Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 73: A lifetime

Long array of ancient sea layout, naturally told Long Wanqing customs.

Long Wanqing quietly stepped out of the large array and headed towards the valley pointed by the unborn.

At that moment, the valley was also wrapped in a secret array, surrounded by white mist outside, but inside it was black gas, and the wind was cloudy.

"Come in." Shenren said quietly.

Long Wan nodded and stepped in.

In the center of the valley, there is a weird formation method. The formation method floats above a black hole, that is, the black wind, the bursts of overcast wind, as if connected to the underworld.

"This is it," Long Wanqing frowned.

The unborn person turned to look at Long Wanqing: "I also have a sound barrier in this method. If you want to ask, just ask."

"How did you get my mother's soul?" Long Wanqing stared at the unborn.

"Lv Yang gave it to me, but I'm not sure yet. I need you to help me verify that you are the bloodline daughter of the girl. There must be a human soul inheritance. If it is correct, it is the human soul of the girl. I'm going to find the soul of the sky and the soul of the earth. Maybe, I can really resurrect the girl, alas. "Weisheng sighed slightly.

"Why not in my valley." Long Wanqing stared at the unborn with a hint of unbelief in her eyes.

"Your valley, the old guy, when the girl was alive in the past, he was against me everywhere. I didn't want him to know about this." Weiren said coldly.

"The master is infatuated with my mother, you are jealous of the master, and the master said that day, you don't deserve to know who my father is, showing you to be careful." Long Wanqing hated.

Obviously, the master of the fleeting years pulls himself to the point of being a master, and can not tolerate vilification.

"Well, your father is a cricket, discarding his wife and daughter, not something, I want to know who he is, he must be good-looking." Weisheng said coldly.

"Well, my mother said, my father is 'hero hero, there is no one in the world,'" he just didn't know that my mother was dead. When my father comes back, I want you all to look good. "Long Wanqing gritted her teeth. Road.

Although I did not say sadly to recognize my father that day, I still have an expectation for my father, which is also the spiritual pillar of Long Wanqing these years.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, put your hand on this‘ recognize your soul ’.” Let ’s see if it ’s the girl ’s soul. ”The unborn person sank.

Then, the unborn person took out the soul box, opened it very carefully, and put the soul box into the end of the array.

Long Wanqing looked at the unborn, and did not have a good opinion of the unborn, but the mother's soul may be in front of her. Long Wanqing did not dare to carelessly. According to the unborn, he carefully put his hands in the battle. The other end of the law.

"Don't move, it will hurt a little, hold back." Weiren said coldly.

Said a rush.


The big hole below the large array burst into the boundless yin moment, covering Long Wanqing in an instant, and the chilling cold air went straight into the soul.

"Ah." Long Wanqing yelled in pain.


Long Wanqing's body surface suddenly appeared a pale blue outline, but it was Long Wanqing's soul.

Above the large array, a burst of golden breath suddenly emerged, grasping Long Wanqing's finger of human soul, and gently pulled to the center of the array.

In the soul box at the other end, there is also a thin golden line pulling a faint blue light, touching the finger of Long Wanqing's soul.


Suddenly, dazzling blue light blooms in the soul box.

"Warm feeling, mother, mother, this is mother's breath, mother, is it really you, is it you, mother, I'm Xiao Wanqing, I'm Xiao Wanqing, you say it back to me and my sister Bringing a gift, why didn't you come back, mother, my sister and I miss you so much, mother. "Long Wanqing's eyes suddenly turned red, and her whole body was trembling.


The large array stopped suddenly, Long Wanqing's soul returned, and in that soul box, Long Xiaoyue's soul returned.

"It's a girl, it's really a girl." The unborn voice trembled in her voice.

Long Wanqing's yin disappeared, but at this moment, it was suddenly tears like rain.

"Mother, is it you, can you hear me, mother, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I'm Xiao Wanqing." Long Wanqing cried to step forward.

"Pop." The unborn man closed the soul box and closed it very carefully, not letting Long Wanqing approach.

"That's my mother, it's my mother, you give it to me, you give it back to me, ohhhh." Long Wanqing was so excited.

More than two decades of grievances and thoughts erupted instantly.

"Calm down, Long Wanqing, this is just your mother's soul, and she has lost all her memories and lost all her attributes." The unborn man sang immediately.

Suddenly, she rushed into Long Wanqing's mind, and immediately calmed Wan Wanqing a lot.

After wiping her tears, Long Wanqing looked at the unborn person: "Senior, this is my mother, you have a way to raise her, right, you must be able to."

At this moment, in order to save her mother, Long Wanqing's attitude towards the unborn person changed instantly.

The unborn person looked at Long Wanqing, exhaled a long breath, and nodded: "Long Wanqing, this time you help me confirm the soul of the girl, thank you, save her, I really have a way, I just want to find Qi Sanhun Just, but even if she is rescued, all her memories are gone, a blank, she will not know you or me. "

"As long as my mother can live, in the future, everything slowly tells her that she is my mother, please save her." Long Wanqing suddenly knelt down.

The unborn person looked at Long Wanqing and said in a deep voice, "Then you must return to the girl's heaven and earth soul."

"Where is my mother ’s heaven and earth soul." Long Wanqing looked at the unborn, anxiously.

"In the hands of King Lu Yang, he promised me that as long as he helped him do one more thing, he would give me the girl's heaven and earth souls." The unborn person sank.

"What is it difficult? Do you want me to help? What can I do, as long as I can save my mother, everything is fine." Long Wanqing said with red eyes.

"Kill the ancient sea." The unborn person sank.

"Why, what, what." Long Wanqing was struck by lightning, staring at the unborn person with wide eyes.

"For your mother to live, Gu Hai must die." The unborn person sank.

"My mother, Gu Hai, can only live one." Long Wanqing suddenly slumped on the ground.

"No, it is the ancient sea that must die." The unborn person replied coldly.

"No, no, no, you can't kill Gu Hai, you can't ..." Long Wanqing was trembling all over.

"The ancient sea is not dead, the girl can't live, you don't want Long Xiaoyue to be resurrected, and yes, why should I ask you for advice." Weisheng said lightly.

Save the mother, Gu Hai died.

Gu Hai lives, does not save his mother.

Long Wanqing sat paralyzed, and the whole collapsed.

"Why is this and why is this." Long Wanqing showed despair.

One side is my beloved one, and the other is the mother I miss so much. One of the two is what I should do.

"Well, Long Wanqing, you go back, I will save the girl, and I'm leaving too." Weisheng said lightly.

"Go, where are you going?" Long Wanqing suddenly stunned.

"Naturally went to the ancient sea. I was not sure about this human soul before, but now it is determined. It only needs to solve the ancient sea." Weisheng said lightly.

"No, no, you can't kill Gu Hai." Long Wanqing exclaimed suddenly.

"You don't want your mother to be resurrected." The unborn person looked at Long Wanqing coldly.

"Think, think." Long Wanqing showed sadness.

"That's OK, OK, wait for the girl to be rescued, let's talk." Weisheng said lightly.

"Wait, wait." Long Wanqing called suddenly.

"What's wrong," Weiren wondered.

"How do you find Gu Hai, these days, we are very careful, very careful, but you still found us, how did you find it." Long Wanqing looked to Weisheng expectant.

"For others, it is difficult to find someone, but it is not difficult for our life masters. The hair is the metabolite of the three souls, and the dregs abandoned for the three souls have also been part of the three souls. Teacher, is the most sensitive to the soul. There is a "breathing interest". I have paid attention to your interest rates. After chasing them, I can find you. "The unborn person said lightly.

"Hair, you found us because of our hair. You can accurately find the ancient sea." Long Wanqing looked desperately to the unborn.

In this way, Gu Hai could no longer escape.

"Yes," Weisheng said lightly.

"Predecessors and seniors, for my mother's sake, please, please wait and kill Gu Hai, please, please." Long Wanqing suddenly knelt down at the unborn.

The unborn person looked at Long Wanqing coldly.

"When Gu Hai comes back, let me and him sue individually, please, please, oh oh oh." Long Wanqing kept hoeing to the unborn.

"Hey, hey, hey ..."

Time and time again, Long Wanqing's forehead shed blood, but kept on.

The unborn person looked at Long Wanqing and was still as strong as iron, but when he turned to see the soul box, the momentum suddenly eased.

"Also, do n’t be embarrassed. Although I do n’t want to see you and your father, you are the girl of the girl after all. If she knew that I was pushing her daughter so much, she would be very sad. I ca n’t escape my palms. I ’ll give you a day. After the return of the ancient sea, I will allow you one day. After a day, I will break the ancient sea of ​​the ancient sea and kill the ancient sea.

"Thank you, thank you seniors, oh oh oh." Long Wanqing said with red eyes.

"Long Wanqing, I ca n’t escape Gu Hai no matter what you think. Take your time, say goodbye, do n’t make yourself wrong, and you need to know clearly that your mother, Long Xiaoyue, only killed Gu Hai. She can live, you don't want to see your mother.


2538541699017.png) \ '> You don't want to see the girl anymore. "No one groaned.

"Think, I think, I miss my mother." Long Wanqing said with red eyes, at the moment it seemed to be torn apart.

"Well, let's go back." Weisheng said lightly.

Long Wanqing flushed her eyes, wiped the corners of her eyes, and looked at the soul box in the hands of the unborn, showing a bleak smile. To resurrect her mother, she needed to kill her lover.

As if lost her soul, Long Wanqing walked out of the unborn group and walked back.

Lost in spirit and empty eyes, Long Wanqing didn't know how she came back.

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