Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 67: Who is the father?

Who is Long Wanqing's father.

Although the unborn person was covered by his face with a hat, he could already feel the momentum of Ling Ling, pointing at the weak Master of the Year.

Long Wanqing and Mu Chenfeng helped Master Liu Nian, but they were also curious at the moment. Long Wanqing always wanted to know who his father was, and Mu Chenfeng had also pursued Long Xiaoyue, and naturally wanted to know who had the dream The lover's heart.

Even King Lu Yang showed curiosity at this moment.

Everyone's eyes focused on the weak master of the fleeting years. Now, only he knows Long Wanqing's father.

Master Liu Nian stared at the unborn person for a while and sneered: "Unborn, we have known each other for many years, you should know who I am, huh, you have asked me three times. The previous thorns Big battle, you broke it. "

No one stared at the master of fleeting years.

"You know what Qinghua Valley means to Long Xiaoyue. If Long Xiaoyue knows, you destroyed Xiaoyue Villa by one hand. Oh, yes, you don't care about her thoughts at all." Master Liu Nian smiled slightly.

"I ask you, who is Long Wanqing's father." Weiren said coldly.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, I'm not like you, unborn, I promised Long Xiaoyue, I will always do it, Long Wanqing's father, you do n’t deserve to know, you really do n’t deserve, I wo n’t tell Yours, ha ha ha ha ha. "Master Liu Nian sneered.

"Hum." No one hummed.

Probe a little, and the fingertip shot a golden light.


The master of the fleeting years was hit by Jin Guang and flew out, a blood hole appeared in his chest.

"Lost years, you think I dare not kill you." Weiren said coldly.


Master Liu Nian fell to the ground, vomiting blood, but laughed: "Hahahahahahahaha."

The unborn person's murderous body became stronger and stronger.

"Don't, don't kill the master." Long Wanqing immediately stood in front of Master Liu Nian.

"Church master, don't come here, he's freak out, leave me alone." Master Liu Nian exclaimed.


The unborn person waved his hand, and there was an overcast wind out of thin air, which instantly lifted Long Wanqing out.


Long Wanqing's complexion changed. Under the overcast wind, she could not exert her mana at all.


Gu Hai jumped instantly, catching Long Wanqing, but the overcast wind poured into Gu Hai's body.


Tianzhen Shenxi shivered in the heart of the eyebrows, and immediately forced the Yin Feng out of the body.

Gu Hai held Long Wanqing to the ground and looked at the unborn human coldly: "Unborn, do you care about Long Xiaoyue? After Long Xiaoyue's death, you hide in the congenital endgame, if Long Wanqing wants me Go to you, you will know the news. Now that you are out, you are powerful and arrogantly beaten Long Xiaoyue's daughter. What a good skill, you really care about Long Xiaoyue. "

"Hum." No one hummed.

"My dad, ohh, my mother said my father. When I was a kid, I asked my mother, I always remember." Long Wanqing hid in Long Wanqing's arms and cried.

"My mother said that my father is a world hero. There is no obstruction in the world. He went to a very far place because of something. But, one day, my father will come back. Whoever bullies our mother and daughter My father will avenge us, no matter who he is, my father will protect us from letting us feel a little wronged. "Long Wanqing cried.

"The hero of the world, there is no obstruction in the world, hum." The unborn person hummed coldly.

"But my father never came back. He didn't protect my mother. Why didn't even my mother die. He didn't come back. When my sister and I were bullied, he didn't come back. I don't want to find my father. I don't want to. Long Wanqing crying in grievance in the ancient sea.

Not far away, Master Liunian had red eyes, bitter for a while, and wanted to be comforted several times, but seemed to have something to say on several occasions, but he was able to bear it several times.

"Hum." No one hummed.

At this moment, it seemed that the anger had faded a lot, and no more questions were asked, and slowly walked aside, even the masters of the fleeting year did not care.

Mu Chenfeng helped the seriously injured Liunian master to go aside.

King Lu Yang stared at Long Wanqing for a while, showing a sneer: "The heroes of the world, there is no obstruction in the world, a big tone, a ridiculous lie."

"Girl, don't cry, your father will definitely come back, your mother never lied." Qinghua, not far away, advised weakly.

King Lu Yang turned to look at Qinghua.

Qing Huayan was previously abolished by Ao Shun, who was severely injured and died. At this moment, Chu Chu was trampled under her feet, and she could not move.

"Well, Wan Qing is incompetent and can't save you." Long Wanqing let go of the ancient sea, looking at Qinghua, with red eyes.

"Enough, thousands of years of calamity, there are a few who can survive, no genocide, is enough, even if this group of little guys were abolished and repaired, it is enough to live, I am very satisfied." Qinghua姥姥 Weak Road.

Chu Yi stepped down on the love flower.

"Boom." Qing Huayi was trampled once more with blood spurting out, unable to talk to Long Wanqing.

"Chu Xi, you, you, you dare ..." Long Wanqing glared and reprimanded.

Chu Yan glanced at Long Wanqing coldly, and turned to look at King Lu Yang: "Prince, this love is sorrowful, a mortal body. He previously mobilized the divine power, but was still broken by Prince Ao Shun, but there is still a trace after all The divine power is in my body, and I beg the Lord to give it to me, and I will dig out her divine power. "

"Chu Xi, how dare you." Long Wanqing yelled, staring.

"Long Wanqing, I dare you, don't you know yet?" Chu Yan sneered.

"I blame me, cough, Gu Duozhu, all blame me. You have reminded me that Chu Xun is a spy, but I care about the old feelings and let him go. I did not expect that he would betray Yipintang, betrayed so thoroughly , Cough cough. "Master Liuli bitterly.

"Oh, Mr. Gu has long discovered that Chu Yan is my person." King Lu Yang looked to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai nodded and said, "Chu Xi, there is a golden sword. These days, I see him keep tapping the sword with his finger. Once or twice, I don't take it seriously, but every day."

"You can guess me, too." Chu Yan looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

The detective took out the golden sword and flicked his finger.


The golden sword trembled, and at this moment, from a distance, another golden light suddenly radiated and came to Chu Yan in an instant.


Chu Yan snatched it, but it was a small golden sword.

"Mother-son sword, mother-mother sword, the thorns array has a sound barrier, and the news cannot be heard. Before you enter the thorns array that day, leave the daughter sword outside the array. These days, you only need to play the mother sword. The sword will also tremble, the tremor will be different, and the message will be different. "Master Liu Nian's face changed, and he turned to look at the broken army.

With a sneer, Po Jun seemed to confirm the guess of Master Liunian.

"It turns out that in addition to breaking the army and going to Chen Chen, the master of Chu Ruo also has amazing listening skills, but no one has thought of it. Every sentence that Love Huayan invited Huangfu Chaoge to come has been heard clearly by you." Gu Hai Eyes sink slightly.

"Huh." Chu Yan snorted coldly.

"Cough cough cough, day and night defense, home thief is difficult to prevent, ah, girl, you can be careful, this Chu is not a thing, ha ha ha ha." Qinghua laughed bitterly.

"Huh." Chu Yan hummed, and a sword stabbed.

"I know where Huangfu Chaoge is." Qinghua suddenly said.


Chu Yan's sword stopped at the heart of Qinghua's eyebrows.

"You know." Chu Yan said coldly.

"Yes, I know, I know where he is now, ha ha ha, but I'm clear." Qinghua smiled cheekily.

"Come on," Chu said coldly.

"Let me go, let me go first." Qinghua chuckled coldly.

Chu Yan stared at Qinghuayan for a while, but at this moment, Qinghuayan was already so weak that she could resist.

"Huh." Chu Xun loosened his feet and let go of Qinghua.

Slowly, Qinghua Ling trembled up from the ground. At this moment, Qinghua Ling was so weak that it seemed to fall down at any time.

Gently dusted the dust on his body, Qinghua looked at the ancient sea.

Suddenly, he bowed to the ancient sea and said, "Mr. Gu, thank you, thank you for saving my little ones."

Around, there were more than 2,000 love flower tree demons caught, one with red eyes, and weeping.

"Unfortunately, they have all been abolished and repaired." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

Love Huayan took another two steps forward and shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, just live. The monsters of the beast race are thousands of years old. Many races are in the middle of the robbery. The entire race is destroyed. They can survive. It's enough, haha, it's enough, thank you, thank you. "

After talking, Qinghua went forward two more steps, and looked at a lot of Qinghua tree demon at the same time: "You listen to me. From today on, all of you Qinghua must listen to the ancient sea. If anyone doesn't listen, Enemy of my entire family, enemy of my entire family. "

"Well." A crowd of love tree demon cried and looked to love flower.

"Only the ancient sea can save you, my words, have you heard it, have you heard it?" Qinghua shouted in tears.

"Yes, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh since when he cried.

Qing Huayi has walked to Gu Hai, and suddenly smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu, I think you are the third most important person in Jin Danjing."

"Yes, he opened the kidneys." Gu Hai nodded.

"Kidney is good, kidney is good. In the future, I will take care of you, please." Qinghua smiled slightly.

"Relax." Gu Hai nodded.

"Opened the kidney qi, that is, the liver qi has not been opened yet. The liver is of wood. I have the **** of ten thousand years and experienced a catastrophe. Unfortunately, I ca n’t use it, and I ca n’t keep it. I ’d better open it for you.” Qinghua Yan smiled and patted his hand on Gu Hai's abdomen, toward the liver.

"No, jerk." Chu Yi not far away suddenly reacted, and stared at


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Suddenly, love blossoms in the palm of your hand, a green light rushes into the ancient sea.

The emerald green light illuminates the whole world in an instant.

"Wood God." Long Wanqing froze slightly.

"That's mine, jerk." Chu Kun was furious, and a sword stabbed at Qinghua.

"Don't think about it." Mu Chenfeng stared at him with a wave of his hand, and a lot of roots came straight.


Chu Yan Jianguang was too much, instantly chopped up a lot of roots, Mu Chenfeng was also covered with blood, and flew out, not at all an enemy.

At this moment, just happened that Huayan turned her head, looked at Chu Xi, and smiled slightly: "It's late, ha ha ha ha ha, everything is late."

As soon as Chu Yan's face changed, she saw the green light blooming all over the ancient sea, and the love flower lover had poured the love flower and wood **** into the ancient sea.

"Miscellaneous account, that's mine, don't want anyone to **** it." Chu Yu is about to chop Gu Hai with his sword.

"Presumptuous." King Lu Yang snorted.

PS: Three more complete, belated outbreak, this chapter is thanks to Dixian 'Wu Jinyu'. In addition, the monthly ticket can only be filled up next month, introduce a QQ group to watch chess, and subscribe to group QQ: 463976022, only those who subscribe can enter. In addition, there are three non-subscribe QQ groups. I put them on the book pages. These four groups, every Thursday night, I will appear in the group, all go, interested. Friends, you can check it out, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

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