Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 81: Gantian is dead, Litian stands! Aged in a

Two days passed by, Silvermoon City.

In the early morning, the first rays of sunlight shone down. In the southern part of the city, a group of city guards changed their shifts. The city guards who had been busy all night stretched out and were about to transfer.

Suddenly, the city guard rubbed his eyes. It seemed that the eyes were not wiped clean, and then rubbed again.

The city guard was agitated and immediately came to his senses.

"Come, where are those words," the city guard yelled.

"My lord, what's wrong?" The other city guards looked around in confusion as they followed.

But when I saw a distant mountain wall, at the moment, the silver hook of the iron painting outlines eight giant characters.

"Although there are three households, they will die if they die." A monk passing by the city gate read it.

"His ~~~."

The gate of the city was filled with air-conditioning.

"What's going on, who wrote it, bold." City Guard exclaimed.

"Well, is it the former dynasty emperor's dynasty? It will be dead and dry, this is an outrageous word." The people around him suddenly spoke.

"Hurry up, the comer ruined those words for me. No, it can't be ruined. Hurry up, go and report to the lord, hurry up." The leader of the city guard suddenly called.

"Yes." The guards panicked suddenly.

At the same time, the same scene appeared in the east of Yinyue City, but the words changed.

The city guards and the passing people suddenly widened their eyes.

"Qiantian is dead. Hetian stands in the sky, is in Jiazi, and the world is lucky." Some people read out in stun.

"Qian Tian is dead, Ji Tian is standing upright, this, this is rebellion, no, this is ...", said all the people in surprise.

The city guard was sweating in shock.

"Hurry up, inform the lord, let's notify the lord, other people will follow me and check for me, who wrote these characters." The leader of the city guard was furious.

News quickly spread to the city's main government.

While Sima Changkong was talking with King Shenwu, he suddenly heard the report from his subordinate, and both of them changed their faces.

"Go, take a look." Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.


A huge flying boat carrying King Shenwu, Sima Changkong, and some other officials and soldiers quickly flew out of the city.

Shenwu King's flying boat, but no one dared to stop, flew out unimpeded in the city.

Soon came to the east wall of the city.

"Qian Tian is dead, Xi Tian is standing, is in Jiazi, and the world is auspicious." King Shenwu's face was gloomy.

The flying boat soon came to the south.

"Although there are three households, they will die if they die." Sima Changkong also looked gloomy.

"Master Wang, sir, stone inscriptions were also found in the west of the city." An official suddenly came over in panic.

"Look at it," Shenwu Wang Shen said.

"call out."

Feizhou quickly reached the west of the city, and I saw six large characters engraved on the stone wall in the distance.

"Da Yan Xing, Emperor Lu Yang."

"Dai Xing Xing, Emperor Lu Yang, King Lu Yang wants to be the emperor, and Emperor Lu Yang dynasty." King Shenwu frowned.

"Master, lord, the word‘ anti-gan and fu ’appears in the north of the city. Many people are watching. Many people have gathered together to give pointers.” Another official came.

King Shenwu, Sima Changkong, and others were all gloomy.

"King Lu Yang, can't he wait?" Shenwu Wang took a deep breath and sank.

Sima Changkong shook his head and said, "No, it is impossible for King Lu Yang to rebel at this time, but if these uprisings are not right, how can they be released so fanatically?"

"Yes, King Lu Yang is rebellious now, but it is unwise. Moreover, it is impossible for Nemo Yike to make King Lu Yang rebel at the moment, but if it was not King Lu Yang, who would it be?" Shenwu King frowned.

On the other hand, Sima Changkong frowned suddenly: "Master, this style is a little ........., uh, maybe I think too much."

"Do whatever you want, just say anything." Shenwuwang frowned.

"No, Lord, I have a feeling, this is a bit like Gu Hai's style, maybe I think too much, how can it be determined based on this." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"Ancient sea." Shenwuwang wondered.

"Yes, it's a bit like these four irresistible irony, although simple, they are not so easy to write." Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.


"There are countless slogans of rebellion, but there are not many that can be engrossed and engraved into the heart once again. These four sentences, although there is no deep literary artistic conception, can instantly penetrate the human subconscious." Sima Deep sky sounded.

King Shenwu frowned slightly and nodded.

"Master, what about these words," an official wondered.

"It's all ruined, go all out and trace the person with the inscription on the stone wall." Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.

"Yes," the officials answered.

"If Gu Hai really did, then this may be the beginning." Sima Changkong frowned--

Not only Yinyue City, at this moment, this strange scene appeared in the hundreds of cities in Luzhou at the same time.

Beyond the city, there have been rebellious words everywhere.

"Although there are three households, they must die."

"Qiantian is dead. Hetian stands in the sky. He is in Jiazi.

"Da Yan Xing, Emperor Lu Yang."

"Back to work."

For a time, the land of Quzhou blossomed everywhere, and the city owners of all the cities were in a panic, and quickly erased the large characters of the Quartet for full investigation.

However, these words of rebellion eventually spread to the cities everywhere. Although most people in the city scoffed at them, after all, a small number of people talked about them.

At the same time, Lulu City, a newly-built city dedicated to dealing with Shenlu City, was attracted by these four sentences.

"Qian Tian is dead, Xi Tian stands in the sky, is in Jiazi, and the world is lucky." Mo Yike read the words of Chengdong.

Standing next to him were a group of conspirators.

"Who wrote it." King Lu Yang stared at the people.

Lv Yang Wang Yongbing respected himself and was ready to rebel. Some of his close friends are very clear. Not all of them have high vision, but they all know that once the Great Emperor Dynasty is established, he will immediately have a high weight and be honest Located high.

Therefore, he has repeatedly spoken to King Lu Yang and embraced him as emperor, but was pressed down by Mr. Mo and King Lu Yang every time.

Now, it wouldn't be a credible dog jumping over the wall.

"Destroy the stone wall and pursue it with all your strength. Whoever dares to mess with Wang Ye's plan is a capital punishment." Mo Yike stared coldly at a group of officials.

"Yes." A group of subordinates should answer.

"Master, many generals in the army have begun to discuss the matter," Po Jun said with a deep voice.

"Oh." King Lu Yang frowned slightly.

"Master Wang, this is God's providence. Heaven is telling you that the time has come." An official said excitedly.

King Lu Yang turned his head, his eyes glaring, "Nonsense, stick."

"Ah, Lord, Lord, I am innocent." The official exclaimed.

A group of officials behind him kept silent.

"Whoever says anything about rebellion will destroy the entire family." King Lu Yang stared coldly at the crowd.

"Yes." The subordinates should answer.

Volunteered everyone, leaving only the broken army and Mo Yike.

"Master Wang, only some of the generals talked, but most of the generals sniffed and didn't care." Po Jun laughed.

King Lu Yang nodded.

Mo Yike frowned slightly: "Maybe we think wrong."


"No one in the group just had the guts to mess around. These words may not be engraved by us." Mr Mo frowned.

"It's not my person." King Lu Yang frowned suddenly.

"Yeah, maybe from my enemy." Mo Yike frowned.

"Shenlu dynasty." King Lu Yang wondered.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "If it is only the rumours of the Shenlu dynasty, it is not much. I worry that the Holy Spirit sent someone to write it."

King Lu Yang suddenly shrank his pupils.

"It is impossible to write on the Holy." King Lu Yang frowned.

"I don't know, but the possibility is not great. Moreover, the people's discussions are only temporary, and it is impossible to discuss them for too long. For example, today's Taiping, these rebellious slogans have little effect. If these four slogans coincide with the troubled times, they will be fatal. Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the rebellion slogan is simple and concise. The person who writes these four rebellions is not Yi Yi." King Lu Yang nodded.

"Master Wang, immediately send someone to the Sifang city to investigate. If there is any news in other cities, if you do, do your best to investigate it thoroughly. At this time, you can't make any trouble." Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Um." King Lu Yang nodded.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the news to come.

News came from city to city, and rebellion slogans appeared outside the cities.

Ten days later, Lu Yang's palace.

King Lu Yang's face was gloomy: "A bunch of waste, can't anyone catch the lettering now, every day, there is a slogan of rebellion carved on a mountain wall, and now it's boiling."

"Master, we did our best. We almost caught it once, who thought it would be stunned." A general smiled bitterly.

"It's Lu Shiren, lord, I'm right, it's Lu Shiren." Po Jun's face affirmed.

"It's good to be Lushi people, at least it's not to be a god." King Lu Yang nodded.

Mo Yike aside smiled bitterly: "Master, maybe I am the most worried."


"It's Guhai. Huangfu Chaoge couldn't think of such a gloomy way, it must be Guhai, they cooperated." Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Mo, although there are news from the Quartet City, there are constant stone inscriptions, but, as you expected, the world is peaceful at this moment, it is not a troubled world, is the slogan of rebellion ineffective? It ’s just that most people scoff and just laugh at it. More people do n’t know about this little thing. ”King Lu Yang shook his head.

"No, if it's ancient sea, it's dangerous. Lord, do you forget the ancient sea's ability, if it is really ancient sea design, then this is just the beginning.


04191.png) '> "Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"But now people don't believe it. What use is this rebellious slogan? Who does he write it to?" The army broke aside.

Mo Yike is lost in thought--

Lu Shencheng outside the valley.

Huangfu Chaoge looked to Gu Haidao: "With these four rebellious slogans, can you frame King Lu Yang? It seems not enough."

Gu Hai shook his head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "If he doesn't want to rebel, he can't scorn him, but if he wants rebellion, that's enough."


"Let the rumors fly for a while." Gu Hai shook his head without explaining.

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