Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 80: King of Gods

Silvermoon City.

Sima Changkong accompanied a middle-aged man out of the first piano building on the street.

The middle-aged man is plain-dressed, with a broad face, and his eyes are as deep as a pool of water. Between steps, there is a promise of promise. Even if Sima is standing aside, the momentum is far worse than that.

"The first piano building on this street is truly extraordinary. The land of thousands of islands has such a wise man." The middle-aged man sighed a little while stepping.

"Master, the news came from our detailed work. Gu Hai and Long Wanqing went to Qinghua Valley and had a great fight with Lu Yang Wang Dajun. A song" Ambush on Ten Sides "broke" East Wind ", but it was a Wizards, not only chess, Qin Tao is also extremely tyrannical. To achieve this point at the age of seventy-one, it is an incomparable talent. "Sima Changkong sighed.

The middle-aged man nodded his eyes slightly: "The most amazing thing is the Song Dynasty plan. Oh, the king dispatched a large number of people to distribute talents all over the world, but he still missed this person, unfortunately."

"Yeah." Sima Changkong sighed slightly.

"The personnel in charge of the Qiandaohai area were negligent and all were dismissed." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Yes," Sima Changkong answered.

"Long Wanqing has been pursuing his mother's hatred for years, but it has been inconclusive, and this time there is an ancient sea, and the ancient sea goes straight to Luzhou. According to my news, he has found the former city owner He Shikang and went south , I met Huangfu Chaoge in Qinghua Valley, this ancient sea should be found. "Sima Chang said in a deep voice.

The two got into a crane crane, the middle-aged man nodded, and his eyes were stunned: "You said that Mo Yike also wanted to invite Gu Hai last time."

"Yes, the subordinates were busy at the time, and they sent people forward. Unfortunately, Mo Yike was also one step behind, but the ancient sea was savvy." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"No problem, it means that the ancient sea did not want to enter Luyang's palace, and the Qinghua Valley was designed to escape. It was impossible for King Luyang to subdue him. Perhaps, he had found out the cause of my sister's death." The man frowned.

"Master, we still have the opportunity to try our best to let the ancient sea enter my palace of King Wu of God." Sima Changkong looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man in front of him is the third prince of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, the King of Divine Wu.

"The opportunity is slim. Yipintang belongs to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom. To be precise, it belongs to the Holy Army. You do n’t notice many things in the Holy See, oh, if the Holy Cave looks at the fire, the information we found, in the Holy Letter case, definitely There are materials ten times more careful than you. The background of this ancient sea is too clean. How can such talents let him be lost in the Holy Spirit. ”King Shenwu shook his head.

Sima Changkong frowned slightly.

"Holy army, unless the holy **** no longer wants us, we can fight as courtiers, just like you. When you angered holy holy **** that year, the king is qualified to invite you to join our house." God Wu King wryly smiled.

"Master Wang, what you mean just now, Long Xiaoyue's death may be related to King Lu Yang." Sima Chang aired in a deep voice.

King Shenwu nodded: "Ninety-nine percent."

"The saint also knows that Long Xiaoyue is a princess, and King Lu Yang killed Long Xiaoyue, and the saint is actually indifferent." Sima Changkong frowned.

"It ’s not indifferent. I feel ashamed of King Lu Yang in the Holy Spirit. No, I ca n’t say that I am ashamed, but he needs to use Huairou policy. He is not only a courtier but also a benchmark. So as long as King Lu Yang does not rebel, The Holy Spirit will be pampered, even my sister ... "Shenwu King frowned.

"The way of balance. The Holy Lord did not strike King Lu Yang. It was to stabilize those powerful hearts in the dynasty. After all, there were still many people like King Lu Yang who took refuge in Dagan. It will cause a rebound in North Korea. "

"Yes, but this time, King Lu Yang has done too much, but my sister is too wronged to die. Although I do n’t say it on the holy side, I have already set up, at least, this Yinzhou Yinyue The city is not out of the control of King Lu Yang. ”King Shenwu smiled slightly.

"Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also dispatched. Li Shenji has led the Shenji Camp south. King Lu Yang, if he is safe and secure, he will not take him on the holy side. If he really dares to rebel ... The Holy One will not suppress him, and I can only be this bad guy. "Shenwu Wang smiled slightly.

"One million piano figurines should be snatched by King Lu Yang, and I observed Luzhou everywhere, almost becoming the kingdom of King Lu Yang, but he has been holding back." Sima Changkong frowned.

"Wide accumulation of grain, slowly becoming emperor, King Lu Yang has a good counselor, Mo Yike." King Shenwu frowned.

"The subordinate sent someone to investigate, but this Mo Yike also came out of thin air and couldn't find out the details." Sima Changkong frowned.

"If you can't check it, you can't check it, sooner or later." Shenwu King nodded-

Shenlu dynasty, the valley outside Lushen city.

It has been two months, and Shutian's Dantian has not recovered.

Gu Hai had already packed up the previous Xitang, and Long Wanqing's hair became the most precious thing in Gu Hai, and carefully closed it.

Mu Chenfeng's injury was all right, Gou Chen went to work alone.

"Shuren's Dantian, it's not easy to recover." Gu Hai looked at Huangfu Chaoge aside.

"It can be restored. Didn't I just restore one, but it's too difficult to restore them all. There are more than two thousand tree people. I don't have enough." Huangfu Chaoge frowned.

"Oh, the Gengjin Shenshui you used earlier." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, there is a gate under the Emperor Shenzhuang called 'Geng Jinzong'. The former Chupin of Yidingtang Jinduo was from Geng Jinzong. Of course, this gate is not the one from your Qiandaohai. Zongmen, this Geng Jinzong's strength is not worse than that of my God Lu dynasty, and his men also control eighteen giant cities. "Huangfu Chaoge explained.

"Geng Jinzong."

"The foundation of Geng Jinzong's roots is a dead 'golden god', which has been refined to protect Geng Jinzong and Jin Shengshui. The gold **** condenses 'Geng Jinshen', and the aquatic wood, This Gengjin Shenshui can repair the Shutian Dantian. "Huangfu Chaoge said.

"Gold God." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.


Suddenly, the earth trembled, and a gray robe man emerged from the ground, but it was the Lushi god.

"The emperor, there was news from the front line, Lu Yang Wang Bingfeng was too much. I lost three more giant cities, and now there are still seventeen." Lu Shishen lamented.

"The Shenlu dynasty has a total of twenty-five giant cities, and now eight are lost. King Lu Yang sent troops, and it was fierce," he said with a sneer.

"His idea is that when all my cities are lost, the spirit of the Shenlu Dynasty will be exhausted. By then, I will have no strength to resist." Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly.

"It's not all about me, I'll let him be all around." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Gu, according to your request, more than two hundred Lushi people have gone to all cities in Luzhou. There are at least two Lushi people in each city outside the hundreds of giant cities in Luzhou. But are they useful? There are two Lushi people in a city, and they can't break the city, and they can't deal with the army in the city. "Lu Shishen said in a deep voice.

"Anyway, I didn't let them fight. I waited for two days, and I explained to them. The agreement was to start the day after tomorrow, and formally shot." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Can they take a shot to ease the crisis of war today?" Lu Shishen wondered.

"It's not relief. I can be sure that King Lu Yang will soon withdraw his troops," Gu Hai affirmed.


"He had to withdraw, but I gave him a big fire in Quzhou, and the backyard caught fire. He didn't go back to fight the fire. All his plans were abandoned, and a fire burned him." Gu Hai flashed in his eyes. A trace of fierceness.

"But there are two Lushi people in a city, what can they do." Lu Shishen has no idea.

"They just ignite, so there is no need to do too much," Gu Hai affirmed.

Lu Shishen looked at Huangfu Chaoge.

"Well, just do as Mr. Gu said, you master the God of the Lushi people, pay close attention to it, if there is an accident, then inform them." Huangfu Chaoge said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Lu Shishen nodded.

"Everything depends on the day after tomorrow." Gu Hai looked at the north, his eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of cold flashed in his eyes-

Lulu City, in the study of King Lu Yang.

Good news kept coming.

In the study, all the conspirators smiled.

"Master, the Shenlu dynasty has a total of twenty-five giant cities, and now eight have been lost. At this rate, it won't be long before you can hit Lushen City."

"Not only that, Lord, the soldiers are defeated like a mountain. When the eight cities of the Shenlu Dynasty are collected, I think that the other cities of the Shenlu Dynasty may take the initiative to drop."




A group of conspirators and generals excitedly told.

King Lu Yang nodded, showing a smile.

Mo Yike, only to one side, frowned deeply and didn't say a word.

"What's wrong, Mr. Mo." Wang Luyang looked puzzled to Mo Yike.

"Some unusual." Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Mo is worried. The Shenlu dynasty is now an isolated island. The ancestral gates and the country around it will not help them. They can only wait for us to take it down little by little." King Lu Yang laughed.

A counselor on the side nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Mo, when the cities of the Shenlu dynasty are lost, their luck will collapse. By that time, you do n’t need the king to take the shot himself, you can break the Lushen city. Opposing the Lord, there is no end. "

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "Master Wang, I am worried about the ancient sea."

"Um." King Lu Yang looked away.

"Unborn people haven't come back to this day. I am worried that I have seen Gu Hai. If Gu Hai joined forces with the Shenlu Dynasty, it would be bad." Mo Yike worried.

A counselor aside wondered: "Mr. Mo, you have to worry about it, there is only one person in Guhai, what can he do."

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "I always have a bad hunch." The first release of this book comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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