Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 66: destroy

Gu Hai, Long Wanqing, Mu Chenfeng, Gou Chen took a group of five hundred tree people to rush towards the depths of Qinghua Valley.

Tu Ya and other dragons stared at the crowd.

You still have nearly a hundred dragons, five thousand dragons, and tyrants here. You are all air.

Had it not been for Prince Ao Shun's voice to come, at this moment Tuya could not wait to shoot Gu Hai and others.


There was a loud noise suddenly.

But when I saw the earth trembling violently, the earth at the foot of the ancient sea sank violently.

"Love Flower God Tree, I have extracted all the rhizomes of Love Flower God Tree, what happened over there." A love flower tree demon panicked.

"Little love flower tree demon, dare to arrogantly in front of the grandfather, the grandfather gave you a face, but did not know to cherish, hum, give me broken." Ao Shun's voice came from a distance.


Suddenly, a huge golden dragon light and shadow appeared in the distance.


"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~."

The screams of love came from a distance.

"Hum, take me all, dare to resist, kill without pardon." Ao Shun said coldly.



In the distance thick smoke rose, the earth roared, countless rubble and giant trees soared into the sky.

Hundreds of flying boats stopped in the air, and millions of troops had already dispatched.

Escape, don't even think about escaping, all directions suddenly filled King Lu Yang's army.

The dust was flying in the roar of the earth.

"No, Huangfu fled." Chu's anger came from a distance.

"Look for me, and turn over the valley of love flowers, and also find it for me." Ao Shun's anger sounded from a distance.


In the distance there was constant roar and confusion.

Gu Hai and his party ran to Xiaoyue Mountain Villa. At this moment, Xiaoyue Mountain Villa had been surrounded by a large number of soldiers. Except for the disciples of Jin Ruo, all the disciples of Mu Ruo were tied up.

"The rudder master, the church master, the ancient rudder master, save your life," a crowd of wooden rudder disciples exclaimed.

"What." Mu Chenfeng stared, and rushed forward.

"What are you doing, stand still," a soldier glared.

"Get away." Mu Chenfeng stared, and immediately slammed away, immediately knocking the generals in front.

"Bold." The generals stared.

"Well, let's look at it, don't bother, you go to find other Shuren." Fang faintly said.

The generals looked at the fangs and finally nodded.

Hundred-headed dragons, five thousand dragons, and custodians do not have to worry about themselves.

"The rudder master is the rebellion of the golden rudder master," a group of wooden rudder disciples recounted anxiously.

"Chu Xi." Long Wanqing sank.

Gu Hai looked coldly at a crowd of Jin Rudi disciples. Some Jin Rudi disciples lowered their heads, and some Jin Rudi disciples had high toes.

"Oh, disciple Jin Ruo, holding Yilutang's Lulu, doing things against Yipintang, okay, okay, okay." There was a chill in Gu Hai's eyes.

"Let's go," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

With a group of wooden helm disciples, everyone rushed towards the center's largest love tree.

There was a loud roar in the distance, and the biggest love tree at the moment was crashing down and fell to the ground.

Tree people are anxious.

The crowd rushed into the smoke.

A number of flying boats stopped in the air, and a large number of tree people were imprisoned. All the tree people who resisted were cut in half. As they got closer and closer to the center, more and more tree people fell to the ground.

Far away, Gu Hai saw the sky above the smoke and dust center, and Ao Shun stepped into the void, staring coldly at the Quartet.


Ao Shun threw his big sleeve, and suddenly a strong wind swept all the smoke and dust around him.

There are huge potholes on the ground. Some drillers who are good at drilling have already drilled into the ground. The largest love tree has fallen and numerous roots have to be broken.

Lying horizontally and vertically, there are nearly two thousand tree corpses, and there are more than five hundred. At the moment, they are under the control of a large number of soldiers. As long as there is a little turmoil, they are immediately divided into corpses.

Four weeks later, a large number of Shuren were escorted.

"Oh, oh, ohh."

"Woohoo, why, why kill my grandpa."

"woo woo woo woo."




There was a cry on all sides.

"Well." Long Wanqing exclaimed suddenly.

But I saw Love Huayan lying at the tree hole in her residence at the moment. Her whole body seemed to be punctured with hundreds of sword holes. She was weak, vomiting blood, covering her chest, and fell to the ground.

Chu Yi stepped on Qinghua's chest, and the golden sword pointed at Qinghua.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, ha ha ha ha ha." In the sorrowful smile of Qinghua's weakness.

Not far away, Master Liu Nian also vomited blood and fell to the ground with his chest covered, with a large number of soldiers guarding him.

Po Jun, King Lu Yang, Weisheng and others stood on the flying boat and looked at the scene below.

"Alas, Master Liuli." Long Wanqing exclaimed, rushing forward.

"Stop, don't come any closer." Fang's eyes stared, blocking him in front.


The ancient sea grabbed Long Wanqing.

"Gu Hai, don't stop me." Long Wanqing said anxiously.

Gu Hai pulled Long Wanqing, her face was bitter, and she shook her head.

"Church Master, don't come over, listen to Master Gu Ruo, Keke." Master Liunian was vomiting blood in the distance.

"It's over, it's over, the valley of love flowers is over." Mu Chenfeng turned to look around.

At this moment, the Love Flower Valley is surrounded by thick smoke and fire, and a lot of soldiers use fire attack on the way to catch the Love Flower Tree Demon.

The past is like a fairyland, peaceful and beautiful, the Love Flower Valley, but at this moment it has become a **** on earth.


Suddenly, three soldiers got out of the ground.

"Wang Ye, Huang Fu ran away, there was no trace. It should be Lu Shishen who responded and ran away." The three generals said bitterly.

"Run away." King Lu Yang sank.

"Master, Shenlucheng," a staff-like subordinate reminded.

"Ao Shun," cried King Lu Yang.

"Yes." Ao Shun from the air responded.

"Bring me a warrant and go back to the city immediately to fully attack the city of Shenlu. Huangfu Chaoge made a ground mouse. It must be faster than you. Before he returns to Shenlu, he will take me down." Wang Shen cried.

"Yes." Ao Shun responded.

"Qun Long, change shape, enter the flying boat, go back with me." Ao Shun Shen said.

"Yes," Qun Long answered.

Including the underlord and the dragon, they quickly deformed, boarded a flying boat, and quickly blasted away.

"call out."

In an instant, the dragons disappeared.

Gu Hai and his party were also empty.

Behind the ancient sea, a number of Shuren suddenly rushed to the place of love.

"Don't come over." Qinghua screamed in blood and exclaimed.


Suddenly, a large number of soldiers came around, rushed forward to the tree demon, was split in half in an instant, repaired to be weak, suddenly suppressed and stood up.

"Don't go." Long Wanqing looked anxiously.

However, at this moment, the 500-hundred tree demon was half dead and half stopped.

The huge movement also attracted the attention of Lu Yangwang and his party.

"Mr. Gu, and Long Wanqing, you are here too." King Lu Yang looked at the two with a slight smile on his serious face.

King Lu Yang also instantly saw Gou Chen, and also instantly distinguished the ancient sea.

For the capabilities of the ancient sea, King Lu Yang is still looking forward to it.

"Long Wanqing, the master of Yipintang, has seen Wang Ye, Wang Ye, you are on the high stage, let go of Qinghua and these Shuren, please." Long Wanqing begged.

King Lu Yang stared at Long Wanqing, looked at Long Wanqing's expression, silent for a moment, and shook his head, "Qinghua gang collusion with Huangfu Chaoge is for me to fight against the enemy of heaven, Long Wanqing, you can Don't be too close to the thief. "

"No, no, Huangfu Chaoge, I asked Qinghua to help find it. I wanted to find out why my mother died, so I asked for Qinghua." Long Wan called suddenly.

"Oh, what caused Long Xiaoyue's death, what did Huangfu Chaoge say." King Lu Yang looked intently and looked at Long Wanqing.

"The emperor lied to me and said that my mother was killed by you. How can I, of course, I don't believe it, but the love affair is innocent, please beg Lord Wang to raise your hand." Long Wanqing looked to King Lu Yang expectantly.

King Lu Yang stared at Long Wanqing, silent for a moment, as if analyzing Longyanqing's expression.

After a while, they laughed and shook their heads: "Long Wanqing, you don't want to plead with these thieves anymore. They are treasonous against the enemy, that is, capital punishment, don't make mistakes."

"But, it's really nothing to do with love." Long Wanqing said anxiously.

The ancient sea was slightly pulling Long Wanqing, shaking his head.

At this time, is it useful to preach the truth? The truth is just for the victors. King Lu Yang is now in the middle of the sky, and his words are in evidence.

"Master Wang, even if Qinghua is guilty, Master Liu Nian is innocent. He also asked Wang Ye to raise his expensive hands and let Master Liu Nian, and these ignorant tree people, all be deceived by Qing Hua." Gu Hai confronted King Lu Yang. A little salute.

"We co-existed with my uncle." A multitude of love flower tree demon stared angrily at the ancient sea.

"Shut up." Qinghua cried weakly.

"Mr. Gu is right, you are all deceived by me, no more noisy." Qinghua yelled weakly.


"Stop, I'm not you," cried Qinghua.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyos," said a weeping weeping tree demon.

King Lu Yang looked at Gu Hai, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu, the previous" Ambush in Ten Faces ", and a large array, the king really likes it, and Mr. Gu does not give up. It would be better if he entered my palace. Mr. Gu Gu is like a guest. "

Although King Lu Yang was polite, there was an unquestionable generality in his tone.

"Thank you Wang Ye for your love. After waiting here, go to the palace again to disturb you." Gu Hai nodded.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, okay, in this palace, you need such talents as Mr. Gu. After a few years of exile, this group of tree demon, but the crime of death is unavoidable, the crime of living is hard to forgive, the Dantian is broken, the repair is closed, and it is sent to the ancient Mr. is a slave. "King Lu Yang smiled with satisfaction.



759510719488.png) \ '> "There should be a sound of drinking around.

"Boom." "Boom." ...............

"Ah." "Ah." "Ah." ……………………

In the painful shouts of numerous Shuren around, a large hole was opened in the body of Dantian by a sword. Dantian was broken, and immediately repaired it was almost lost and screamed.

Long Wanqing couldn't bear his face, Mu Chenfeng squeezed his fist, his eyes became red.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, okay." Qinghua suddenly laughed.

Long Wanqing and Mu Chenfeng passed quickly, helping the master who was seriously injured.

"Thank you Lord." Gu Hai took a deep breath.

"Wait." Suddenly, a voice came from King Lu Yang.

But the unborn came forward.

"Master, these Shuren, you gave them to Guhai, but in the past few years, I want to ask a question." Weisheng Shen said.

"Oh." King Lu Yang looked puzzled at the unborn.

"Liu Nian, I ask you, who is Long Wanqing's father. Thirty years ago, which man got the girl's favor, so that the girl was willing to have a daughter for him. For so many years, she didn't even dare to show up "Said the unborn person coldly.

"Long Wanqing's father." King Lu Yang also showed a hint of doubt, looking at Master Liu Nian.

PS: This is the second change, and one more.

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