Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 82: Out of nothing

Silver Moon City, in a tea house, at this moment a group of people in the city are drinking tea and chatting.

"Although there are three households, you must be dead, you know, I saw it with my own eyes, and the words on the stele are dripping blood," said a man in yellow.

"It's true, the word is dripping, it's artificial."

"Whether it is artificial or not, anyway, there are stone inscriptions every day during this time, yes, there is nothing to do with the sky dead, the sky is standing, and the year is in Jiazi, the world is lucky, the year of Jiazi. This year is not the year of Jiazi.

"The government has been checking, but it has been half a month, but there is no news."

"Well, the clown who wants to stir up troubles is too easy."

"Yeah, I don't know who provoked, joking, who would rebel."

"Well, do n’t you still believe that this rebellion is not a matter of separation. You may not know the Dachao dynasty. That was the dynasty of King Lu Yang ’s father. At that time, there was no big dynasty. . "


"In the past, Luzhou was the territory of the Great Emperor Emperor. The Holy One had just begun in that year. It was far worse than King Lu Yang, who was the only prince of the Great Emperor. As a brother of the opposite sex, I promise to share the world with King Lu Yang in the future, so King Lu Yang only surrendered the Great Emperor's dynasty, but after so many years, the Daqian dynasty became more and more powerful. The title of the prince is nothing but the title of the prince is not yet passed on to future generations. "

"Oh, you mean, King Lu Yang wants to get back what he deserves."

"Instead of you, aren't you angry? If King Lu Yang did not worship the Dagan Sheng at the time, now there is at least one imperial dynasty. Now, the Dagan Sheng not only has not promised that the King Lu Yang will sit in the world together, but only seals a title It's not as good as the emperor of the dynasty. "

"You mean, this rebellious slogan is King Lu Yang ..."

The tea house suddenly quieted down.

The hot people who just talked just now suddenly stopped talking and looked at the person who just spoke. After all, if this speculation is true, it is not that King Lu Yang really wants to rebel.

"It's King Lu Yang. The words outside were written by King Lu Yang. He wants to rebel, but why the city owner goes all out to trace the person who wrote."

"The thief shouted to catch the thief ..."




The discussion in the teahouse suddenly came to an abrupt end. Many people thought that they guessed something and suddenly became worried.

The chaos is coming.

The news reached the city's main government.

Sima Changkong and King Shenwu listened to the news from their subordinates.

"Oh, the people pointed the finger at King Lu Yang." King Shenwu frowned.

"Yes, although only some people guess, but the general direction of guessing is that King Lu Yang wants to rebel." The subordinate respectfully said.

Sima Changkong smiled bitterly for a while: "I forgot, lord, I forget that people's thinking is different from ours."

"We got the news. The first reaction was that someone framed King Lu Yang. King Lu Yang couldn't write these rebellion slogans. Even with the rebellion slogans, he still had to wait until the rebellion, and it was impossible to yell at the beginning. So we immediately ruled out King Lu Yang.

However, the people are different. Indeed, many people must be able to guess that it is not King Lu Yang. However, more people may not have that intelligence, or that it is not their own business, there is no need to spend more brains to think, there is one The mainstream explanation will do.

Guessing it is King Lu Yang, why bother to think of more complicated things, and even if you think about it, you can't think of a reason.

Then, the clouds of people and the clouds of money, everyone's mouth was full of gold. When everyone around them guessed King Lu Yang, they also believed that they were King Lu Yang. Only a few people thought farther, but were buried by mainstream thinking. "

"If only this is not useful, the people guess, it is only a small number of people guessing, most people are not taking it seriously. This rumor, if you want to shake King Lu Yang, you ca n’t do it. As evidence. "Shen Wu Wang Shen said.

"If it is me, I have the next method. I will send people to all cities in Luzhou, build up a secret, and continue to" slander "King Lu Yang, but that requires strong manpower and material resources, and the owners of each city are very strict. Once they continue To build a trend, he must be arrested, with countless deaths and injuries, and it takes a huge price to pay. However, what does the ancient sea have today? What can he change with empty hands? "Sima Changkong frowned.

"Let's wait and see." Shenwu Wang smiled slightly--

Destroy the city.

News from the Quartet kept converging to Luyang's palace.

In the Wangfu study.

A group of conspirators constantly analyzed the Quartet to report.

"It's Lushi people, but it's been half a month since I couldn't catch it. The gang of waste hasn't given my name right now." King Lu Yang said in a voice.

The ears of the broken army can be heard, that is, the Lushi people, but the people do n’t know, the people do n’t know, they will guess blindly, and then carry the blame on their own.

"Master, we have sent people to pass by. The masters of all cities and towns, to arrest the rumor-maker, must give him innocence." A counselor solemnly said.

King Lu Yang's face was gloomy, and his heart was very upset. This kind of inferior cultivation was framed by smart people at a glance, but he succeeded in making rumors.

Instead, King Lu Yang looked at Mo Yike.

Mo Yike frowned.

"Mr. Mo, you have an idea." Wang Luyang wondered.

A group of conspirators looked at Mo Yike together.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "In fact, I don't really care about these rebellious slogans."

"Oh," everyone wondered.

"The Taiping era, most of them did not believe that Wang Ye would rebel. Only a small number of people guessed Wang Ye. As long as Wang Ye did not admit it, this ethos passed quickly." Mo Yike wrote lightly.

"Uh." A group of conspirators opened their mouths.

In order to find a rumor maker, we are anxious every day. One hundred cities, half a month, how many soldiers can find a rumor maker who can't sleep or eat well, and how much effort is wasted. You say it ’s nothing. thing.

When King Lu Yang looked, his somber face was relieved.

"It ’s true that the people do n’t pay attention to it. How long do you let the people remember it? The king does n’t admit it. What about the Lushi people? As time goes by, the people will slowly and thoroughly look at it. Groups of rumors are just clowns. "King Lu Yang laughed.

Having figured everything out, King Lu Yang was no longer worried, and the mediocre people disturbed themselves, so why care about these irrelevant rumors.

Mo Yike still frowned.

"Mr. Mo is still worried." Wang Luyang smiled at Mo Yike.

Mo Yike shook his head gently and said, "According to the current situation, it is already the limit. The rumor has been rumored for half a month, and it is almost the same. If you continue to make rumors, it will be counterproductive. I was wondering what Gu Hai would do next. According to his information, it would not be so simple if he planned. "

"Oh, did Mr. Mo think about it?" Wang Luyang wondered.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "I have a way to continue to build momentum, but what is there in Guhai today, there is not enough manpower and material resources, the owners of all major cities are guarding it. This requires countless dead men, but Guhai has nothing. What will he do? "

"Grandpa, found it, found it." Master An's voice suddenly excited outside the study room.

"Um." King Lu Yang's eyes were cold. "Hm."

With a cold hum, Master An, who was excited outside the study, suddenly stunned his spirits, and the excitement suddenly dissipated.

"I said that when I was in the parliament, no one should be disturbed, Lu An, you are so brave," Lu Yang said coldly.

"Grandpa, grandchildren are afraid, but there is good news. I was so proud that I wanted to report it to grandpa for the first time, and grandpa forgive me." Lu Ancheng outside the study fearfully.

"Good news, come in and say." King Lu Yang said in a frosty voice.

Lu An immediately entered the study room with sincerity and fear: "Grandpa, Lu Shiren appeared again just now. When he wrote the irony, it was seen by the whole city. Now everyone knows that it was the imperial song of the imperial court.

"Oh." King Lu Yang froze slightly.

"The highest mountain outside the city, the one that can be seen all over the city, there was a huge sound before, Mr. Po Jun heard, one finger of the probe, and the rays of spells shining through, just to see a foot Shiren, lettering on the mountain wall, was just carved into the armor, and everyone saw it under the light of magic, "Lu An said excitedly.

"That being said, it doesn't matter if you don't catch it, Lu Shiren reveals his own identity." A counselor said excitedly.

King Lu Yang smiled slightly.

Mo Yike frowned slightly as if talking to himself: "Is this a coincidence?"

"What." Master An puzzled.

Mo Yike said silently: "Send someone to investigate, except for the city where we destroyed Lu, whether other Lushi people have also found the trace of Lu Shiren."

"Uh, it won't be so coincident, we are just coincidence." Master An smiled.

"Mr.'s words are my words." King Lu Yang cried.

As Mo Yike guessed, almost at the same time, the hundreds of cities in Luzhou almost saw the Lushi people in the most conspicuous places at the same time.

I saw Lu Shiren's lettering, rumours, and rebellion writing. The major cities were all uproar.

Silvermoon City.

"It's Lu Shiren, look at it. On that huge mountain, the spells illuminate it, fast, fast."

"The Lushi people are really looking for death. They found the place with the most people, lettering, hahahaha."

"It turned out that it was not King Lu Yang's rebellion. It was the Lushi people, the Lushi people of the Shenlu dynasty."

"Shenlu dynasty planted loot and framed King Lu Yang."

"This is all rumor. King Lu Yang never thought of rebellion. The Shenlu dynasty provoked alienation."

"Hahaha, this is going to be a joke. Is the Huangfu Chaoge crazy, why did King Lu Yang rebel?"

"Yeah, I am a big dynasty, and I will always be a big dynasty, how could I be replaced by an empire."




There were hundreds of people talking about it.

Although they did not catch Lu Shiren, none of them were ‘suddenly realized’.

The city leaders everywhere quickly organized propaganda to clean up King Lu Yang.

"The Lord of the City noticed that King Lu Yang led his troops to the battle of the Gods


8932826740019.png) \ '> The Shenlu dynasty consciously lost to the enemy, doing the following three indiscriminate acts, entering Luzhou, slandering King Lu Yang, provoking alienation, hoping that the people will not be deceived by the enemy's conspiracy. "

The cities around the city issued notices at the same time, and at the same time, they continued to wash white for King Lu Yang.

The people's discussions instantly changed direction.

Silver Moon City, in the former teahouse.

"The imperial palace song is so insidious that I almost thought that King Lu Yang was rebellious."

"Yeah, it's all a conspiracy of the Shenlu dynasty. How could the Lord rebel?"

"The grandfather let the Taiping the grandfather not do it and go to do rebellion. How can it be, Holy God, who dares to offend."

"It's a joke, Huangfu Chaoge actually sent someone to make a rumor, ha ha ha ha, I'm working in the dynasty, how could civil strife be possible?"

"Yes, the heavenly dynasty is the heavenly dynasty, and it will never be overthrown by an imperial dynasty that has not yet formed. Isn't that a joke."

"I am the man of the Dagan dynasty and the Dao dynasty. How many years ago did it matter to me?"




The voice of the people's argument passed to the city's main government.

King Shenwu and Sima Changkong listened to the reports of their subordinates.

"Is it Lushi's mistake?" Shenwuwang frowned.

"Yeah, since planting the scams and framing King Lu Yang, there is no reason to disassemble yourself, it was a mistake, or Gu Hai deliberately." Sima Changkong was also lost in thought.

"Master, lord, now the Lushi people accidentally exposed their actions, it has become the laughingstock of the whole city, all the people are mocking Huangfu Chaoge's uncontrollable power." The subordinate of the Bao Bao laughed.

"Wait, what did you just say, say it again." Sima Changkong suddenly flashed his eyes.

"I said that the Lushi people accidentally exposed their tracks have become the laughingstock of the whole city, and all the people were mocking the imperial imperial imperial imperial court." The subordinate said again.

"The whole city laughs, all the people." Sima Changkong suddenly shrank his pupils.

King Shenwu also suddenly sank: "Go all out to explore the Quartet city, the king should know, in other cities, are there any signs of Lushi people exposed."

"Ah, yes." The subordinate retreated back.

"Master Wang, according to the Song Dynasty plan, we can see that this ancient sea is a powerful figure that can mobilize people's hearts. The human heart previously only attracted the attention of some people, but now it has attracted the attention of all people. It is all. I don't know if ancient sea needs What to do, but now that it has risen to the attention of all the people, it means that the sword of the ancient sea has arrived in King Lu Yang's throat, and it was inserted into it. "Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

"However, the ancient sea is now experiencing shortcomings. The exposure of the Lushi people has cleared up all the suspicions for King Lu Yang. What else can he do? Can this knife be passed forward?" Shen Wuwang frowned.

Sima Changkong was lost in thought.

Outside, hundreds of cities were exposed to the Lushi people at the same time. The city leaders from all places immediately elute suspicions for King Lu Yang, and continue to elute suspicions, so that all people will make the Shenlu dynasty a joke to make fun.

In this way, while the Lushi people exposed their deeds and proved King Lu Yang's innocence, they continued to write rebellious words quietly, which caused more and more people to laugh.

Until ten days later.

Silvermoon City, the main city.

"His ~~~~, I see, so sinister ancient sea." Sima Changkong suddenly shrank his pupils.

Lulu City, the royal palace of King Lu Yang.

Mo Yike also suddenly changed his face: "It's awful, it's awkward, it's done, the poison of the ancient seas, it's a poisonous poison." ——

Shenlu dynasty, outside the city of Lushen, the valley where the ancient sea lies.

"This is over." Lu Shishen looked blankly at Gu Hai.

Lu Shishen felt that the two hundred Lushi people sent to him did nothing, created a rumor, and then deliberately exposed the track to make the rumor fail. This, what this is doing, what is the use.

Gu Hai looked at the north coldly and said, "It's enough, people's hearts are moving, it's enough, this name calls 'nothing out of nothing', and there are three steps, divided into 'Shaoyin', 'Taiyin' and 'Sun'. Today, we The first two steps have already been done. The third step, 'Sun', does not need us to do it. King Lu Yang will help me complete the last step of this plan, 'Sun'. "The first book of this book comes from the 17K novel Net, the first time to see genuine content!

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