Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Long Wanqing's choice

The curtain suddenly fell to the ground, revealing a Xitang behind, Long Wanqing stood at the corner of Xitang, a bride's red makeup, showing a touch of solitude, two lines of heartbreaking tears slipped on her face.

The hall fell into silence for a while.

Gou Chen stood aside, his face blanked.

Huangfu Chaoge, Master Liunian, and Mu Chenfeng looked angrily at the ancient sea.

"Gu Hai, am I Long Wanqing so unworthy of you?" Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai with tears.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing's heartbreaking look, which was also extremely sad at the moment. Since learning about Long Wanqing for more than a year, Gu Hai has been a gradual process for it, and slowly found that Long Wanqing is in a strong appearance. Now, hiding a fragile heart, he was accustomed to Long Wanqing beside him.

Master Liu Nian said that once Long Wanqing recognizes you, she will love you with all his heart. Gu Hai believes that this is the case. Gu Hai dare not accept this love easily.

Gu Hai also knows that he likes Long Wanqing more and more, but that is because of instinct, and intellectually, Gu Hai does not want to provoke Long Wanqing.

Today, Long Wanqing asks Master Liu to save the media.

When a girl does this, she will only do so if she loves it too deeply.

Looking at Long Wanqing's two lines of tears, Gu Hai's heart softened, and she almost came forward and held it in her arms.

However, looking back at the past, Gu Hai didn't want Long Wanqing to go to Chen Xian'er and tolerate it.

With a bit of a bitter smile: "Sorry, Lord, maybe, for you, only, thank you."

Gu Hai said very slowly, he paused and didn't know how he said it.

"Grateful, ha ha ha ha ha, only gratitude, I understand, I understand, it is my own affection, you only have to be grateful, huh, grateful for bringing you into the practice world, but just grateful." Long Wanqing said in anger.


Mu Chenfeng turned her head, opened the door, and stepped out of the hall, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

The master of the fleeting years looked at Long Wanqing and said softly: "Church master, forget it, you shouldn't be attached to it anymore, and the ancient master is also involuntary."

"Gu Hai, what are you tangled with, you think that you can protect Long Wanqing, and one day you will know that you are wrong." Huangfu Chaoge looked angrily at Gu Hai.

Gou Chen didn't speak.

Gu Hai was sad for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and nodded: "Yes, I am grateful, the host, thank you for your love, Gu Hai is not good for you."

"Oh, huh, huh, huh." Long Wanqing smiled wryly.

After looking at Gu Hai for a while, it seemed as if I had to keep Gu Hai deeply in my heart.

Gu Hai pretended to be calm, but in his eyes he did not dare to look at Long Wanqing.

Long Wanqing smiled bitterly for a while, bit her lip, and a hate flashed in her eyes: "Gu Hai, I want to ask you again, except me, if you meet a woman you like in the future, you will do the same Passionate. "

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing, was silent for a while, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, so it is."

"Then you are not the same as Master Liu Nian, cut off the relationship. Since you cut off the love, what else do you want to worry about, you are like Master Liu Nian, how to cut off the worry." Long Wanqing stared. Ancient sea.

Huangfu Chaoge looked at Master Liu Nian. Master Liu Nian was for Long Xiaoyue. She cut off her troubles and shaved her hair as a monk.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing, feeling sad for a while.

"No more, no more, you are just grateful to me, huh, I know, I also understand, Gu Hai, today I am a passionate, I am shameless, I will not force you, you cut off love, you Cut you, I will not force you, only the last request, I hope you can promise me. "Long Wanqing looked to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing distressed.

"I want your hair to be sacrificed to my blindness, and also to be sacrificed to my irrationality. I want you to have my hair, all, all." Long Wanqing stared at Gu Hai with a hate.

"Master." Gou Chen looked complexly towards Gu Hai.

Master Liu Nian and Huang Fu Chaoge looked at the ancient sea and Long Wanqing.

"Hmm." "Hmm."

The two sighed slightly and stepped out of this happy hall. This scene was too hurtful.

"Give me." Long Wanqing stared at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai stared at Long Wanqing, her eyes closed slightly, for a while, there was a bitterness.

Spreading his hand, he touched his head, and touched it little by little. Zhenyuan went down the scalp and slowly shaved his hair.

Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai with red eyes, carefully collected Gu Haixiu's hair, little by little, very careful, all collected, and slowly packed in a box.

From beginning to end, Gu Hai and Long Wanqing did not say a word.

Soon, the head of Gu Hai became brighter, and all hair was collected by Long Wanqing.

After shaving his head, Gu Hai turned his head and stepped out of the hall. As he walked out of the hall, Gu Hai's eyes became red, and tears could not stop flowing.

"Master, master." Gou Chen followed.

The ancient sea was ignored, and quickly moved to a palace in another valley.


Gu Hai closed herself in the house, leaning her back on the door, and in her head was filled with the despairing tears of Long Wanqing just now.

Gou Chen knocked outside the door, and no longer.

"Well." Sighed slightly, Gou Chen left.

In the hall of Xitang.

Long Wanqing closed the door, carefully took out Gu Hai's hair, and then took out a huge bucket, carefully glued Gu Hai's hair on the bucket, and looked at the hair on the bucket. With a smile, tears still couldn't stop flowing.

Then, very carefully, Long Wanqing shaved her hair, shaved it clean, and slowly put it in the empty jade box.

Distributing her show on Xitang's table, Long Wanqing looked at her hair, wiped the tears from her eyes, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Quickly, Long Wanqing changed her clothes, the red clothes were changed, and the black clothes were changed. The style of the black clothes was exactly the style of the ancient sea.

Then, he wore a bucket with Guhai hair inside.

Douyu covered his face, making it hard to see his face.

"Gou Chen, come here," Long Wanqing said suddenly.

Outside, Gou Chen, who was feeling depressed, heard Long Wanqing's voice, hesitated slightly, and returned to the former hall of Xitang once again in doubt.

Long Wanqing opened the door.

"Teacher, what are you doing?" Gou Chen stared blankly at Long Wanqing.

"This letter, more than half of the column incense, you give it to Guhai, please." Long Wanqing said solemnly.

"Ah, to my master, um, you can rest assured, the master has done too much this time, and I will help you." Gou Chen nodded.

Long Wanqing handed out the letter and closed the door of Xitang with his backhand.

"I went out immediately to relax, if they asked, you said that I went to relax and come back in two days." Long Wanqing explained again.


Turning her hands, Long Wanqing took out a flying boat.

Long Wanqing immediately set foot on the flying boat.


The flying boat soared into the sky, broke through the large array, and blasted away towards the distance.

The huge movement immediately attracted the masters of Liu Nian and others.

"The host said she was gone." Gou Chen said.

Master Liu Nian, Mu Chenfeng and Huangfu Chaoge looked at each other and sighed slightly. After all, the girl's skin was still relatively thin. She was rejected just like that, and she really couldn't stand it.

Sanshou, or Sanshen--


Long Wanqing drove the flying boat and flew towards the sky suddenly.

Not far from another valley.

The unborn were looking at Long Xiaoyue's soul box in a large array, and suddenly the unborn raised his head.

"Well, Gu Hai, you want to run away, hum." Weisheng suddenly stepped out.

"call out."

Flipping his hands, the unborn also took out a flying boat, set foot on the flying boat, and quickly chased after Long Wanqing's flying boat.

"Hmm." "Hmm."

The two flying boats flew one after the other, and quickly flew to the distant place, and then turned to the sky, disappeared--

Gou Chen was in the valley, and he just persuaded Master Liunian and others to grab the letter from Long Wanqing and calculate the time, half column incense, half column incense will arrive soon.

"Well." Gou Chen suddenly changed his face, the voice.

Why isn't there another air explosion like the sound of a flying boat.

In frowning, Gou Chen went to the hall where Gu Hai was located, clutching the envelope, frowning and counting time.

In the distance, the fleeting master and Huangfu Chaoge had just gone, but suddenly their faces changed: "No."


The gate of the temple where the ancient sea was also suddenly opened.

"No, no." Gu Hai frowned as he stepped out of the hall, his face changed.

At this moment, Gou Chen suddenly saw the ancient sea, but she was a little stunned, and then she said, "Master, the church owner has just left. Before leaving, let me half a column of incense and give you this letter."

"Faith, wrong." Gu Hai snatched it.

"Well, Ban Zhuxiang hasn't arrived yet." Gou Chenwei.

Gu Hai did not care about Gou Chen at all, and opened the envelope in a panic.

When the envelope was opened, when the first big character was seen, Gu Hai's face turned wild—

Gu Hai, run away. The unborn have the orders of King Lu Yang and come to hunt you down. He can find you by your hair. Hurry, hurry, hurry—

It's too late to read later.

"Master, master, give me your flying boat, fast, fast, Wanqing is in danger." Gu Hai's face changed greatly, exclaimed.


Master Liuli, Huangfu Chaoge and Mu Chenfeng ran over quickly.

"Hoo." Master Liunian turned over and took out a flying boat without hesitation.

Everyone quickly jumped into the flying boat.

"What's going on." Mu Chenfeng said blankly.

"Go Chen, listen to your voice, find it for me, find it, find it for me, where Wanqing went, fast, fast, fast." Gu Hai seemed to be anxious.

"There, go there." Gou Chen pointed


One way in the distance.

The ancient sea quickly ran to the place where the flying boat drove and manipulated.

"call out."

Feizhou quickly flew into the sky and chased the past.

"Wan Qing is in danger, what danger, ancient sea, what's going on." Master Liu Nian cried angrily.

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