Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Annihilation

Twenty-nine heaven and earth burst open.

It turned into a large mushroom cloud, including Gou Chen, Lu Shishen, Huangfu Chaoge, Gengjin Sovereign, and Chu Yi, all of which remained silent for a while.

The arrogant solitary loneliness just sought defeat.

The dugoku who scared away Ao Shun away is gone.

The burst burst into smoke, and there was chaos all around.

"Well, we've all been deceived." Sect Geng Jin's face suddenly changed.

"What." Chu Yan's face changed.

"Such a large array is bound to consume a lot of money, especially to consolidate independence and defeat, and the consumption is even more horrible. They have already reached the end of the crossbow. As long as you wait for a while, the large array breaks itself." Road.

All Geng Jinzong disciples changed their faces, watching Ao Shun's direction of departure.

At this moment, Ao Shun had disappeared and disappeared into the distance.

The most powerful Kaitiangong strong was scared away.

"Huangfu Chaoge, Gu Hai, you are so deep in your thinking." Geng Jin Sovereign revealed.

"Army of the Three Cities." Geng Jin Sovereign said coldly.

"Yes." Millions of armies roared around.

"Take them down, one is not allowed to go." Geng Jin Sovereign said coldly.

"Yes," the city leaders should drink.

"Gou Chen," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Uh, master," Gou Chen wondered.

"This million army can be given to you with" Ambush on Ten Sides. "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Ah, yes, okay, but, master, can you add my own song, I also created a song of war." Gou Chen looked forward.

The crowd turned their heads and looked blankly at Gou Chen.

Gu Hai's face twitched slightly, and she said, "Yes, but you must not hear it from us."

"That's fine, I'll just add a sound barrier to each of you." Gou Chen excited.

"Pay attention to safety." Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Relax, master." Gou Chen answered.

"Mr. Huangfu." Gu Hai looked at Huangfu Chaoge.

Huangfu Chaoge laughed and said, "Ao Shun has been scared away by you. What else do we worry about? These are the elite of Geng Jinzong. I also brought the elite of the Emperor Shenlu, Geng Jin, and give it to me."


A million army roared and killed over.

"Ding, Ding, Ding ........."

Detective Chen moved the void strings between his hands and formally ambushed on ten sides.

"Disciples of Geng Jinzong, follow me and take down the Huangfu Chaoge and the ancient sea." Geng Jinzong shouted loudly.


"Sovereign, please give me the ancient sea, I can solve it, it was not my opponent last time." Chu Yi faced out.


A crowd of Geng Jinzong strong rushed quickly.

"Generals, follow me." Huangfu Chaoge yelled.

"Yes." A crowd of elites of the Shenlu Dynasty screamed.

Suddenly, the powerful Shenlu dynasty rushed up.

Huangfu Chaoge rushed to Gengjin Sovereign.


The two strong men each took out their long swords and bumped into each other in the void, smashing two huge sword puppets.

Lu Shishen yelled and turned into a huge stone man with a height of one hundred feet. During the steps, the ground trembled and punched at an elder Geng Jinzong.


Although the elders of Geng Jinzong are powerful, the power of Lu Shishen is even more fierce.

The sword and fist collided, and the roar burst open.


"Boom." "Alas."

The stone punch hit the strong man in a bang, and the blood of the strong man who was hit suddenly spurted.

A group of Generals of the God Lu Dynasty collided with the Geng Jinzong strong men.

The quartet of smoke and sky was so vague, but the fighting was extremely fierce.

Under the ambush of ten faces, one army of Tsing Yi Qin Dao appeared out of thin air, killing millions of troops across from it.

"Well ..............."

The drums of war raged, the two armies fought, and they suddenly shouted and killed.

The ancient sea was dangling, retreating into the smoke.

"Hehe, Master Gu Ruo, I still want to run." Suddenly, a sneer came from behind Gu Hai.


A sword stabbed into the heart of the ancient sea instantly.

Suddenly, a pair of huge bone wings emerged from the back of the ancient sea. The wings fluttered, and the ancient sea flew towards the distance.

"What." Chu Yan's face changed.

The ancient sea rushed into the dust instantly, Chu Yan's face became cold, and he chased after him.

In the dust, Gu Hai held the blood knife in one hand and the bone knife in the other, and looked coldly at Chu Chu.

"Master Chu Ruo, I've been waiting for you," said the ancient sea.

"Um." Chu Yan raised a frown.

"Long Xiaoyue ’s death, you have a share, too. Long Xiaoyue trusts you to let you enter the Yipintang. It turned out that you were the first person of King Lu Yang and my wife Long Wanqing, as a subordinate of Wanqing. , Actually refused to accept discipline, in the name of Wanqing, mixed into the valley of love flowers, causing love to eventually die, and fell into injustice. "Gu Haimu Lu Binghan.

"The king is defeated, hum, Gu Hai, you are not my opponent. I did n’t finish it last time. This time, let me chop your head and go to the emperor to receive the merit." Chu Yi screamed, and the sword in his hand stabbed in an instant.


Suddenly, hundreds of sword qi came to Gu Hai in an instant.

"Dangdang Dangdang."

The ancient sea was ushered in at all, but it was a layer of bone armor that appeared on the surface of the ancient sea.


The blood knife was chopped down, and a beam of blood came straight to Chu.

Chu Yan's crossblade blocked and his body retreated.

"Your cultivation has increased, and what is your metal wings and armor on the surface?" Chu Yan's face changed.


As soon as Gu Hai's figure came forward, his sword was cut again.


Chu Jian's Kendo is extremely strong, and can be regarded as the first master of Yipintang. His strength is naturally extraordinary, and he is immediately blocked.

"Dangdang Dangdang."

The speed of Gu Hai ’s double knives is getting faster and faster, and Chu Ye can keep up with it, but Gu Hai ’s double knives are too powerful, forcing Chu Ye back and forth again and again.


Chu Yan roared and stabbed again with a sword.

This time, Gu Hai still didn't hide, the bone knife stabbed to Chu Yi's chest.


The swords crossed each other, and the sword crickets struck Gu Hai's face, making a sound of 'Dangdang'.

"To stab my eyes." Gu Hai's face sank.

"It's almost, it's almost, I don't believe it, your body is full of armor, and your eyes are still there." Chu Tong said coldly.

But the sword was wrong, but Chu Ye's left arm was cut open.

Just when Chu Yan was about to rush up, the black sword suddenly filled the left arm of Chu Jian.

"Quack quack."

In the dark air, countless skulls were quickly gnawing at Chu Chu's flesh.

"What." Chu Yan's face changed.


Chu Yan yelled loudly and rushed into the left arm, but as the force rushed in, the darker the gas became, the more he couldn't stop it.

"Magic sword, bone sword is magic sword." Chu Yan's face changed.


Chu Kun cut off his left arm with a sword, his left arm flew out, and he was all swallowed up by the small skeletons in the black gas. When it fell, the black gas dispersed, leaving a dead bone arm.

Chu Yan covered his broken arm, leaned against a mountain wall, and looked at Gu Hai in horror.

"It's a bone knife. It's a bone knife. The armor on your body is a bone. It's the bone knife that helped you transform it." Chu Yi's face changed, and he guessed it probably.

The bone knife was inserted into the ground by the ancient sea, and looked coldly at Chu Yu: "You are right, but unfortunately, everything is late."

"What." Chu Yan looked at Gu Hai in puzzlement.


Suddenly, a sharp bone spur from Chu's chest, brows, and Dantian each emerged.

"Why." Chu Kun finally issued a puzzled despair.

"In addition to transforming my bones, bone knives can also transform other materials into bones, such as this earth and stone."

But he saw that the bone knife was inserted into the ground.

The land from the bone knife to Chu Kui's back has turned into Sensen White. This long strip of land has been transformed into bones. When he got to the bone, three big bone spurs popped out of the big stone, which nailed Chu Yu to the stone.

Chu Yan opened his eyes to death, unbelief, unwillingness and despair.

"Quack quack."

Rolling black gas straight towards Chu Yan, and in a blink of an eye, Chu Yan was swallowed up.


The Yipintang Golden Rudder Token fell to the ground.

Ancient times, there were long swords, and the transformed bones on the ground disappeared. No one knew what had happened just now. There was only a pile of dry bones in Chuyu.

Put away the double knives, and Gu Hai picked up the golden rudder token.

Withdrawing the bone armor and bone wings from his body, Gu Hai changed his clothes and slowly walked out of the billowing smoke, as if nothing had happened before, but only Chu Chu was missing.


"Do not."

Suddenly, there was a roar of Huangfu Chaoge from the sky, and with the scream of the Gengjin Sovereign, the head of the Gengjin Sovereign flew out.

Huangfu Chaoge was covered with blood, but still exposed, backhanded sword.


The head of Gengjin Sovereign exploded.


Above the sky, the remaining luck tumbling for a while, rushed towards Huangfu Chaoge.

"The suzerain is dead, the suzerain is dead."

"No, lord."

"Run away, the lord is dead, it's over, it's over."




The remaining disciples of Geng Jinzong suddenly turned and ran away in horror.


The giant Lu Shishen punched out, and Geng Jinzong's flying boat exploded and opened.

The remaining disciples of Geng Jinzong fled northward, leaving not many alive, quickly rushing into the forest.

"Don't chase it," shouted Huangfu Chaoge.


A group of generals at the foothills of the gods answered.

"Gou Chen, all right, stop." Gu Hai cried.

"Ah, what, I just played" Ambush on Ten Faces "just now, I haven't sang yet." Gou Chen exclaimed.

The piano sound stopped, and the million army was panicked at this moment.

The Gengjin Sovereign was destroyed, and all the luck was dissipated. Did you still fight? What now?

Huangfu Chaoge looked at a group of anxiously millions of troops, and said in a deep voice: "You, allegiance to Geng Jinzong, do you know how Geng Jinzong treats you, there is a valley over there, you can check out


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The generals had complex faces, and the other party obviously did not fight, but they had to be prepared for it. Under the guidance of Huangfu Chaoge, some soldiers went to the valley where people were eating.

After watching it, there was a horror.

"No, sister, I can't find you for a year. Why are you here, your head, sister, sister, no ........."

"City lord, city lord, this is the city lord's wife, found. Come on, this is the city lord's wife."

Screams and screams came.

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