Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 71: The return of Mr. Mo

This is the second more-

In a quiet valley.

Gu Hai and his party stood quietly in front of a giant grave. There is no monument on the giant tomb. It would be difficult to imagine this small hill as a tomb unless everyone salutes the giant grave solemnly.

Long Wanqing, Mu Chenfeng, and more than two thousand Shurens no longer cried at this moment, but sadness was still written on their faces.

"Well, this valley is also quiet, the Qinghua Valley is ruined. Here, Qinghua can sleep forever." Gu Hai turned to look at the people and advised them.

"Thank you, Master." More than two thousand Shurens knelt down towards Gu Hai together.

The confession of the Lord at this moment is not only because of the original request of Qinghua, but also a gratefulness. A sincere gratitude. If it weren't for the ancient sea, the entire clan would be destroyed. If it were not for the ancient sea, He could not rest.

"Get up, unfortunately, your Dantian is." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Master, you don't need to do this. My Dantian is abolished, but we will have offspring in the future. Offspring Dantian will be fine." A Shuren shook his head.

"Also, the most important thing is to live." Gu Hai nodded.

"In fact, their Dantian may not be able to recover." Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"Oh." Gu Hai looked at Mu Chenfeng in doubt.

"I've seen it in the valley before, brother, do you remember. At that time, there was a tree man, Dan Tian was abolished, and later he was replenished, but he himself died, went out, and died under the soldier front." Mu Chenfeng looked at a Shuren.

"Huangfu Chaoge." The Shuren eyes brightened.

"Yes, at that time, I didn't know what method Huangfu Chaoge used, but it was the Dantian that made up the Shuren." Mu Chenfeng nodded.

"Huangfu Chaoge. Will he help us." The Shushuren frowned.

"Yes, I almost killed the whole family to save him." Mu Chenfeng said with a fist.

"But Gu Hai, you said that Huangfu Chaoge was sinister. He lied to me before." Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai sighed slightly and shook her head: "The imperial court song may not have lied to us. I told you that way before, just because I was worried that you would reveal flaws in front of King Lu Yang."

"What." Long Wanqing's face changed.

Gu Hai nodded surely.

"That, that, that, you mean, King Lu Yang killed my mother. He was really a murderer." Long Wanqing showed grief and indignation.

"There is a 90% chance." Gu Hai nodded.

"How can this be." Long Wanqing covered her head, and was confused for a moment.

"Okay, let's go to Huangfu Chaoge, if it can help Shuren make up Dantian, it's better. Mu Chenfeng, love blossoms new funeral, this group of Shuren will take you more trouble." Gu Haikan Xiang Mu Chenfeng.

Mu Chenfeng nodded solemnly and said, "Master Gu Ruo, don't you say, I'm also going to ask you, I have a life-saving grace for me, but also raised me and accepted me as a disciple. How am I to stand idly by. "

"So, very good." Gu Hai nodded-

Destroy the city. The newly built Luyang King's Mansion. In the study.

In two columns stood a group of conspirators, and in the center stood the broken army and Chu Yan. King Lu Yang sat behind the desk and looked at them coldly.

"Say it again." King Lu Yang said coldly.

"Master Wang, I saw with my own eyes that Chu Kun is going to kill people, kill the ancient sea, dig out the liver qi, and make a decisive order to kill them all." Shen Jun said respectfully.

"Master, it was Guhai who angered me, and my subordinates were deceived. My subordinates, my subordinates, and now there are three people left, all others have turned into stone statues. Guhai already counted." Chu Yi repented on one knee.

King Lu Yang tapped on the desk with his finger, as if thinking, looking at the two coldly.

After a while, King Lu Yang said in a deep voice, "It should be that Gu Hai deliberately angered you and made an excuse for his escape."

King Lu Yang determined the matter, and the broken army stopped talking.

"Yes, yes, Wang Yingming." Chu Yan said excitedly.

"Hum." King Lu Yang snorted.

Chu Minton felt a thunderous sound in his head, a spirit.

"Why Gu Gu irritates you. Although Gu Gu didn't want to come to the palace, he didn't have an excuse to leave. You gave him an excuse." Lu Yang Wang looked coldly at Chu Yan.

"I, I ..." Chu Yan looked ugly.

"If you don't, he will dare not come to my palace. If you give him a reason to leave, I will lose a great violinist and a great general." Lu Yang Wang looked coldly at Chu Yan.

"Subordinates know what's wrong." Chu Yan did not dare to look up.

King Lu Yang looked at him coldly.

A counselor on the side said, "Wang Ye, although Chu Yi is wrong, he is excusable. The threat of Gu Hai is too scary. Chu Yi is also trying to protect himself."

"Yeah, lord, that ancient sea is absent from my palace. Even if it comes, it will leave."

"Master Wang, there are thousands and thousands of generals. It is not impossible to lose Guhai. Although Chu Yi made a mistake this time, he also made a contribution.




A group of counselors persuaded.

King Lu Yang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Indeed, the two tunes of the ancient sea are powerful, but that's all, and secondly, the battle. There are also many strong men who can set up their own team.

Chu Yan took refuge in himself, not because he punished him, and chilled the hearts of other believers.

King Lu Yang was about to use Chu Po to offset Chu Yi's success, and suddenly a voice sounded outside the study.

"Master Wang, Mr. Mo and Andong are back." The voice of an attendant came.

"Mr. Mo is back. Biography, no, the king personally went to meet him." King Lu Yang's previous anger disappeared instantly. And stood up.

"Huh," Chu Yan breathed a long breath.

Wang's anger finally disappeared, and Mr. Mo returned too soon.

"You don't need Wang Yexing to mobilize the crowd, and his subordinates are back," a laugh came from outside the study.

It was Mo Yike who quickly walked into the study with An Gongzi.

Mo Yike returned at this moment, but no one blocked it.

"I've seen Mr. Mo," a group of counselors suddenly saluted Mo Yike respectfully.

Mo Yike entered the study, respectfully saluting King Lu Yang: "Meet the King,"

"Meet Grandpa Wang," Master An also respectfully saluted Wang Luyang.

But King Lu Yang ignored the grandson, but walked out of the desk and raised Mo Yike very solemnly: "Mr. Mo is polite, the king said, you can see me being rude,

"Ceremony must not be abolished," Mo Yike shook his head and smiled.

On the one hand, Master An winced his head. Grandpa came to Mr. Fu Mo from behind the desk himself.

"Sir, I saw something. Sir went out of the way. Sure enough, sir, everything is going well for Silver Moon City, sir." King Lu Yang cared.

"Success, everything is fine, but this time, Silver Moon City, but encountered a shocking talent, if Wang Ye can get help from this person, he will be even more powerful. This person, his subordinates must recommend, Wang Ye should do everything Get all this talent to return to my heart, "Mr Mo said with a hint of excitement.

"Oh. The world is amazing. Mr. De's evaluation is definitely extraordinary. I don't know who it is." King Lu Yang curiously said.

"His name is Gu Hai, the master of Yipintang Water Helm, who has been with Long Wanqing recently. I do n’t know its whereabouts. I want to invite him. "You must find him," Mo Yike said eagerly.

"Ancient seas." King Lu Yang froze slightly.

In the study, all the conspirators also changed their faces. The conspirators who had previously pleaded with Chu Yu suddenly shrank his head and stepped back.

Only Chu Yan, at the moment, opened his mouth wide.

"Why. Did Wang see him?" Mo Yike was surprised.

King Lu Yang gave a stern glance at Chu Yun, and instead took a deep breath and looked at Mo Yike: "Sir, you say that Gu Hai is a great talent. How shocking. How much better than Mr."

"Ten times better than me," Mo Yike affirmed.

Chu Yan's face was all black.

King Lu Yang frowned, "Impossible, no one can beat Mr., sir, you are too exaggerated."

"Ten times more than me, even dozens of times," Mo Yike said again with certainty.

Although King Lu Yang still knew the exaggeration that Mo Yike said, but for someone who is so proud of Mr. Mo and so respects an outsider, we can see that the ability of this outsider is strong.

Ancient sea.

He is really so capable.

"Master, you have seen the ancient sea. That ’s great. Grandpa, no matter what, you must get the ancient sea. If you get this person, you can have no worries in the future. He, where is he now. "Mr. Mo smiled cheerfully.

Chu Yan was dark-faced and wanted to cry without tears.

King Lu Yang glanced at Chu Chu again and shook his head and said, "Missing, miss,"

"Ah. What's going on." Mo Yike was surprised.

A conspirator stepped forward, respectfully describing everything that had happened before.

"That is a large array of twenty-eight heavens and earth, ambushing on ten sides. Mr. Gu, this ancient sea is really difficult to hide wherever it goes," Mo Yike exclaimed with a hint of wonder.

When looking at Chu Yan, Mo Yike flashed an anger in his eyes. However, after all, nothing was said. After all, Chu's existence also needs to appease other strong players who come to vote.

"Sir, would you say too much?" King Lu Yang wondered again.

"Here is the ancient sea information I collected, and I have sorted it out again, Wang Ye, please look at it," Mo Yike turned over and took out a stack of information.

The streamlined ancient sea resume was handed to King Lu Yang.

King Lu Yang looked up carefully, looked at one, and handed out one for the conspirators to pass on. Looking at them, everyone frowned.

"Hisse," a sound of air-throwing sounds from the counselors in the study.

"His, the Song Dynasty plan." Wang Yang suddenly shrank his pupils.

Gu Hai's resume was passed over again, and all the conspirators were exclaimed.

In this ancient sea, he almost became a man in the palace, so he was forced away by Chu Xun.

Those who previously helped Chu Yan talked back: "Everyone blame Chu Yun, otherwise, otherwise it would not be so irretrievable,"

"Well," Mo Yike sighed slightly.

"Master Wang, Gu Hai is so savvy. I've seen Huangfu Chaoge again. I must have guessed a lot about Wang Ye ’s plan, so he refused to enter my palace. I borrowed Chu's hand to pay you a gift. In order not to Let you be angry with him and his family. Oh, a rejection, but also so polite. Hey, this time letting go of the ancient sea, it is difficult to recover, hey, "Mo Yike sighed slightly.

"Master, me, I didn't expect it," Chu Yan cried in horror at this moment.


King Lu Yang kicked Chu Yi to the ground with one kick. His face was savagely ferocious.

As long as the ancient sea entered the palace, it was pulled on board, and there was no chance to get off, but at this moment, it was forced by Chu Xun, how could King Lu Yang be angry?

There was a silence in the study.

King Lu Yang looked at Chu Xi with hate, and what was wrong. One pass is not enough for this one pass.

Chu huddled to the ground, afraid to resist.

Mo Yike, as a counselor, can only help with the analysis. All decisions still need King Lu Yang.

After a while, King Lu Yang suppressed his anger at Chu Yan, but still looked poorly at Chu Yan.

"The ancient sea. The Song Dynasty plan. More than a dozen serial countermeasures are performed at the same time, and a country is laughed and destroyed. If this person cannot be used by me or by others," Lu Yang finally said coldly.

"Ah. Lord, what do you want to do?" Mo Yike's face changed, as if he had guessed something.

"Mr. Mo, I know this. You don't care about it," Wang Luyang said lightly.

"Ah. Lord, no, talent is rare, maybe there is still a chance," Mo Yike anxiously advised.

"I said, Mr. Mo, leave it alone," King Lu Yang shook his head.

"I. I. Well, okay," Mo Yike smiled slightly.

"Well, you go back, Ao Shun broke through the city of Shenlu, and there is still a lot of work to do," King Lu Yang said.

"Yes," everyone answered, slowly backing out.

King Lu Yang did not stay, neither Mr. Mo nor Master An was left.

In the study, only King Lu Yang was alone. After a while, King Lu Yang said in a deep voice: "No one was born to see me,"


Not long after. No one came into the study.

"Master, look for me." The unborn looked at King Lu Yang.

"I need you to help me kill someone," King Lu Yang cried.

"Oh. This is Wang ’s third request." The unborn looked at King Lu Yang.


"Three requirements, is that Wang Ye want to fulfill his promise to return the three souls of Long Xiaoyue to me." Weisheng Shen said.

ps: something happened today, updated in advance,

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