Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Framed chu

"Master Chu Ruo, what are you holding your sword for, do you want to dig out my liver and take the wooden **** inside?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Hum." Chu Yan hummed, suppressing the anger in her heart.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed for a moment, and seeing Chu Chu can now tolerate, and no longer excited, re-excited would be counterproductive.

He turned his head and looked at the disciples of Jin Ruo.

"Look, stay away from my slaves, hum, the poison of the thorns in the body is detoxified by the Shuren, but now they have framed them in turn, you, I will remember." Gu Hailiang Said coldly.

The faces of the golden helm disciples changed, all of them showed anxiety, and many people looked at Chu Yan.

There was a cloud of uncertainty in Chu Yan's eyes at this moment. He clenched the sword in his hands and wanted to stab it with a sword, but he couldn't bear it.

Not far away, Master Liunian coughed for a while: "Cough cough cough, Master Gu Ruo, don't breathe with him now, in case the dog jumps off the wall. Now, if he kills you, he will be punished up to King Lu Yang. When you get to the palace, he will never have another chance. "

"Also." Gu Hai's face sank, and she stepped away from Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes brightened. Yes, if he killed Gu Hai, Wang Ye will be punished at most, but if he becomes Wang Ye's close friend, he will never have peace.

"Master of the rudder." A crowd of Jinrudi disciples also exclaimed anxiously.

"Moan." Chu Yan suddenly cut off with a sword, cutting to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai turned his hands over a blood knife, soared into the sky, the blood knife started, and the rolling force filled the ancient sea, which instantly caused the strength of the ancient sea to skyrocket.


The sky was full of blood, and knife light and sword light collided.


Suddenly, Gu Hai cut to the distance, and his clothes were ripped apart by sword gas for a moment, and sword gas passed by.

Ruins in one place, after all, ancient sea forces were too far away.

"Chu Xi, you dare to kill me." Gu Hai stared.

"Yes, Master Liunian said it right. I killed you, and I was punished by the grandfather at most. If I don't kill you, you will let me go." Chu Tong said coldly.

"Everyone listen, surround me and leave them alone, kill them all." Chu Yan yelled.

"Drink." A crowd of golden rudders shouted with swords.

"Close." Master Liu Nian cried to Long Wanqing.


Long Wanqing turned her hands and put all the corpses of Qinghua and other Shuren into the storage space. A group of Shuren looked angrily at a crowd of disciples of Jin Ruo, disciples of Mu Ruo, showing anxiety.

"Blood Sword, you can raise your strength to Yuan Ying Realm. Your power just now is the peak power of Er Ying Realm, but this is the case." Chu Yi sneered, and the sword was cut again.


At this moment, two hours finally arrived. In the distance, the door of the sound impaired cage opened suddenly.

"Asshole, come out, come out." The first torn apart by the sound of the army rushed out of the sound barrier cage.

At this moment, the shattered army's shawl was swollen, puffy all over the sky, bloodshot eyes were filled, and the sound of tearing looked like a chill.

Gou Chen also stepped out of the sound impaired cage.

Gou Chen is also about the same, both of them shed hair, puffy faces, and broken clothes, as if they had experienced an inhumane scuffle.

"Broken army, who is afraid of anyone? It ’s better than Dou Qin. Your music is attacking me. I can bear it. Your mother-in-law does n’t talk about rules. When it ’s my turn, why do n’t you sing to me? As soon as I sing a few words, you can't take it anymore. Your men will be defeated. Just admit it. What a temper to play, I'm stunned. "Gou Chen called with puffiness covering his face.

"I compare you to the mood of piano music. Whatever you sing and what you sing are all in tune. I don't know which country is going. I listen to it again, and my heart will break you." .

The songs that Bo Jun admired before were all elegant arts. However, when I think of Gou Chen's singing, when the song of Gou Chen sounds, the Bo Jun can't stand it. If he wants to stop Gou Chen, he can't stop it. So they couldn't stand the shot, and the two clashed inside.

As soon as they came out of the sound impaired cage, the two were about to beat, and suddenly heard the shout of the ancient sea in the distance.

"Chu Xi, you want to kill people, Wang Ye will not let you go." Gu Hai's roar came from a distance.

With the ears of Gouchen and Pojun, I heard it instantly.

"What, Chu Yan is going to kill my master." Gou Chen's face changed.

A distant sound sounded again.

"It's you who kills you, huh, Mu Shen was refined by you and it's useless, but it's useless when it's gone. After all, there are still some effects. If you don't kill you today, you will come to me everywhere in the future. "Chu Xi's roar came from a distance:" Jin Rudi, kill me, leave no one. "

"Yes," shouted a bunch of disciples of Jin Ruo.

"Miscellaneous accounts." Gou Chen shot into the distance instantly.

"Bold, what are you doing." The broken army also roared suddenly.


Gou Chen and the broken army all blasted away in the distance.


"Go to the big team, go to my big team." Gu Hai shouted loudly.

"Stop them, leave me alone, kill me," Chu Yan cried.

"Dare you come over." Long Wanqing roared.

Suddenly, Long Wanqing took out the long sword and blocked them with a group of wooden rudders.

There were too many disciples of Jin Ruo. Although Yuan Wanqing was in Yuanying, it was already the limit to block hundreds of them. For a time, the disciples of Mu Ruo were struggling.

The pressure from one side to the other suddenly, a large number of wooden rudder disciples were injured.

However, this place is right next to the large array arranged by the ancient sea. Under the command of Master Liu Nian, the tree people quickly swept towards the interior.

On the other side, Gu Haishou's blood knife is also against Chu Xi again and again.


Chu Xun stabbed with a sword, and a huge sword urn slammed the ancient sea more than ten feet. The sword urn was worthy of being blocked by the blood knife, but the sword gas was fiercely piercing the ancient sea body, as if to penetrate the ancient sea body general.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

Suddenly, where the sword stab came, Gu Hai's skin seemed to be raised with bones and joints, blocking the sword stabbing into the body.

"How could your body block my sword's qi, that's a bone, right." Chu Yan looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

"Hehe, the first master of Yipintang, but so." Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh, but so, wait for me to chop you, then you can say it again, there is something under the skin, I will see if you are at stake, your eyes, and whether there is protection." Chu Yi sword again chopped .

"Bold, Chu Chu, wanton." There was a sudden shout from the distant army.


Suddenly, a piano sounded, a large blade of rain suddenly appeared in the void, and washed away in the direction of Chu.

With the Qin Ning knife, rush straight to Chu.

"Um." Chu Yi's face changed, and she immediately returned to defense, cutting her sword, and slamming the sword for a long time.

"Boom." Dao Yu Jian Qi offset each other.

"Breaking the army." Chu Yi raised a frown.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you can't kill me, don't you, ha ha ha ha." Gu Hai laughed and retreated backward.

"Huh, Gu Hai, you must die today." Chu Yan's eyes shot again.

"Presumptuous, Chu Yun, what are you doing, the sword rains." Broke eyes snarled.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

With the sound of the piano, suddenly, the overwhelming knife rain rushed straight down, instantly submerged Chu Yan.


Gu Hai jumped in front of Long Wanqing, and suddenly pushed the tree people around, jumping into the battle with a group of injured wooden rudder disciples.

"Chasing, don't run away for them." Chu Yan barked the broken army and shouted at disciples Jin Ruo.


A group of gold helm disciples suddenly jumped into the Guhai array.

"Ah." "Ah." "Ah." …………………………

During the big burst, there was a sudden scream of Jin Dudi's disciples. The Jin Dudi's disciples who wanted to keep up with him suddenly became stiff and dared not to step forward.

Gou Chen also came close, looking at the distant array without hesitation, and immediately jumped in.


Everyone from Gu Hai and his party entered the battle.

The battle between the broken army and Chu Yan came to an abrupt end.

"Chu Xi, what are you doing, you still want to kill people, are you trying to die?" Po army said coldly.

"Broken army, you don't know, Gu Hai just now ..." Chu Yan stared.

"If you want the king, you dare to kill people, hum, go back and see how you explain to the king." Po army said coldly.

Turning his head, the broken army looked at the clouds.

"Mr. Gu, come out, I'm here, Chu Yan dare not mess up again." Cried the army.

The voice of Gu Hai came from the large array: "Mr. Po Jun, Wang Yefu, I dare not enter. I haven't entered yet. I almost died in Chu's hands. If I entered Wangfu, I didn't know I would be divided. How many dead bodies, here, Mr. Trouble Pojun gave Wang Ye a message, it is not that I do not want to enter the palace, but dare not.

Bo Jun's face froze.

At this time, Chu Yan also calmed down and suddenly wanted to understand everything: "Gu Hai, you frame me."

"It's you who's killing me. You're still aggressive. Just now you're pretending to be the weak. Chu Xi, you are really playing with your mind, aren't you capable? Come in and catch me." Gu Hai sneered.

The broken army frowned slightly.

Chu Yan stepped in and wanted to go in, but suddenly stopped, still remembering that the dragons were killed in this large array.

"The rudder, they can't run away," a Jindi disciple cried.


Suddenly, a behemoth burst out in a large array.

It was Long Wanqing's Baiyun flying boat, which carried everyone and soared into the sky.

"Mr. Po Jun, I'm very sorry." Fei Zhou gave a loud drink.

"Miscellaneous, stand still." Chu Yan's face changed.


Turning his hands, Chu Yan also took out a flying boat, and a group of disciples of golden rudders jumped into the flying boat at the same time.

Chu Yan chased the sky in a flying boat


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The broken army turned over and took out a flying boat and followed it.

"Mr. Gu, everything is a misunderstanding." Po Jun cried anxiously.

Chu Yi Feizhou followed closely behind, all the disciples of Jin Ruo looked at the Baiyun Feizhou coldly.

The stern of the Baiyun flying boat, Gu Hai held a skull in his hands, and a snake hair head, which was the mutant snake hair head of the Li Qinghe River of Qiandaohai in the past.

"Well." A few disciples of Golden Helm discouraged, it was a human head.

"Golden disciples, look at me, who this snake hair is." Gu Hai laughed.


Suddenly, a red light came from the eyes of the snake, and it was shot towards the people in the distant Chuzhou flying boat.

"Um." Disciples of Zhongjin Duo are unknown.

"Not good." Chu Yan stared.


Everyone was instantly struck.

The disciples of Jinjin Rudder were quickly petrified.

Because of her strength and arrogance, Chu Yan's body was slightly stiff, and her strong willpower immediately struck the petrified curse.


Feizhou slowed down and stopped.

It took a while for Chu Kun to break free from the curse.


With a loud shout, the curse was gone, Chu Yan was sweating all over again, and then turned to look at the ancient sea flying boat, which had already flown into the distance.

Disciples of Jin Ruo all turned into stone statues. Only three people did not see the red light, and at this moment they were extremely frightening.

"Gu Hai, I won't let you go." Chu Yan roared staring at the distance.

The flying boat of the broken army flew for a while, but did not catch up, and stopped. Looking at the distance, there was a cloud of uncertainty in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at Chu Yan severely.


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