Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Peace of mind

Silvermoon City, the main city.

"His ~~~~, I see, so sinister ancient sea." Sima Changkong suddenly shrank his pupils.

On the side sits King Shenwu, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he taps his finger gently on the desk.

"Yeah, so simple layout, so deep in thought." Shenwu Wang Shen said.

They turned to look at a subordinate in front of them.

"Ten days, what is the reaction of the people in the city now?" King Shenwu looked at his subordinates.

"King Lu Yang has been completely washed away, not only for Silvermoon City, but also for the cities around us. The city's owners are all devoting themselves to sacrifice for King Lu Yang. The people all believe that King Lu Yang will not rebel. , No one believes, and no one supports. "That subordinate Shen said.

"Ha, ha ha ha, this is forcing King Lu Yang. Now, King Lu Yang is in a hurry. The conspiracy of the ancient sea, no, it should be Yang Mo, a male plot that King Lu Yang cannot refuse. Wang into the set.

Yangmou is as secretive as a conspiracy, which I rarely encounter. "Sima Chang said deeply.

"If King Lu Yang doesn't follow suit, the crisis of the Shenlu dynasty will soon be lifted. Similarly, we will soon be in trouble." Shenwu King frowned.

"Yeah, although there are not many layouts, they have also drawn us in. Not only did King Lu Yang enter the suit, we also had to follow suit and had to enter." Sima Changkong sighed slightly.

"I think, at the moment, the palace of Lu Yang should understand it now. I don't know what his palace is doing now." Shenwu Wang laughed--

Lulu City, Luyang King's Mansion.

With Mo Yike's seeking, King Lu Yang summoned all the counsellors and important generals and relatives overnight.

"Master Wang, his subordinates are incompetent and unable to get through as soon as possible. The ancient sea was so deceitful that Wang Ye was so passive." Mo Yike said bitterly.

"Mr. Mo doesn't need to blame himself, even if he penetrates at an early date, it's useless. Gu Hai's layout this time, he can't hold the handle at all." Lu Yang Wang said in a voice.

"Uh, what's wrong, grandpa, what's wrong, isn't it good now, you are already innocent, the people are laughing at the Shenlu dynasty, everything is in our favor, those rumors are just a joke." Solutions.

All the conspirators were frowning and thinking. Some of the conspirators' faces changed drastically, while others still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Mo Yike sighed slightly: "Bad, it's bad that the Lord is completely innocent, the rumor is just a joke, and all the people are laughing at the God Lu Dynasty, it's all."

"Er, there is something wrong." Master An did not understand.

"If the Lord does not have the heart to fight for hegemony, it is indeed a joke. The position of the Lord is unshakable. The people ’s heart is to the Lord. The dynasty of the Gods is the jumping beam clown and the laughing stock of the world. Is it.

"Guhai used two steps. The first step was to plant loot and frame the king, causing some people to question. The second step was to actively expose the Lushi people. In this way, the king was washed away from the frame. At the same time, the Quartet city master was used by the ancient sea. The propaganda is all false. The Lord could not have the desire to dominate the hegemony. All the enemies made rumors, so that all the people paid attention to it. The public opinion was used by the ancient sea, but it became his tongue. The ancient sea was an accomplice, and the enemy was mobilized for its own use. This ancient sea is so terrible. "Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, there is nothing wrong with it." Master An was still puzzled.

Mo Yike looked at him the same, and continued to explain lazily.

A counselor aside said in horror: "No, Master An, you are wrong. Although everything seems to be beneficial to Wang Ye, but it has hidden murder. Do you know the consequences?"

"as a result of."

"First, King Lu Yang is innocent, and he will never be able to rebel. People have formed a formula in their hearts. If they had sent troops in the past, they would take back their belongings. The Dalai Emperor Dynasty, Luzhou, was originally Wang Ye, No one can say anything to get back what belongs to him, but now, if Lord Wang starts his army, it is rebellion.

One is righteous and the other is infidelity.

To start a troop also requires the ‘Tao’. Standing at the highest point of morality, even if the war is chaotic, it ’s what the people want, but it ’s against the people ’s heart. Do you think it ’s the same. "

"Second, for more than half a month, the people kept mocking and ridiculing the Shenlu dynasty. When they put the rumor maker on their opposite side, they will mock and ridicule. Similarly, the rumor maker will put it in his heart. To confront the opposite, Wang Ye rebelled. This is a joke. This is a ridiculous thing. It is a ridicule. They are the people of the Heavenly Kingdom. Rebellion is the matter of their own opposite.

The mind has put rebellion on the opposite side, do you see?

In the past, although people did not want rebellion, they did not completely deviate from rebellion. Wang Ye rebelled and rebelled. Although we are reluctant in our hearts, but forget it, it is irrelevant and we have no ability to stop, but, It's different now. Now people's mind is that whoever rebels should ridicule and laugh.

Peace of mind.

Originally, the people had a balance in the heart of the king and the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and the human heart was in the center of the balance, but now the human heart is gradually leaning towards the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty.

Not a small group of people. With the propaganda of the city leaders from all places, all the people are at ease and at the same time they are willing to go to heaven. "

"People's heart." Master An opened his mouth in surprise.

Mr. Mo's face was gloomy and said: "It doesn't cost a soldier or a man to manipulate the hearts of a state. This ancient sea is still too dangerous. All the city masters and generals in Luzhou are under their control and help them to propagate them. situation."

"But, what's the use, what can the people decide." Master An did not understand.

Mr. Mo looked at Master An and was speechless for a while.

A counselor on the side smiled bitterly: "Master An, the heart of the people is the heart of heaven, how do you think that the qi comes from the qi, what is the qi number?"

"The number of qi is one hundred and twenty-six thousand merits. Each merit is a sympathy of the people. Grandpa founds the country, the people do not miss the emperor's grace, so there is no merit, and there is no qi. Luck. "Master An's face turned wild.

"Yeah, a country without luck, what kind of country is it, the Shenlu Dynasty, a small dynasty, why is it so difficult to attack, because the dynasty is lucky, the number of qi is endless, the number of qi is endless, and the dynasty is immortal. Constant luck, people's hearts toward the Shenlu, the Shenlu dynasty has meaning.

Nowadays, if Wang Ye rebels, if the reign of the Great Emperor Emperor is re-established, the people do not buy it and have no luck, then talk about Emperor Chao. "A counselor groaned.

"Good fierce ancient sea, this is to break off the prince of the grandfather." Another counselor looked ugly.

Mo Yike once again said bitterly to King Lu Yang: "Master, I'm incompetent."

"The Lord forgive sins." A group of counselors also worshiped.

King Lu Yang took a deep breath and looked at the south.

"Is it the ancient sea?" There was a chill in King Lu Yang's eyes.

"Should be, the people are at ease now, of course, it is impossible to say that all people are at ease, but after this battle, Wang Ye established the country, the effect was greatly reduced. Originally, if Wang Ye established the country, he might have the luck to open up the imperial dynasty , But now may only be the luck of the dynasty. "Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Ah, Gu Hai just created a rumor like this, the Dalai Emperor Dynasty will be downgraded to become a Dalai Emperor Dynasty." Master An's face changed.

"Yes, moreover, Lord Wang must immediately raise the banner, otherwise, drag on, there will be conspiracy propaganda in the ancient sea, and people's hearts will increasingly deviate from Lord Wang. The luck of the Great Duke Dynasty will be slim." Mo Yike smiled bitterly. Road.

"Yeah, Lord, now you can only establish the country as soon as possible, hold the existing luck, and then slowly reverse the thinking of the people." Another counselor.

King Lu Yang took a deep breath and was slightly silent.

"Master, this time of the conspiracy of the ancient sea, not only eliminated our great luck, but more importantly, once the king established his country, there will be a commotion in the cities around the world. Completely conquer. Once the nation is established, they will be in trouble. Wang Ye needs to suppress them as soon as possible, and Luzhou will soon be in chaos. "

"Yes, there is the Daqian Heavenly Kingdom. Once Wangye establishes his country, the Dagan Heavenly King will immediately launch. Dagansheng can condone Wangye's everything. The army of the Daqian dynasty struck. "




A group of conspirators saw the ancient sea plot, and immediately looked at each other to find out all the problems.

Ao Shun took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Long Xiaoyue guessed that Wang Ye had the will to establish a country. There was no evidence. There was no help for Wang Ye. Huangfu Chaoge guessed that Wang Ye had a determination to establish a country. Without evidence, he was helpless. In this ancient sea, he did not need evidence, forcing Wang Ye to admit that the people are the foundation of the country, and Wang Ye wants to establish the country. If the people do not support it, the effect of establishing the country will be greatly reduced.

"What should we do now? Will the Shenlu Dynasty continue to capture it?" Master An said blankly.

"Notify the front line that all the legions will withdraw their troops and return to the cities of Luzhou to prevent riots." King Lu Yang took an unwilling attitude.

"Yes," the generals answered.

"You will follow me back to Yuncheng, set the capital of Yuncheng, and for the capital, choose another day to restore my dynasty emperor dynasty." King Lu Yang chanted.

"Yes, Long live the Emperor. Long live Long live the Emperor."

It would be a wonderful feeling if the monarchs called themselves Long Live before the founding of the country.

But now, King Lu Yang is not happy at all, because the emperor's position was forced up by an enemy, and an enemy.

Forced to sit on the emperor, it was uncomfortable to think about it.

"Gu Hai, do you think this has let you go, huh, this king has accumulated so many years, can you and the Huangfu children see it clearly, huh." King Lu Yang's eyes showed a murderous intention-

Shenlu Dynasty


8502/32846786 / -5110235196380441875.png) \ '> The valley outside Lushen City.

"Withdrawal, Emperor, Mr. Gu, King Lu Yang's army has withdrawn, withdrawn completely, withdrawn completely. Hahaha, the crisis of my God's foot dynasty has been eliminated." Lu Shishen ran excitedly.

Gu Hai sat in front of a chessboard, and played chess alone. He heard the shout of Lu Shishen, turned his head to the north, and revealed a sneer: "Yes, the crisis of the Shenlu dynasty was eliminated in a short time, but Lu Yang The crisis of the king has just begun. Rebellion, ah, Dagan Tianchao, this time, he will not indulge it, let him taste the taste of singing everywhere, hum. "

PS: Thanks to the new alliance leader, I do n’t know what to say about the game, and the update is not good. Something happened these days, two days later, sweat, and there was a monthly ticket burst last month.

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