Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 74: Medium

Lushen City, in the palace study.

There are only Gu Hai and Huangfu Chaoge in the study.

"Mr. Gu, I have heard about the Love Flower Valley. Thank you very much. Everything is because of me. Otherwise, Love Flower won't be, either." Huangfu Chaoge sighed slightly.

"I never blame you for Qinghua. How can I blame you, but unfortunately, Shenlu City on the front line ..." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Shenlu City, even if it was n’t the day, it ’s hard to keep it. My people heard that it was a man named Shou Shi who was not born. The means of Shou Shi was strange and unpredictable. He wanted to break my god. Lucheng, it should not be difficult. "Huangfu Chaoge smiled slightly bitterly.

"However, at that time you were lucky to come, even if no one broke the city, you can cause great losses to Lu Yang Wang Jun." Gu Hai shook his head.

"That's the same thing, forget it, let's not talk about it, Mr. Gu, it was because of the means you used to covertly communicate to me, otherwise, your identity is now exposed." Huangfu Chaoge frowned.

"Your officials, there are so many spies of King Lu Yang." Gu Hai frowned.

"It doesn't matter, Lu Yang's palace also has my detailed work, otherwise the news of Qinghua Valley will not reach me, just the spy who just caught, but my family, I can entrust him with a heavy task, I can't think of it, He actually turned to King Lu Yang, and he was very hard-spoken. He refused to speak no matter how he interrogated. "Huangfu Chaoge sighed slightly.

"Relax, Gou Chen will help you interrogate, it should be possible." Gu Hai frowned.

"That's the Tian Qin Gou Chen, by the way, my relatives are not afraid of death, and you have any means to interrogate my relatives." Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

At this time, a voice came from outside the study.

"The emperor, your tribe, has confessed. Officials are now taking notes for it."

"He did it. He didn't do it as much as you used to punish him. Gou Chen went for a while, and he did it. Gou Chen did it." Huangfu Chaoge looked surprised at the entrance of the study.

A man wrapped in a gray robe walked in the doorway, unable to see his face clearly.

"That Gou Chen drove other Xing officials, and was alone with your tribe, singing a song for him." The man in the gray robe explained.

"And then." Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

"There is no more, then your family will recruit." The gray robe man said strangely.

Huangfu's Chaoge was a little stunned, but did not respond for a moment.

"Sing a song, hypnotize, did he hypnotize him." Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

"No, it's too bad to sing." The man in the gray robe said strangely.

"It's awful, how awful." Huangfu Chaoge didn't respond for a moment.

The man in the gray robe shook himself at this moment. Obviously, he had listened to the foot of the wall before. He heard Gou Chen's true feelings and played a song. In retrospect, he was still uncomfortable.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly at the side: "Gou Chen does sing differently, but the result is good. You don't need to care about the details."

Huangfu Chaoge looked at the ancient sea, thinking that the ancient sea wanted to hide privately, refused to inform the cause, nodded, and stopped questioning.

"Shuren's Dantian was broken and what it looks like, I need to see for myself." Huangfu Chaoge looked towards Guhaidao.

Gu Hai nodded and said, "Yeah, I will transport them into Lushen City quietly."

"No, I'll go with you." Huang Fu shook his head toward Chaoge.

On the other hand, the gray-clad man suddenly anxiously said, "Emperor, you said that repairing Dantian would be a great loss to you."

Huangfu Chaoge shook his head and said, "My life was saved by Qinghua's life. She exchanged my life for the extermination of Qinghua's family. Now, fortunately, a group of Qinghua needs my help. Am I And ignore it. "

"But ..." the gray man worried.

"Well, don't say it, Lu Shishen, we will drill a tunnel to let me and Mr. Gu go out. Don't let people know about this." Huangfu Chaoge said in a deep voice.


On the fourth day that Gu Hai left, he returned to the previous valley again. At this moment, there is one more person, Huangfu Chaoge.

The three returned and stood at the front.

"The battle that can crush the dragons is really exquisite. Mr. Gu, now that I am fighting King Lu Yang, it is the time of employment. Mr. Gu has turned his face with King Lu Yang now. Why not help me?" Looking towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai shook his head and said, "King Lu Yang's muddy water is too muddy. I don't want to go for the time being, sorry."

"Hahaha, it's okay. I talked a lot." Huang Fu smiled and shook his head.

The three slowly entered the battle.

As we entered the large formation, in another valley formation not far away, no one looked coldly at the three men who entered the formation in the distance.

"Gu Hai is back, Long Wanqing, I will only give you one day, and at this time tomorrow, I will shoot." Weiren said coldly--

"Master, come back."

"Master Liuli, they are all back."

"Master, they're back."




From the valley came the voice of Shuren and Mudu disciples.

A hall in the valley.

Long Wanqing was sitting alone in the hall, dressed in a big red dress, surrounded by red silk.

Next to a dressing table, in front of the dressing mirror, Long Wanqing dressed up carefully.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Long Wanqing's eyes were red, and she couldn't bear the tears. She brushed her hair quietly, painted her eyebrows, and applied lipstick.

Looking at the glorious face in the mirror, Long Wanqing showed a trace of bitter smile, cleared her mood, the bitter smile slowly disappeared, forcing a trace of laughter.

I tried several times before I saw my natural smile in the mirror.

Sit quietly in the temple, and did not go out to meet.

Master Liu Ren and Mu Chenfeng, who were slightly better off, welcomed them out.

"Mr. Huangfu, you are willing to help Shuren restore Dantian." Mu Chenfeng said with joy.

"Let me take a look first." Huangfu Chaoge smiled.

"Okay, okay, okay." Mu Chenfeng said happily.

"Well, where is the master?" As soon as Gu Hai entered the valley, she found that Long Wanqing had not come to welcome herself, and her heart was lost for a while.

On the one hand, Master Liunian smiled slightly and said, "The ancient rudder master, the poor monk is cheeky this time. Please invite the ancient rudder master, I have something to say."

"Uh." Gu Hai looked for a moment, looking at Master Liu Nian.

Aside from Mu Chenfeng's eyes, there was a smile of kindness.

The ancient sea is unknown, but still followed the master of the fleeting years into a hall. There is a curtain in the center of the hall, which separates the hall in two halves.

Huangfu Chaoge and Gou Chen followed curiously.

Mu Chenfeng followed into the hall, and then closed the door of the hall.

People outside can't hear the internal sound, but Long Wanqing on the other side of the curtain can listen carefully.

"Master, what's so mysterious?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Gu Duru, Gu Hai, I have long wanted to ask, Gu Hai, what do you think of the master?" Master Liu Nian laughed.

On the one hand, Huangfu's Chaoge seemed to understand the intention of Master Liu Nian, and smiled slightly, and walked to the side to sit down.

Everyone looked at Gu Hai with a smile, Gu Hai frowned slightly, and seemed to understand the intention of Master Liu Nian.

There was a bitter smile: "Master, how can you think of asking me this?"

"Just answer." Master Liu Nian solemnly said.

After a few moments of silence, Gu Hai nodded and said, "The host is kind and beautiful, and can go for decades for the revenge of his mother. He is a strange and affectionate woman."

Master Liunian nodded and said, "Yes, Long Wanqing is thirty-one years old this year. She has a very gentle personality. I grew up watching her. I know her personality. If she is a wife, she will definitely With all my heart to her husband, her character, ca n’t tell other minds, if you give your heart to someone, you will die. For a while, I do n’t know what the church owner and you have experienced, but now I and Mu The morning breeze can be seen, the heart of the church owner is already hanging on you. "

The ancient sea was slightly silent.

"I can also see that your mind is also hanging on Long Wanqing. Today, the poor monk is a matchmaker and wants to coordinate this matter for you, I don't know what you want." Master Liu Nian said with a smile.

Gu Hai's brows were slightly wrinkled, and everything in Long Wanqing's mind was instantly recalled in her mind. After a moment of silence, Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"What's wrong." Master Liu Nian frowned at Gu Hai.

"Master, don't you know about me, I have a wife." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"I know, Chen Xianer, but your wife has been dead for many years, even if Chen Xianer is alive, I know she will support you now," she said, frowning.

"For the host, grandma, master, I don't want to hurt her." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"What." Master Liu Nian frowned at Gu Hai.

"Yeah, Gu Hai, the host is passionate about you, what do you mean?" Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"I want to take revenge on Chen Xianer. The hatred of killing my wife is not common. I may die at any time. I don't want the host to accompany me to risk." Gu Hai shook his head.

"So, you also like Long Wanqing, but you have a big hatred and don't want to affect her. What kind of hatred makes you all so worried and so unconfident." Master Liu Nian frowned.

"That person is very strong, very strong, very strong." Gu Hai shook his head and refused to say any more.

On the side of Mu Chenfeng, she was anxious: "Gu Hai, you are still not a man, you have vengeance, why should you let Long Wanqing bear the pain for you, Long Wanqing also knows this, but she doesn't care, please ask the master to help you A matchmaker, a girl has already done this. If you refuse, you know how sad she is. "

"Oh, Long Wanqing asked the master to keep the media." On the one hand, Huangfu Chaoge stunned slightly.

"Yes, master, I can see that you like the master, you like each other, why can't you be together. I can just listen to some wooden rudders and whisper. Master Liunian has already given you all the halls. The host should now be dressed up, just waiting for you to promise. "Bewildered.

Gu Hai said for a moment: "Xitang."

The ancient sea looked at the curtain in the center of the hall.

"Gu Hai, any difficulties, you will bear it with Long Wanqing in the future. She doesn't care about your danger. What else do you worry about, love words, say?


? It's simple, but it's not easy, I hope you will cherish it. "Aside Huangfu Chaoge advised.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and said painfully: "Sorry, I still stick to my thoughts."

"Your thought, Gu Hai, why are you so pedantic ........." Master Liu Nian looked very angry.

Just then, there was a slightly hoarse voice from Long Wanqing behind the curtain.

"Master, don't tell me, I don't deserve him."


The curtain suddenly fell to the ground, revealing a Xitang behind, Long Wanqing was standing at the corner of Xitang, a bride's red makeup, his face showed a faint color, two lines of heartbreaking tears slipped on his face.

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