Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Long Wanyu

Lulu City, Luyang King's Mansion, among the study.

In the study stood Mo Yike and Master An.

King Lu Yang sat on his throne and looked at Master An coldly.

"Lu An, what you have done is good, hum." King Lu Yang said coldly.

"Grandpa, don't blame me, it's the ancient sea design that framed me. Only in Silvermoon City will he be fooled again and again. This time they were kicked back by Jiang Tianyi, it was not my business." Road.

"Yinyue City, do you know how much Yinyue City lost, do you think it's just money?" King Lu Yang said coldly.

"Grandchild knew something wrong." Master An bowed his head.

"However, grandpa, what is the first piano building on the street that he opened in Guhai, what's the matter? As long as grandpa speaks, I immediately take someone to smash the first piano building on the street, the money there, the industry there, It should be my palace. "Master An raised his head.

"Do you still think Tim's chaos is not enough?" Lu Yang said coldly.

"Grandchildren don't dare." Master An immediately bowed his head.

Mo Yike smiled slightly bitterly: "Master An, you think things are simple. At this moment, Silver Moon City has been taken over by Sima Changkong. Our people should be cleaned up soon. Jiang Tianyi and they return this time. Come here to illustrate the problem, Silvermoon City is no longer under our control. "

"Uh, it's out of our control." Master An slightly hesitated.

"Yeah, the death of He Shikang has attracted the attention of the Holy Lord. Before the Holy Lord, he had always given Luzhou to the Prince and never intervened, but this time, obviously the Holy Lord is going to be angry. Changkong is the person of King Shenwu. "Mo Yike frowned.

"The King of Shenwu, the three princes of the Daqian Heavenly Kingdom, the dragon prince, grandpa, these three princes have always been the grandfather's political opponents. His people took over my Yinzhou City of Luzhou. The first thing that happened was to clean up the palace. It will not be Dagan Sheng sent to deal with Grandpa. "Lu An's face changed.

"Controlling the Lord of the City may have really caused the anger of Dagan Sheng. The hand of King Shenwu reached my Yinzhou, maybe it meant that the Lord beat the Lord." Mo Yike nodded.

King Lu Yang's eyes froze slightly: "Dragon God Wu, hum, when I fought the world with his father, he was still a young boy with a bad smell. After he opened up the dynasty, he went against me everywhere. He is not yet qualified. "

"Master, everything is prevention-oriented. These days, I see that the unborn is no longer in the house. Has Wang sent him to kill the ancient sea?" Mo Yike looked dignified.

"Ah, chase the ancient sea." Master An's eyes brightened.

Mo Yike guessed from the clues.

"Good." King Lu Yang nodded.

Mo Yike flicked his face and sighed slightly: "Hey, Lord, such a talent, but ..."

"He and Long Wanqing are mixed together. If they cannot be used by the king, one day, sooner or later, they will become the enemy of the king, and it is better to solve it sooner than the trouble later." King Lu Yang shook his head.

Mo Yike sighed slightly and nodded his head, "The Lord has already made up his mind with pain, and his subordinates are useless. However, if there is no one here, if you can't kill the ancient sea, then wait, but Gu Hai's crazy revenge. "

"Mr. Mo, you are too alarmist. I have recently heard that the unborn is a powerful sage teacher. The old man who watched chess in the past was respected as a guest of honor, and what the ancient sea had to do was disdain.

Mo Yike looked at Master An and did not explain him too much, but looked at King Lu Yang.

When King Lu Yang saw the solemnity of Mo Yike, he seemed to think something, and nodded his head: "I really have to guard against it, I will send someone to investigate again, but now most of the ancient seas are dead."

Mo Yike frowned slightly, and finally sighed slightly, no more to say-

The master of the fleeting years finally left Guhai and his party with sorrow, and went north to Dagan and the dynasty.

Two months later, the master Liuliu arrived at the capital, and with his former relationship, he entered the palace to see the Dagan Holy One.

In the palace, outside a main hall, a large number of guards were waiting outside, and a palace girl hurried to the main hall.

"The lord of the county, the lord of the county, Master Liu Nian is back, Master Liu Nian is back," the palace maid cried eagerly.


A red girl jumped out of the hall.

The girl looks very similar to Long Wanqing, but it is much more impatient than Long Wanqing.

"The old bald man came back, alone," the girl asked eagerly.

"Yes, alone." The palace lady lowered her head.

The girl bit her lip: "I knew that my sister had an accident. I dreamed of it. A bad guy killed her sister. In Yipintang, her sister's soul card was also broken. My sister had an accident. No, I'm going to see Liu old Bald donkey, old bald, how do you protect my sister? "

The girl rushed out of the hall.


A group of guards burst out suddenly, stopping the girl.

"Sir Lord, there is a sacred purpose, you must not go out," a guard said respectfully.


The girl did not know where a fiery red whip appeared and drew on the guard instantly.

"Get away, my sister has an accident, you stop it, I **** you to death." The girl drew with red eyes.


Another guard came over and stopped the girl.

"Slap, slap ........."

The girl lashed her whip on the guard, but the guard did not dare to fight back.

"Sir Lord, there is a sacred purpose, you must not go out," the guards emphasized with pain.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving." The young girl was flying to the sky.


A guard detective pressed the girl and immediately hit the girl back.

"Asshole, asshole, you get out of here, get out of here." The girl cried and whipped her whip.

The guards were flushed, but the girls were still not allowed to leave.

"You go and report to the old man, and if you don't let me go, I will merge with the ghosts and spirits in my body. I promised my sister, but my sister is in trouble. I want to see the old bald man. I want to know the situation." The girl in red yelled.

Old man.

There were a lot of guards for a while, and now it is only this girl who dares to call the Holy One the old man.

"Yes, the lord later." A guard whispered.

The guard left, and the girl still stared at the guards with red eyes.

After a while, the guard returned.

"The Holy Lord said, let the county master be calm and calm, and soon the Master Liunian will come to see you." The guard said respectfully.

The girl shook the long whip in her hand, which suppressed the mania—

After meeting with Dagan Sheng, Master Liuli was asked to meet the county master.

There was a bit of bitterness, and the master of fleeting years walked outside the main hall of the county master.

In the setting sun, far away, a young girl in red was holding a long whip, her eyes were red, and she looked coldly at Master Liu Nian.

"The lord of the county." Master Liuli bitterly.

"Old bald man, before I leave, how can I account for you, my sister, my sister, you return my sister." The girl in red said with red eyes.

"She, the master, has no bones, and the spirit is gone." Master Liu Nian said bitterly.

"Slap." The young girl whipped the whip on Master Liu Nian.

The master of the fleeting years did not use a hood, letting a whip pull the clothes apart, a bloodstain appeared.

"Woohoo, my sister didn't let me pump you, I chose to pump, I chose to pump, you killed my sister, you killed my sister, you said you could fight to protect my sister, but the sister is still dead, Still dead. "

The girl repeatedly beat the master of the stream for more than ten times, and when she finished, she lost her whip, and cried with tears: "Wow ~~~~, sister."

The girl was so sad that she cried, and the Master Liuli was covered with blood and was pumped. Instead of being angry, she was relieved.

On the one hand, the palace lady supported the girl and persuaded the girl. After a long time, the girl's wailing turned into wailing.

"Old bald man, how did my sister die, who and who killed my sister, you said, you tell me clearly." The girl yelled at the Master Liulien.

The master of the fleeting years was miserable and did not conceal it, and explained it to the girl carefully.

"Unborn, what is he? I don't have this father. He is not my father. I want to kill him." The girl shouted with red eyes.

"The unborn went to the underworld to find the soul of the church owner. He was ..."

"What's the use? It ’s no use. He ’s not a thing. My sister reads that her father is a hero of the world. I told my sister long ago that the man had lost his wife and daughter. , But my sister died. "Said the girl resentfully.

"Also, that ancient sea, I will also kill him, if not his sister would not die, all blame him, all blame him." The girl's eyes were full of hate.

"Long Wanyu, you can remember that Gu Hai is Long Wanqing's husband and your brother-in-law." Master Liu Nian said in a loud voice.

"I don't admit it, he is not my brother-in-law, he killed my sister, he killed him." Long Wanyu stubbornly cried.

"Gu Hai is a man that Long Wanqing has to protect with his life. You can admit it or not, please respect your sister's choice." Master Liu Nian said in a loud voice.

Long Wanyu's eyes were red, staring at Master Liu Nian.

"I don't care about my business." Long Wanyu roared with red eyes.

The fleeting master smiled bitterly for a moment.

"What does the old man say, is he going to avenge my sister, has he said that he is going to avenge my sister?" Long Wanyu cried while watching Master Liu Nian.

The fleeting master is slightly silent.

"Say." Long Wanyu roared.

"The Holy Lord only said, know, and gave me a decree, let me see the ancient sea, and then open it." Master Liu Nian took out the decree.

"Huh." Long Wanyu snatched the imperial edict.

"Long Wanyu, don't ..." Master Liu Nian exclaimed.

"Huh." Long Wanyu ignored it, and the detective opened it.

Aside, the maids and guards turned around, pretending to be invisible.

"What, my sister died, and did not say to take revenge on my sister, but instead sealed Gu Hai as the new master, my sister died in vain, so it was replaced." Long Wanyu suddenly exasperated.




?? Master Nian snatched the imperial edict, carefully put it away.

Obviously, it was also brought out by Master Liunian just now, and she is not qualified to view it, but the little witch in front of her is different. She robbed him to check, and no one dared to blame him.

"My sister is no longer the granddaughter of the old man. When my sister is dead, just say 'got it', just say 'get it', old man, if you don't take revenge on my sister, I will go by myself, whoever dares stop me." Wan Yu grabbed her whip and cried.

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