Chen was being hunted down by hundreds of skeletons at this moment.

"go with."

With a wave of Gu Haishen's hand, Tianzhen Shenxi flew out.


Hundred skulls were smashed by Tianzhen Shenxi.

"What's going on." Gu Hai looked surprised at Long Wanqing, who beheaded and killed ten skeletons.

"It's" Breaking the East Wind ", killing songs on the battlefield must stop killing, Gu Hai, do you have a song?" Long Wanqing anxiously said.

"The battlefield kills the song." Gu Hai froze slightly.

"Gou Chen, come here, I will pass you a song" Ambush on Ten Sides. "Gu Hai cried.

PS: Introduce a QQ group for watching chess. QQ: 463976022 for subscription group. Only subscriptions can enter. In addition, there are three non-subscription QQ groups. I put them on the book pages. These four groups are every Thursday. In the evening, I will appear in the group, all go, interested friends, you can check it out, if you have any questions, you can ask me. In addition, starting from the 31st, there will be no monthly pass at 17K, monthly passes will be more this month, will Make up.

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